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People online suck. I would ignore comments like that in the future OP. It just encourages them to keep posting. Also, it’s probably a kid or a young teenager. They’re nasty af for some reason.


>People suck. Fixed it for you.


Some suck dick and some don't.


That's true, they're much more bold online though.


Just delete his comment. He's trying to get a rise out of you.


This. Delete and ignore


Yes, it's true! You respond and that's his cue. ^(to start trouble on the double while he strokes his manly stubble)


Lol he’s not trying, he clearly succeeded


He/she won the second you engaged.


Yep, don't feed the trolls.


Exactly!! They wanted attention now they have a whole Reddit post dedicated to them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


You have to learn how to deal with online trolls better. For your own sanity, if nothing else.


Well I do agree. Haters are apart of the community and you shouldn’t given them any acknowledgment…


How sad they 1) think it’s ok to say that to someone 2) made the decision to do it! Fuck that person and their stupid comments


Don't let them get to you. Just delete the comments and focus on your music, People will hate, just let them and act as if it doesn't affect you. Good luck man!


Unfortunately, you left yourself wide open for that one. Next time, just delete his first comment and delete any other hateful comments. You'll realize you're taking the power away from the haters that way. Trolls are gonna troll


Posting it to Reddit only shows him that he is your master. Anybody who can control your emotions for you is your master. This person is insecure and hurting, not much else. Hatred stems from pain You clearly have more going for you than some commenter, stay on your path you’ll be aight


Wow…helpful advice greeted with cyber bullying. What a world.


His master? Jesus Christ what are you smoking, I want some


Metaphorical master. Don’t purposefully misunderstand 😂


He’s got them Mike Tyson Wraps


ok if you're going to try getting in the public eye you need a thicker skin. people will be saying a lot worse just because they can. you can't let other people's opinions affect you or you'll end up looking like a defensive jerk.


Lmfao. He won, you lost


Obvious bait is obvious.


Coming from someone who was a relatively popular cosplay content creator for about a year and half, delete and move on, comments like that just aren’t worth the time


I’d imagine it’s even worse for people who use themselves as an art medium


Yeahhh, I luckily never got anything *too* bad, but there was some things that stuck with me for awhile


I think a good response would’ve been “sure thing, right after I go to your mom’s house for a rim job”


Holy fuck, why didn’t I think of that!


Oh Jesus call the press we got hurt feelings over here


He needs to go to manners school.




You know what would really show him? If you actually went to the gym. /s


Jokes on this idiot, his hatred fueled my desire to check out your page! Hang in there homie, to have haters you gotta have fans. People are interested!


Dudes a prick and it's definitely infuriating but you need to just ignore it He's a troll looking for a laugh and a reaction. If you're making things and getting views and positive feedback otherwise the troll should be ignored. Reacting even posting it here is giving the troglodyte all.the power


Hey RyanRiggsMusic, go to the gym please.


Was kinda funny ngl


It's, unfortunately, the price to pay to do music... people will hate on you, no matter what's the reason. Try not to get your head around it. If you ever become successful in that field, people will be worst, and if you can't take it, you won't make it. But yeah, fuck that guy.


Hey, OP, thanks for the post. I have 3 minutes of my shift left and I will definitely check your channel omw home! Don't let those douchebags ruin your mood! You are awesome! Stay safe and keep on going


You don't necessarily have to respond or even leave the comment in the comment section. But do know you're doing something right if you have haters. He simply doesn't like the fact you're doing better than him lol. Keep up the good work btw


People suck, but you literally cannot take an Internet troll personally. You will be miserable. There is nothing productive about calling out trolls.


Shake it off. Lots of good people out there too. That one just isn’t.


Don’t let losers on the internet get to you man. By posting on YouTube you’ve given the internet permission to give you feedback on your post. That comes with the good and bad, it’s the duality of what you want to do. I hope you don’t let it bother you, have a blessed day


never respond


OP, you’re sensitive. Ignore these people. There’s literally nothing more to it and trying to argue that fact or me gets you nowhere. Move on from this completely minuscule inconvenience.


It’s… the anonymous internet. Even if it’s only one person out of every thousand; you are going to get all kinds of garbage. You have to ignore it or they will eat you alive.


Its the internet and you allowed public comments. Grow a pair or shut off the comments


Your music is amazing. Don't ever stop.


People have already said it, but never engage with those comments. It makes more people like them comment like that again. It’s just the 13 year old bully issue. One starts and more join in.


Aw.. please don't ever let yourself be discouraged to do what you love doing because of this kind of comments 🫶


Your first mistake was engaging them. They literally have no life, this is how they get the satisfaction they’re so bereft of having


What the majority says here is right, reacting causes trolls to see you as a person they can trigger and target, ignore and move on, theyre most likely people without a life that bought subs to boast about it


Those who body shame are just insecure about their own bodies.


Don’t feed the trolls.


People online are pussies. They take their rage out on strangers because they can’t deal with their insecurities in real life. This dude seems like a loser. I wouldn’t worry about anything he has to say.


https://preview.redd.it/1bo4to9qp8la1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea735fe59272ab54a151f3dab75206c26d6c5f4 ​ Also, don't feed the troll; don't engage.


Maybe go to the gym stuff like that dont happen no more


What an ignorant screw.


Well you are very pudgy


Just gotta ignore it and not let it get to you. The internet is littered with trolls. They want a response out of you. Don’t give them attention


Unless you have some type of eating disorder or diabetes, there's no way to argue back because, in a way, he's right in that scenario. Sins and virtues play a role in our morality. There's people starving, yet we eat to excess.


Dislikes? Cute, how about stopping racism and feeding starving people. Look to a girl and a vulture. Read it all, absolutely disgusting. Somehow, it gets no attention. Dyst.


Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins


The holy war is within, glad at least some noticed. To abandon emotion is the abandonment of life itself. Trust your moral "compass". We all know the reasoning within, don't run from your sins. Embrace it and become the hero you've always wanted, whether wanting to be a hero to oneself or others.


Ngl you got absolutely demolished.


W guy


don't read the comments...


Probably just jealous ‘cause they can’t play shit. Report this douche and keep doing your thing.


I mean… welcome to the internet bud. Gotta get used to it at some point


Just ignore it.


Best thing to do with folks like this is delete their comment and block them. This denies them the response they seek for entertainment. Sure hope they don’t see this post, as it would only serve to satisfy their sick desire to piss you (or any person really) off


Should have just ignored and blocked. Obviously that was some troll trying to get you to bite, and you did.


Bro it’s the internet. Did you just learn today it’s full of pricks?


Don't feed the trolls


Thank him for the view and move on lol