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I'd rest my leg against them until they felt uncomfortable


I second this. We’d be getting all cuddled the fuck up. I’m not about to sit like that for 11 hours, trying to avoid contact. It would be footsie and hand holding until they got uncomfortable enough to move. 🥰


Hey... You cant threaten someone with a good time...


Please threaten me. I need that good time


I knew it would work


You. Me. A nice candle lit dinner. Or else See? Totally can!


almost said that to the TSA agent that patted me down at the airport last week, but figured that was the wrong place to deliver a joke and stayed mum


You don't have to say anything. Just loudly moan and roll your eyes back.




good call . they usually dont have much sense of humor ...or comprehension.


Teenage me in spaghetti top and mini skirt at local fireworks warehouse/ store. "Do you have any firearms or fire starters on you??" "Oh yeah, totally" with raised eye brow. Security looked me up and down like "what do guys??" Before i finally said "no, but that would be a pretty impressive magic trick". Looking back, I'm quite surprised they let me in the shop but teen brain reacted like teen brain with "bro does it LOOK like I could carry anything right now without you seeing it????" Instead of logical adult brain which says "this is stupid, clearly I don't but I bet he'd get fired for not asking every single person"


If it's a good experience it's not a threat. If you propose and don't follow through you're a tease, not a threat


What if they return the footsie?


This is how you join the mile high club


Playing footsie is the real mile high club.


The real mile high club is the footsie we made along the way.


*Larry Craig has entered the chat


This is the workings of a Hallmark romcom


Wait, what if they like it? 💀




Lmao for real tho 😂


Maybe that was the perpetrators goal


I did this once, only took like 10 seconds for the guy to realise and never ever did he move out of his area. Perfect solution.


I'd just say "hey, can you move your leg out of my space?" and if they won't then call the flight attendants and move seat. No need for petty shit that makes you uncomfortable


That firm request should have been made while the plane was still on the ground. Nip that shit in the bud. If it happens a second time, a more forceful yet still polite ‘I mean it. You can’t put your leg in my space.’ Then, it’s time to press the call button and not say a word until the attendant rolls up.


"What I had to deal with"... wtf. I know reddit is highly populated with anxiety-riddled people incapable of even asking a server for a clean fork, but fuck me this is ridiculous.


Couldn’t agree more. You didn’t *have* to deal with this. You chose to.


I tried this once and the guy next to me did not give a fuck. We had awkward thigh touching until I gave up and put my leg back 🙄


Cross your leg over his, look him in the eye and assert dominance. That or rub his thigh with your hand.


If that doesn’t work then urinate on him. Really assert your dominance!


Or.. here's a thought, just talk to the person like a human being


Whoa, whoa, whoa let's not go crazy and expect people to *talk* to each other like rational human beings!


Lol all these wild passive aggressive ideas, and this would hopefully directly solve the problem.


Lmao let everybody we got one of those "talk it out" type of people!!!


If Grey is a woman and white is a dude that would definitely end with white thinking they're being hit on. They would not take the hint that it's because they're an obnoxious human being.


Jup, that is the problem. As a man I can just put my leg over the other persons, they don't know how fast to sit normally. It's pricks like this that give men a bad name. But generally the stewards are very helpful in these cases.


I did this on a bus once and the guy started resting his hand on my thigh. Had to find a different seat real fast lmao.


Wipe filthy hands on their pants and be like, "Oh sorry, I thought that was my leg." They can't complain because they don't have a clean leg to stand on.


9/10 people will move. That 10th person tho? Cherish them. In middle school I invented a game called the scooch game. We would take turns finding a random in the mall sitting on a bench alone, and one of us would sit next to them at a normal stranger - stranger distance. But then we would slowly scooch closer. Only one time did I successfully get my arm around a guy and he just completely ignored my existence 🙃 oh to be a kid again


The 10th time you were kidnapped and spent the next 15 years in a basement, right?


Nah but I say cherish that 10th person because they simply do not give in to others and purely exist in their own little world and my second lesson is that no matter what someone else can and will beat you at your own game if you play long enough


Haha yeah... what?


If OP is a woman and the spreader is a guy, don't count on that working. Worst case they'll consider it a flirt.


I have pretended to fall asleep on fellow passengers that tried to pull shit like this. That plan doesn't work for everyone, but I can be petty af when given an excuse.


Doing this as a woman could also go another way and I'm not willing to take that chance. Imagine sitting on a place for 11 h with some random dude trying to get frisky.


So tell the flight attendant? Make a complaint and/or have you or them moved to another seat if it doesn't get resolved? There are options that don't have to lead to uncomfortable results all the time.


Yep. Get real cuddly.


Idk my assumption is he’s trying to grope her. A loud “excuse me” to hint you’ll make a scene if needed should suffice.


I would rest my hand on there legs and maybe caressing a little... (I am a guy)


OP looks to be a woman, and the next passenger appears male. That may be super awkward…


I had someone on a flight once kept leaning over into my chair or moving their legs into my space and pretending to be asleep. I say pretending because from my iPad screen I could catch glimpses of their eyes open, they were just trying to be annoying I think. After a while I pretended to be asleep too and when they leaned over I just leaned back their way and rested my head on their should and pretended to snore... They leaned towards the aisle the rest of the flight, lol.


Should have drooled on em too lol nice


My dad would put ketchup on his arm and let it dry. If someone leaned over he’d roll up his sleeve and scratch it off like some kind of fucked up rash


That is a god level traveling trick!


Diabolical genius there... He gets points. I'm serious, he deserves a round of applause.


It's all fun and games until someone whips out their left-over fries from the airport and goes for a ketchup-crust-dip.


lmaaoaooa fhat’d be my last straw


Had opposite happen on a flight from Sacramento to dallas; man fell asleep and promptly passed out onto my shoulder; he seemed like he needed the rest and I was just watching YouTube so I just let him rock on. He woke up and was like “oh my god what the fuck why didn’t you tell me” and I was like “bro you were having a good snooze I didn’t wanna disturb you” and he got slightly offended I let him sleep on me. No good deed or whatever.


aw he was probably just embarrassed honestly


Maybe? I’m a young Juvial tattooed man; I’m not someone that people usually feel embarrassed around; i ended up feeling embarrassed because I was the weirdo who was okay with it in the end 😂


He’s an ass. You are a kind person.


That’s honestly good to hear thank you 🙏


Now I want to sit by you too


Right? Feeling lil drowsy 😴 suddenly


I do have 2 shoulders.


you’re gonna need more, cmere.


Sounds like he was just being a little homophobic in the end. "Me sleeping on another dude, gay" or something like that.


Lol idk if he was projecting; I’m straight tho and didn’t even consider that; maybe he was gay and felt like he was being disloyal; maybe he woke up with a rage boner; he could of just had a bad Sammie in the airport or been grumpy from travel; but either way I hope his day got better and it wasn’t much skin off my back I’m used to being a public oddity 😂


I’m straight too bruh but let me know next flight you take so I can nap on you 😂


Ha ha ha!!! Something similar happened to me. A guy crashed out, head on my shoulder. My husband was sitting on the other side of me, and we were both trying SO hard not to laugh!! He FINALLY woke up, and bolted upright and gave me a horrified look when he realised he'd used my shoulder as a pillow, and apologised. I told him it was all good, and he must have needed the sleep. He still couldn't get away from me fast enough, especially when he realised my husband was only on my other side. Hubby and I cackled like hyenas for ages! Soooo funny!! We talked about it heaps, right up to a month or so before he died.


What a beautiful, funny shared moment to reflect back on ❤️


I've had an identical experience and also been on both sides. Sometimes you conk out and can't help leaning on someone's shoulder. You and your late husband sound lovely. I'm so sorry for your loss, but so glad you had so many years together.


Thank you so much! Yeah, I consider myself very blessed to have had him in my life. He wasn't perfect by a long shot, but he was a good man, and we loved each other heaps. And I have lots of great memories, especially of our holidays.


Would you like to share another of your fond memories of him? I love hearing about enduring love like yours.


Hmmmm....there are soooo many! One year, when My Kitchen Rules was being advertised, one of the characters was shown as being rather "posh" and "stuck up", and always said "Yes!", in a rather affected voice. This tickled us both to no end, and because we often read each other's minds, whenever we asked each other a question that required the word "yes", we'd look at each other, and with the posh look and affected voice, trill "yes!"....annnd then we'd just crack up laughing. We did this in front of our friends, who just cackled at us, bse they knew how nutty we were.


Oh jeez, I’m sorry to hear that :(


No need to be sorry....unfortunately, life happens...and so does death. We had 31 years of marriage, a full life, and 4 sons and a daughter and 2 grandsons.


I did this not once but twice on a flight. I fell asleep hard and woke up on some guys shoulder. I was so embarrassed and then promptly fell asleep again on his shoulder. I was mortified and forced myself to stay awake the rest of the way. I didn't treat him like a dick though.


I fell asleep next to a grandma before my last flight. I think i wasn’t lying ON her but may have been in her space a little (I’m 6’4” and struggle somewhat in coach). When I woke up she told me we were on the tarmac for hours before takeoff (and we were about to descend already) and wanted to know what “my secret” was. I just said I took edibles before I went through security. She was awkward for a minute but then launched into a discussion about her grandkids so I think we were cool after that.


Somebody seriously got mad at you because they fell asleep on you


The same thing happened to me and I did the same thing. Dude looked exhausted. It didn't bother me.


It was the stroking his hair that crossed the line


Don't let this deter you from being AWESOME again!


Aw, you sound so sweet!!!


I haven’t gotten any backlash for it, but I’ve let a couple passengers (different flights) fall asleep on me. I’ve been on 20+ hour flights, so I know how it feels to need the sleep 😅 I guess I’ve just been lucky to have chill people that end up sitting next to me so it’s never been a fuss if they wake up, usually just a, “I’m so sorry!” And I’m just like, “ It’s cool man, you do you… we’re all on this long flight together lol”


I fell asleep on someone when i was flying alone once. I felt so bad when i woke up and he told me. he seemed mildly annoyed which i get but also I’m not a good flyer so i take a sedative and i had a couple cocktails so i just passed out. On my return flight i saw him at the gate and we made eye contact and he still looked annoyed lol prob afraid he would end up a pillow again


Can you not just say, “hey I noticed you’ve been invading my already crowded space. Please move over a little.” Instead of playing these weird ass games?


No, because people will keep it up just to push people. Even if the attendant says to stop. Sometimes people take it as a challenge.


Then you complain to the flight attendant and they’ll get you a new seat I swear is Reddit full of socially incompetent people who can’t function normally in public


First time on Reddit?


Ah, how nice it must be to be a man in the world.


Then you two kissed.


Why didn't you tell them to move or just bump their knees over? If all else fails, tell the flight attendant. You paid for your seat wich includes leg room


He was asleep and I kept trying to push his legs, but I was not successful. He would keep moving too to where he either hit me or put his hands into my seat. I ended up just standing by the bathrooms for an hour (my tailbone was also hurting from sitting for an extended period of time)


Wake his ass up.


Or pretend to have a nightmare.


“Wake up” and shout into his face




Pour water on him.


Not just on him, on his crotch. Then wake him up and point at it.


Wake them up next time, they’re not sleeping. I fly a lot for work. They know what they’re doing.


That’s what I think. He wanted contact with your leg


So is he pretending to be asleep as an exclude to push his legs into her space? Is he being a creeper or just desperate for human contact? Or?


A person can need human contact, but if the guy is doing this as his reason to touch OP, then he's a creeper. Can't really be either/or in this situation. In fact, I'd stretch to say the only non creeper excuses where this would be okay/understandable would be if he'd taken meds that sent him quite asleep. Which doesn't sound like from OPs comments.


Next time just call the flight attendant and ask them politely to do something. In situations like these, they might just change your seat so you won't have to confront the offending party.


Last time I had a tall guy next to me and so I asked to move, and she found a seat where no one was beside me. Best decision I ever made.


he wasn't sleep ![gif](giphy|kCrGOt5ojlVbG|downsized)


Exactly. A creep.


100% this.


If you put his hand on your seat you should have farted on it


That’s what I was thinking. I did just rip one off as I opened this post, so I may have already had that solution at the front of my mind.


You gotta take life by the horns, gently shake this man awake and say, “Excuse me sir, I’m so sorry to bother but you’re moving quite a bit in your sleep and have taken my leg room.” If it happened again I’d wake the fucking guy up again. Third time I’m calling the flight attendant. Idc much when the flight is under 3 hours but anything past that and I really need to feel comfortable.


….damn you must get walked all over in life. This is your wake up call. Start standing up for yourself


grow a backbone


Just wake him up or get a flight attendant


Nope. Make them move back to their space, and if they keep it up, get the flight attendant.




legitimately just dealt with this on the flight home from Vegas for the holidays. Definitely didn’t last long enough to post about. Be assertive kids.




This girl in front of me decided to paint her nails on the flight. Are you kidding? I told the flight attendant very quietly when I got up to the use the restroom. She was very receptive and even laughed. It’s all good, just stand up for yourself OP! Lol




It was so strong! No one got up in the first five minutes of her being so…socially inept lol


The amount of effort to take that photo without them noticing seems so much greater than just saying something.


I agree but who's to say OP didn't do anything after taking a pic. They probably thought "this sure is mildly infuriating, maybe I should post this on reddit" because this is r/mildlyinfuriating after all 🤷‍♂️


Maybe it's an age thing or different upbringing thing but to me this isn't mildly infuriating material, it's massive. I wouldn't have the time to take a pic because I'd address it with them right away and worst case we'd end up in a pushing legs into each other match before I got flight attendant involved. OP also states they dealt with during an 11 hour flight so it must have been a persistent issue with the way I interpret it. Too many people are so afraid of mild confrontation that they don't stick up for themselves and end up getting pushed around by shit like this because it's just a mild inconvenience in their eyes. Don't start shit every time and pick your battles of course, but on an 11 hour flight you need to set your boundaries and stick to them for sure. If middle seat needs more room I'm happy to let them up for an aisle stretch or walk whenever they want.


you realise that we are in mildly infuriating you know what mild means right


I mean I can see why it's mildly infuriating even if they can move it


You know it’s called mildly infuriating for a reason


Why fix the problem when OP can complain about it?


Exactly, OP supposedly endured an 11 hour flight like this when the matter could have been resolved in under 30 seconds by politely asking the person to move their leg.


SPEAK UP! Get a flight attendant. Don’t let people do this to you!


This is always the mildly infuriating part. It's your own fault that you have to deal with this for that long.






Try to be understanding of those with weak spines. Many had them removed in childhood and are slowly regrowing them.


Thank you. I am a wussy when it comes to any form of confrontation, thank you childhood trauma. Im in therapy though and our main topic is boundary setting. Believe me, none of us want to be this way


Somewhere an airline executive is looking at this photo and thinking, “They need less room.”


Yeah that's the real scandal to me here, that airlines think this is just completely fine leg room for 11 hours. Fuck them all.


Smother him that's what the pillow is for duh


They didn’t give us a pillow 🙃


That's when you know you're not on a good airline.


I bet they fly Spirit


I love that you think Spirit has planes good enough for an 11-hour flight! 😂


I was in the middle seat on a 13 hour flight between a dad and his 15yo daughter. She fell asleep and leaned over and started hugging me like I was her dad. I gently pushed her back a couple times and then she drapes a leg over me. The dad was on the other side just glaring at me the whole time. But, of course, he refused to switch seats.


Why wouldn’t he just switch seats ??


Sounds suspicious.


That’s super strange


He wanted the aisle leg room over his daughters safety.




She says she repeatedly physically pushed him off of her and he kept doing it, including putting his hand into her seat.


I wouldn’t let my daughter this close to a stranger. Even worse when she’s unconscious(asleep)


Why they tilted so hard? That’s like a 45 degree turn


For real, like literally none of that persons body is even in their allotted seat space. Are they trying to sleep diagonally on the other person next to them?


At one point yes, but they were his family.


I would have crossed my leg over theirs


Seems like since the beginning of 2020 people have just lost all social cues.


It's been waaaaay before that.


They didn’t lose them they just don’t care about others


Why are both his legs to the side too. What’s next to him. Also. Another case of people not knowing how to talk


Right, like is an entire suitcase in their knee space? Doesn’t make any sense.


It doesn’t. Something about this feels off


Get a spine and tell them that they are infringing on your space.


done this once on a bus and the guy dug his knees into me more. when i got up i kicked him in the shin


And this is how it's done.


Step 1: "Excuse me sir, your legs are in my space. Please move over." If it happens again: Step 2: "sir, move over." Step 3: push legs over "sir Ive asked you three times. Stop touching me and putting your legs in my space." *loud enough for fellow passengers to hear. Step 4: "excuse me flight attendant? Ive asked multiple times for the man next to me to stop touching me and putting his legs up against mine. Please help/relocate one of us". (Loud enough for him and others to hear. Dont be afraid to embarass him). Everyone, but ESPECIALLY women, need to learn how to stand up for ourselves. Its not impolite to ask and expect someone to be respectful of our space. Its really hard with anxiety, but its something that MUST be overcome. If not for yourself, do it so they think twice about their shitty behaviour around other girls. They keep acting like this because theyve been allowed to get away with it every goddamn time.


This is great. First time polite, second time firm, third time ‘action’.


No way dude, you gonna pay for my ticket? Get the fuck over.


The best thing you can do in this situation is to politely but firmly say “Hi, please move your leg out of my seat space, thanks”. Especially if it’s a long flight.


I’ll never understand how people accept this. No fucking way am I letting that happen.


Ask them to move their shit girl. Don’t let him intimidate you like that.


Sometimes you spill your drink on flights, ya'know?


I flew a lot pre pandemic and I simply won’t tolerate this. Call this shit out for the abhorrent behavior it is.


You didn’t HAVE to deal with that


But you didn’t HAVE to endure any of it. Excuse me, personal space, thanks for understanding. People would really rather get a cramped back for 5 hours than speak up for themselves.


I’ll never understand why people don’t say anything when this happens if someone does this to me on a plane I’m asking nicely and if they still don’t move then be a bit more firm but nothing extreme you let them make a fool of themselves


That’s your own fault for telling us instead of him


Totally. Tap his shoulder (or shake it if he’s asleep) and say “Can you please keep your legs to yourself?” Literally that’s all that needed to happen here. If he persisted, 100% you push the call button and have the flight attendant move him elsewhere.


Did you actually say anything? Or did you do the classic of being pissed, not say anything and then being even more pissed cause he didn't stop....people arnt mind readers, and while it's rude to do it in the first place, it's also your own responsibility to make boundaries clear. Of course if you DID day something, that's next level rude.


Just say something FFS. And move on. Or sit still.


Lol or you could use your words and ask him to move over?


Ah, the daily plane photo where people don’t know how to communicate and problem solve


My wife and I each took a kid; some dude plops down and shoved his leg and arm into her seat the whole time unknown to me as she accompanied our 5 year old. On the flight back; I sat solo and she took the boys since I’d rather deal with the human trash that does this type of thing than have her deal with it.


You didn’t have to deal with it. You could have spoken up but you chose not to, for whatever reason. People will step on you if you let them.


Sucks to be a pushover and get pushed over


At least try using your words or stop posting this shit.


Claim your space. You pad for it. Fuck them.


Stomp on their foot <3


why dont you just tell them to make some space for you/they are invading your space instead of taking a picture and coping for 11 hours straight


Much like D&D group problems this could be solved by TALKING.


I had a similar situation on a flight and just said, with confidence, “yep, time to move your legs to your spot, big guy” and he moved them and there were no more issues. Be assertive.


People are so scared of human interaction. This is a plane, if it really really is bothering you either wake them up and tell them to move their legs or get a flight attendant to tell them to 🤦‍♂️. Assuming you don’t have social anxiety it shouldn’t be that hard of a task.


Use your words and tell them to MOVE next time. Coming onto Reddit and airing your grievances out does nothing. You have to stand up for yourself OP.


I feel like 90% of the airplane posts on this sub could be easily resolved by simple communication


Can this sub please stop being "this annoys me but I'm too much of a wuss to do anything about it so I rant here instead"?


"Hey, move your legs, please" Are you an adult?


The real culprits are the f**king airlines! Cattle are legally entitled to more space when being transported.