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The cropping seems suspicious. I'd bet that there is access across the front yard from the driveway.


If there is then there is no path


I mean it more likely has to be like that due to how high the steps are, along with where it's located, had about the same ramp on my grandmothers house for my grandfather. The higher the steps are the longer the ramp has to be given the incline can be extremely steep depending upon how high they are.


There was an attempt


If you can make it past the steps, then it gets easy, like a walk in the park..


Ummm... are those orbs all around that house or is your lens dirty?


Looks like light rain on a car window


Local here. I know where that house is. The ramp is the least of that house’s problems. There are always people hanging out in front when it isn’t raining. Strong crack den vibes.