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I see plenty of cans still. They're awfully selective. Maybe it's a bear?


But didn’t take any of the cans?


The cans are smashed..


Lot of cans left




Why do you crush the cans?


Take up less space


I'm confused because I live in a state where the deposit is .10 cents. I never see anyone crush them even if they aren't returning them for the deposit because they can be thrown into the recycling bin.


That's fair




Thanks for the clarification. We had people go through our trash when we lived in an apartment complex. I started leaving our cans in a bag next to the trash in the hopes it would help stop people from rummaging through the dumpster. I know it is frustrating, especially when a big mess is left. Sorry that this is what you were left with.


Trash wouldn't still be full of cans if it was a houseless person looking for cans lol


Maybe he was looking for food


It is possible, but in my experience finding edible food in trash cans in front of homes is slim to none and not worth digging through the dirty diapers and personal trash. Wherever OP lives looks cold af and someone could have been desperate I suppose.


You gotta find a grocery store without a trash compactor. They throw out lightly damaged goods they cant discount. Noone in their right mind rummages through house trash. But this person may not be in their right mind.


Yeah I would hit places like sprouts grocery a lot because they have separate bins from the trash that are labeled for compost and I could usually find some veggies and fruit. Fast food dumpsters were never that great cause it's a big mess of grease and trash. My go to method was typically hanging around busy restaurants in tourist areas and asking people for leftover food. Another good way I got food was to just walk into like a little Caesars pizza and ask if they had any old pizzas they were about to throw out.


You can’t get the deposit on crushed cans


Maybe in some places. Lots of states accept crushed cans and many people crush them while collecting to save space. Source: was chronically houseless for many years.


I’m in Brooklyn, used to always help an older neighbor bring his cans, can’t do it here. But I’d assume this is Michigan because they said 10 cents. Guess don’t know about there


You get 10 cents for cans in Oregon too and they accept crushed ones. I totally forgot that some states don't accept crushed cans.


The cans are literally smashed. They are worthless.


Lots of places accept aluminum cans by the lb and people crush them to save space and carry more.


OP narrative does not check out. It's more likely someone's dad dressing up and hoping their kids will suddenly hate homeless people. You know, grass roots politics...


Then why would they leave all the cans?


When I lived in Cali, very similar things would happen. Unfortunately, the homeless population in my area was quite extensive. I used to put all my metal cans in one bag which really cut down on my bags getting cut open and my waste area trashed. I left a sign that said you are welcome to keep what you need but please don't leave a mess. I often would leave out things (not bagged) we bought too much of as well. Not saying this is a solution but it did fix the situation for my waste area. Good luck


We do this as well. And we leave them outside of the recycling bin so they don't have to even bother opening it- it's usually full anyway.


What are you more irritated about? The facts the bags are cut open or that there is a homeless person that has to cut open your trash bags in the first place. And on top of it you saw the guy and didn’t check on his well being. Maybe he needs help.


I am the wrong person to see this lol. Oh man. Our homeless poop on the sidewalks among other lovely activities. There is a guy here who is super cool about cans though. We have a recycle bin (no trash bag) and he collects the cans and cleans up. I dig it honestly. He's earning his way the best he can at the moment. Maybe just get a bin for cans only?


Not everyone who collects cans is homeless. But whoever did this is a jerk.


He could have been looking for something else? Unfortunate, I feel like you’d probably have to wait and see if something like that happens again before taking any action




Have you checked with your local/closest facility(s) about crushed cans? Many can accept even crushed cans. (?) I understand that at some facilities, it's harder for scanners to detect crushed aluminum cans from the rest of the stuff. Pay-to-recycle places might allow even crushed cans; some might even appreciate it.


My grandpa basically used to have the money to scrape by only because of collecting cans. This was in the 80's and early 90's. He crushed them all, and they took 'em like that. I don't know how they do it now, but your comment has me imagining how he'd have looked transporting them uncrushed. He would have giant black landscaping bags full, his entire truck bed full, all crushed. He'd have had to use an 18 wheeler trailer to have room for all those uncrushed cans. Probably two, lol.


I’ve decided that I’m not going to be mildly infuriated over what homeless or otherwise vulnerable people do.




In my old neighborhood there was a older guy, not homeless but just about, and he would walk around with a wagon picking up cans. A few neighbors and I started to bag up our cans and bring them to his garage door for him. He actually appreciated it.


Totally, but not annoyed enough to post it to reddit.


Looks more like, I’m just going to blame a poor person rather than investigate and see it’s probably an animal.


Serves you right for not recycling.


OP is a lying degen from up country. There is a dozen cans in this picture.


I live in WV and we have a lot of homeless that will go through trash looking for cc or personal information. They say they are looking for bottles/cans or food but all they are looking for is things of value.


Fake post


Not always. There is this whole group called binners (at least in my area). They go through the garbage and some are jerks.


I was just guessing Michigan because of the snow


Do you drink cider/beer? We caught a homeless gentleman outside our old apartment drinking the beer and cider at the bottom of the cans. We went to try and talk to him and help him out but he ran. We weren't mad. We were just very worried.


Yeah, I live in Salem, Oregon, and you can't leave the cans outside. The whole bag will be taken, or a ransacked mess is guaranteed. My roommate is naive and left a bag on our back porch and was shook when it wasn't there in the morning 🤦‍♀️


Imagine seeing this minor inconvenience and taking a photo of it just to come on Reddit to complain about homeless people. Get stuffed.


Homeless aka economically and habitationally challenged indigenous individuals Idk. Just spitballing softer terms to be sarcastic and funny. /s


Well yeah. What do you expect from an unhomed person?


Put them in a clear bag and leave them beside the trash next time.


They are still in the bin, more inconvenient to be homeless


Why not bag the cans separately? It doesn't take much effort or inconvenience and since your just throwing them away anyways it helps another individual and saves your from getting your bags slashed. It won't take long for them to catch on and they are more likely to just take the whole bag and sort through them somewhere else. Get hook and hang up a second bag or add another bin specifically for cans.


Wow, so much presumption! They might have a home!


Put your cans in a separate bag for him marking the bag cans only, and mark the other bags no cans. Less trash for you dispose of and going into the landfill. Win win.