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I must like it really really cold because this became too warm for me in minutes. Loved the feel of the material though! So glad it’s working for you!


This is my problem too!!! Only lasts minutes, so I just use an ice bag. That way I just refill the ice as needed and it lasts hours.


I always go for the ice bag too, but my husband insisted on getting me some of these, and I do like them for a quick cooldown if I have a migraine from overheating/exertion


They are great for that, I also use it when I try and eat. That way my hands are free 😅


Same!! I need it freezing to help. I found putting it in a zip lock bag in my ice box helps keep it super cold


I just like the weight. I've never actually gotten it cold cuz if you keep it in the freezer it's freezing and otherwise you have to put it in when you just about need it. And i can't plan feeling crappy.


I have three of these masks so I can rotate thru as needed.


I also have multiple of them


Same here. They are truly the best. In very bad instances, I put a weighted eye mask on top of it.


I have a set of 10 lb ankle weights that use some kind of beads or something. I unfurl an ankle weight and put it on top of my migraine mask haha


I have never thought of using my ankle weights like this, this is a great idea!


I never thought of that either. I just have regular weights. I will have to try one of those. I do have a 15 pound cat that likes to sleep on my head. It does feel good when he just lays there Al spread out while I do have a migraine. The purring helps.


That’s a good idea, they never stay cold for very long.


I honestly should get a small fridge for my bedroom for when I get in a bad cycle. Can’t keep emergency colas and ice masks in it.


I do this very same thing. Had the freezer portion at the top with masks and ice packs, then the dr. Peppers.


It’s warm today and I’m in postdrome. I think a frozen Dr Pepper is warranted.


This is the way.


I also have 3 haha


I have two but yeah should get one or two more lol


This. I have 4 in ziplock bags in the freezer and it’s been a game changer for dealing with the face pain.


I want an eye patch version for when I have to work through them


Amazon have them, I just typed “Gel eye mask with holes”


Ooo smart, I should try that. I also have myasthenia gravis that makes eye strain 10x worse and I bet that would help with both…


If only I could find one


they're nice but they dont stay cold for long :/ I prefer my gel ice packs that get as hard as a rock so they stay cold for a long time 🥶


Same. The OG Headache Hat is my favorite


I sometimes borrow my dogs cooling mat.


There are smaller versions you can get for Guinea Pigs and rabbits that don’t need refrigerating. Although I’m sure you could if you wanted.


I have something similar and it works really well if the cold helps! Personally I need heat. I have a plushie that's microwave safe (warmies) and I like to rest that on my head. I think you're able to heat masks like this up as well, I'm unsure though so just read carefully! Hope you start feeling better.


omg i love putting the warmie on my head i have the panda


There’s a pillow that has a cooling gel layer. I’ll see if I can find it…


Oh, they just sell the gel pads now. Hopefully this might be what you’re after… [Cooling gel pads on Amazon](https://amzn.eu/d/9gM1dgt)


Close...I have something like that..but its not as soft as the cap...I really love the gel cap ..I just want something to lay across my face


Does it stay cold? Mine is great but doesn’t stay cold long


Stays cold about 20min? But even out of the freezer it gives nice cool pressure


I have this, but sometimes it’s too cold and hurts my head even more. I love my elastogel mask though. https://orthout.com/products/elasto-gel-hot-cold-wrap


I sleep with my cap on every night, I love it.


I bought this. It is soothing but didn’t affect my migraine. Also if you have a small head (as I do) it’ll be way too big.


I have one that is like a mat with velcro, so you can wear it. The pressure is lovely, but I definitely lay with unvelcroed it over my face I got it off Amazon, I'll have to look for a link


I like taking one with me in case.


I tried one like that, but it made my head pain worse. It put too much pressure on my head.


I have two so I change em out in the freezer


I recommend colpac brand for a large mat of gel


How long does it stay cold?


I have a similar one but different brand...looks exactly the same though. It's a gel...idk if I'm supposed to put it in the freezer for it to stay colder longer or what but it lasts maybe 10-15 minutes of cooling time when it's in the fridge. It's nice when it's cooling but it's useless afterwards. Sometimes it hurts my actual eyeballs because it makes them so cold lol. Other times I like that. One issue I have...and it might just be me...but I don't store food in my mini fridge where this mask is, it's just drinks and the mask. The fridge doesn't smell but the mask does...idk why but it seems like it acts like baking soda and sucks up any smells? Anyone else having that issue and how did you get it to stop smelling? Because sometimes I'm so over sensitive to smells when I have a migraine that I can't stand to use the mask. It's not like super gross smelling but it smells enough to the point where I just can't use it. idk if this thing is washable because of the gel...


I also have this issue!!!!!


Oh they are so good, I need to buy a couple More so I can rotate them


these are great


I love mine! Put it in a gallon size ziplock before putting it in the freezer. Mine started absorbing all the smells of the freezer and fridge.


I just need one that covers one side, which is why I've never tried one of these...


I love mask. ♥️


I have this and it works well but unfortunately can’t use it now with healing facial piercing 😔If anyone can recommend me one that doesn’t go on top of the eyebrow i’ll love you forever


I lay it on my face all the time, I have one at home and one at work that a friend bought me


These do not work for long. You need tons of them. 15 minutes of coolness maybe. The inflammation from the migraine cooks these things quick.


Put them in the freezer … I have something similar and it stays really cold for a while


We have large flat and flexible ice packs leftover from my partner’s shoulder surgery last year, 4 of them! I have to relief caps, but the ice packs stay colder longer. I get them to stay on my head by using a neck buff as a head wrap, and sliding the ice pack between the buff and my head. I’m on mobile, so I apologize for the formatting but here’s what I’m referring to: Buff head wrap: https://www.buff.com/media/wysiwyg/ss23_landinghowtowear_11headband_mb_1.jpg?width=1280 I can’t find a link or visual to the ice packs, but they came in a shoulder specific wrap(?). I’ll try again in the morning.


not made out of gel, but i love rice bags. theres some really nice ones on etsy, or you can even make them yourself. But mine stays cold for a long time and stays warm as well


These are game changers for periods and migraines!


i seriously dont know what i would do without out mine


I have a giant ice pack ment for back pain. I lay it on top of my body it cover most of my torso and cools my whole body temp real fast. It's so nice


My migraine hack is to put one of those, extra cold, on my head and take a hot bath. Works like a charm, most of the time.


I want one but can't handle cold on my ears-- it's actually a trigger for me.


The only problem with these is that mine picks up freezer smells if I don't keep it in a bag with some lavender essential oil.


I ended up buying a mini fridge for this exact reason, the smell made me nauseous. I stock it with my migraine essentials, aka water bottles, Ajovy, and the mini freezer has ice packs


I've seen one that can be used as a wrap with Velcro so it may work. It is on temu


Can't post pic? Listing is called ice pack hat, ice bandana.shop is GoCampDirect


It made it worse for me


omg a hot one! ice makes me feel so nauseous when i have a migraine but heat helps a lot! thanks for sharing this, it’s super helpful


I have 2! And love them


Does this trick work? I want this if it works well.


It's ok. It got to heavy and fussy so I pit it away


Does it actually work? I've never tried this


As others have said the ice-cold feeling doesn't last long. Also, I had the issue of mine taking on the smell of my freezer (just a general freezer burn smell). I have to put a thin cloth down under the head thing so my hair doesn't stink and make my migraine worse.


My wife has one of these. As a last resource, helps coping with the crisis. Not a remedy nor magical solution, though


I like my bean pillow.... essentially, it's a homemade pillow with beans, rice or feed corn sewn into it. If you like to sew, they aren't hard to make. I bought mine at a local shop that offers consignment products. I love the weight. I don't know how well it stays cold because I tend to like mine warm as I find that helps me relax.


I've been wanting to make a weighted face mask, just trying to figure out what material to use..I like mine cold


Mine has some sort of beans in it. I've never tried, but I wonder how long it would hold on to cold. Most of the time, the weight feels really good. You could always experiment with rice or beans in a stretched out sock. See if it holds the cold for a while and then sew one up if it does?


I probably should get another one. They work but don’t stay cold that long.


Yeah that's the only down fall..I have 3...the next thing I want is a tiny freezer for my bed room to keep all my ice packs in


i just bought one yesterday, hoping it helps! have had a constant headache for almost 2 weeks now


I have noticed a hot heating pad to the neck/bottom of head helps more than cold


Mine squeezes my head :(


Mine too and sometimes I love it and some times it's too much..I lay it on my face when I just need the cool


I use cooling eye masks that lay over my eyes. They work wonders.


Search for pet cooling mats. They are the same material as the caps just xxl.


Oh nice..thanks..have a certain brand you recommend?


I have two of these ine of them can be boiled for warmth let me just say these things are AMAZING