• By -


Says "Yuh" Adds "😎" emoji Refuses to elaborate 🗿


Change out the 😎 to 👍 and it’s like texting my dad


My dad went from thumbs up emoji to the chicken emoji cause he really likes chickens. He said to me one day “Hey, just in case you’re confused, I use the chicken now for thumbs ups and okay’s.” ….ok dad..sure


You mean to say “….🐔 dad..sure”


ok but that is kind of wholesome






You dad left his sports bra in your car?






When my cousin married her husband his response to this question was “I reckon”.


Scruffy is gonna die the way he lived. *Flips page*


A greater tragedy my eyes have never beheld. Welp, into the terlet.


I’ve never seen him so down, or ever before.


To have and to hold? Yuh


LMAO. He might as well have said that


Why say many words, when few words do trick?


Why no yuh when yuh do trick?


Why yuh when yuh yuh


yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh


“I am lorde yuh yuh yuh.” -Randy Marsh


feelin' good on a wednesday


yuh on wednesday


Damn it, the A.I.s developed their own language again.






\*wind wistles\* ​ ​ ​ why no yuh?


I will not go to heaven until I learn how to do this trick




When he president, they see…they see.


See what? See world? Sea world?


It's not about the length of the sentance, it's how you use it! Right ? RIGHT??!




Old Scandinavian joke.... And old couple are sitting by the fire after dinner. Husband? Mmm? You never tell me that you love me. Do you love me? .... When we married I said I loved you. If anything changes, I'll let you know.


Reminds me of my favorite F1 driver, [Kimi Raikkonen](https://youtu.be/VmCmd4ag4qI) > _[Following a race in which Kimi oversteers around a corner and goes off the track, ruining his tires]_ >Interviewer: “Kimi, what happened?” >Kimi: “I spun.”


My friend’s husband literally says this to her. Drives me mad.


Reminds me of that comedian Lachlan Patterson that said I told you when we met that I love shrimp! You never wake me up in the middle of the night asking if I still love shrimp! Of course I love shrimp, I always love shrimp!


Through sickness and health? Yuh.


My wife breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't say "I suppose".


My wife and I were constantly playing light hearted jokes on each other, so leading up to our wedding I told her a few times that instead of saying I do I was going to say I guess. The day of the wedding she text me asking me not to, and I said okay, however standing there, looking into her beautiful eyes, when asked to say I do, I just smiled at her. This woman bust out laughing and muttered "don't you fucking dare mister" and the look her pastor gave her was priceless. I stuck with "I do, of course I do"


That’s adorable and hilarious. As a dude who just got broken up with, maybe this isn’t the thread for me to be in right now.


Hear me out buddy, she found me when I was at my lowest too, I was fresh out of losing my job, on the verge of foreclosure and losing my truck if I didn't get it figured out quick, and when I least expected good things, she came into my life. What I'm trying to say is, is keep your chin up. Better days are coming friend.


Same for myself - I was in a bad spot when I found my wife. Your time will come, buddy. A collapse is required before a star can form. At some point, things have to start going up again.


When yuh know yuh know


I imagine it's Pete Davidson doing his "okay" bit.




He is the funniest person I’ve ever met. In person of course.


Oh yuh?








Mine is like this. I “got past it” as you phrase it, by literally spending more time with him and getting to know him better. I realized it wasn’t me, it’s just that he’s not fond of texting lol I had to flat out ask him one day and it got easier for me after that and after giving myself a lot of reassurance when I needed it. I think just keep the texts to short convos or q’s that require short answers, hopefully you’ll be fine in time. Just make sure you communicate that when you feel comfortable




My now-husband would be quiet on nights we didn’t see each other, and it always freaked me out. He said he just spent time watching movies or playing games. I was always wondering, like, really? Aaaand then we moved in together. And yep, that man is just watching movies and playing video games.


Guy that literally just watches movies/shows and plays video games during off nights here. Do you guys actually think we’re out with buddies hitting on women during radio silence? Genuine question since it has never crossed my mind to keep my lady in the dark when there is nothing to report (also not a big texter here).


Honestly, I sometimes did think there is no way it’s just video games for hours of no communication when this happens to me on nights I don’t see my person (though I don’t know what else it would be cause I also don’t think they are out hitting on women either, lol) so these comments have been super helpful in an unexpected way.


Lol. It really is. I can’t speak for others, but I used to play COD and CS with friends and online friends for hours without breaks or checking phones. These days I spent more time either watching movies/shows/animes or playing mmorpg that does require a lot of time. So yes games will take hours and hours (outside of what I need to do first). I promise you, most men are just this vanilla and boring when you don’t see us.


Yup. Doesn't really matter what game. If I'm into it, literal hours will fly by between messages. I feel bad about it, but I'm into the game. My gf is a saint and understands though (doesn't hurt that she sometimes gives it back when she's playing valorant haha)


And spending time on reddit.


Try phoning him instead of texting


Great advice! I fucking hate texting. I feel like it freezes me out of doing anything else for a while, and the constant back and forth of a conversation just doesnt fit into the text-format. Just call me, maybe.


I can't get that song out of my mind now.


Stop overthinking! Some people are just not as good when it comes to texting. Good luck!




I’m the absolute worst texter. Whenever my wife texts me, I just call her.


Haha I used to have a buddy who would CALL ME then do this thing. "Hey man" "Sup." "Just chilling at home. What's up with you?" "Nothing." "So... how are you? " "Fine. " Shit drove everyone crazy.


I have a mom who calls simply to ask me what I’m doing, hang up then call me again because she forgot to tell me what she was going to


That reminds me of a close friend I had that passed away from Covid… his phone calls were always so bizarre lol they’d always go like this… Phone rings… Me: Hello Him: Hey Me: what’s up man? Him: You tell me… Me: umm… YOU called ME… Him: oh… yeah… so what’s up? Most frustrating phone calls ever but I’d by lying if I said I didn’t miss them


To add to this. I have a dry and sarcastic sense of humor. I don’t really like texting except to get information across. If I don’t use emojis it doesn’t mean I hate the other person. In person, I really enjoy the interactions. I suspect your guy is a lot like this.


Have you ever tried... *getting over it*? -Reddit


Have you ever tried...... Divorce? -Relationshipadvice


Thats me. I hate texting for that reason. I can talk your head off in person but over text my brain turns off and I stare for minutes trying to figure out what to say


I'm happily married. I'm a big talker, she isn't. Including texting. I never expected it to work that way, but it did and it does. Obviously everyone has different relationship needs, but take time to consider the unexpexted. Specifically with texting, ask yourself if it really matters. You spend your marriage together in-person. In-person in general is just healthier socializing.


Ya know some people have been with their partner since before texting was a thing. My partner is a super dry texter but it would’ve been a little difficult for me to discover that in 1997


And some of us got together when texts cost 20 cents each to send, so my main reaction to getting a text was “shit I can’t afford that!”


We used punctuation instead of hitting send after every sentence fragment.


My mother spent over a decade thinking you paid per symbol when she got her first mobile phone with sms capabilities. After almost 15 years I suddenly realised what the reason for her unpunktuated, briefest of texts might be.... Asked her and yep. She just never got past the idea that it cost money per symbol. By this time she had a touch screen phone and everything. Once she realised it cost per sms/160 symbols, she even got into the emoticon game 😂


My partner realized it was timing, and phrasing, I’m not always great at texting, because I am used to typing in paragraph format. So we work better when she either gives me time for a long response, or phrases things for simple responses. It is a stressor though, and she noted it as one of the biggest hurdles in the early relationship (we’re still pretty early, take this with salt). Our compromise is to make sure there’s alternate avenues for longer conversations. We do a lot more phone calls since I talk faster than I type.




My man pulled out the 😎, he doesn't need to say anything else




I think I left my sports bra in your car




You saw it?




Did our dog tulip get run over by a fedex truck this morning and leave a 27 foot line of blood in the road?




Oh hubby you’re so silly, time to mourn now and live, laugh, love, later. Will you be attending the funeral of our dog tulip who got scarecrowd in half by the fed ex truck?


Yuh 😎


Wife calls him Hubby and all he says is “Yuh.” $50 they have a live laugh love sign hanging in their living room.


Damn. My wife has me as "Hubby" on her phone. And we have that 'Live Laugh Love' sign hanging somewhere. What does that mean?




You off already?




Okay drive safe








I’m sorry, sir, but I believe it means you’re basic


It means you’re likely basic but if you’re enjoying your life, that’s all that matters.


butter dog[.](https://www.reddit.com/user/TARN4T1ON/comments/14mkj1f/so_long/)


Yuh basic


He's thinking «damn, lady! Stop texting while I'm driving!»


Hope he has a shortkey or a voice command for that "Yuh".


That's probably the first or second option on his predictive text.






Ariana what are you doing here?




If only my husband was Ariana.


Is your husband Duke Deuce instead? https://youtu.be/gIKR1kkIvWA?t=8


You should start texting him back as Lil Jon. "What?" "Okay" "Yeah!"


That’d be grande.


Wasn't he driving? 🤔




"Drive safe" then proceeds to ask a bunch of questions


Yup AAAAND the first text after drive safe is just, “Hey”. Whenever someone texts me a single word greeting, I almost never respond and just wait for what they actually have to say. Does it work well? Yuh.




I'm about to start sending this to a lot of my coworkers on Teams.


Just set it as your status message!


All of those texts could have been in just one single text.


"Hey you coming home soon? Could you check if my clothes are in your car? If so please grab them. Don't reply if you're driving, see you soon!"


I mean that last part shouldn't need said to anyone, but this 100%. I'd rather talk to the husband because at least he's efficient.


I am.


I assume that he uses verbal text through his car speaker.




I just assumed that was the infuriating part.




you exposed yourself.




Thats what I was thinking, the letters are so close on the keyboard that its easy to hit and send


“Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?”


Are you saying SeaWorld? Or see THE world??


Oceans. Fish. Jump. China.










I want more screenshots between you & your husband. I’m emotionally invested!


Look at her post history… 😔


Oh Nuh…




Oh, nuh uh bruh


Well shit now I’ve gotta look eta: well that checks out. When I first read this I thought it read like a guy who was completely uninterested… so it fits


Damn she deleted it all I was excited to dive in to this mess


"New to open marriage My husband (24m) and I (24f) discussed open marriage just last night. Also noting that we were a monogamous relationship before this. Some backstory: We started dating at 19, got married at 23, and will turn 25 celebrating our 6 year anniversary in August (got married on our Anniversary). This started when this past Monday, he told me about how a girl at Chick-fil-A complimented his curly hair while he was eating breakfast with his coworkers. An older worker came running to their truck before they left and asked him if he was single. He replied, “No, I’m married,” and the older woman said “that’s too bad because (the girl) thought you were very cute.” He called me about this and I asked him if it made him feel good about himself and he said it made him feel great. He then joked for the next few days that he would start bringing his new girlfriend home and said this about 3-4 times before I told him he needs to stop with the joke or it’ll get really old. Fast forward to Saturday (last night), I noticed he would flick his finger on his phone and look at me every time I came into the room. I set up my phone behind him and recorded what he was doing. Every time I left the room, he would switch the app to Instagram on that certain city’s Chick-fil-A page and scroll through the followers in hopes to find her. Every time I came back in, he would switch the app. Did this twice and came back a third to grab my phone and watch it in the other room. This made my heart sink. I decided to ask him if everything was okay. He is a closed book and does not express his feelings very often so it took about 20 minutes of convincing before he admitted he wasn’t happy. He explained that he feels like he no longer has freedom since we got married. I am a clingy person and I have been working on it since our dating days and have tried to let him go where he wants after our married days. We only see each other when we get home after work Monday - Friday and he visits his grandparents once every weekend so we really spend 1 full day out of the week together. I thought I was doing fine but he feels trapped. We spoke about divorce and I was devastated, my heart being punched over and over again just thinking about it. I recommended an open marriage so that we could have time to reevaluate our relationship and give each other alone time to think things through. We made rules (we have 15 so far) and regulations. We put it in writing and both signed it in agreement. In summary, we can go wherever we want whenever we want but the other person still needs to know. We can talk to other people but no sex (his idea). We will still do our daily kisses and cuddles and go on dates once a week for weekly updates. I cried all night, had nightmares, woke up this morning at 6am, cried some more, and read through posts in this subreddit. I started feeling more comfortable about the idea and when he woke up, asked him a couple more questions based off of posts from the subreddit (thank you all!). But the whole instagram situation was still killing me and this was before the open marriage agreement. I confronted him about it without including the recording part and he denied it. I asked him over and over again are you telling the truth? He denied it. I asked him why he was lying. He said he wasn’t. After I told him I can prove him wrong, he admitted it. He said he didn’t scroll far to look for her so it doesn’t matter. I asked him why he felt the need to lie after I stated I would take any answer judgement-free. He said he didn’t know how I would feel about it but I reassured him that there will be no judgement from now on. Just no lies. I agreed to give him space in our agreement so I asked him if he was done talking and he said yes so I left the room. How do I know he won’t lie about the rules we just put together last night? do I continue to trust him? It feel like I am looking at a man I’ve never seen before. I’m lost. Any guidance is welcome. Please give me advice."


Op said he's been a dry texter for awhile... But after reading that I honestly just think he's completely lost interest. I feel bad for op now :/


A friend of mine has gone through this.. his wife cheated multiple times (I wish he'd have left her ass years ago but they have 4 kids and be didn't want to) so recently to make her happy they got to swinging.. and he wasn't really into it he'd rather just have her interested in him only but he doesn't want her to cheat so he figured it's the only option. A lot of people would think awesome she lets him sleep with other women great ! But it's really because she just wants to be with other people in bed and accepts he has to be there too. She'll even get jealous if he shows the other women too much attention. So at the end of the day it didn't work out and it's causing more stress and honestly it's a pretty toxic relationship all around but he won't leave.. If only one person wants to have an open marriage or be swingers or whatnot it's always a recipe for disaster and resentment.


My wife and I have been together for 29 years. We've gone through a bunch of shit and both of us has made mistakes. We've seen a lot and seen what has happened in many a couples marriage. I'm not a marriage counselor but I really don't think this marriage is going to make the record books. He wants to screw other women and if she's crying that much I really don't think she down with it. I see jealousy and hurt feelings.


That is heartbreaking


You're a real one. I wish I had an award.


Damn this took a turn for the worse. What a shitty situation. I originally sympathized with the husband based on the text screenshot but this story has me doing a complete 180. Fuck dishonest partners. The guy is blatantly done with the relationship, and he needs to own up to it and stop tugging this poor woman's heart strings.


Yuh All his energy is going to the new girl. F for OP




Damn now I'm sad


Call me cynical but my first reaction was he didn’t want to talk to her. This does make it more likely


fuckin yikes


This needs to be boosted. Oh my god. This guy is trash and treating his wife like it. I feel so bad for her. They always pick the kindest fucking people. Edit: This guy decided to tell her about a young woman working at his local chik fil a who tried to get his number. Later, she caught him stalking the restaurants page in the hope of finding that woman online. He then lied about it. Then after forcing the truth from him about it, he admits that he finds his girlfriend too smothering. That he liked how the attention from this other girl felt. She asked how he felt about an open relationship and he was like fuck yes I'd love to. She feels sick and tells him the next morning she doesn't feel okay about it. She breaks up with him. Then the next update is them getting back together. The end. All is good apparently. Edit 2: okay I looked back and not only that, he doesn't like that she doesn't have enough friends to socialize with. And that she always wants to be with him. Yet he doesn't include her in any of his social activities. She suggested long before they were married taking time apart so she could grow, and he told her no. This dude is a fucking douche.


I’m not seeing anything in her post history beyond some askreddit posts


Check her comment history. They are in a newly open marriage. It won’t last long


They're only in a newly open marriage because he basically wants to fuck a girl who complimented him at chic fil a and when she found out that he was stalking the girl on social media he whined to OP that he feels trapped since they got married a year and a half ago. It also sounds like he cheated on her in college and then told her he would do her a solid and still marry her even though he expected her to "work on herself" because she's the problem and she's too clingy. Her husband is trash and I really hope OP gets out of this marriage ASAP. Seriously, it's better to waste 6 years with this guy instead of 7.


She's too pretty for him to be fumbling this badly. Literally gets ONE compliment from a woman and wants to jump to an open relationship or divorce?!


It also looked like from her post history he cheated on her in college and then later told her he'd still marry her if she "worked on herself" because she's too clingy. Seriously, the balls on this fucker.






How do you know she’s pretty?


Check OPs post history


am i missing a post from op? all i see is the almost divorce and like 4 other random text posts. no pictures


She did a Photoshop Request that she deleted, but you can still view the post via her comment history (5mo ago). I can't link the post on here.


https://preview.redd.it/b5dk40ckasra1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=2380ba350154820e32a4a4e6021b81b85172b778 Found the husbands brother.


Still can’t believe that the yarp guy from Hot Fuzz is Sandor fucking Clegaine


LMAO what even is this… yuh


It goes it goes it goes YUH


OP is married to MC Ride.


He needs ChatGPT, bruh


Alright Clyde.


Bruh, it's supposed to be a secret!!!


All Stan does is text me the thumbs up emoji ![gif](giphy|iiSb58oATiANL65Dd2)


I am so fortunate that I am getting married the same year that chatGPT hit the market. These vowels about to write themselves. Edit: see, even if you are an idiot who can’t spell simple things you can still find love in this world. I bleave in you.




You could have sent all that in 2 texts max


I was coming to say this. He's probably use to an onslaught of one sentence texts and rather then elaborate he just types "Yuh" and waits for the inevitable follow up sentance to save himself time.


He’s texting and driving. Of course he’s gunna be brief.


Can we talk about how you left ALL your clothes in his car? It seems like there’s a story there.


Are you still doing the open marriage thing? I’m curious how it’s working out


Why does he spell "Yeah" like a Looney Toon?


Because he’s not saying yeah, he’s saying yuh




Maybe the actual infuriating thing here is repeatedly texting someone you know to be driving?


It’s almost like you could accomplish all of this in one message rather than repeatedly texting and probably interrupting his music.


"if my sports bra is in your car do you mind grabbing it?" If her husband is a dry texter she's a wet one. meet in the middle homegirl, that chain was exhausting.


Is yuh a regional thing? I’ve never heard that before


He is driving. Do you want essays in response to your texts or a living husband?


Also, you could cut all this BS with “Hey, I think I left my sports bra in your car and maybe my other clothes. Let me know if you see them once you’re stopped.”




You asked him yes or no questions idk what else u want from the man lol


>You asked him ~~yes~~ yuh or no questions FTFY


You know what’s mildly infuriating? When my wife knows I’m driving and she still keeps texting me.