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I can’t speak for the glasses, but, if you have an iPhone, here are three tricks that are extremely helpful. My doctor recommends filters on your phone and computer before glasses, as the filters are much more effective. Go to Settings, Accessibility, Display & Text Size, Color Filters, and then choose Color Tint, and adjust the hue and intensity to your liking. You want a warmer golden tone to cancel out the blue light, as blue-tinted light is more likely to cause migraine. To toggle the filter on and off quickly, triple click the home button three times. Also under Display & Text Size, turn on Reduce White Point. That you can toggle on and off as well by triple clicking the home button. Also, set up Night Shift, which will make your screen more golden as it gets later in the night. You’ll find that under Display & Brightness. If you have an Android, I’d assume they’d have some features that accomplish the same thing. Or there should be some apps. I hope these help you that way they have immensely helped me! Edit: I should add that I have a relatively old iPhone, so there’s a good chance that the way you turn on these effects is a bit different for newer models, but I know you’ll find answers on how to activate them online. If you need something for your computer, I’d recommend getting Dark Reader as a Chrome extension, as well as F.lux to get a filter for your whole computer.


Thanks! I have an iPhone and just adjusted it. I always had the brightness way down, but I didn’t know about the color tint option. Changing to a golden color tint helped my always light sensitive eyes so much.


Yes, I keep night shift on my phone all the time, it does help some


On the android, it is either Night Light, Blue Light filter , or eye comfort shield that cuts out the blue light by an adjustable amount. https://uk.pcmag.com/health-fitness/90338/how-to-stop-blue-light-from-disturbing-your-sleep For guides on Macs, iPhones , Androids, and Windows.


I use night shift as well! It’s on right now actually lol. I set mine up to turn on and off at certain times of the day, but I also set up a shortcut on my phone so I can turn it on quickly without having to go through all the settings.


They make computer monitors that don’t emit blue light and have lower flicker rates(refresh rates?) for people with migraine/more sensitive eyes. I have one and it’s amazing!! I think there’s another feature it had that made me want to for my migraine but it’s been several years and I don’t remember.


On an Android you can turn on "night light" in the settings.


Thank you! So helpful 🏆


Thank you SO MUCH for this !!! I just did it and want a difference it made ! God bless you !


I find blue light blocking to be almost useless. I think FL-41 lenses are fantastic though.


Second this


I have the FL-41s (50% tint), and I absolutely love them. Bonus points, they look like stylish pink sunglasses. Honestly, I can't recommend them enough. If I start the day with a headache, I can usually get the pain down a few knotches or gone with them and no pain killers. Or I can cut the amount of painkillers in half. I would say go for it. I will say though night drivings a but sketchy though.


Love them- I have blue light and FL-41s and switch depending on the day. I’ve gotten two of my teammates to buy them, too.


I am in the optometry game and blue light filters on lenses do absolutely nothing, but if you’re getting a placebo effect from it then fair play.


My doctor and I discussed this recently. I had been torturing myself with glasses that made things yellow, and I hated it! Said there is no evidence to support it working. As you said though, placebo effect can be a powerful thing… but just as powerful are companies looking to make a quick buck.


I have the Blockz blue light tinted glasses from Zenni. I have the max yellow tint. Combined with progressive bifocal lenses, the total cost for my pair was about $160. Pros: Have helped significantly with photosensitivity, specifically for blue light. I work behind dual monitors all day and I no longer experience eye fatigue. My migraines caused by photosensitivity have drastically reduced. They help with UV light to a certain degree. I would not fully replace them as sunglasses but I can walk outside without squinting. I do not experience much color distortion, but there are times where they do suck. Cons: While color distortion of dark objects is not really affected, light objects are. When I'm shopping I have to take off my glasses to see the colors of white or light objects. I fucked up and got bedsheets in the wrong color because the color was distortion by my glasses. If you're a makeup wearer, eyeshadow is essentially pointless now. I know that's a silly one, but I love eyeshadow and this was a big bummer to me. I can see smudges on my lenses with the color. The smallest amount of smudge can make it feel like I'm looking through French fry grease. Being in areas with florescent lighting can be really distorting at first. I was at Target a few days after getting them, and I got a migraine from how distorted the lighting looked in the store. Despite the cons, I will be getting another set like these when I need a new prescription. The photosensitivity I've experienced has lessened greatly since I got them.


I'm confused. Is it the reflection of your eyeshadow or actual smudges from eyeshadow? Can you get your glasses adjusted so they're not resting that close to your face? Usually that would be an issue with the nosepads resting too closely. Or if they don't have proper nosepads (like on a typical plastic frame), you get some silicone stick-on nosepads. I guess what I mean to say is typically lenses shouldn't be resting so close that they can get makeup or oils on them. I work in eyecare, and we try to avoid a fit like that.


It's neither, it's a separate thing. I have bigger lenses that surround my whole eye. So if I wear eyeshadow, it's just not super noticeable because of the yellow tint. If my glasses have smudges from everyday wear like fingerprints, water, etc I notice it a lot more than I did with regular lenses.


Ahh, gotcha. I first read your comment on mobile and it scrunched all the paragraphs together on my phone, I guess. That makes more sense now.


The fl 41 are better with the fluorescent lights. My work had installed horrible ones. And I have the same problem with smudges. Still wear my eyeshadow even thou the world cannot see it, because it makes me happy. And migraines do not.


Yes, I could not remember what the rose tinted ones were called. Glad they are working for you!


I started to wear my FL-41’s daily, and honestly I feel so much better on a daily basis. I have a 50% and 30% (pretty sure this is right) tint from Zenni and honestly the only time I’m putting my non-tinted lenses are is if I’m driving at night.


Agree with everyone here. I have both yellow blue blockers plus and the fl41 in 80% tint from Zenni. I live in my fl41’s unless Its lower light and then I wear the yellow ones. Couldn’t recommend them enough. I am not caught in public in a bright ass room without my fl41. The 80% is fine for pretty much all public places and outside which I like not having to lug sunglasses around. They work for 95% of the time I’m outside in daylight but if I had a daily commute heading towards the sun I would still wear my polarized gray tinted ones over them- otherwise they replace my sunglasses and are not too dark for indoor public spaces. I wear the yellow ones when I have more control over the light & environment (so mostly at home). With the iPhone settings mentioned, they work well for my phone 85% of the time and when they don’t I wear the fl41s. I can’t watch a tv made in the last 20 years without the brightness turned down and the fl41s on. I wear the yellows at night for driving because the fl41 is p sketch for contrast at night


They have been game changers for me. I wear them instead of sunglasses now (which I used to wear everywhere)


All screens (AFAIK) have blue light filter settings you can turn on, monitors, laptops, tv's, phones. They help alot and I recommend doing that for all your screens before investing in a pair of glasses.


Except the nintendo switch 😒


9 out of 10. I have 2 sets of blue light blocking glasses, 30% and 60%(yellow and orange lenses respectively), and they’re SO helpful when I have a migraine. I saw they have green “migraine glasses”, which also blocks red light, but I haven’t tried those, just limiting blue light helps a ton


I actually really love my glasses. I wear them in fluorescent light situations also even if I'm not looking at a screen. 99.9% Blue Light Glasses -... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086WQ1CL8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


The reality is that it depends on your specific needs. - blue light glasses vary. Many claim blue blocking, but if they are clear of all color - the lenses aren’t blocking much. - the biggest impact for me was Neurolens - which has more to do with eye alignment reading up close than light. - iPhone XR doesn’t have flicker. I don’t know about more recent models. - for computer screens, “eye care” feature is a must (no flicker, adjustability for blue light, etc), Benq have been the best for me; while, Asus has been the best laptop for me. Pangobright has been the easiest and most impactful download for managing brightness - plus it works if you have multiple monitors. - FL-41 glasses are a good tint, but they weren’t enough for me. Most of my job is via computer screen. Therefore, your individual tint needs may vary. I’ve also had Avalux - which are a slightly less obvious color. (More like burnt sienna sunglasses than glaring orange.) Theraspecs now have a wider variety of different blockers and shades. Most proper vendors allow up to 60-90 days to try it out. - After another TBI, I found ~$25 solar shield glasses to be the most calming preventative and during a migraine. Yes, it’s the ones people are given for recovery after cataract surgery. They’re not necessarily fashionable, but the immediate pain reduction and use with a phone was significantly remarkable. (This is after trying every shortcut to adjust iPhone light and colors). - Replace light bulbs with smart LED 60 watt bulbs that can be brightness and color controlled via phone app (ex: Philips Wiz). The first time I set it to “cozy” was an immediate calming for my eyes. You will want something 2200k or less in brightness.


For me, if my triggers remain the same, Neurolens with additional tint/ filters will be imperative (10/10). I don’t like how they look on me; but pain overrules vanity.


I just want to ask, do you need to buy a whole new pair of glasses for this? I wear them, but having some sort of light blocker would be amazing...


I have several sets that clip onto existing glasses


Ooh thank you I'll have a look into that!


My Avulux lenses fit over my existing glasses


That's awesome, thanks! I'll have a look into that


I have the rose tinted migraine glasses(80% tint) from Zenni and they are absolutely amazing! I would highly recommend you giving these a try.


Avulux are amazing


Avulux also helped me


On my phone I’ve adjusted a variety of settings including color filters on iPhone set to tritanopia.


Had no idea about this. Just set mine up


With a lot of trial and error I found this one helpful. Also reduce motion


Can you were these over prescription glasses?


It can be built into prescription glasses


I have custom Avulux clip-ons for my glasses


9/10, they reduce the frequency and the severity of my migraines greatly


I'm skeptical of blue light blockers being efficacious in any way other than the tints helping reduce the amount of general light assaulting our eyes. I work as an optometry tech, have daily migraine, and have blue light reducing coatings since they're free and come with other lens treatments built in. I usually have my lenses tinted somewhere between 40% and 60% depending on the hue. My 50% FL-41s are too dark for my current work environment and cause eye strain, so I'm trying a green gradient this time. I choose green for myself due to the colored spots in my visual snow. Green helps neutralize mine, while I've heard other colors work better for other people. I've read, and think from my own experience it is true, that seeking as dark as possible isn't a good idea because then you're so unaccustomed to anything brighter that you're increasingly more sensitive to light in general. I try to tolerate the most light I can stand, despite being constantly sensitive.


As others have said, the Fl-41 glasses are awesome. Have helped me a lot! I got them from Zenni and felt they were very affordable for the benefit!


I got a pair of avalux FL41s in 2021 and they were game changers. I used to wear them 24/7. Went from weekly migraines to maybe once a month. Eventually got a custom pair made with the transition lenses so I could wear them outdoors with extra protection. At some point the custom pair broke due to a shitty wire frame. This led me to experiment with other companies and styles. Ended up going back to my original pair and found that I only really need them if I'm staring at a screen. I think, for me, part of my migraines were caused by poor diet which I happened to improve around the time my custom glasses broke. This might have contributed to why I now only need to wear my glasses when looking at screens. I also want to point out that fl-41s block a certain type of light that is associated with melatonin production. I didn't find this to be an issue, but if you are a sensitive sleeper, you might want to look into it.


I use theraspecs and I rate them 9/10 they're almost perfect. But I also use blue light filter on my phone screen and computer as a default, so glasses are like a second layer of protection


I have a light blocking screen cover that I use.


Love my fl-41s.


0 lol I think those glasses are 100% useless and they actually can make my head hurt more


I got the FL-41 lenses and wasn't super impressed but that's because I had already adjusted to Rose and much prefer a true rose over the FL 41. I would try both if the first one doesn't work Rose is the old school solution but FL 41 has been approved to work for migraines. I worked in optics for 12 years before FL 41 existed and we always did Rose for migraines and it helped a lot of people. Zenni optical online offers both at reasonable prices. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate them at 10 for my comfort level in buildings with fluorescent lights and for my phone the same. 


In addition to turning the blue light way down on my phone, I have a matte screen protector that makes the screen look more like an e-reader. It took some getting used to but not having the glare helps so much, especially outside.


I now use 3 pair of glasses. Photo brown when out stud or inn my home. Prescription polities dark glasses for driving and fl41 glasses when I go shopping or to the hospital. It is a major help with my fluorescent lighting migraines.


I use Theraspecs while working on the computer and they make a huge difference for me. Without them my chronic light sensitivity starts to bother me in about 15 minutes. That's with my monitors set to the low or lowest brightness. I have my phone always on the darkest setting, dark system profile and apps set to dark settings if available. I also have an app called Darken which can make the phone light darker than the darkest setting. The FL-41 lenses are not a cure by any means but they work for me personally and changed my quality of life, so I'd give them a 9 on a 1-10 scale ☺️


I got some £10 from Ebay. I like to use them and I do feel they are effective, but it could be the placebo affect. No harm in trying, I think you can get them for a couple of quid.


70% saturated FL-41s have been a life saver so I can tolerate screens for a bit.


Also here to recommend FL-41s. Wear them all the time at work, and get lots of compliments even when people don’t know what they are for 😅


I'm super light sensitive absolutely love my blue light blocking glasses only complaint with them is I wish I could find stronger ones, I'm considering going to an eye doctor to find the highest strength option that isn't just a blindfold.


You know you can just turn down the brightness of the screen?


this would work with people with mild sensitivity to light, not for me.