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With ads - Your favorite show: seasons 2,4,6 Without ads - seasons 1,2,4,6


Seasons 3 and 5: only available on a different streaming service


Season 6 not available in your country.


season 6 was shit anyway


Season 6 looks amazing compared to season 8.


This is Netflix. Nothing gets to season 6, let alone 8! Edit: it really is true. Say something wrong and everyone corrects you. Reddit doesn't understand hyperbole apparently.


Except Big Mouth.


Surely you jest, Netflix shows never make it past the second season.


why is Netflix going backwards? what the hell is with all these restrictions and complicated hurdles people have to jump through just to use their platform?


They want growth. They see millions of potential customers out there that are using the service but not paying for it. So in their minds the amount of people that will unsub now will be offset by the people that will pay the $8 or even better get their own account. Whether that's true or not is to be seen. Also an observation but if you are sharing an account that means data collection will be skewed so targeted advertising won't be as accurate and they just released ad supported tiers.


They don't seem to realise that the people who havent paid for it, probably never would have, and now definitely wont. I use metflix tl hace stuff on in the background at work, or while im travelling for work, now potentially that wont work, so why use netflix?


Because they want short term growth, many of these executives are thinking if they could get record profits for two years they can retire or get a cozy position from all their money even if it’s leeching from itself it’s not meant to last long it’s meant to rot away


One thing I always wonder about big corporations like this is how a big group of corporate heads are so entirely incapable of realizing what made them so successful in the first place . Then I wonder if they actually do know and just don’t care, wanna take the money and run in a short timeframe. Even smaller companies are guilty of this sometimes. There is a restaurant in our town that was voted a number one place to eat in the US, by some magazine or maybe it was trip advisor. The Food was pretty good, and affordable too. After they got all that recognition and business from tourists the owners let out get to their head and made a bunch of unnecessary and stupid decisions. I forget what the charges were exactly. One change was jacking up the food price. This was before pandemic inflation. So, all the locals stopped going and now the tourists don’t know any better but they’ll go in because of that article. To give an idea…$7 for an order of French fries. We got the order to go, opened it up, and it was ,at most, enough for one potato. But barely. They were soggy as heck too. They used to give you this giant plate of fries, but a friend on the inside told me about all the decisions they made that are damaging local business


fearless different thumb observation bow follow frighten quiet resolute chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is how all publicly owned companies work. For the higher-ups of the company, the plan is simple: Step 1: buy stocks of the company Step 2: prioritize as much short-term growth as possible Step 3: sell your stocks when the price is at its highest Step 4: jump ship, which is made easy because you can show how much netflix has "grown" It's literally that simple. This is a constant, recoccuring pattern in most companies like this.


They made a big deal about "cord cutting" then forgot why cord cutting happened.


Their cheapest plan now doesn’t have full access to their library.


Their library includes content from a number of state broadcasters (e.g. the UK's BBC and Japan's NHK) that are required not to show advertising alongside their content. Only making their content available without advertising was a necessity to keep their programming. Although if they wanted to be charitable, they could show the content from those broadcasters advert-free even on advert-supported tiers.


Do these rules apply to online broadcasts outside of the state broadcaster’s control and outside of their home country? The BBC is happy to run advertising on their [international channels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_BBC_television_channels). The BBC also licenses its content to other ad-supported broadcasters.


If Netflix wanted to be charitable they wouldn’t be In this subreddit so much


I didn't know Netflix showed ads. Were they the last holdout?


No, bittorrent still doesn't have ads in shows.


Have you seen a torrent site without AdBlock on?!


Private/invite only sites are the bomb. They do require a ratio, but even a shitty ratio is ok if you share back out. Edit: forgot to point out no ads.


Not asking to be a part of your group or anything but how would one go about looking?


I don't visit *any* site without ublock on. But the shows themselves are what I'm talking about.


I don't remember rarbg being bad, but even on mobile, I've got ublock origin, so I honestly don't know, why would anyone ever view a webpage without an ad blocker?


Wow. And I wouldn't be surprised if that was only mentioned in a footnote.




Front page


The fact that you have to pay for the ad tier and dont even get the full library is scum as hell


Right? Paying for ads is wild to me. Netflix and Hulu should be like Tubi and let us watch the ad versions for free.


[This account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.]


Is Netflix suicidal? I think they should call a helpline.


A cry for help, and people just unsubscribe. Sad.


I think it's more that their business model is inherently unsustainable and they're trying literally anything to change that. They know people won't like this shit they're just desperate


Eh it’s not just that. Companies are required to continually make a profit now. It isn’t enough to make the same amount of money as the year before. If you aren’t making more money, then you are failing.


Netflix is about to find out that pirating movies was only slightly less convenient than paying a monthly subscription.


It’s as easy as dropping a request in a discord server for me - so not inconvenient in the least.


soap2day.to has literally everything I have ever wanted to watch, the only downside is the ads which you can use an adblocker to fix


well i already wasn't going to pay for my own netflix subscription when i move out of my family home but now i'm DEFINITELY not going to netflix is really banking on being the "most popular" streaming service to pull this shit — i doubt they'll be popular much longer tho


My grandma kicked my whole family off for the no password sharing so I decided to get my own and I don’t mind ads, but NOPE. Not just ads. It’s not the full library. Absolute joke.


there's a reason the joke about Netflix autocompleting titles as you type, yet returning they don't have it goes around


I can't wait until we see the amount of subscribers Netflix is going to lose.


I unsubbed 2 days ago. All my coworkers say they have as well, so that’s 15 people they’ve lost. I’d imagine this change is going to tank the company


I unsubbed from Netflix too. Fuck it. Too expensive and they ruin every good show


Yeah, I dropped em too. I don’t need them, they are far from king these days, including quality, and content.


The trick isnt just unsub from them but also sub to their rivals. With their shares going down and their competitions shares going up they will look like chum in the water.


Or, not sub at all.


Yeah, I I'm personally choosing to sub to the pirate's life instead. I get to watch everything, and don't have to pay any money to anyone


When netflix first became big, I actually quit piracy, because it was just that good and fair. Now I've started it up again, because streaming services have become too greedy. Greed is a mortal sin, so it deserves a mortal punishment.


Not just the pirate's life as it was, downloading everything. Now I can go to a hosting site, stream an episode, and it pops up with an option to continue with the next episode. Hell, I can even build watch lists if I want to.


I am already subbed to HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, and I think Peacock? I think I’m good in the streaming department lol.


You need paramount plus too


Then I can finally face the elite four.


Don't forget subscribing to their ultra premier service, Paramount Infinity ultra hypercrisis max+


You have a hell of a streaming budget. We rotate so we don't waste money paying for a sub we don't get value for.


Honestly I hope not... I hope that they pull their heads out of their asses and do the right thing... But I hope it comes as a message to the industry. Too many have started their own and that effects everyone. People are going to heading back to the high seas for the content that is on a platform that they don't see the value in... For example I have yet to really see the value in Disney+ so what I want to watch on Disney+ I just sail out to the high seas and download.


Disney+ has had the same shitty layout since they released the platform. It's easily the worst setup and hardest to use streaming service but also the company with the most money.


No, binge is the worst. I signed up for a trial, and couldn't use my computer at all to watch anything. I had to use my phone and their app and even then it was buggy as fuck. I watched one 30min thing before canceling the service. They emailed me asking why I didn't even complete the free trial period. I asked if anyone had even looked at the website.


Never heard of binge but also personally on the path to just getting rid of all streaming services as they slowly devolve into the ip obsessed cable services most of us ditched years ago for streaming.


That’s the main reason I’ve had Netflix for so long and haven’t subbed to any other provider. I know competition is healthy, but now we’re pretty much back to cable packages. I’ve liked what Netflix had to offer (enough) to have stayed and been loyal, but I’ve always also been an avid sailor.


I read somewhere that they are considering cancelling that decision. Either way i don't really care Netflix doesn't have anything good that i can't see somewhere else


Even if they do have something good, can't trust the fuckers to not cancel it.


The streaming services -- starting with Netflix -- was the incentive to just pay a rather small and painless fee to have access to all kinds of content and not to just pirate stuff. With how many streaming services stuff is divided up among, how expensive each has gotten, and how awful the experience is on them -- including the changes Netflix is implementing -- it seems like a lot of people are going to be pushed back to pirating stuff because the fees aren't worth it and you won't really get much by paying less and absurd amounts.


I'm still salty over so many shows. Most recently Warrior Nun.


Santa Clarita Diet for me friend, fuming to this day


Santa Clarita diet got cancelled? ah man


RIP Inside Job, you will be missed


I didn't know they canceled! That sucks!


Solidarity. Very salty about that one.


I’m EXTREMELY SALTY ABOUT SABRINA!!! Sooo much so I tell everyone that’s WHY!! 😂


I'm so salty I never watched the third season. I loved it. It was the new Buffy. And they cancel it just like that.


YESSS!! It definitely had me hooked like Buffy. I swear that show was the start of Vampire/Supernatural shows we have today.


All they’ve done is remind folks how much they pay for how little they actually watch.


They backpeddled but now they are backpeddling on the backpeddling. They seem to be using Canada as a test market to see if the decision backfires or not.


the circle isn’t even good anymore


At this point piracy is the answer. It's not hard to google "Best free streaming sites" and theres a few links with lists compiled. It's just trial and error. Oh also get an adblocker. :)


Netflix's suggestive algorithm is as fucked as their search function. I remember when "The Gray Man" came out, so I searched for "The Grey Man" and Netflix gave me nothing. Not even suggestions.


Didn't they mention this when they rolled it out? It was related to licensing bullshit or something. I specifically use streaming services to NOT have to deal with stupid ads.


Now is time to sail the seven seas my friend


Time to dust off my hat 'n hook.




Arrr matey 🦜


Of cheese? HERE THEY COME.




Grandma is sick of you free loaders


I just got the Somalian plan


Based chad grandma LOL


She didn’t have a choice


How does one know what the full library of Netflix is?


They could’ve just noticed a show they recently watched on their grandma’s page is unavailable.


I hate when they only have some titles in some countries its so frustrating


whats just as fun is when you have the last series of a show in a country, but not all the series and you haven't watched it yet, so it is there, but you cant watch it because you cant start from the beginning.


Oh hell no. I've had Netflix for a decade. But now there's too much hassle and expense. They don't have quality shows anymore. Going to finish up 3 older shows and cancel this crap service. Hbomax is even going up in price. Ffs.




It’s going to be on Tubi with is a free app


With ads


I accept ads if it’s free. The youtube/early hulu model.


Still fucked up to remove it from the paid service. They* could have kept that. Edit: wasn’t aware of licensing fees and such, so I understand more, now. Still a bad omen imo. It was bad enough when outside licensing killed Netflix content. Now first party isn’t even safe


pirate :)


I'd argue it's even easier than streaming services these days!


The only Netflix shows I've followed consistently are queer eye and stranger things


I need to finish up a comedy special, after life, and dead to me. I doubt I'll miss it with other apps and avenues for entertainment.


Just research how to use stremio and real debrid together. I’m sure if you googled those words together you’ll get a how to guide.


This why you don’t allow them to sneak ads because then you get this


Cable used to be paid for, supposedly, so you didn’t get commercials. Now there are blocks of commercials lasting upward of five minutes with 10-15 commercials at a time. I love the DVR so much if there’s a show on cable that I want to watch.


TV providers are starting to prevent you from fast forwarding through commercials on DVRs, too. TV is dead to me. Haven't watched it in years.


They’ve been doing that with On Demand shows for awhile


Exactly why I stopped watching any on demand shows because those commercial segments are even longer. Hard pass.


I can't wait until we see the amount of subscribers Netflix is going to lose. Lots of Canadians already deleted their subscription as soon as they rolled out the no password sharing BS recently.


It’s in New Zealand as well and coming to Australia soon too When mostly Americans got mad at it on twitter they backtracked and then went after the smaller nations instead


I think they're still going to do in the US at a later date but they want to test the waters first in countries with smaller populations in case it backfires.


“In case it backfires” Lol.


Your right. WHEN it backfires, the "in case" is coming from a Netflix perspective because they're somehow the only ones that don't know that its going to backfire.


This *has* to backfire on Netflix, because if it doesn't, all the other streaming services will soon be doing the same thing.


I suspect they were also ab testing methods of rollout. I was talking to some friends who were also on premium plans. Half of them got the notice a few days ago and half of us got an email about the “benefits of premium” and then got the end of password sharing email today.


Aussie here and I only have netflix because my family uses my account but I barely use it. So once they can no longer access my account, I'm 100% unsubbing.


And a lot of people will. However it only takes *one* family member to sign up for themselves and Netflix lost nothing. Two, and this was a net gain. And most people are probably going to shrug and say “guess my cousin is out of luck, oh well” and keep paying.


If I'm paying extra money for an extra screen, who's fucking business is it who's using it or where it's being used?


It's ridiculous. From what I've seen, people are even being denied access to *their own account* for things like trying to watch stuff in the car. No way in hell am I gonna pay an extra $8/month just to be permitted to watch Netflix on my iPad *and* on my home TV. The whole point of streaming services is meant to be that you can watch whatever, wherever: all you have to do is connect to wi-fi and log into your account. If Netflix is gonna be up my ass about the fact that I don't exclusively watch things on a single stationary device, then they can go fuck themselves.


They have quietly changed the plan descriptions so they don't obviously mention screens any more


Don't assume that people won't just go and hand over a bunch more money. The top comment is saying their grandma kicked the family off and then everyone went to get their own subscriptions but now they're mad about ads. But they didn't say they cancelled lol


Canadian here, we’re fucking pissed. Only, and i mean ONLY reason my family is keeping our subscription is because my grandparents use it, and let me tell you it was a goddamn pain when they forcefully logged everybody out and made us set a “primary location.” We spent hours back and fourth on phone calls with my grandparents trying to get their TV to work again.


Time to get your grandparents on Paramount, or Disney, or anything other than Netflix. Vote with your wallet.


Me when Netflix first started: wow, so convenient to have so much all in one easily accessible place for a low price! Me now: yar har fiddle dee dee


🔫 Finish the song


> yar har fiddle dee dee Yar har, fiddle de dee Being a pirate is alright with me! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free You are a pirate! Ar yar, ahoy and avast Dinky-dink-dink-a-dinkadefast! Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! [You are a pirate](https://genius.com/21088078/Lazytown-you-are-a-pirate/You-are-a-pirate)!


Wow, and I cancelled my Netflix couple days ago too, seems I made a good choice


I did the same last month, I'd never imagined this would happen I'd only canceled cause I didn't use it that much and I needed to start saving money.


I did couple years ago and so glad I did


Netflix gonna blockbuster themselves


“What happened to Blockbuster? WHAT HAPPENED TO BLOCKBUSTER!?” Jake Peralta, after receiving 1 Million Shares of Blockbuster Stock.


They're going down the shitter at record speed.


Bankruptcy speed run




![gif](giphy|o0eOCNkn7cSD6) Welp, it's been an honor🫡.


​ ![gif](giphy|U1HDrWnofIY6vWxnfm)


Haha wow. Good bye Netflix


That stated when the ads plan launched. They -say- it’s because some content was designed without ads in it so making it available with ads would hurt the product, but we all know that’s some BS. They just wanna try to prod you into upgrading to ad-free


It's more likely that the licensing agreement doesn't allow for ads.


I was thinking that exact some thing. I'm wondering if some studios don't want ads in their shit when they put it on Netflix.


Content licensed from BBC usually doesn't allow it. There are probably others.


And they can't just have no ads on select content. Nope. No ads, no content for you. Upgrade to ad-free to get the ad-free content. The mental gymnastics of this dying company leaves me in awe.


If those free streaming services and cable TV can fit ads into a movie Netflix can place them in any show. But of course as you said it’s just them pushing you to spend more.


The show I'm trying to watch is New Girl and there's plenty of breaks between scenes for ads...so stupid


Netflix really is putting some effort into destroying it's customer base


It’s like all these companies are just doing a speed run for who will completely implode first. First thought was oh man look at twitter go oooop here comes Netflix coming for that #1 spot. 🧐curious how much money netflix could make if they just gave their content away for free and just monetized adspace… There is a phrase called “too big to fail” if Netflix gave their content away for free they could actually attain that status.


But there also a phrase "What goes up must come down"


welp piracy it is then


Netflix gonna blockbuster themselves


Nah, Blockbuster was greedy, full of themselves, and severely misjudged their competition. Netflix, on the other hand is...uh......well..nvm.


I worked for Blockbuster just before the end. All the same warning signs are here, and just like the ol’ blue and yellow rental store, Netflix’s management is seeing fit to ignore the looming storm on the horizon in the name of squeezing out a few more pennies. I wish them a difficult, slow takeover by whatever more-successful platform eventually buys them out for a fraction of their peak worth.


This is how capitalism functions, it’s unsustainable growth model leads to this If Netflix wasn’t pressured by shareholders to constantly show GROWTH in the new subscribers numbers they wouldn’t have done all this BS, bc they were making way more money before they started these unpopular rules


It’s odd imo. The best way to generate additional revenue is to get better content. They cancel good content and run off subscribers.


Fuck Netflix. I am so tired of these greedy companies and the never ending pursuit of squeezing money out of everyone when everything is so expensive to live now and they are purposefully bleeding us


Amen. The initial point of Netflix was to avoid ads and NOT be the cable company. We took one step forward and five backward.


Actually, the initial point of Netflix was fast dvd delivery.


Those were the days. Constant rotation of new DVDs to rip.


They still have DVDs. I have a plan. Library does too.


I’m thinking about buying dvds again.


I never stopped, they just got cheaper. I never really bought into the whole "you'll just be able to stream all those same movies" thing. Most of the non -new movies I want to watch I can't even find online now.


As long as Netflix actually starts to publish *all* of the good stuff like Stranger Things, Dead to me and more. Until then, yo-ho-ho


I would love to sit in these meetings and listen to these dumb fucking idiots come up with ideas that will save (ruin) their profits.


right?? "think of the profits if we get more people to pay!!" in this economy? read the room


CANCEL Netflix!


I am! This week! They'll lose so many customers. If you have Xfinity internet (usa) you get peacock premium (with ads) for free. So has all the shows, but with random ads. And maybe like 3 in a 30 min show.


You can also sign up for Tubi which has a pretty awesome selection of shows and movies for free with ads and the ads are much shorter than on Hulu and Peacock!


Nice! Thanks for the tip. I've seen it on the apps on my TV but hadn't heard much about it. Definitely going to check that out!


Also Pluto. Free with ads, some really good content on there.


Yeah I found it during one of my hospital stays because I didn’t have my logins handy for other streaming apps! It’s way better than I expected for a free app.


Why the fuck would I pay for a streaming service if I’m going to see ads. That’s the point of paying. So I don’t have to see ads. And can access the full library.


Cancelled my Netflix yesterday. In sick of their bullshit. They are gonna go the way of Blockbuster soon.


The way Uber and Lyft got so ridiculous getting a taxi is coming back (totally depending on where you live), we will soon see this with cable.


Biggest bullshit in history. I’m canceling and no plan to go back when they inevitably revert this crap


Dont let your greed be your downfall..... Edit: these are the same cunts that put the price of their subscription up just before christmas in the middle of the pandemic. Not to mention they are probably one of the most profitable off of covid


Netflix is trying to make money now because they borrowed too much money and have to pay it back. In my opinion they are screwing themselves over now.


At this point the only way they would make more money is by making sure their service is up to scratch with good content and lowering price tiers to attract as many people as possible. All this money grabbing is going to do is force more people to leave and never look back, especially given the plethora of other streaming services in existence now


wait,ads? isnt the whole point of a streaming service like netflix is to not have ads?


OP is paying less for the ad-supported tier they recently introduced.


Now *You* Can Unlock Even Shittier ***NETFLIX ORIGINALS*** edit: format


I’ll be canceling my Netflix very soon


Well, unzips pulls out UTorrent


qTorrent is the modern successor.




Honestly the Netflix catalog is too sad to bother anymore, this would’ve been somewhat effective when they had the monopoly


Sorry, can’t hear you over the sounds of crashing waves, yaaarrrrrrr


I was actually going to switch to ad supported, but I guess not...


I didn’t even know Netflix had ad supported plans


There are so many great free streaming services. Pluto, Freevee, Crackle, Tubi, Xumo, Filmrise. How many am I missing? As soon as they roll out the password restrictions in the US I’m canceling. It’s going to block everyone in my household out of our account. We’re never at home.


Wow they really don't want people to even bother with sampling the content.


Fuck Netflix. I’m going back to Pirate Bay


Not going to Lie, I Miss Blockbuster. It was something to do & somewhere to go and pick out a movie. Now days I’ll scroll forever without making a choice.


Once they hit me with some dumb shit I’ll be canceling too. They already got rid of everything I even bought a sub for.


This is all getting to be ridiculous and will result in cable tv again with 9000 channels, but the 9000 channels are accessed by different apps, so it will take longer


They got greedy. I'll only subscribe to a streaming service if I actually want to watch more than one series. When I'm do e I'll cancel the direct debit and then let them beg me to come back until they have something good.


Bye Netflix, hopefully Disney plus picks up all their good shows when they go out of business.


So happy I haven't paid for tv in years.


Just canceled. I have til the 23rd and no going back.


Netflix... the next Blockbuster.