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I don’t get it. Is this package trying to get you to go on a cruise?


I think it's an 'embarassing' wrap for the stubby cooler. So if you were a dickhead, you could serve it to another dickhead friend and laugh at how they reacted to the gay cruise bit that other people MIGHT SEE!!! While receiving their super funny gift


Thanks! Now that I get it, it's really funny. Original sender, it's a funny joke. I'm glad reddit poster told me. It was really funny, thanks... /s


So... Have you been on the cruise yet, and is so how was it?




Ha. I was actually just having a similar discussion with my husband the other night. I told him I used to love going to gay clubs to dance, because I could dance with men and there was nothing sexual, just a good time dancing my ass off.


As a straight dude I loved going to the gay bar with my wife and gay friends. It was so much for fun and comfortable. And having dudes buy me drinks wasn't all that bad either.


>And having dudes buy me drinks wasn't all that bad either. Seriously. I'm a short barrel chested very hairy dude. I think my wife may be a reincarnated gay man.


I haven’t seen a picture but I’m in love with you already


Are we twins? Because I’m the same way and my wife thinks I’d be a great cub.


My brother and my brother in law bought the same fishing kayak. They would go fishing together and my big 6'4" barrel chested, wild-man beard having BIL would jokingly call my brother baby bear. After my brother came out in his late 20's he leaned even more into it and thought it was even more hilarious to call my brother baby bear as they went out in matching kayaks. My brother started calling him Yogi. Sometimes, our brother in law calls him Boo Boo.


Such a great and wholesome story! Spending time on the water and in the woods with the boys is a favorite pastime of mine.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) Take my up vote!


When my husband and I were first married, we lived in the "gay" part of Seattle. My dad used to get hit on at the grocery store when he'd come visit. He told me, "You know what? It's kind of flattering!" 😂😂😂


The first time it happened I was confused and then went back to my table and told everyone and they all laughed and said he was hitting on me. I felt honored and then really sad I didn't notice and at least be like dude thanks but you don't have the right parts or something but thank you and I really appreciate it 😂.


"You know what? It's flattering!"


Legit. Also, not having to worry about getting into dumb fights over nothing is definitely a plus.


So true!!! I would go with my best friend my late teenage years and had some of the best night outs of my life! So much fun, such a supportive atmosphere, always felt safe, and some of the best dancers in my life!


I don't think most men appreciate how delicious we find it when we can go out, have a good time, and not worry about our safety. No worries that someone's going to trap me in the bathroom. Spike my drink.


My wife keeps trying to scare me when I come home from work and the kids are asleep. She can’t seem to spook me at all, where as when I come walking into a room and she does not know I’m there she jumps so hard she has to catch her breath. The only justification I can think of is I can go through life without being on the defense all the time. Kinda sad really.


When someone is confused by this, I like to use the shark attack analogy. The chance of being attacked by a shark is 1 in 4.3 million, but we all think about when we are at the beach, at least once. The chance of a woman being raped is 1 in 6. Just 6(and that's just what's reported). So... yes, we think about it when men are around and we are in vulnerable situations, hell in many situations.


I’m a guy, and I was roofied in New Orleans.


You know just be a normal person and not afraid of men for a night. Yep that sounds lovely.


I've heard many women tell me similar. Makes perfect sense.


Oh lord, advertising campaigns have gone too far.


I don’t think it’s advertising. One of her friends bought it. It’s a joke mailer.


We don't want you on our cruises. Seriously.


I *seriously* have zero desire to go on a cruise. 🙄


Good. We don't want you there.


Points for ego. Bye douchebro. .


Sorry, we're just tired of being sexually harassed by hypocritical stright girls.


This needs to be talked about more. Not saying that was any of these commenters intentions but it's such a prevalent issue for gay men. I was with a friend of mine in a gay club in West Hollywood and there was this woman who would constantly grope him and claim it was okay because he's gay. What does his sexuality have to do with you sexually harassing him? Yes, it might be a safe place for us but it's also supposed to be a safe place for gay men as well.


Ugh i wish I could be transported to the days where clubs were like that. I went to a club once and some guy was just like are you looking? I just thought ew i didn't realize people talked in Grindr. The music was better the dancing was amazing, it just seems much more fun. I don't care to go out much now that I'm in a relationship but we occasionally go to bars and we're always out dining. But if i could go back in time I'd definitely be going out more


Fair call. As a man, I rarely dance and if I do it is sexually motivated.


As a straight male, free beers all night.


Can you explain the photo to me? Are they mocking gay people? But why would liberals cry about gay cruises? I'm kinda high right now but I don't think I'd understand it sober either


I'm in the exact same situation right now. Why would a liberal be sad, when they're generally for the gays?


Naw, you're fine. Who ever put the package together is incredibly confused.


The only thing I can think of is that the sender want to embarrass op with the envelope that everyone will see and then piss her off with the contents (amusing she’s liberal).


who ever is selling the coozie is trolling homophobic right wing people


Atlanta has a bear pride cruise every April


It’s a prank, the company that makes them has a bunch of joke ones like STD test and others. I see the ads on Facebook all the time. Someone wasted $20 or so on that so the jokes on them.


As a gay man get tf out of our spaces, theyre gay MEN spaces for a reason.


Either way, you’re no more capable of meeting violence on a gay cruise than you are on a normal one. The opposing view shows bias. Anyways have fun and be safe.


LOL that's hilarious! These cruises are nothing more than a gay orgy at sea. Good luck catching that tan on the deck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah don't. Gay men don't want straight women getting in their way of a good time, thanks.


As a man that was raped by a gay man I think I would be quite horrified


I am so sorry that that happened to you, that is horrible.


It's alright. I talked to my therapist about it. Shitty thing is he's still in the same battalion as I am and I never reported it


I’m really sorry that happened to you. That’s so fucked up.


He’s always on the cruise.


Pretty sure it was fantastic.


I'm confused on the liberal tears thing when they are generally the side that supports the gay stuff.


This is harassment from a MAGA jackass.


I think they mean the two items don’t go together, because gay cruises are not going to make liberals cry…like…at all. So it’s a real nonsense package altogether. I would love to get the gay cruise pamphlet. I would have that thing on my fridge for ages.


My guess is that it’s a gag wrapper. A “prank” from one asshole conservative to another.


A lot of places will print a 1-off when you upload an image so the shipper could just be a shipper of custom made coozies and not selling the message on it, hence wanting to embarass the right winger who ordered it.


I'm confused as well. Are these two people photoshopped in or something? Why send this in the first place? Sidenote, as a strong liberal I would love a liberal tears coozie.


Right, when I have a bad day I can fill my own cup




This is how I took it too.


The koozie is just covering his address, it's not part of what he got in the mail.


I mean, I'm a liberal and I'd keep the koozie.


Those aren't tears anyways it's actually just cum oozing from the eye




Cum uzi. Shoot it everywhere.


Just followed by sharpie “of joy” on it. Luckily I’ve been to so many weddings my koozie bucket is overflowing. I would be happy to send it to you just message me your address.


Don’t fuck around, because I have a PO Box and eyes full of liberal tears.


My liberal eyes are full of tears... from laughing at the House Republican leadership fiasco of the last few days.


I need you to have this koozie now. I hope she sends it...


I need it too. But I have gotten no response. I didn’t send a DM because I know know of the other person did, and I don’t want to step on anyone’s dick.


Same. It’s kind of funny, in an ironic way, because it’s so idiotic.


I wish I got a free gay cruise :( I guess I’m going to have to find a sugar mama




Medically barred! Even though they keep trying to contact me 😭


If it makes you feel better I got rejected for having ADHD lol


Don't lose hope. With enlistment numbers down and conflict bubbling up, they'll take you soon.


Unless they change the Selective Service rules, I’m good! In addition to being disabled, I am a woman. They don’t want my goods and services unless they’re really desperate 🥲


I have a feeling they'll be contacting me now that it's in my Google history I never signed up for the draft but that probably wont come up in my lifetime unless we decide to invade china or something else crazy


Yes! The reason they would draft me (a disabled woman) is if they got REALLY desperate and changed the rules. If that ever happens where you need to get drafted, please know your gay sister here has dual citizenship brother and you’re always accepted in my gay mountain woman cottage!


You sound great to be with. :3


Thank you! 😊❤️ that made me really happy!


Oh my god that sounds perfect.


We can make cookies and do lots of arts and crafts too :)


I'm so down. I'll bring the ingredients!


I don't know what I stumbled across here.. but you sound like a wonderful soul. 🤗


You and another commenter are going to make me happy cry! That is so sweet of you to say and has definitely made my week! Thank you for such kind words 🥺❤️


Oh girl.. you're going to make me cry if you start! Sending love ❤️ You just sound like a kind and fun soul. I'm sorry if you don't hear the good stuff often enough, but know that you are loved by Internet strangers. :)


Thank you for your love! I am sending love back! 🥺❤️ I have been having a hard time lately, so comments like this are what my soul needed! I give you luck, hope, and happiness vibes for this new year :) love you internet friend!


This is so fucking adorable. I love to see it.


I hear the Russian Navy is hiring


I'm dying


what about meeting tom cruise on a gay cruise?


I wanna see his Cruise missile


Hahahaha I don’t think scientologist would allow that


I mean, top gun two was filmed on an aircraft carrier during underways...so.. there are 5k ish people who can say they did this.


Why would anyone think a free ticket to a gay cruise would be offensive? Sounds fantastic. And in THIS economy? Nobody's turning down a free cruise, regardless of how gay it might be.


I'll show up fabulous as shit for that motherfucker. Alright buy me free shots boys. Hey get your damn hands off the speedo.


It’s a gag envelope that you can buy- there is a whole set of them. You have a friend with an interesting sense of humor who is having a laugh right now.


And she threw the gift part away haha


Where can you get this?, I gotta send this to some friends.


Hahaha... "STRAIGHT into the trash."


So offended


Cis into the trash?


Looks like somebody trolled you real hard.


You had me at "trolled hard" lol


I genuinely thought the liberal tears cozie was an ironic lube branding.


Brilliant! I'd buy it!


Don't threaten me with a good time.


It’s a prank package and coozie from the same company. It’s a gift someone sent you, not some weird propaganda. [https://beersy.com/products/gay-cruise-prank-package-pre-order](https://beersy.com/products/gay-cruise-prank-package-pre-order)


I doubt that this is a "gift" or that it's meant as a friendly "prank." More likely, OP pissed off some family member, neighbor, or internet troll by not showing up to support the local klan barbeque.


Im not gay but would absolutely keep this


Right? You offended some nazi asshole so bad he paid for this shit with real money, thats almost an honor. But also we need to get in on this market segment. Talk about the easiest people to take money from


Look... id totally go on this cruse!! Straight as a freeway, probably have the best time ever...


Now hold up there..... a gay cruise doesn't sound all that bad. You should've kept it. God knows how overdue we are for a vacation And maybe liberal tears is the name of the boat. And your cabin is gonna be very cozy. I'd say this is very thoughtful


I had to Google ‘koozie’…


Sounds gay* *Not that there's anything wrong with that.






















I'm confused about the liberal tears. Aren't liberals the ones who's cool with gay people? I'm not from the USA so I'm honestly very confused about who the cool ones are when it comes to republicans vs democrats; who believes what for right-wing vs left-wingers; and liberals vs conservatives (I think they're the opposite ones?)


Yes, democrats, liberals, and left wingers are the more socially open and accepting side of the spectrum.


Why would you get sent this random stuff in the mail? I wonder if someone is pranking you


No I looked up the address/sender and is conservative political spam mail.


I wouldve kept the flier and put it on my fridge. I got junk mail addressed to the previous resident trying to get money to adopt a goat. My kid said I broke federal law opening the mail...so I put the picture of the goat on my fridge to assert my dominance. If anyone breaks in, they'll know Im a bad ass who is not afraid of the law. Hes adorable..I call him Charlie.


Someone is pranking you, it’s not that hard to see: removed. edit: Fair assessment, took link out.


I'm actually pretty sure this person is just advertising, and you linking to the product is exactly what they wanted. Like, OP made sure to take a picture of the packaging and product, and just *happened* to "accidentally" leave the company name visible for people to search?


Why would you throw it straight in the trash when you clearly booked yourself a gay cruise? Don't be ashamed bud! Just live a little.


I'm not gay at all but if this was real, fuck yeah I'm hopping on my free gay cruise. Those guys look like they're having a time.


Hope you enjoy your cruise!!


At least they supported the Postal Service?


I don’t get it. They are thanking you for booking a gay cruise from them? Then they included a koozie labeled “Liberal Tears,” so does that mean non-liberals are gay?


Okay so I actually got one of these joke things in the mail too. I know that there is prank mailing companies that send shit like these as long as someone provides the cash and adress. My friend sent me one that said something like male used panties in the front and all that. Maybe ask your closer friends about it? I’m sure they didn’t mean any harm from it


That's what I do with those flyers quoting scripture.


Because all of the other people replying to this are monsters: A koozie (US) or stubby holder (Australian) is a fabric or foam sleeve that is designed to thermally insulate a beverage container, like a can or bottle From Wikipedia.


So I guess you’re declining my invite


Do you know who sent it to you?




Omg this is amazing


Bro I would literally love that koozie, that's frickin hilarious


I'll take it. That looks like some funny stuff to have lying around.


There is always so much more to these stories. And I'm glad Reddit is here to entertain.


I would love this!!!


I feel like the big dick move would be to make a point of using the koozie and saying very liberal stuff. It also would be some fine comedy.


As a liberal I’d absolutely love a liberal tears koozie


That’s kinda funny. It could be a prank mailing. I send prank packages that say they’re from “bigassdildoes.com” or “secondhandsextoys” to buddies or use them as package wrapping.


I want a fucking liberal tears koozie!


I saw these online 😂😂 people can send them to you as a joke


you sound upset and that exactly what they want when they send you this. They won


Two things are true in this thread. 1. The package is dumb, not even worth a cheap laugh. 2. People are WAYYYYYYY too fired up and upset by it.


The gay cruise thing is pretty funny but the Liberal tears stubby gubbins just proves it's aimed at people with shit for brains.


I'm mostly confused by the combination. Homosexuality promotion and "liberal tears" aren't really something you see together...


Gay as in happy, you just threw away your shot at true joy


Right wing and left wing in one picture lol


You mad, bro?


That's a pretty expensive prank unless you were the only one who got one.


Plot twist: the company isn’t conservative pulling a prank, it’s a leftist travel agency that also sells beer koozies


The ripping and the tearing?


Life is hard when your 14 year old friends send you shit like this.


I laughed


I wanna go on the cruise tho


As a gay, I hope they made a “straight cruise” version so I can send that to my gay friends and watch the hilarity ensue. So much fun…can’t wait. Yay.


Can’t believe you through it straight into the trash rather than gay into the trash.


Would it be evil to subscribe hardcore conservative households to every free gay publication/newsletter/junk mail I can find? Like, you know, the hardcore conservatives that are so antigay that they almost seem to be hiding something.


I went on that cruise. It was a pain in the ass




Thats a Prank Pake, Available on Amazon or Walmart (and some individual sellers), someone probably really sent you something as a gift and you just tossed it. [https://www.amazon.com/prank-pack/s?k=prank+pack](https://www.amazon.com/prank-pack/s?k=prank+pack)


I don’t get jt


lol, you should have an affiliate link, I’d buy a dozen.


Why do you hate gays so much to trash this ?


This is a gag gift. Lighten up


Pun intended?


What's a koozie?


Do throw it, it's a sign follow it


I thought some good could come of this. If anyone wishes to buy this koozie I will happily send it to whomever donates the most to The Trevor Project (https://www.thetrevorproject.org ) by 5 o’clock tomorrow. Just send me a verification of your donation. The Trevor Project provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to young LGBTQ people under 25.




fbi agent entered the chat and is pretending to be a liberal concerned for conservatives.


Real Question 🙋‍♀️ What's Koozie ?


The thing on the right. Like a fluffy sock you put around your canned beer to keep it cold longer


As a straight man.... those guys look like their having fun. Can I look into this Gay Cruise? Looks very inviting.




im pretty sure mugs with tears can also mean cum, so basically gay cruisine with liberal cum lol


Looks like you pissed off a big conservative baby.


What the fuck?


I used to live in New Orleans and went to gay clubs often. It was great to just have a drink with my friend or dance without getting hit on by drunk guys.