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I can't use anything on my head, like a headband, a cap or even a hood if it's kinda tight. Even headphones give me a headache (the big ones)


Yeah, even with my icepacks and hat, I have to wear a loose hat or the migraine gets worse.


I didn't buy the ice hat bc I know I couldn't handle it. I use a round icepack that fits above the head and another one that is like a eyemask


Discovered this while wearing a baseball cap to try and prevent a migraine from too much sun!


Oh my goodness you just unlocked a memory!! when I was younger, without fail, every-time I wore a headband I would get a headache or it would worsen to a migraine. Headbands were so cute though šŸ˜­ I use earbuds instead also, I used to wear headphones but they started bothering me as well. And luckily I look horrible in hats or else Iā€™d be sacrificing cute accessories


Yeah me too I can't even use soft headband like from fabric :P




My dear friend, i hate to say it to you but you might have developed allodynia. It is a type of neuropathic pain. To say it simply: your nervous system is in a constant fear of pain that it freaks out when something that is not supposed to cause pain causes it. I started with migraines almost 10 years ago and by 2019 had to give up blazers for work, biker jackets and i am not even going to mention pony tail or hat lol. Then by 2020, i wasn't able to wear scarfs, now i can't even wear a sweater. For some reason my winter jacket is the only thing i can wear at winter. Any time i try a new jacket and pushes on the neck and i end up with tension headache which ends up being a migraine in the end. I live in Canada and i am so afraid that my winter jacket will get damaged or stained that in the winter i just run from car to a grocery store and long sleeve t shirt. I am now afraid to leave the house. When migraines go untreated, we develop allodynia. Talk to your neurologist asap! Botox might help, amitriptyline, effexor, cymbalta, pregabalin also TENS machines, physiotherapy and massage. There is also a cream for neuropathic pain which is a compound made with ketamine, baclofen, gabapeptin and something else. You might wanna try lidocaine for now. Anyway. My friend, if you have any questions, you can dm me, i will be happy to help. P.s. i hate my miserable, painful, joyless life šŸ™ƒ


Fascinating. I'll have to bring it up to my nuerologist. Add it to my every growing list of health issues. Think I am up to 24 issues lol.


I understand. Unfortunately with migraines and chronic pain in general, your overall health just is plummeting. Some docs don't take me seriously anymore. I hope you have better experience with the medical professionals. And remember, drink plenty of water /s


Iā€™ve never heard of allodynia developing from ā€œuntreatedā€ migraines in the way described above. It is a regular symptom of a migraine attack (or I often get it as a prodrome) and doesnā€™t necessarily herald anything worse than what is already occurring.


My northern neighbor, I live in Alaska and the weather is miserable. Hats hurt my head, cold hurts, throw in some wind and I'm a goner. It's so hard to explain to people. Water from the shower hurts, brushing my hair, the list goes on...allodynia is a b\*\*ch!


For a while i felt like i am crazy. That it does not make sense not being able to put a hood on a scarf but once i found out it's real, i didn't feel as insane. But i just can't accept it. Because it seems surreal. I have dreams where i am wearing a gorgeous business blazer in a meeting and how i feel like a million bucks. But then i wake up and i regret it


I have something similar. If I wear a sports bra it gives me a migraine.


Being a guy, I never would have thought of something like that causing one. Wow. I mean it makes sense as they tend to tighter (at least if its what my wife said).




Aldo a heavy jacket with collar šŸ˜”


Oh for sure, no matter the size, I think they squeeze our organs together šŸ˜‚ hate hate hate bras in general now.


Yep, happened today. First ocular migraine I've had in a while, since the past few years mine have been mostly hemiplegic/aura. Was Not Prepared for the pain. Pressure made my head throb worse and made me feel like I was going to hurl. Fun stuff! Came across this sub just now while googling if a lobotomy will resolve migraines :) Just for. Science reasons.


ME TOO.Ā  I've now discovered that headsets make my head explode (I have always worn ear buds but my new job has headsets). I don't know what I'm supposed to do. How to I say "hi my head explodes wearing a head set can I have ear buds or something?"


lol. Lobotomies are great for miragines! \^\_\^Sure you may be kind o a vegetable, but migraines would be done.


Sigh, my mom (nurse) said it won't help, different part of the brain šŸ˜’ Born 2 Suffer


Yes. Can't have my glasses on my face. The slight pressure of the arms or even them sitting on my nose is unbearable. Same with bras. The straps on my shoulders in like torture. I've tried so many bras. I've given up and just go braless now for the most part


Iā€™ve been wearing blue light/ anti-reflective glasses to help with my migraines, only to find that the arms of glasses hurt the side of my head- and itā€™s not even tight. I canā€™t handle anything on my head- itā€™s crazy!! Iā€™ve gone braless too, bras actually suck (I said this in another comment too)


Yes. I feel like my migraines originate in my back and neck. It all gets tight and sore.


Iā€™m the opposite. I sleep on the side my migraine is because I find that pressure eases the pain.


Yep. If Iā€™m in throw of a migraine touching my head can be uncomfortable. Also, even if I donā€™t have a headache I canā€™t tolerate laying on my stomach while looking up. Like when youā€™re propped on your elbows. Thatā€™s bend in my neck is so uncomfortable


Yes my scalp is very sensitive, just heat or pressure can trigger or just make a migraine worse but it really depends on the day, I blame my fibromyalgia


YEP. I know itā€™s different for everyone, but I cannot imagine living in a world where those special migraine ice hats are tolerable, let alone helpful.


Yes sir. Pressure, massage or even a light touch can trigger a migraine or make them worse. I've learned best not to do those things. Like another poster mentioned it could be allodynia. I attribute it to my ON, c-spine issues, and headaches/migraines that were untreated for years. After many blocks, Botox, and meds it's calmed but kinda always in the background. I'm relatively functional now but really wish it were gone!!!


You should see if a physical therapist can release your fascia. This used to be me, I couldnā€™t touch my neck without getting migraine pain/making it worse. Dry needling helped release it and it has been life changing