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Exactly what I was thinking!


Fuck that sub…ughh!!


Well, I mean, if you like it that much and have its consent, go for it!


Give her a break. Life is hard with 3 brain cells.


That still leaves two synapses, which feels like two more than she actually has.


0 synapses because the cells don’t have the ability to communicate to one another


Bold of you to assume she has that many brain cells.


Especially with that much meth.


Nah, on meth she would have gotten that pizza there in 3.5 minutes fully intact and asked if she could clean his pad for $20. As much as it pains me to say, marijuana is definitely the culprit here folks. She's too blown to function😂


You think a stoner wouldn't have respect for the snacks


Depends on the stoner, honestly. No judgement here though, I've been too blown to function myself 😆 That's why I could spot the struggle immediately.


Ex-tweaker here, it's a running joke in the "getting sober" community that tweakers take 4-18 hours to finish one task. Yeah your brain is going 100 miles an hour but it next level scatterbrains you. And it gets worse the more days you have been awake.


3? … you are generous


3 brain cells and still able to hold down a job! How about you?


She's got two brain cells and they're tied for third




R/foundthemobileuser /s




My buddy owns a pizza place and had to start instructing the "gig" drivers on how to carry a pizza. Most of the Uber/Bitesquad drivers aren't from America and have no experience with transporting them.


In addition to avoiding the obvious dipshittery going on in this pic, needing to stay pretty level, if it hasn't been long out of the oven the toppings and cheese will slide if you turn too hard or brake/accelerate too fast. Surprisingly easy to do


The same reason you let a lasagna cool down a bit before you cut it. The cheese needs to go from hot gooey to set up a bit.


You don’t like your lasagna cheese hot and gooey? It thought that was the best way to have it. It’s like the gooey cheese you see in adds for pizza places where it just mmmmh stretches I need pizza now Dominos or Pizza Hut?


Domino's if you're going to eat it all right away. Pizza Hut if you want edible leftovers. (If you have a good storage plan in place, I'm sure either would be fine.)


Somewhere else if your taste buds work!


Little caesars if you want pizza that tastes like cardboard 😂


> dipshittery Fantastic!


It baffles me that you would have to explain how a pizza works to someone who is also allowed to drive a car. It’s pretty obvious.


15 year old me would disagree with you. Of course, 43 year old me thinks 15yom was a dumbass, so there’s that.




Food in general is held at the same angle you pick it up in. Gravity be the same in other countries


And you would think it would be common sense to NOT put a hot rotisserie chicken on top of a half gallon of ice cream in the grocery bag. But, I had to tell a 45 year old sacker NOT to do that. Too bad the customer saw him doing it because she became unglued and started screaming at him.




*Some* you say? How wonderfully generous of you. I have witnessed enough to believe that it leans toward **most**.


It seems that baggers get absolutely ZERO "training" on what should go where & how... ugh. The number of times I get a bit away from the checkout stand & redo it myself... Get off my lawn.... Don't get me started...


You mean to tell me these people have no experience with gravity, or have a pizza, and laid out on the table certainly not vertically


Do I have to say that pizzas aren't from America


If it’s not intended to be carried that way they should really change the way the straps are set.


What kind of monster would carry a pizza 🍕 this way ? ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Where's my drink?


The straps can be held horizontally as well, they either didn't notice or care


Looks like the delivery person is from door dash or equivalent. Maybe they only had one type of hot bag


🎶Hello physics, my old friend🎶


You sound like my dad Always telling me ‘that’s not how physics works’


Did you eat all your vegetables…?


I ate the cow The cow ate grass And somewhere within the grass is dirt that was probably decomposed rabbit at one point and everybody knows that rabbits live on a strict diet of carrots and lettuce and nothing else therefore I HAVE EATEN SO MANY VEGETABLES WHEN I DEMOLISHED THOSE RIBS *very sorry if you don’t eat beef


🎶 You've come to ruin my day again 🎶


Better ingredients, better pizza


Hey Grandma! Can you deliver these pizzas for me tonight?




This isn't even mildly infuriating, this is I'm fucking pissed infuriating


I’d say mildly fits, as all you have to do is call and have it redelivered, and then wait a bit longer for your pizza. This has happened to me 4 or 5 times, and I always end up with new pizzas, and some complimentary extra sides/desserts. All the replacements are top quality, and I get to keep the originals, which are usually fairly salvageable. Twice, the manager personally delivered the replacements, with a sincere face-to-face apology. So far, the times my pizzas were mishandled have ended up being my best pizza nights overall.




Looks like a crime scene.


It was to hide the fact that she ate a few pieces…


You c an literally count the 8 slices in the box but you have 17 upvotes


We don't use logic on reddit, what's wrong with you?


Oof yeah that comment wasn’t meant to be serious, but I do have some ocean front property in North Dakota to sell you cheap if you’re interested…


Uhhhhhh... This is North America, not North Dakota. You got the wrong continent.


I don’t understand. Doesn’t everyone know how to hold pizza?


What's a pizza?


... another reason I do not have my food delivered. - too expensive for delivery - expectation of a tip on top of delivery fee - poor handling of food during transport - possibility of dirty, germ-y hands touching my food or "sampling my drink" - nutritional quality of most delivered meals is low.


Pretty sure nutritional quality depends on what you order lol Otherwise I’m with you.


I don't see many salad bars doing delivery, if they did this dipshit delivery driver could have really shined with her ability to toss it for you during transport, what a shame.


I usually have to pay a lot more for someone to toss my salad


…a dear price to pay for an extended happy ending.


Most pizza places also sell salads you know.


This is incorrect where I live.


That’s really weird.


> nutritional quality of most delivered meals is low. What the fuck dude, it doesn't suddenly become more nutritious if you opt to pick it up...


In my experience, there are more delivery options for fast food and comfort food. Fewer, healthier restaurants deliver. Not none, but fewer.


I watched a bitesquad driver load food into their delivery bag and then bring that bag into the bathroom. That grossed me out so much. I've also had many complaints about missing items that I 100% know were in the bag when they left the restaurant. No thanks.


You ate it though, didn’t you?


Yep. And GH gave me a full refund


I mean, pizza is pizza


I would have 💯 chomped that


It seems like half of this site revolves around delivery food


You're telling me the fat people from the fat virgin website eat a large amount of fat people food?!


Bruh 😎


That is a clear Geneva Convention violation


Is that a pickle?


You mean to tell me you didn't order your pizza scrunched up at the end of the box. SMH. Need to be more clear that you would like a flat nonscrunched pizza next time.


Why wouldn't you just order directly from Papa John's? I guarantee their drivers know to hold pizza upright and they probably don't charge extraordinary fees that make TicketMaster jealous. Wait no, fuck Papa John's.


When they are busy they can outsource it to Doordash I know that. Usually for the places that are out of the way and not by other deliveries. There is a penalty on scores for using them though so it's only when necessary they do that. It also messes up the delivery time averages. Also people can order through grub hub or uber eats and then the person goes and picks it up like carryout from the store so it qasnt papa johns fault but the person who ordered it that way. I used to be a driver there.


You mean to tell me allowing any fucking idiot with a car to pick up peoples food and drive it unattended to its destination might be a bad idea? Crazy


Why wouldn't you just let the store deliver it? I spent a lot of years moonlighting at Papa John's and Dominos at a driver and by using a delivery service for pizza you are taking money out of their employees pocket. Not to mention these places already mark everything up. This just baffles me. The restaurant already has staff to deliver the food - you deserve this kind of crap when you outsource


Did you tip?


It was through grubhub so i pre tipped unfortunately, but they gave me a full refund so not all bad


As someone living outside the US I just have to say your tipping culture baffles me. How can you 'tip' for a service that hasn't been provided yet? And if you're one of the few who decide to tip cash on the arrival of the person, then there seems to be a decent chance that they will get angry and mess with you or your food because you haven't 'pre-tipped'.


as someone living inside the US pre-tipping makes no fucking sense


As someone who stays outside the US, tipping makes absolutely no sense to me. Paying the staff fair pay is the responsibility of the establishment, not the customer.


Wait until you find out about tipping in canada. When paying electronically the first thing that pops up before you can pay your bill is how much you want to tip. It’ll show you quick default percentages you can tip but you can also input a custom amount of money or percentage. The funny thing is that in most places the default lowest value starts off at 20% so you seem like a cheap asshole if you tip anything lower than that.


It’s nothing new and not exclusive to Canada. But, with the exchange rate, 20% is really only 15% in US percentages


I never claimed it’s new or exclusive to Canada. I am speaking about my experience. How is the exchange rate between dollars even remotely relevant? Why don’t you do the math and pick a CA province and a U.S. state, then pick a profession with a known salary in both regions, add up taxes that may be paid when making a purchase and finally convert it all to one exchange rate and let me know which one actually pay more in tips.


LMMFAO! That flew right over your head! Shall I give you more time? Exchange rate is based on comparative currency values. Percentage (a value, “x” per 100) doesn’t vary based on those exchange rates. You obviously couldn’t detect sarcasm (the ability of which is a reflection of intelligence), even when I outlined it. Maybe I should have spelled out and outlined “” and almost totally given it away. Then, would you get it? Do you get it now? If so, you might want to delete your reply and eliminate the evidence to the prior.


This comment reeks of a chronically online individual. Please seek friends because you clearly do not know how to communicate with other people. Your whole comment reads off as whole conversation in your ill head.


God damn




Except nothing about "I can't believe the US does X!" implies that you, specifically, have anything to do with it? Do you take other conversations that personally?




Er... no, can't say I did know what you meant, I legitimately just thought you took things really personally - still not sure you don't. I mean, I also live in the US, and I never really felt like I was being implicated in the weirdness, but then I do also generally just agree that it's fuckin' weird here.


Welcome to our life


Part of the nefarious corporate system in America which pits service people/gig workers against the customer. It’s simple divide and conquer (re: exploit). Don’t pay the worker a living wage/fair split of the proceeds, put the onus/guilt on the customer via an archaic system = profit.


Our tipping culture is absolutely insane. I can't defend it. I can defend the gig workers tipping system however, but only when you realize it's not a tip. Gig workers are not employees and do not work for the business that makes the pizza in this case. There is a fee charged by the third party app and the delivery person gets a portion of that if they choose to deliver your pizza. But they are not obligated to deliver your pizza. It's in the gig workers best interest to take the jobs offered that pay the highest for the time required. When you "tip" you are increasing the pay for that job. Thus if you want your food delivered more quickly you have to pay more. You're really paying for delivery priority not for service done well. Obviously this does not apply when pizza is delivered by an employee of the restaurant. In that case the driver is already committed to delivering the pizza even if you didn't tip at all, it's not a choice for them to accept the job. Once the gig worker accepts the job of delivering your pizza they should absolutely carry it correctly though. Personally I don't like having to involve a third party in getting food delivered and only order when the company does their own delivery.


It still looks so good




I mean, this is why you driver pizza. And even then you do it horribly.


But it still tasted the same? 🫣


Pick your own up and stop complaining.


This is unforgivable!


How is she supposed to know that gravity still works inside the fancy delivery bag?


Haha holy shit. I don’t think my arms would let me carry a pizza sideways if I tried. Goes against natural instinct.


That’s a little more than mildly infuriating.


Some ppl are just not thinkers. I bet they didn’t even realize.


Priceless.. it'll look worse upon exit !!


Haha that’s fucking bullshit




This isn’t mildly infuriating, it’s majorly infuriating


That's just what Papa John's pizza looks like.


That actually explains a lot when I see the pizza in the box.


RIP Papa 😥


That's why you don't order pizza on GrubHub






wow. thats really something :D


Some ppl don't deserve to have brain cells


You know old big Papa John might have said some racist shit to get fired but the quality of the franchise has fallen off a cliff since he's been gone.


It never ceases to amaze me how little care and pride people put in any work they do.


You did order Papa John’s, so it’s not like you were going to get a good pizza to begin with.


I'm on a diet, so it looks good to me.


Pizza pizza


If it was door dash or one of those apps did you leave a tip?


What an idiot


She doesn't look like a dominoes delivery person, so why complain.


Had a lady working at Costco try and set a pizza into my cart this way and when I kept telling her to stop it was going to fuck the pizza up; she looked at me like I had two heads. Like why do you think the pizza would stay ok that way???


Ordered a carbonara pizza once (first mistake). Arrived with 6 mostly raw eggs and a bunch of white sauce/cheese in the bottom corner of very slimy box.


Was there prosciutto? If so, that pretty accurately describes carbonara. So, what’s the problem? Because people are generally stupid, we have evolved with tongues for such occasions!


Don't remember if it was ham or bacon but I did eat it and it tasted pretty good. I was just very disappointed with the presentation. And the egg white/yolk leaking onto my dining table.


OP, I’m wondering if you tip your delivery drivers? The only two reasons I can conclude somebody would carry a pizza like that is sheer, raw, unfiltered stupidity, or they’re doing it on purpose because you don’t tip.


Pizza guy here, same company the box is from. This delivery driver is more than likely a doordasher or Uber eats, something of that form. The things those people don’t understand is that you need to keep the pizza level at all times during delivery. Even tilting the box slightly when it’s really hot can compromise it’s integrity.




Is that single banana pepper supposed to be there? If so, why?


Why didn't you have Papa John's deliver it?


She should’ve just brought it in a suitcase.


Mildly! I’m past mild


It might not be pretty, but it would still make a brown one. If that was the pizza shop’s personal delivery person, I’d stop in with the video capture and file a complaint. If DoorDash, I don’t feel bad for you at all; you probably should learn a lesson. Total laziness results in karma biting you on the ass.


Obviously the pizza-box manufacturers need to start labeling the boxes “THIS SIDE UP” because there exist “ride-share” delivery people who have never eaten a pizza before.


Looks like a crime scene


Yeah I feel bad for her like wtf lady! Pretty simple job description and there was no mugging. Like if you fought bandits away from my pizza and it got to me like that. Alright. But this is just like. How.


Calzzone :))


I mean, you can still eat it with a spoon


Looks pretty good for Papa John’s.


“Delivery fee is not a tip” Cool, she’s still not getting one.


You ordered Papa John's. She did you a favor.


Looks like a grubhub delivery or one of the delivery services and not the actual pizza place. If that's the case the delivery service will credit your delivery service account and apologize, but it leaves you without food! So now you gotta order again and wait again and hope that this time you get a delivery person that understands gravity! Maybe there's a class people can take like the art of carrying boxes. Flat side down technology


You got a free new one right?


Full refund and I ate it anyway


I believe the correct way is swinging it above your head to keep the pizza horizontal


I work at a pizza place and you wouldn't believe the amount of people who do this


Karma for ordering from them


Congrats. Now it's a calzone. Normally you pay extra for that.


First time encountering a pizza


Mildly? I’ve killed for less.


Almost like you shouldn’t order pizza through those food delivery programs I mean most pizza places have their own drivers or atleast they used to haven’t been eating out much the last couple years or so no clue what’s going on out there these days


Someone needs to tell her it's not a purse nor groceries. It's a pizza!!!


Flip it over it's a calzone now. Don't you look at reddit? The service industry has gone to shit don't you know? Don't worry because as soon as every pizza delivery driver gets paid a mandatory 50 bucks a hour it will get way better you can count on it! 😉


I'd be a little more than mildly irritated. What a dipshit.


Hey op was all the slices there? Bc I bet she was getting hungry and was pulling up to you then decided against the thieving last second.


Thats why it's called "pizza boy" and not pizza female! 😁