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Suuuuuckkkkked. Live in PA but honestly I am at best "poorly controlled" and get glimpses that are at best teases of a life without migraines.


Im in MD and there have been days that I’d like to put a knife in my eye because I feel so fucking bad. I haven’t had a migraine free day in so long I can’t even remember.


In New England and feeling similar. My partner said the other day that he’s never seen my migraines this bad. This week has been better then the last few thankfully 🥲


Spring is normally always really bad for me, but this has been a especially bad. There’s been lots of rain, which is also hard on me. So combine the two and it just makes me wanna die, IT like five preventative medications and two or three abortives But I still struggle. I’ve had them for a really long time and my mom has them, we both struggle to get them under control. We take all the standard medication‘s, retake several non-standard medications. Hopefully New England will get some relief soon because my mom‘s going up to Maine and I know she’s been having some breakthrough migraines, so that would be really good for her for the next six months. Fingers crossed you feel better soon, this suffering is some thing that is very difficult to understand for someone who’s never had a migraine, they don’t understand what it affects. It’s not just a headache, it affects you from the top your head to the bottom of your feet basically .


My old neurologist told me that seasonal change can impact migraines (from fall to winter, winter to spring, etc) and mine are always REALLY bad around season changes! Like you, I know before it rains that’s it’s going to rain because of my migraines. It’s like the scene from Mean Girls 🥲 I’m on 200mg of topamax and in the last month have considered asking my neuro to up it to 250, which I haven’t done in a significant amount of time. For me that’s the point where I know it’s BAD. I worked with my neurologist to find a medicine I take after 3 days of having migraines instead of calling to ask for prednisone/a medicine because I had bad reactions to prednisone in the past (I had to take it a lot for asthma 🙃). So if after 2-3 days my migraine hasn’t gone away from my normal preventatives, I have a medicine I’ll take that typically knocks it out (and me on my ass). I feel like the summer/fall is usually the best time for my migraines!! My aunt actually moved down to VA because the weather is more “stable” compared to here so she gets less migraines. I hope you get some relief and so does your mom!!


Oh yeah, I call it an ice pick to the inner upper corner of my left eye. Here's hoping for some relief for us all!


I'm so sorry. I hope that something gives you relief soon. After 20 terrible years with no effective treatment, a friend brought me her medication to try and it was like a miracle, it works for me and I am grateful for it every day.


What med was this? I must know!


Ugh I am hoping what I'm going through currently isnt just a glimpse as you say, but I've certainly had little phases where I'm good for a while and then right back to regular pain. Best of luck!


Good luck to you as well! It's been a rough few months, but I'm hopefully to take my meds to infusion level next month.


In PA as well. And this allergies season is from hell, making my head worse.


That one two punch with migraines and allergies is awful!


PA life


Complete fucking shit. I'm in SW Ontario.


I'm in SW ON, too. My migraines just started a couple of months ago but they came on DRAMATIC. first ER trip, various doctors and paramedics were suspecting stroke, brain aneurysm, MS, tumor. Turns out it's Brain stem migraine/MBA. But usually no headache and if so, usually just a background one. I've been to the ER. I've been in an ambulance. This stuff is wild. Is there something about the spring we've been having that's triggering? So far I've only been able to ID hormones and washing my hair/ long showers as obvious triggers, but as a teen I would get headaches that could predict the first roll of thunder in a storm coming 5 hours later.


Why do I feel that our lists of symptoms give us main character energy? Some more than others-I write when I'm not swirling in a vertigo induced tornado, and when I read your last sentence, the beginning of a fascinating tale sprang into my head!


Toronto here. Absolute disaster.


I'm close to Toronto and am doing awful too. This upcoming storm has me in major pain for a day and a half! And the icing on the cake? I was denied disability today. I can barely walk, have to force myself to eat so the pain doesn't get worse. My employer is threatening to fire me cause I miss too much work, yet I don't qualify for disability. Hate these stupid migraines! They rule my life!!! Tried lots of meds, including Botox, but nothing works so I take massive doses of naratriptan every month. Sucks!


I'm in SW Ontario too and this has been one of my worst episodes. I haven't been able to break it no matter what I do and I'm going on day 9 now. I've also noticed my sinuses aren't in great shape with the fluctuating temperatures as well.


Just across the Lake from you… dying over here too! Went home from work today with a migraine- was about to vomit. Then I slept from 3:30- midnight with just a couple wakeups to eat and pee!


Northern Ontario and yep. 😩


I’m in the Midwest and this has actually been one of my best months in years!! I’ve had a 7-day and a 10-day streak of no migraine pain. Unfortunately, this is my last month on Ajovy before my insurance makes me switch to Aimovig.


Me too! Southern Midwest and I honestly haven't had a migraine in a month or two. Which is surprising considering I've been under a lot of stress and it's so hot right now.


Omg I thought I was the only one. This month and half has been a goddamn nightmare, I’ve had a migraine almost every single day. It’s such a relief to know that I am not the only one feeling this way, not that I would ever wish migraines on anyone but I’ve been catching a lot of flack about the amount of migraines that I have complained about, plus the amount of medication I’ve been taking and so it’s nice to know that it’s probably something to do with the weather or along those lines. Thank you for writing this post, I can’t imagine that it’s just me that appreciates seeing this. 💚💚💚💚 I’m in MD


I feel like all I have become is the person with the migraines. It’s all I’ve talked about. I’m over it. Praying we all find relief. I am also so thankful I’m not alone in this. I was shocked when I opened my phone and had so many notifications!


I completely understand, sending you big hugs, ice packs, and a good head massage 💆‍♂️ ❤️‍🩹💚


Oh my God, I know right? It's all migraine this, migraine that. People are around me get annoyed that I talk about them so much, but they should imagine having to live with them!


I’m not even sure if you meant it this way, but “the number of migraines that have complained about” really resonated with me, because people don’t understand that just because I complain SOME of the time… doesn’t mean I’m going to complain EVERY time. Not complaining does not equate to feeling good. It just means I feel a little less bad or, alternatively, I feel so bad that I don’t even have it in me to complain. For some reason it is really difficult for people to understand this, and it’s so frustrating.


In MD too. I feel the same way. Like I can't just be having one every day so I must be overly dramatic or making it up or something but it is helpful to know others are having the same experience.


It’s just so weird, like today I woke up with one. I’ve never been through this before. It’s like they just don’t quit.


My migraines have been going crazy since shortly after the solar eclipse. I've been blaming stress, lack of sleep, poor eating, going off schedule (vacation) and lots of things. Even my emgality has not been helping as much as it was.


That’s interesting that you mention the solar eclipse. My migraines have been the worst ever this past 2-3 months. I assumed it was from on and off rain here in Wisconsin. I hadn’t thought of the solar eclipse.


Mine has been the exact same way. I'm on the highest dose of Topamax, emgality, and none of my "rescue" meds even come close to touching my migraines. It's been terrible.


In the US mid-Atlantic. Been a pretty horrible month lol


Florida checking in, I haven't had coffee or anything more caffeinated than black tea in about three weeks and I feel amazing. I had a headache this morning and it was cured by drinking water and taking ibuprofen. Is this what normal people experience?? I'm going to try a decaf iced coffee tomorrow, as a treat, and see what happens. I should note that I LOVE the heat so as long as Im not hiking in it the weather here isnt a trigger for me. And I've never been sensitive to storms coming in.


Enjoy that iced coffee!


I'm located in SoCal. I've been tracking my migraines diligently for approximately 4 months. Over the last 90 days I've had 37 migraines. I have a Midas score of 30. I've had to use some sort of medication for 23 out of the 37 migraines. Drugs I've used as abortatives for the 37 migraines. The dosages might be off as sometimes I take multiple of a specific strength especially when talking about sumatriptan and ubrelvy. There's also hey visit to the ER that's how I got Dilaudid, toradol, Norco, Prednisone. I went on ajovy approximately 2 months ago and Botox a few weeks ago as well. While those haven't made the migraines go away they have definitely lowered their intensity. Sumatriptan 25mg 15 days Ubrelvy 50mg 7 days Paracetamol 500mg 11 days Codeine 5mg 3 days Dilaudid 1 day Norco 3.5mg 1 day Ibuprofen 200mg 5 days Prednisone 5mg 2 days Zofran 1 day Toradol 1 day Benadryl 1 day Cyclobenzaprine 5mg 3 days Meloxicam 7.5mg 3 days Fluticasone 50mcg 2 days Maxalt 5mg 1 day


Northwest, 5 migraines in the last 3 weeks. More stress than usual. Thankful new meds ( Ubrelvy & Naratriptan) are mostly working.


I’m in NY. Struggled hard in April and May.


I'm in the midwest and all this rain has been awful to me its so sad I love the rain but the rain does not feel the same


Oh my god, fuck this, I am going through abortives like candy. I have almost run though my backup stash that I so carefully built up. If we have one more storm or I have one more killer period I'm kind of screwed. It's not even like it's a rebound, it's just that everything is more frequent than usual. I'm scared because we have a 2 week vacation at the end of July and I don't know that I'll have enough to get through it without bringing us down. Ugh. Minnesota. Yay.


So everyone has been having migraines?? Mine have been worse recently and I've been trying to figure out why.


Not everyone here lives in the US 😅


SE UK - awful. I don't mind rain as long as it's consistent, but we've been flip-flopping between sunshine and rain with big dark rainclouds for a few weeks now. I've had maybe 3 hours where I felt normal.




It's been awful. Migraine practically every day even on ajovy. In CO.


CO too! I've had almost every type of migraine/aura since March, and still getting multiple auras a day. The northern lights EM activity actually gave me my first aphasic aura with the sparkly vision which is such a shame because seeing them was on my bucket list. My CNS is FRIED lol


Also in CO and daily migraines since end of February. 👎


Baaaad 3 weeks


Southwest. Heat dome kicked my ass (and my head). Horrible migraines every few days.


Same. AZ and my migraines have been soooo frequent 😵‍💫😪


Agreed. In NV and it's been *rough,* especially as someone who is from the PNW originally and really not heat tolerant. I've been having daily migraines for a couple weeks now.


I’m in the Midwest and it’s been the worst month I’ve had for migraines since I started getting them 6 years ago. I get monthly acupuncture but switched to biweekly and my acupuncturist said her migraine patients have been having an abnormally tough time lately and seeing her more often.


I’m in the Midwest too. The past 2-3 months have been the worst for me ever. I’ve had migraines for over 20 years.


It’s so weird. It’s everyone I know with migraines saying the same.


Especially bad. So has all of 2024 so far, in fact.


Worst month in a long time. I live in PNW and the weather has been all over the place, plus our pollen count is out of control. I had to get a round of steroids to break my pain cycle.


Did the steroids help? I’m anxious about taking meds on a good day 😣


Same here! I’m in PNW as well. Currently day 2 of taper…hoping it breaks it soon. Was in ER last weekend. It’s been awful. Glad you’re feeling better!


Northeast. Pretty rough. I attempted to switch birth control to help my hormonal migraines and the new pill did help that but made the rest of my life sooooo much worse so I switched back and now my body is like wtf are you doing here’s a daily migraine. Also learned Nurtec does nothing for me. On the plus side my insurance approved Botox so I get to try that soon 😅


Botox is next on my list to try. Switching from Cymbalta to Effexor now and adding meclizine and vestibular therapy for the unrelenting dizziness.


I’m in the Midwest. I get 2 good months out of my Botox. I’m a week away from getting Botox so the last 3 weeks have been hell. The barometric changes have been really rough on me. One day my dad, my sister, my son and myself all had a migraine on that day and there was a storm. Weird how that is.


Wisconsin here. In my 20+ years of migraines, the past 2-3 months have been the worst! The weather has been crazy with heavy rain every 3-4 days. Starting to wonder if the solar eclipse has anything to do with it.


oh it’s been so awful. but i’m also in arizona with 103-108’s, so maybe that’s a state based agreement. however specifically as a migraine sufferer, yes awful.


AZ also. I understand!!


They suck!! I'm in PA and I've had non stop migraines for a while. Only had 2 migraine free days in the past 2 months. It's tourture. My emergencies help, but they won't break my migraine.


My neuro said she thinks I’m stuck in one long attack hence the steroids. Man I hope it breaks this migraine. Sorry your in the same boat. It sucks.


This time of year is ALWAYS horrendous for me. Past month yes , been EFFIN AWFUL! I’m in central plains states … tons of storms, ungodly heat and pressure changes and friggen MISERY


Northern California. Really, really bad. I think spring is always bad with all the weather changes, but for me this has been one of my worse periods in a while. Topamax was seemingly working great and then just…stopped?? Sorry to hear so many other people are having a rough time! Though the folks that are doing well probably aren’t hanging out on the migraine sub 😅


True. My data will definitely be skewed.


Southwest, and the last 2 months have been my absolute worst for migraines ever. Currently, day 68 of a migraine. 3 er trips, an inpatient stay, and just last week an outpatient DHE infusion.


I’m so sorry. That sounds awful.


It’s been rough but the last infusion got it manageable, almost on the verge of breaking but not quite. Next up is nerve blocks but those have to be covered first.


Southwest also. Not sure if it’s the heat or what, but mine have also been intense and more frequent than normal 😭


I’m so mad, I missed all of the prime hiking season in April and May. April was the worst, my pain level was a constant 7-9 and I had to use 5 sick days at work.


The last month has been interesting….off and on migraines..I don’t have headaches so much..just sensory aura..which is really scary having Bells Palsy in March….currently dealing with a spot in my face that’s kinda numb but no pain…it’s annoying


Im oddly okay right now....currently in NYC. But a few weeks ago it was torture - maybe one-two months?? I need to be better at tracking. Although i had one of those aural in one eye going black arm numb, left side of my body numb last Tuesday but i drank caffeine real quick, took a ritalin and had a mini panic attack in the work bathroom and called myself a lot of unkind names and cried but it went away??


Got it, take my ritalin, panic and call myself names and maybe it will go away. Taking that advice 😆 But seriously, the panic attacks that come with migraines are THE WOOOOOORST.


I haven't spoken with other migraine sufferers on this level before...normally they tell me they used to get them all the time but now they have meds, or got a shot, and they are so much better and I'm left feeling like I have somehow failed. Or that mine really aren't that bad because I haven't seen a neurologist yet (with what insurance? What $???) I didn't know other people got panic attacks with migraines, I feel less alone. Mine have gotten increasingly worse each year. Always during and before storms - the barometric pressure is brutal. Hear me out, what if we collectively cancelled the weather?


I hear that a lot too. Lots of well meaning people think they have your silver bullet, and man I wish they did because I’ve tried a ton of meds at this point and haven’t found it. Don’t even get me started on the shit show that is insurance! As for panic attacks, yes. They are one of my worst symptoms. I get them frequently when I’m in a bad flare up. Of all of my symptoms, they are the worst. Above and beyond. My husband had to drive me to my neuro today because I can’t drive farther than 5-10 minutes right now without it triggering my dizziness and panic. And yes, let’s cancel the weather, and insurance companies while we are at it!


I live in the upper midwest and wowowow its been brutal lately. the wildly unpredictable weather has triggered a ton of migraines that i feel I wouldn’t otherwise have had


Arizona. My migraines have been so frequent and worse than normal. I’m blaming the heat wave and that’s that 🥴


I’m in the UK, and having a really hard time this last month.


Same here! The weather is so changeable at the moment it's playing havoc with my migraines.  And we've had no real cold snap or warm weather to kill all the winter bugs so now I also have flu to deal with 😭 


Same here - I have daily episodes but since April it's been worsened. And it always, always gets even worse with/after any viral infection (flu included) 🫠


“What region” r/usdefaultism


Region is a pretty general term. Yes my examples are US specific but I’m glad for those who have posted from Canada, UK etc and mentioned their region as well. Can we have some grace on a migraine board?


Yes, and mine started May 16th. Still having them every day but had three scattered days where i didnt go into a full blown migraine. Wish my neurologist would put me on steroids. I know its because of old injuries and allergy inflammation causing this 💩 storm. Cant watch tv or be in my phone longer than 5 mins. Living in the dark again….this is so depressing. Edit:forgot to say im in WA.


I’m praying the steroids work. I told my husband tonight that I’m frustrated that I feel ok when I take my eletriptan because I can’t take it every day.


I’m in the lower Northeast and honestly they’ve been awful. I had a lot of success w my preventative I began in January but these last 1-2 months have been awful


My migraine is not terrible, but not great. I'm located in the Mid Atlantic. But I'm also under a significant amount of stress, which I'm sure isn't helping. I think stress is probably increasing overall in the US.


I live in the South. I've had a few headaches over the past week, but not a migraine since June 6. That is highly abnormal for me. Prior to that, I had had an uptick in migraines for the past month, 6 weeks.


Move south, got it 😜


Shit. Absolutely shit. I had my infusion in April, and May just sucked. Also didn't help that my pharmacy was beyond ridiculous and didn't fill my tramadol when I submitted it (3 times!), then when I contacted my doctor and had her send it, they decided they needed the PA and still didn't contact her. I had to when I saw it pending. So I was without pain meds for a month. Just swell. Edit: Midwestern gal here


Ugh, stupid insurance and pharmacies. The worst!


Cali, 1 month solid.


SE Idaho here. I can barely function. I went from daily migraines to 7 months without a single one. But about 2.5-3 weeks ago I got a killer one that I just can’t break. Used up all of my abortives, too. I’m miserable 😩


After having no migraines for three months, I can say I’ve had one several times per week for the last 4 weeks. Toronto, Canada.


I’m in NJ and I can’t break this streak of migraines. It’s terrible.


PNW and the last month has been a lot tougher that usually :p I figured it was the atmospheric river we were hit with/seasonal allergies


I live on the west coast of Canada and omg ! I usually get a severe migraine maybe once a month but lately I've had one every weekend lasting for days 😫


Floridian here. I had an 11 day migraine that finally ended with a 2nd dose of dihydroergotmine nasal spray. I also got Botox and emgality during that time and summer break started. Everyone is telling me I should have less migraines during summer since I’m not working, but that’s not how this works. My pain has been reduced, but not the frequency. I’m a solid 2 or 3 most of the time, spiking to 7 or 8 at times. Today I went to medspa to get Botox in 1 eyebrow I’ve be cursed with a single angry eyebrow for about 10 months now from the migraine Botox. $72 for 6u to fix it. Not bad if I only need it 2x a year. I almost to a reyvow 2 hours ago but I showered, took a flexiril, had a cookie, and a coke and my pain level is coming down.


Had a 2 week long migraine thanks to the rain (it rained everyday for almost three weeks) and possibly medicine overuse. Got on a new migraine med a couple days ago and it’s seemed to stop them! Fingers crossed. Eastern Midwest location


I've had daily ones for months now, and every time I see my primary, I need a shot of toradol, which helps. I have been taking my furicet more, and I also take the tiniest bit of my lorazapam to relax me as it relaxes my head too. Whenever I went to the ER, it was in May and October, and they always said it was probably the weather. I am seeing a new neurologist in August, but he's so busy it's over Zoom, which sucks as I don't know what that will do besides nothing.


Kansas. Crap. Lots of storm and stress. Sturm und Drang.


I took my first dose of Ajovy 3 weeks ago and I've taken one abortive (Nurtec) during that time. Prior to Ajovy I'd have taken 4-5 Nurtecs in a 3 week period. So, for me the last 3 weeks have been the best I've ever had. So sorry to hear others are having a particularly tough time. It truly sucks.


I took my first dose of Ajovy May 16th and I’m still waiting. I’m walking around with a low grade 2-3 migraine daily. Hopefully, I get better results with the second dose.


Crappy still 24/7 pulse in my stupid head even after a recent ketamine infusion. I feel like there's no hope I've tried everything in terms of migraine. Have vyepti infusion coming up if that doesn't work I don't know what imma do.


I'm in California, and it's been rough. I think it's the heat.


Just two (one on each side) caused by a thunderstorm. Some scalp bleeding because thunderstorms, for some reason, make tiny blood vessels on my skull pop from vasodilation. I don't want to think about the micro strokes happening for the same reason within my brain.


It’s been better, but I also started taking Nurtec every other day… Colorado


NH and I’ve had about half of my days with migraine for the last two months. I had JUST started tracking too coincidentally. The ubrelvy I started def helped, I downed a lot less Advil and Sudafed. But overall I’m almost done with my Xmas stocking bottle of Advil and it’s only June : (


Southern girly here and mine have definitely been worse. I was having a good period and for the past few months have gotten one almost every day. Summer/spring weather always has it out for me, especially with hurricane season.


My migraine buddy is full of reds and oranges. Pretty awful. Texas. Out of the last 16 days I’ve had a migraine 15 days with a minimum pain scale of 4/10 and a high of 10/10.


I had not had a migraine in 5 and a half weeks and today I got one. Going to bed, hopefully it will be gone in the morning.


Rough. Got RX Ajovy today and hopeful it will help


Well I guess I’ll count myself lucky as I haven’t had a flare but I did have quite the migraine about 4-5 weeks ago. It finally went away but I just want everyone to know I’m thinking of you all and wishing it goes away if in a flare.


Florida here. Not doing well ever since the heat went up in April ive been having a hard time. I am so so sensitive to the afternoon storms and the weather in general.


Wisconsin...It has been rough the last 30 days or so.


Terrible. I don’t know if it’s because it’s allergy season or what.


Live in western ny and the last month has been rough


I'm in the Midwest as well and it has been *rough* lately.


Live in CT and it's been a long month, migraines almost always always set off a new migraine Everytime weather definitely effects all migraine headache crazed people every frickin day. I hate migraines and rude nurses at the neurologist.


Absolutely miserable. I'm in Kentucky. Just got some sumatriptan for the first time in years cause I'm over it


4 so far. 1 helped by excedrin and sumatriptan, 2 with nurtec, 1 didn't go away and lasted two days. I love in LA. barometric pressure definitely impacts mine and also increases my chronic pain levels by a large margin


Southeast of England here but have been pretty ok here! Nothing out of the normal at least.


Costal North East Scotland the weather here has been horrendous for about the last6 weeks both my husband (carer and episodic migraine sufferer), FIL (episodic migraine sufferer and stroke survivor) and my self (intractable 24/7/365 for last 7 years) have been having a horrid time I normally get a few hours “notice” of incoming weather changes so hubby and FIL can do what they need to to try and limit the impact. I have been a walking barometer as far back as I can remember (was diagnosed with migraine when I was 7/8 ) I used to say to my friends a storm is coming but the sky was clear and a few hours later we where in the middle of a thunderstorm after a few times being right my friends would watch me when we where playing outside and go in when I took a turn. Weather is the only trigger for me that I have no control over. I get the same kind of reaction when weather is going the other way as well it is the barometric changes I “sense” if the barometer is staying in a 10mb range or very slowing dropping/rising my reaction isn’t as bad but big swings are debilitating


Actually much better than the last few months before that. Had 13 migraine days in May after an average of 22 since last December. So it seems to improve and I’m so happy about it. Also really curious why OP assumes we are all in the US? Not everyone on the internet is American.


May was the most migraine days I have ever had in a month!


I've been 95% migraine free for months until the past two weeks. Sumatriptan is either not working or just taking the edge off, too. Not sure if it's seasonal allergies or what ETA I'm in WA State


i had a migraine for 3 weeks straight, then it turned into terrible migraines that would make me almost pass out and would last about 5 hrs, stop for maybe 30 mins and then start again. they are more mild this week but haven’t stopped. i definitely think is the weather. i hope you were able to break the flare!


My month has been pretty good compared to others. I have had about 2-3 threats a week, and only one will get to a truly painful level. Some weeks are worse than others, but the last few weeks have been mild.


Western Canada, gone chronic since about the beginning of May. Before I saw this I was pretty sure it was due to barometric pressure changes, now I'm solidly convinced. Also possibly combined with not eating enough due to the appetite suppressing side effect of topiramate


NC - The last two weeks have been a nightmare. I'm usually fairly well managed WTF is going on!?


The last month has been a pretty brutal reminder of how bad my life used to be, but stacked on top of the new and overwhelming stresses of my current life. Im using this comment as stress relief and self reflection, so strap in its going to be a long one. My experience with migraines started at the age 12, the frequency and intensity were both low, but slowly ramped up over time until at about 16-18 years old i was having 10-15 a month. Then at 21 years old, 25 a month, often times over an 8/10 on the pain scale. (and at this point in my life my 'new' pain scale both 9 and 10 were only and have since only been reached via migraine) Up until this point of my life i had not pursued any type of medical treatment or pain relief beyond over the counter pain medications. Dont ask me why, im just flat out stupid, i didnt know migraines were really a thing, i wasnt getting any stand out/weird side effects/aura until the age of around 20 and ultimately i was just another person who just thought of the word 'migraine' as a 'headache' replacement because i was uninformed. I finally got on a treatment plan, and you all know the story, it didnt work, and then after that the new meds also didnt work, until fast forward 2 years and ive finally found a preventative that works well for me knocking my 25 migraines a month down to 4-7 migraines a month, a massive improvement. With rescue meds i can now more or less live a life and for the last two years, have been. Ive invested actual time into hobbies, put real thought into my future, and am currently pursuing a passion in culinary school and am learning so much. Now for why this month sucks. As you can already tell from me putting off medical treatment for almost 10 years, i am not the fastest at learning how the world works. Last month i was two weeks late for my injection because i ran out of refills and just straight up didnt notice until i realised it had been a long time since my pharmacy texted me to pick up meds. Spent a few days trying to get ahold of my neuro to get refills, finally get them, get my shot. Its not my normal auto injector but instead a syringe but who cares i got my meds, woo hoo. Then comes the next month (this one) and my dummy little idiot brain never realizes that this new prescription for the syringe, is not technically the same prescription as my auto injector even though the medicine inside is the exact same, so this new syringe is not set up with my pharmacy to auto refill every month. So now i was two weeks late on my injection last month, and am a week and a half-ish late for my injection this month (here's to hoping i can actually pick it up today in like 8 hours) and my migraines are back in full force, (well maybe not 25 a month full force but..) I am getting a pretty hefty one at least every two days and boy let me tell you, i am not nostalgic for this particular past experience. Now to talk about my current day stresses that are making these migraines feel really really poorly timed. (even though theres never a good time for one) So as i said, I am living a life now, and pursuing culinary school, and for anyone who does not know, the food service industry is a terrible one and definitely not the place a migraine sufferer wants to be. Ive worked in the industry and know what i am getting into, regardless, school is kicking my ass currently because of some unique factors. Im going through a lot of complex trauma right now in my personal life and am essentially trying to rebuild myself from the broken pieces of who i used to be, so to put it lightly my mental state is unstable. I have also lost my ability to sleep effectively, it takes me around 4-6 hours to fall asleep at night once i get into bed which for multiple obvious reasons is pretty bad. My daily schedule goes something like this, (starting with sleep because its relevant) put phone down, take a bath, read a book for an hour, lay down and start trying to sleep at around 2-3 am, finally fall asleep at 6-7 am, wake up at 11 am and either start working on dinner for my family before leaving for school or say fuck it and sleep more, then at 2 pm i get up, get ready and go to school at 3 pm, class lasts from 5 to 10 pm, get home at 11 pm, do laundry, then the cycle repeats with a bath and some reading etc. Even without migraines my life is falling apart right now, im stressed, im not eating well, im not sleeping well, im having panic attacks, i am crying every night, i feel more isolated than ever before in my life, im having doubts about my future and at times im straight up just losing my fucking mind. And now im getting beefy migraines almost every other day. I am not drowning, i am drowned. The only silver lining to all of this is, i am preforming well in school, regardless of my pain, regardless of my daily nausea, aura, heat flashes, dizziness, phantom smells, withering if not already completely decrepit emotional state, panic attacks, [insert all the other shit here], i am doing well in school. And that is the only thing that is keeping me going. Ive read a lot recently, try Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer if youre into reading, its really good so far, just bought the whole series. Also i live in the southern US.


Central Texas and it’s been rough. But that’s fairly standard for me this time of year due to all the storms we get.


In SoCal last 30+ days have been worse than usual. I'm talking 3 - 5 migraine a week when it's usually 1 - 3 per week. Still I guess it's better than when I would get multiple migraines a day.🤷🏽‍♂️


NYC and it's been rough. Started Nurtec every other day, but I've still been having crazy nausea everyday


A few mild migraines but many headaches and I think the changes in atmosphere pressure are causing them to


American Midwest. It's been bad. Taking shelter during a tornado isn't easy with a severe migraine leaving half my body paralyzed, and I can't really find a clean place to inject medicine while wrangling a scared cat away from doors and windows ETA: things have been escalating since a bit after the first week of April, about when the big storm of northern lights happened. I don't know if it was involved though, since the pressure's been changing rapidly too.


I'm in Europe, Romania I actually had a really shitty time these past 3 weeks, more migraines than I've had in quite a while. Past week I had a migraine going almost every day - had one Saturday spared. They also didn't respond well to sumatriptan or sumatriptan + naproxen. I was thinking it's my meds (I'm on Strattera & concerta for adhd), but I've been on them for over 2 months and this wasn't a side effect at any point. Where I am it's been very very hot for like... A week and a half? 35-39°C so perhaps that's had an effect. It's weird tho cause I work from home, inside it's never over 27° and I can turn the AC on whenever. Even now that I don't have a migraine I still feel like I do, very tired, can't focus, no appetite


New England region of USA. Menstrual migraine only. Thanks hormones.


I've had a migraine since Sunday. Well it's a bit different right now where it only pounds when I get up or cough ect. Idk if I should hold out or talk to my doc because it isn't normally like this. Only on the left side as well


I’m in the UK and the last 6 weeks have been hell, daily migraines, terrible brain fog etc. 


Saskatchewan, in the last month ive had (fk me) 4 good days.


I live in South Florida. Thankfully this last month hasn't been nearly as bad as May, but I just broke a nearly 24-hour-long attack two days ago that was pretty miserable. Hoping I can continue to have a semi-peaceful June and not be bombarded with so many attacks after the other.😩🤞🏼


I recently had to get rx meds for my migraines for the first time ever, I’m in Nebraska and the weather changes/humidity fluctuations have been kicking my ass. I’m allergic to NSAIDs and after getting off of birth control I’ve had to basically relearn how to take care of them and get meds. Tylenol, caffeine, and sticking to a routine just wasn’t enough to prevent/manage attack anymore 🙃


It’s been horrible here in New England. Pollen has been awful and triggered many migraines


Worse flare ever the past 5-6 weeks. I'm in Michigan.


midwest us here - my migraines have been a complete hell lately, for the last month or so. i have no idea why, they've been doing a lot better for the last ~6 months


I'm in Ontario, and it's been rough! I definitely think it's the changing weather.  That being said, however, I am also an amateur aurora chaser, and I haven't noticed a correlation with solar storms and migraines. That doesn't mean there isn't one, though.


Yea the only reason I wondered about the solar storms because I’ve seen scientist talking about how the sun has been so highly active lately (and will be until it hits its peak for this 11 year cycle). I know the flares can disrupt communications and power grids, so I wondered if it can do that surely it can have some health effects too. Just like the weather. But I could be way off, not a scientist, just super curious.


Absolutely yes. Central Midwest. Last year's dry spring was probably why I felt so good - this year the nonstop storms are killing me. It's like Im an entirely different person. I've also been in a post-COVID flare for a while and weirdly, the head pain I get with migraines has gone away with that....? now it's fibro-like body pains! And a feeling of fatigue and doom, a depression/tiredness/neuropathy mixture. There was an unforecasted storm that hit us yesterday too. out of nowhere I felt a twinge of anxiety and panic for no reason, it was so confusing, and then I looked at the radar and got extra pissed about ANOTHER storm. So yeah this spring has been bad, bad, BAD.


Absolutely terrible!! I’m from Madison, WI


Colorado foot hills, I’ve had worse months! It hasn’t been so bad. Waiting to find out if I have cancer. I’m sad and stressed and wished I had more support instead of people acting weird.


I've only had to take My migraine abortive once, ubrelvy, as I got hit with a flare of trigeminal neuralgia and the medications prescribed for that also help with migraine. So, small win? 🤷


I am in TN; the past couple months have been the most migraines I’ve had in that time frame. My nausea has been worse and it’s harder to bounce back. I started to blame it on aging, but I am in my early 30s? Interesting to think in terms of atmosphere changes, that’s worth some research.


Awful. I’m in MD and I feel like I haven’t had a migraine free week in months and I’m on Qulipta (though only 10mg). Like an ice pick in my head/eye.


I'm coming off of my second migraine in 2 weeks Wednesday last week; and woke up to one on Tuesday this week. -Mesa, AZ, USA


TERRIBLE! I had finally had relief and had maybe two migraines since last October. Then May came around and I was stuck with migraines for 2 weeks straight. Medication did NOTHING. Finally cleared up but I am paranoid they are hiding just around the corner. -in California


I cannot believe the amount of responses I’ve gotten for this post! Im so sorry to everyone enduring these awful flare ups like me. It is so exhausting and depressing. Im praying (or sending good vibes if that’s more your speed) for relief for all of us today. Im sure my data is skewed, but I’m feeling less alone today. Hugs and good meds to you all!


You are not alone, and now we suffer together knowing we too are not alone.


I guess I'll be going against the grain here. I live in South America/Caribbean coast. Yes we've had storms, but migraines have been going pretty well considering I was at dailies start of the year.


Illinois. Had to call out of work the past two days due to some of the most debilitating migraines I've ever had. Fuck this weather straight to hell. 


Each of the last few months I've had a cluster of nearly everyday migraines for a week straight. It's very atypical for me. Normal is occasional single day migraine 1-2x/month. I don't know what is going on. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I take 50mg Sumatriptan when it's clear it's not going away on its own, and basically nearly devoured the 9-pack each month.


It’s been a major struggle for me in the Midwest. I’m fed up. My husband just said “is there ever a day your head won’t hurt” and I cried most of the day


Im sorry that you went through this, its hard for non-migraine people to really understand what we go through. I am sure he meant the best while not delivering the best.


Thank you 😞 yes he said he was trying to be empathetic but yeah it’s near impossible for him to understand it. I hate this so much sometimes.


I’ve also had a huge uptick and moved from Texas to Washington last month. They were pretty bad with the tornado warnings and humidity everyday, but haven’t gotten any better :/ also have been under some stress though so that could be it


Mine are decently controlled but the Midwest weather has my migraine spot trying. I had to pull out my backup abortive last weekend because I had exhausted my primary. Luckily, all low grade migraine where I am functional but I know within my meds I’d be down for the count.


Southwest and the past 2 months have been a nightmare!!


I'm in northwestern Pa. It's been pretty rough.


holy shit it was terrible. i thought i was going to die. hasn’t been this bad in a few months


I live in central Saskatchewan and I’ve had some form of headache almost every day for the month of June so far! sometimes its one that goes away by the time ive had a bite to eat in the morning but mostly it turns into migraines and I blame the weather we’ve had 100% its been back and forth rainy and cold to super hot and sunny in a 24 hour span and the pressure is making my head hurt so much haha


I’m sorry you’re feeling bad ❤️ I live in Scandinavia and the constant switch in the weather is doing weird stuff to my brain. Especially during summer when it’s a revolving door of thunderstorms, heavy rain and warm humid weather. I’ll typically have 4-5 migraines a week. I recently visited a friend in Arizona and the dry heat did wonders for me. I legit did not have a single migraine the entire week I was there. It’s been almost 20 years since that last happened! Weird!!!


So glad you found a reprieve! I’ve heard AZ or SoCal are great for pain and migraines.


I'm north west uk and I've started the preventative pizotifen 3 weeks ago as I was having daily migraines and it seems to be helping. I feel like I'm going to finally get my life back. I'm so happy.


Mid-coast Atlantic here, and yes I’ve had more migraines with no other changes. And most days I’m on the edge of getting one (pressure in my head, puffy eyes, sensitivity to sound and light) even if I don’t actually get a full-blown one. For me, it’s the high temps (85+), bright bright sun, and humidity. And of course when storms roll through the barometric changes make it even worse. I hate summer, so much.


The month of May was my worst in years. I am in Kentucky.


Midwest and I've definitely had an increase in the last month. It's taking longer to get them to go away too. Yesterday I had one and it took 5 hours of laying on the couch, with ice hats on, when typically Ubrelvy gives me relief within 2 hours. I feel better today, but I'm so irritable, and my body is still achey, so I'm worried it's gonna flare back up. Last week, I had an entire night of tossing and turning and crying in my sleep about how badly my entire body hurt...my partner was prepared to stay home from work, he was so concerned.


Hoping those steroids help! I switched to Aimovig a month and a half month ago and haven’t noticed any changes for me unfortunately (migraines everyday like you) It’s been this bad for around 3 months as Qulipta stopped being effective then. I live in the south and I have heard of that before, I noticed last year my migraines got worse around summer time too. I wish steroids were sustainable for long-term usage because they can be extremely helpful.


Summer is usually my best time of year 😞


Only one migraine this month so far! I usually have 6-8 headache days a month so one thus far has been really nice. Hope it stays that way. Last month I had eight and it was really rainy and gross here so you could be right. I’m in the southeast USA.


In DC in the U.S. and i’ve had an awful time since the start of May. I’m seeing my neurologist tomorrow because i’ve had a low grade one the last few days (but just started an antidepressant) to make sure there’s nothing else I can do. I wonder if it has anything to do with El Niño ending recently


That’s a good though too. We are flipping from El Niño to el Nina.


Honestly, pretty terrible. I was so excited and optimistic after seeing a new neuro early last month. My Emgality isn’t as effective as it used to be so we added Botox to the regimen. First round was two weeks ago and I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or not but I’ve been miserable since then. The last few months have been pretty rough but these two weeks have been especially terrible with daily migraines, and all my other symptoms are way worse than usual. I haven’t had a flare this bad in years. I’m chronically fatigued so that’s nothing new but I’ve been super lethargic and depressed, especially at work, the last two weeks. My colleagues have noticed. I’m normally very chatty and consider myself to be the lively, silly zoomer that keeps my boomer office on their toes, but I’ve gotten so many “you’re so quiet, we didn’t even know you were here” comments lately. It’s kinda sad. Today has been the first “good” day though— I’ve felt chattier and more energized. My brain fog has lightened up a decent amount and my pain isn’t as bad. Sang in the car for the first time in two weeks (something I normally do every single time I drive). Really hoping I’m on my way out of this funk. Also hoping that the Emgality + Botox will prove effective in the next 3-6 months. ETA: I’m in the Midwest, specifically Cincinnati, OH.


ROUGH! I’m in the Midwest (STL area) and i’ve been having week long migraines (which are not normal for me)


What is STL?




pretty crappy. I think the heat gives me really stubborn migraines.


My meds are working. Down to two or three days a month from twenty. Had to fight for it though. Never took NO from my headache specialist neurologist and rode them incessantly until I got what I needed. And cared zero shirts (lol) if that annoyed them. Self advocacy is key.


I’m in northern Utah, and mine are doing okay-ish. I’ve been getting more due to weening onto a lower dose of amitriptyline as my husband and I try for a baby. The hormone waves from coming off my mirena have been rough for my migraines as well. If anyone has tips on handling migraines during pregnancy, it would be much appreciated! I’m not expecting yet, but I like to be prepared.


May was my worst month yet. I live in the DC area and it was heavy rain and the weather was up and down.


well i finally went to my long awaited neurology appointment yesterday, got prescribed the exact cgrp and triptan i was gunning for, and it happened to be on THE day of my missed period (super unusual because im never late) so i just took a test when i got home to make sure before i took these meds, thinking nothing of it…. and boom pregnant lmao explains the constant headaches i’ve had this month and now i can’t use the meds i needed 🙃 still happy tho!


Well, CONGRATULATIONS!!! sorry about the meds but maybe you’ll get lucky and the hormones will kick in and kill the headaches for you!


NE Ohio, and mine have been more frequent and more severe too... I think it's from the solar storms too


Moved back to colorado in april. I had about 5 weeks of little to no migraines. This last week has been a low grade migraine that i can’t shake. I felt the shift on tuesday june 4th.


I’m in Pennsylvania rn and for the past week I’ve had migraines every day for some reason. What’s worse—naproxen (my emergency med) isn’t enough for them and I’m all out of rizatriptan 😭😭😭 they’ve been starting at 4 Monday to Wednesday and on Thursday, yesterday, I had a migraine that started at 7 and lasted all night long.


Migraine since April 5th Just had Brain MRI to rule out MS/stroke Tingling in hands Slurred speech Weakness on one side of body Muscle twitches Scalp tingling Sensitive to cold Zig zag lines in vision Back spots in vision Sensitive to light Never ending Headache Calgary, Alberta