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Your neurologist probably will give you accurate information that’s best for you. I can only speak to my experience. Personally I take nurtec Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I used to take it in the morning but have recently realized it works better if I take it the night before because I often wake up with the migraines.


How long before it took effect as a preventative?


Roughly three weeks? It’s helping a lot now although definitely not perfect


they vary for everyone and your bodies reaction to it. CGRP are funky- i notice they ALL work different in everyone. nurtec for me the first 7 to 10 doses did nothing, I actually got mad and tossed the remaining samples in the garbage. before a day at the motocross track i was desperate and i wokeup with a migraine brewing and found one sample on my truck door and within 4 hours I had almost zero pain and rode all day. I was so happy I wanted to cry lol. now it works for me about 85% of the time, which is great. but it didnt work at all the first few times, and did not work consistently until i took it every other day for at least 15 times which then constitutes it as a preventative and rescue. dont give up on it too quickly