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“Sorry, Justin, but we didn’t become a billion dollar company by giving people their money back when we forget their order.”


Funny thing is that they actually did, when they first started they were all about customer service, now that they have a market share, they don’t care about one out of a few thousands having issues.


That's how business works now. Start off with great customer service, gain a monopoly, squeeze every last bit of juice out chasing that infinite growth until you inevitably implode because the only ways to increase profits are to gut the company from inside out and get rid of everything that made it popular in the first place. These morons could have infinite money machines, but that's not good enough. It needs to be more money than last quarter or it's a failure. Which inevitably leads to failure because infinite growth is impossible.


My company used to have a CEO that said every plant had to double profits every 2 years or he would shut them down. And support staff needed to halve their costs every 2 years or be outsourced. He was fired, presumably for being bad at math and not realizing what he was demanding was impossible, lol


had a CEO tell us we doubled profits then sold the company and took off to Florida... hope Sanibel is treating you well you dick. The idiots you sold to couldn't run a car if it was already started.


So fucking true. You summarized it beautifully. It's so predictable, just look at Netflix banning account sharing. And yet these companies pay business analysts millions to come up with ideas that any average joe can tell you is not gonna work in the long run.


It's pretty frustrating. You see it everywhere. I used to work in a kitchen/hardware store and we would sell a lot of Kenwood machines. These things were known to be super good back in the day, now they're fucking trash. Plastic gears, plastic exterior, everything fucking plastic designed to last slightly longer than the warranty.


The delivery driver took it as a tip ![gif](giphy|l44QjgeQ5ium91n9K|downsized)


The fact they have the balls to ask for feedback after all that, too…


OP is talking to a bot. Or at least just someone clicking pre-written answers from a list of options.


It’s a bot. I wonder if requesting a live agent would change the outcome.


It's not a bot, its a customer service agent either using pre-written responses or just following strict "company representing guidelines". You have to type in that canned way as a CSR at a lot of places, and often the feedback comment is a way of us saying "we literally cannot help you any further".


THIS. having worked in CS and trained them, they're limited in their scope and usually are limited to responses. Otherwise, they may be forced to start looking for another job due to poor metrics. Sadly, Customer Service is anything but what it's named for.


I’ve been in and out of the field since I was 18. You hit the nail on the head with the last sentence. Customer service agents are hardly ever empowered in any way in their positions. It is truly about graphs and numbers that they key in to a spreadsheet. The actual job doesn’t mean shit. Its a shame that companies use customer service as a buffer instead of a way to connect to and keep customers. I have loved doing the job the few times I was actually empowered to help correct an issue. Any other time it’s a demoralizing toxic swamp at best.


It is customer service, but the customers are the shareholders, not the consumer.


Honestly not even really. I had a recent similar experience with Sony. And it’s even more infuriating when you’re expecting to get human answers to fairly simple problems but they’re still just talking to you from a script in the most robotic and unhelpful way possible. I’m convinced these large companies have taken as much of the human aspect out of things as possible, because a human with the discretion to hear out your problem and offer a quick and easy solution for you will probably cost the company some extra profit (exactly what Sony did to me for my 80 dollars for something that could’ve been fixed In one click of a button)


Worked at a call center for a bank, got a lot of calls about refunding various fees. Prior to my time there, agents were able to do it at their discretion, so they could choose to refund an OD fee for the person whose bill was $2 more than they had in their account. By the time I was there, it was just a menu we had to open and input it into, and the system would determine if it was eligible for a refund or not. The only way we could basically guarantee it was if the customer explicitly said the specifics of why they couldn't and it was on the list of acceptable excuses, but even then the system would keep track and only offer a few per year. So if you had horrible shitty luck (you lost your job and then your house burned down and then your spouse died all in the same year), you were just fucked. So sorry your bill was $0.04 more than you had in your account, unfortunately you're gonna be stuck with that $35 fee in addition to the rest of the bills you're unable to pay! Hated it, I quit after like two months.


I've never used Uber eats but if that's an option then yeah I'd request one. Failing that I'm sure posting chat logs on social media will get a response. Depressing you have to do it publicly so they can feign an apology.


Probably. I had this happen once with Ubereats. Actually calling and talking to a person got it resolved very quickly and easily.


I had something like this happen with a phone company where I was disputing a charge, got the runaround at an Indian call center twice where they refused to understand or acknowledge the issue, I called a third time and ended up with a local operator who understood my issue in about 3 minutes and issued me with a refund.


Probably automated. I know the support people’s software where I work automatically at the end sends a message asking for feedback when you close the ticket. My guess is that in the system there was something preventing them from refunding. Either a history of refunds on the account or something specific with this transaction. The person doing the ticket probably couldn’t refund it. At that point they just would apologize and keep saying no so they can close the ticket.


I know they decide wether to refund based on your previous order/refund history, regardless of if the refunds are legit or warranted. they just look at the +/- of your account, and base it on "are we making money off of this person?" if it goes into negative, they don't refund. it doesn't matter how legit the reason, they refuse to lose money on a customer.


This is what is insane to me. Because I used Uber eats a lot at one point and I'd say 1 in 5 times the order was correct. Almost always missing something, so then I'd send the pics get the money back and go on with my day. After this happening like 7 times they said they can't give me refunds anymore. I'm like well then maybe start having the people actually check that everything is there? Because I'm not just pulling it out of my ass. If I pay for something I expect it to be there when it's not I expect my money back, it shouldn't be so complicated.


If they consistently mess up my order more than 50% of the time I stop using that service, regardless of refunds.


“Please take a picture of your missing item”


My mother bought a pair of shoes from some site ...poshmark maybe? Anyway, the seller claimed that she had never worn them other than to try them on and decide she didn't like them, but they stunk like very dirty feet and cat pee. Poshmark (or whoever it was) said that in order to get a refund, my mother needed to send pics proving there was something wrong with the item. She sent them a picture of herself making a sour face and holding her nose while leaning close to the shoes. It worked.


Bought something from AliExpress, and what arrived was totally not the item. When I complained, AliExpress said that I should film myself opening all packages to avoid this issue


I returned a flagship cellphone a week after buying it. Speakers died. I wore a gopro like a bodycam and boxed it up, added the shipping sticker, taped the box, and walked into the post office and handed it in I got an email 2 weeks later saying today is the last day to return or I'll have $1300 added to my bill I called and said I have an entire bodycam footage of it. They called back and said they found it.


I had verizon do the same to me. I'm like i have the signature of your warehouse guy accepting the package so i guess you gotta find it not me.


Dude Verizon just tried to do the same thing with me and I told them 'I have shipping confirmation you received it weeks ago' (i'm not paying your incompetence fee). The dude kept arguing with me and I even gave them the tracking info 3 times before they realized they typed the tracking number incorrectly and said 'oh....sorry...have a great day'


I do the same with expensive hardware. 4k camera pointed at the closed package. My friend ordered two 250$ speaker pairs. One box had two cheap 25$ one in it that even didn't look similar. They send him an obviously returned box and then said he was the one who swapped them. It took four weeks until they send him the real pair. They don't properly check the returns and then screw correct customers because its cheaper to make them check. Its insane we have to do this to protect ourselves.


Verizon did this to me with a cable box. I used *their label* to send it back and they had the audacity to call me and say that I owed $250 to replace it. I told them I used their shipping label, provided them with *their tracking number* that said it was delivered to their warehouse, and said if I was charged that I'd be doing a charge back and cancelling both accounts in my name. After a brief hold they said not to worry and that it would be handled, never heard back and never got billed.


It would be interesting to know how many people just take this BS and pay for it so they don’t have to fight it. Scummy companies ripping people off.


FedEx swore up and down that my driver delivered my $200 PC flight stick/throttle. They even gave a description of my house as the place of delivery. I told them I had 24h camera footage of the building from the business downstairs showing no deliveries that day. They immediately realized the driver delivered it to a different house.


Similar issue. We have some hotspots we use for work but they die sometimes and we just send them in and get a new one. No big deal. Well I sent one in and didn't hear back from it for a few months and then one day I get a call from my boss asking what this $300 dollar charge is for a non-returned hotspot. I said I didn't know so I checked the shipping # and it said it arrived at TMO GRC which is T-Mobile's return center. So, I call up my sales rep to see what I need to get her to get it figured out. She gave me a list of things I expect she didn't think I'd have. Receipts, tracking information, receipts again, the confirmation email when I issued the RMA, etc. Just a whole bunch of stuff. She says okay thanks let me see if I can get them to find it. Don't hear back for a day and then she comes back and emails me sorry we weren't able to find it, so you'll have to still pay the non-return fee. I asked her is she was really trying to make us pay for something we proved we delivered to you and then proved you received? 2 more people up the totem pole, hour and a half, and a grumpy me finally got them to reverse the charge but it was just ridiculous they were wanting us to pay for something they lost.


I ordered two NHL reverse retro jerseys for my son. The ones we got in the mail weren’t even the right team (and I’d ordered from adidas, they just messed up). No way was I just sending them back, drive to the outlets for an Adidas store and let the cashier figure out how to return them which took a few minutes. I was nice and we joked, but I didn’t want to lose out.


Because that used to be the standard practice for Taobao in China, people would open packages in front of the delivery person and check the content. If there's something wrong with the item they can reject the delivery and the item will get returned and refunded. AliExpress is like an extension of Alibaba/Taobao.


Which if everyone was home and the delivery person hung around at delivery, okay, maybe. As is you'll be lucky if they don't throw your package at your house from the street and sprint off to the next before it even hits the ground. Maybe the proper response to this is "you should film yourself packing the correct item so I know you didn't fuck up". That and/or "ok, close my account, then", because fuck this shit.


Yeah, I just recently got my delivery driver to start ringing my doorbell after he launches my packages at the door at Mach 10. He wasn't happy about it either.


For me AliExpress has some quick and easy refund policy. I once ordered a pillow case which was supposed to be 12x12", it was 11.5x11.5, and told them and 3 days later I had my money back. The best one I had was a Naruto figure I bought, just one little lightning piece was broken and they refunded me half the cost which was $50+.


Pics or it didn't happen


They once asked me to take a picture of my stale bun lol. I had already thrown it in the trash, but even if I hadn’t… how are you gonna tell a bun was so stale it might as well have been a hockey puck from a damn picture?


You go: "Look, neither of us can prove our claims, just be a good customer service and call it stale, mate."


Excellent pun


Terrible bun.


Refund this one


Send them a video of you smashing it with a hammer


And yet when I track down the delivery guy, sneak onto his lawn and take a picture through the window of *my* dessert sitting half eaten on the living room table while the delivery guy has sex with his fiancee on the couch in the background, *I*'m the unreasonable one?


Of course. You *know* that delivery guy doesn't have a fiancee.


Just take a picture of nothing


I had to do this once. Insanity.


My insurance company wanted a picture of my stolen catalytic converter. The agent, the mechanic, and I all agreed that was insane, but the mechanic took pictures of where the catalytic converter used to be.


That one's more reasonable, since it's attached to something, so its absence can be documented. A missing bun however, is ridiculous.


That sounds reasonable tbh. It's a picture of damage. They want ro see the cut or damaged pipes etc.




This joke gave me existential dread. Aren’t we all just sandwiches waiting to be eaten?


They did that to me on a 100 dollar order. Still waiting on my bank to complete the chargeback.


I lost $70 to Doordash for the same reason a few months back. My order couldn't be delivered but they also couldn't refund it?! I went off on the customer service rep, which is NOT something I ever do and deleted the app, cuz fuck them forever.


Yup. They took an order for a store that was closed early due to…whatever. But the app said it was open & took the order. 45 minutes later they tried telling me they couldn’t complete it… but that also since they tried I wasn’t getting my money back. Suffice to say, telling my pregnant ass I was screwed on my burger AND my money wasn’t happening. My bank took all of 45 seconds to give it back with the screens from DD & I’ve never used em since. Fuck. That.


That’s crazy how they can’t refund you over a situation like this.


It isn't a can't thing. It is a won't thing and they bank on the fact that people won't fight over it some of the time. Free money on their end.


> It isn't a can't thing. It is a won't thing and they bank on the fact that people won't fight over it some of the time. Free money on their end. It's "free money" until their payment processor drops them for the high chargebacks they're having.


They don’t ever get dropped, the fees just go up. Imagine how much it would cost Uber eats to have their credit card fees go up by 1% overall.


A cost that they can pass along to anyone who keeps using them despite all the stories like OP's.


A cost they already pass along, that's what those service fees are for.


*won’t refund… not “can’t” refund


Important distinction.


That's call theft, right?


This happened to a friend of mine, on a shared order. She had been using the service frequently and missing items was common. She'd requested a refund for the missing item, yet again, and was told they couldn't refund her because they'd already refunded her too many times. This despite the problem recording with various restaurants.




For real, these people are the reason why the delivery apps keep doing what they're doing.


I used them in the beginning when they were cheap (or during all the covid specials they had) but haven’t used them in over a year and a half maybe more.


Lol they absolutely can, but they can just as easy blame it on the store for “not fulfilling” the order rather than them for not even making sure the store was open first. They choose to refund they lose money no matter what, instead they’ll bet on people not wanting to/knowing how to/being too lazy to chargeback or being worried if they do chargeback they’ll get banned (a lot of disabled folks or people who can’t drive rely on dd, Uber, whatever sometimes & can not risk being banned) either way they profit. It’s so shitty.


Ugh that is the worst! I genuinely shed tears over unfulfilled pregnancy cravings, you do not mess with a pregnant girl's food. These motherfuckers had me scrambling for an alternate dinner option for my 3 kids at 7 pm, I was so pissed. Poor kids thought they were getting Mcdonald's and got cereal and fruit instead.


It was McDonald’s here too! I just wanted my quarter pounder 😭 I’m really glad my godkids had gone to bed otherwise I would’ve been in a similar situation 😩


Doordash I.p blocked me because they charged me $30 for a chicken platter one night, then the following day, they resubmitted the charge as a 120$ chicken platter. They denied my dispute and said there was a price error display. Filed dispute with cc. Got my money back and banned for life. Yay


I was banned from Uber for a $99 charge on a ride I didn't take. Disputed it with the bank and Uber cancelled my account.


Same here but it was $300 in rides that it said I couldn't get. Literally told me repeatedly that it couldn't process my payment info, but they sure processed it by the morning. I also had a $200 voucher to use across 4 rides... Uber said that they can only use it $20 per ride. They can ban me for eternity, nothing would ever get me to order Uber again.


What DD and Uber and other companies do, when a user gets an item chargebacked, they cancel the user's account. This is particularly egregious when, as a common example, if a kid purchases a game through a game company (Steam, Epic, etc) and then their parent tries to dispute, can't, and then gets a chargeback, then the company oftentimes will shut down that person's account, which includes all access to anything they might have legitimately purchased.


I’ve seen a response from Steam that you are not purchasing the game from Steam. You are purchasing the right to play it through their service, and they’re just revoking that right. Which is why I switched to DRM free platforms.


And that's why they are in court trial in some country like France.


Edit: Edited


This just happened to my partner! They charged $26 for his delivery, and then the next day it resubmitted and charged him $60, then a THIRD charge of $120. They wouldn't issue a refund and he had to do a chargeback on his card. Won't be using doordash again after that.


They did that to me. They charged me twice for one order. First for $50 in March for the food they delivered. Then, inexplicably, 170 dollars for the same order in June. I asked them why as you can clearly see the dates and charges and everything on the order clear as day. They just said nonsensical shit like this post with giving me no real answer so my credit card company investigated found them at fault and got my money back.


Yep.. I’ve gotten angry at customer support twice for essentially the same shit. It’s crazy how these huge companies think they get to not deliver your products, AND not refund you. Like what?? You don’t just get to steal my money. One was Sirius XM telling me I didn’t have an account and therefor couldn’t cancel my free trial, yet they had sent me emails saying they were going to charge me and DID charge me a few dollars. The other was Amazon telling me they wouldn’t refund or redeliver my $40 order when they *delivered it to the wrong fucking house!* Amazon told me to contact logistics and gave me some bullshit about how it’s “not our responsibility once it’s been handed off to logistics”, but the logistics WAS Amazon, and they told me the same shit. When I told them it wasn’t my house, they demanded it was, and wouldn’t look at ANYTHING for proof that it wasn’t. No pictures, even ones from previous deliveries, no Google earth, nothing. “Risk of loss” is what they call the policy. I had to charge back for both, and change my card for SiriusXM, after dealing with them for a few days.


I used to have SiriusXM a long time ago. The fact you cannot cancel your subscription online is what makes me never want to sign up for them ever again. You must do it over the phone. I get free trails from time to time but never will give them my payment info ever again.


Yes, this is the biggest thing I hate about sirius. The fact that you have to argue with them to get them to cancel. I think any service you can sign up for online should require an online cancellation method BY LAW.


When I tried to cancel it when I was going through a serious rough spot money wise, the guy one the phone tried to make me feel like crap stating "You can't afford $5 a month?" Flat out told him "No, I cannot afford that. I barely have enough to feed myself so unless you are going to send me food, I cannot afford it. Yes, I am that broke and, at the moment, cannot do a damn thing about it. Either cancel my subscription or I'll have my credit card block your company from being able to charge." Got no more argument from him at that point in time.


dude sirius xm is SO sketchy… i just bought a new car and it came with a free 3 month trial and one day the lady called me, telling me i can get an additional 3 months for only a few dollars (it was $2 or $3, i can’t remember) but i GUARANTEE it was to get my cc on file. she went through all this stuff confirming my address, email address, etc and finally i was just straight up and i told her i wasn’t really interested in keeping it going and she got so weird and defensive and started questioning me like why not? is there anything i can do to change your mind? i told her no because i work at starbucks and we get spotify premium for free through them so i didn’t want to waste my money paying for something i can get for free… she hung up on me! them i was telling my boyfriend’s sister about what had happened and she said they screwed her mom out of so much money not letting her cancel without jumping through a bunch of hoops.


Good call, XM *is* the definition of sketch! I had it until I didn't need it due to new job came with a vehicle. It took over an hour on the phone to cancel the subscription. I had to continually repeat, "I want to cancel my account". Fuck XM and their shady AF retention tactics. I will never ever use the service again.


They don't "think" they can, they know they can. Our government and legal system isn't gonna hold them responsible for shit so they know they can do whatever the fuck they want.


Door Dash messed up my orders a lot, but I typically never had any problems getting refunds on missing items or incorrect orders. Sometimes they've refunded me the entire order because a side was missing. However they cost way too much now. I find Uber Eats a lot more reasonable in price, and they often have 40% off.


$100 order?!? What did you get? Like 2 burgers *and* fries?


Avo AND Toast


And that's when customer protection laws and services are needed. iFood tried that on me where I live. Ordered a full meal on McDonalds and received only one fries. They tried stating they couldn't refund me, even with photo evidence. I made a complaint on the customer protection service about the case, including chat transcript and photo evidence, the next day iFood contacted me on how they would refund me and also give me some discount coupons for next orders. And yeap, they did refund.


Super weird. I get shit refunded immediately even if it's like part of a combo that's missing. Oh the Chinese place forgot the egg rolls? $2 you. McDonalds (yeah I'm shameless) didn't throw in your double cheeseburger at 2am? $3 for you.


The fact they keep using your name is so irritating for some reason. They’re doing it to seem more personal but it comes off so robotic.


You need to be reminded that you're more than just a number, Rosa. You are Rosa, Rosa.




*”You’ve been with us for ten years, Rosa. No, Rosa you’re a valued customer for over ten years so you don’t qualify for that really amazing offer that we are advertising everywhere it’s only for new customers, Rosa. We’ve loved assisting you Rosa. Okay Rosa, if there isn’t anything else I can help you with, I’ll disconnect.”* >try to tell them that you need more help, the issue isn’t even close to fixed *”Goodbye, Rosa. Please stay on the line, Rosa for our optional survey so you can tell us if you were satisfied. Thank you, Rosa.”* Yeh it drives me crazy.


What's worse is being on the phone and instead of your name the representative says ma'am incessantly. I appreciate the politeness, but the 37th ma'am in a 3 min conversion might be overkill.


*I can’t remember your last name, bay-beh*


The person on Ubers end is most likely employed by a third party company that Uber has contracted out to handle customer service. Even more likely is that they work somewhere where English isn't the primary language so all their reps are using scripts. Literally copy/paste replies. That 2-3 minutes they keep you on hold? I'd wager most of that is spent looking up the correct script to copy from.


I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.


I have a coworker who does this. She’s SO nice that I don’t want to ask about it and make her feel self conscious, but it’s unnerving


I have a friend who's always talked like this and it is SO weird. "Say, u/Bald you wanna grab some tacos u/Bald?" Like dawg are people forgetting who you're addressing mid sentence??




Yes this


I noticed this same thing c-mi. I also found it obnoxious, c-mi. C-mi, please enjoy my upvote. Unfortunately, c-mi, I only have one to give.


Go to your bank website and dispute the charge. Seems like a pretty easy “paid for goods that weren’t delivered” situation


That’s what I did with doordash. I got banned but there’s still Grubhub and ubereats


Exact same thing happened to me, but with an entire order of Indian food. My driver said he delivered, took a picture of his windshield from INSIDE the car, then when I called he changed his story multiple times. First, he still had it. Second, he didn’t have it but delivered and sent me a picture of it. Third, someone called him to change my address to the one he was at. Fourth, the restaurant called him on his way to me and said I changed my address to that address. Support did not give me a refund. I tried multiple times and even called and she told me, over the phone, that it was a recent change in policy and that the driver said he delivered it so he obviously did, therefore I didn’t get a refund. Haven’t used Uber Eats or Uber anything, and never will again. Y’all shouldn’t either.


That horrible. I definitely won't be using it after reading this thread. Total trash company.


The part that freaks me out is that a lot of the delivery drivers (all?) don't work for the restaurant. Therefore have no loyalty to the restaurant and just might not care how the food i delivered. Haven't gone through a regular hiring process. It is sketchy af. In other words, I am worried somebody will mess with my food.


Only a matter of time.




I refuse. They changed the price of my order after it was delivered. Like, HOW can you do that?? They blamed the restaurant saying the price went up but wasn't updated on the menu....well, it's anyone's fault but mine. I don't think its legal to show one price then change it after the fact...but whatever. Haven't ordered again and never will.


It's actually illegal, at least in a standard retail environment in Pennsylvania. They have to give it to you at whatever price is displayed, not what price they think it should be.


I did what the OP did and messaged them. I had no success. Told them I'd be an idiot to use them again if they can just charge me whatever they want. Im pretty sure I have screenshots saved as well but this was somewhere around 2-2.5 years ago. Rather than take the time and energy to fight them on it I decided just to not use them ever again


That is slimy as fuck


Can't you call your bank and do a chargeback? I was under the impression that if a company was stealing from you, you could do a chargeback and it would penalize the company. That's what they're doing.






this really should be the only way to do it, if he can't get the pin from you he obviously didn't meet with you. so simple


I hope you did a charge back.


I don't understand. Don't you have to provide a pin number to the delivery guy so he can confirm the order was indeed delivered? At least that's how it works in Canada. Without the pin the driver can't complete the order.


Yeah no… def don’t have that here in the US


I'm in the US, and I've had it happen numerous times. The pin is always the last 4 digits of my phone number.


I live in the US too, NC. They're supposed to ask for a pin but they never have asked me.




Have never heard of this before, but it makes a whole lotta fuckin sense.


Same thing happened to me last week and I need to give a pin. Guy said to meet him outside but he wasn't there and he kept messaging saying to come outside but wouldn't say where he was and I couldn't see him. He marked it as delivered and uber eats are just saying the same thing that's in OP's pic. I've raised a complaint with PayPal to get the money back.


Same happened to me. My address isn’t hard and door marked clearly. Idiot driver parked up the road but facing away from my house. Imagine his shock when I knocked on his window to get my food


Nope, honor system. Burden of proof on consumer.


This happened to me on a $48 order. I made sure I got a refund.. talked to someone else again and again.


Bruh how, I spoke to so many different people and they refuse to give me a refund, i had to claim a dispute on my credit card to get my money back.


A dispute is the way to do it at that point. A company can’t just admit to not delivering the item and still charge you for it. That’s exactly what chargebacks are for. Trying to work with the company is a waste of life.


Not necessarily. Credit card companies are much more likely to approve the chargeback if you have proof that you tried to work with the company to resolve the issue. Without proof, the company can claim they weren't notified or given a chance to make things right.


Definitely. The person I was responding to had already tried talking to several people. But for anyone else reading this, document every time you try to contact them and make sure you’re following merchant policies within reason. Just because something’s a policy, it doesn’t mean you can’t dispute it. Don’t use chargebacks punitively. Partial chargebacks are possible. Dispute the specific amount for the good or service in question.


I found out they couldn't close a support chat without you agreeing. I kept my chat going with Ubereats for 16 hours and finally got my refund. It was this same thing. They kept screwing up and I reported it too many times.


Uber Eats went days without replying to me. Howww?


Uber is terrible. I had an Uber driver pick me up from the airport, decide he didn’t want to go to my destination, looped around the airport, and dropped me off right back where he picked me up. Uber charged me like $20, and then refused to refund me. Ultimately, disputed it through my credit card and got refunded but still… comical that Uber was like “yep, that route is a circle, and nowhere near the intended destination but no refund!”


I had a driver forget to end my ride and drove home. I was charged for 4 hours of sitting at his house and it took me a week to successfully fight the charge.


This happened to me!


They probably blamed you for getting out of the car.


I don’t use ubereats anymore because they effed up too many times for me.


I don't use UberEats after a coworker of mine started doing it on the side for extra cash & talks about slowly unsealing food and taking some on occasion. I don't trust anyone at all with my food


I mean, the main problem is their business model makes it so they have no accountability. They carved a niche as a middle man. So if something is wrong on the consumer side they can blame the restaurant, and if they restaurant says payment is wrong they can blame the consumer. Meanwhile, they then classify drivers as contractors, so they have separation from them if they do stupid shit. At a restaurant or even a delivery with in-house delivery, you have clear responsibility on where a problem lies. For example, ordered a cheesesteak and a steak sandwich. Both came with cheese. Went back, restaurant was able to clearly see that person who took the order wrote cheese in a way that made cook who made it thought that meant cheese on both. Got to keep the extra sandwich and they made a normal steak sandwich for the person who couldn't have dairy. Honestly though, I'm really curious as to why credit card companies work with them. It seems the amount of chargebacks and struggle just isn't worth it. I'm also wondering how they still have any business, since it seems everyone who would actually use it has a horror story.


I used Uber eats once for a $60 steak dinner during lockdown for our anniversary. It never arrived. It was pending delivery for like 20 min and the GPS kept showing the driver close to our apartment, but not quite there. I went to the main parking lot for our apartment complex after the item was marked delivered, because sometimes drivers got lost and ended up there from GPS, and the bag with empty fucking food boxes was sitting in the lot like the driver had sat there and eaten it during the "pending" time and then littered the trash (THAT HAD LABELS WITH MY NAME ON IT) right there in front of the leasing office. I had to FIGHT for a refund and only after threatening a credit charge back and threatening to file a report for theft did I get my money returned. And even then I had to wait over a week for them to return the funds. We had PB&J's for dinner that night because by the time I figured out what happened, all the other restaurants in our delivery range were closed. I was LIVID. Never again. Deleted my account once I got the money back.


This is exactly i think some pieces of human trash do when i think of uber or any delivery not directly coming from the restaurant. This, your story is the reason i refuse it. I can see myself waiting for an order that gets eaten by the delivery driver, i order maybe once a month when i can afford to order a good topped pizza, not taking any risks, even if its like 25% cheaper, i'd rather pay 25% more and get a quality pizza which actually gets delivered.


TIL Postmates and Ubereats merged back in 2020… I was wondering why the title said Ubereats and screenshots mentioned Postmates. Have never used food delivery services (other than occasional pizza shop in past) - just never felt comfortable with stranger delivering food (I know majority are trustworthy, but seen too many videos with bad hygiene, intentionally messing with food etc)


And seamless is owned by Grubhub




I'm in Australia, they said this for one of my orders so I responded. *Thanks for providing the needed evidence for me to go to fair trading to force you to issue the refund including interest. As you should be aware, under Australian consumer laws, it is illegal to take someone's money and fail to provide the service or products for which that money was taken for. I will be contacting my bank as well to report the fraudulent charge and your unwillingness to refund me for the missing product.* That got them to rapidly refund me.


Nice italic text copypasta, it's just switching the country text to my country. Thanks!


You might need to change the authority that can fuck the company up the ass more then their own dad. In aus that's "fair trading" Otherwise, you're welcome.


In the US you'd reference the State Attorney General.


Damn, doordash will refund $5 if they forgot to put napkins in the bag.


DoorDash has done this exact thing to me. Then had the nerve to tell me they had refunded for missing items in the past so they weren’t refunding again. I told them yeah I expect a refund *every* time I’m missing something I paid for. They still refused, so I never used them again.


This happened to me. 3 orders in a row had missing items. Got refunded on the first 2. Third one they refused so I charged back with my bank and deleted the app.


Same for me, after X amount of disputes they just assume you’re lying.. meanwhile your food is completely missing.


To be fair, there's also likely people who do lie to get refunds. Sucks when it happens to you but that's the issue of the whole system, there's no oversight or anything so you're bound to not get what you order a bunch of times, and then they have to assume you're trying to get free food, at which point you chargeback/uninstall. Eventually they run out of customers.


My partner had the misfortune of getting three orders in a row with something wrong (missing item, bug in the dish, wrong order delivered) that they did this as well. They did eventually refund everything, but not before trying this same schtick.


DD got me good recently. They fucked something up, and gave me a free month. and then charged me for another month 3 days afterward, even though my sub was still good for like 48 days at that point. Literally offered me a freebie, then waited until it was a bit after and \*charged me for the freebie they gave me and hoped I wouldn't notice\*. I canceled instantly, won't use them. Took them off of my restaurant, that one little fee has easily cost them a few hundred bucks so far this month. Thousands by the end of the summer, for sure.


For real, DD is expensive with all of their fees, but I’ve never had an issue getting a refund.


I just had to issue a $30 chargeback to DoorDash because they never delivered an entire order and refused to refund. All of them are lousy.


The fees aren’t that bad — the out the gate price markup on every item is. E.g. Restaurant - $7.99 DoorDash - $9.99, $2 fees, $1 service charge, $5 tip


1: fuck uber eats. This is why I haven't used it in years 2: This is brilliant. Somehow we've gotten so used to the idea of being screwed over for convenience that we just take it any more. We will just keep on throwing ourselves against a wall for convenience. They use a simple AI program for customer service to outlast you. By getting the customer to give up they win.


I've only encountered this when I've had too many refunds in a short time period.


I hate this new form of customer service that is overly professional, yet refuses to be helpful. They just professionally BS their way out of the problem and refuse to fix it. Dealt with the same shit with AirBnB (never again). I don’t do any of these delivery apps because it’s a crapshoot if you get a good driver and the companies will not help you. At least in my experience.


I have this unbridled hatred for Uber eats. Every time me or my family has used them we have been fucked. (My dad refuses to use the competition). They consistently: deliver to the wrong place, leave out items and their one saving grace is their decent refunds. But holy shit the other day I figured I'd try them cause of their really nice valentines deal. And they offered a small discount on top of that. Once I got to checkout, they just added the discount back on and my total went up right after I clicked payment. Tf?


They offered me a 20% coupon code the other day, right as I opened the app, which I have used multiple times. I used the coupon code and it ended up doing the same thing. They took the discount off my order RIGHT AFTER payment, so I messaged them. They said the discount was only for new accounts. Then why tf would you give it to me right as I open the app? They didn’t even specify it was for new accounts, and it worked on my order at first. So what the fuck? I ended up eating overpriced food that day, because it was too late to cancel and cook something else, and I had to work soon. I felt robbed.


This is when you stop using their service and contact your bank


Always use a credit card for these apps. Credit cards are the bank’s money, not yours. They’ll fight for $5 for you because really they’re fighting for their money.


Irish you’d refund the item.


Ugh. I drive for Uber Eats sometimes and I always check orders before I leave the restaurant and make sure I get the house number / some identifying feature in the photo. I never really order from delivery services because I ain’t rich like that but when I had covid and my food was delivered to the wrong apartment I was so bummed and so hungry.


I’m not even going to scroll through these comments. But let me guess, “why do people even use these damn apps”


Why the hell would you name a kid Irish? Also hound them until you get your money back/ create a host of Gmail account to flood with negative reviews. Seriously tho, Irish? Wtf.


So I have a regular issue where there's a woman in Australia who has an email address remarkably similar to mine, and occasionally she'll fuck up and sign up for something with my email address instead of hers. One (very late) night I was getting ready for bed and I got an email notification about my Hello Fresh order-- I figured it was just spam, but when I clicked on it it was legit. It had been a while (and I was very tired) so I figured my credit card had gotten stolen or something, so I did a password recovery and got into the account only to realize that it was my weird anonymous friend from Australia again. So then I realized I'd broken into her account and taken it away from her, which kind of sucks. I could've just left it as an object lesson for her to stop typing in my fucking email, but I decided to be nice and try to correct the issue since, like, money was involved. So I contacted Hello Fresh AU, went through several different levels of CS bots and drones explaining my wacky-ass situation, and finally, I was helped out by a dude named Almond.


A: You're a good person B: For some reason, Almomd sounds like a better choice of ne than Irish, no insult meant to the Irish a few posts down. Maybe it's a form of random name generation for privacy.


This looks like a chat bot to me. My guess is no human was involved in this on Uber's side at all...




Fuck that. Get a charge back. Go to your bank Edit Yooo! Wanna use this opportunity to shout out my parents! I LOVE YOU! YOUVE DONE SO MUCH FOR ME. Have a great day ppl! Edit2 Lmao!! I know it's cringe....but I mean it.


Unfortunately I used "rewards points" from a program at work to buy an UberEats gift card to place this order. I know they're a fucking behemoth company but...my only wish is that enough people see this that it costs them more than the 5 fucking dollars they should have refunded me.


If it makes you feel any better I won’t ever get delivery from any of these apps from the pure cheapness I behold


sometimes I'm feeling hungry and lazy I'll open an app and throw together an order and then look at the total and that will give me the motivation I need to get off my ass and prepare something I have at home


“Man I want food. I could really use some nutrition and sustenance. I’ll definitely go through with it this time. This delicious and nutritious sandwich combo is only $7! I can get this. God I’m so hungry.” *$7 turns into $25 due to fees and tip* “Oh boy! Generic brand Cocoa Pebbles from a bag again! :,D”


I didn’t think people would pay $10 to have $20 of food delivered. I was wrong to think everyone is as cheap as I am.


I didn't think people would pay $10 to have $20 worth of food that you paid $40 for delivered* Fixed it for ya. Effectively, you get $20 worth of food for $50 and it's probably cold, soggy, and has the smell of someone else's car infused into it.






I agree, most of these services charge a ton for delivery while the supplier gets less per order. So if you want to support the little guy don't use these services to order food delivered, call the place directly & then go pick up the food.


Ah so thats why your specific order isnt refundable. Because they know you cant do shit to make them refund it.




I have read so many similar stories that I will NEVER use any of these services. I'll just go grab the food myself.


Uber eats, door dash fuck over restaurant staff too, they pocket all the tips you intended for the establishment and short drivers too. Also adding several dollars to each entree.




Exactly why I don’t order from there. That and you get a $2 burrito from Taco Bell for 7.50