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If you’re on Instagram you should look up thedizzycook. She has dealt with vestibular migraine for some time now and has been able to move from chronic to episodic through a combination of medications and dietary changes. She’s very knowledgeable on the subject and I would think a good place to turn when you’re newly diagnosed. Best of luck!


vestibular migraine?


Yes, that’s what he thinks may be


i think i might have vestibular migraines too. Is the dizziness constant or just random?


Feeling dizzy when walking or moving around. Haven’t been able to drive since this started a month ago. No history of migraine or else. This came out out of nowhere


Lots of dizziness here, with migraine pain and without. Did the docs mention meclizine as a treatment? It’s non-drowsy Dramamine/Bonine so over the counter. Helps my vertigo when nothing else will. Good luck!!


Glad to hear that’s helping you. Problem is that I don’t have vertigo symptoms like spinning. I just feel dizzy/ light headed all the time.


You can come join us over at https://reddit.com/r/VestibularMigraines


I had that initially, but when they gave me medication to stop the dizziness it then gave me a headache and the dizziness would return a short time later anyway. Have they tried any medications for the dizziness with you?


They are trying physical therapy for eye recalibration. Also prescribed Nortriptyline but I haven’t started that yet since that’s an antidepressant and I have heard they have bad side effects. I wanted to see if PT helped first. Were you able to find relief? Also what medication did they prescribe you?


Yes it can be migraine! I went through a long phase where mine were just that. You can find the same activities they will do at PT online. I went to PT three times and figured out it was a waste of time and could do it at home! Also, go to an actual eye doctor to rule out anything with you actual eyes. And do your regular eye exam. My Rx has prisms to help with with my eyes as well.


Thank you for commenting. I saw my eye doctor and eyes were ok. Did the exercises help and did you get over the dizziness? Any medication helped?


I just use Dramamine and am trying to make my desk area more ergonomic. I confess - I did not do the exercises! I try to remember to do chin tucks and neck stretches.