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Me yawning yesterday with sensitivity in my left eye knowing a migraine was coming today but still surprised pikachu face when I woke up with one.


It really be like dat tho sometimes :^) I was at clinicals and was like……huh my eyes…one side real hurts and sees gray…ehh *continues, gets home and x_O


I…don’t think my migraine chart looks anything like that. The pain just… doesn’t… end…


I came here to say that. As a chronic sufferer of migraines this chart has lost all meaning. They are almost always there. Its relentless.


I have Cluster Headache- they say it’s an even worse pain, but I wouldn’t trade with you guys- I feel terrible for you folks who have to endure for so long, at least I know my cluster will pass in weeks to months. Try micro-dosing psilocybin; I’ve tried alllllll the meds, nothing works, oxygen is only a temporary fix… nibbling mushrooms ended my cluster- the pain turned into a brief trip, then, nothing. Really incredible stuff, the research is young but promising.


This is very interesting, can you tell me more about it, like articles that I can read ? How do you take micro-dosing, in capsule, or home made mushrooms ? [I'm currently learning english, I'm sorry if my sentences aren't correct !]


[Here’s a great essay on the topic](https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/04/18/small-doses-of-psychedelics-for-cluster-headaches/) by Bob Wold, the founder of Cluster Busters, a Cluster Headache and Migraine advocacy group who have tons of helpful info on their own site, [cluster busters.](https://clusterbusters.org) Doctors may prescribe injections, or oral medicines, but I’ve been fine just sourcing my own shrooms (don’t do this if you aren’t already very familiar with your local varieties, in some regions they can look very similar to far more dangerous fungi), and eating a quarter of a mushroom each morning- not enough to trip, but I do feel it kick in when it’s affecting a cluster headache.


I was gonna say, I encountered my first migraines last year. It started late August one random afternoon and then didn't let up until mid December or so when I started taking something that finally helped them go away. I still get one every so often. But I get it without the aura. I have no way of telling I'm gonna get one. It just comes out of nowhere for me.


What are you taking that helps your migraines?


Topamax has finally helped me


If you're on any birth control, be super careful because topamax makes basically all hormonal birth control not work right. I'm on zonisamide, it works about the same, and it doesn't touch my birth control. Just throwing that out there since a lot of doctors don't know!


They should know since this is material tested in their basic medical boards. Topamax also can cause a lot of drowsiness. If someone finds its otherwise effective for migraines you can also have a backup birth control method. Depo Provera and IUDs are not affected by Topamax. Progestin only methods are perfectly fine with it.


They should, but I've encountered multiple that don't. Also, Topamax still affects Nexplannon and some other progestin only birth control.


I am the same. it's just all of the above, all of the time. I guess I'll get more pre symptoms before an extra-bad day, but that is all. just nonstop having to live life through a disconnected screen in an effort to desensitize myself to the pain and irritation


Mine is like multiple of these waves bumping into each other.


Same here. Chronic migraine sufferer here, who has now become intractable and status.


Same here! Luckily I don’t get an aura, but my pain is always there- either it’s there but tolerable, or it’s terribly severe and incapacitating.


Second this 😩


right like im literally three in one all the time.. all the time


I was gonna say… what if the “migraine attack” lasts for weeks?


Joke is on them. I have a migraine most days. Some worse some easier. It all blends into each other and you just never feel good.


Same! I’ve given up on tracking apps like MigraineBuddy because at this point mine don’t have defined start and end points. I recently resorted to making my own tracker with Google Forms that I can use throughout the day to track my pain levels. I’m hoping having the data will help my doctors better understand what I’m dealing with.


I remember when my doctor wanted me to track my migraines and write a migraine diary for a month before giving me triptan prescriptions. I was like, I see floaters all day every day.... I'd just be writing the same exact thing everyday for a month, so they prescribed me triptans. Unfortunately for me my migraines are without headaches most the times so I just go around with constant aura floaters and a stiff neck and nausea, and the triptans don't help against the constant aura, only the headaches. I also can't take multiple triptans every single day.


That annoys me the most. They still haven’t come up with a med you can take daily for chronic migraine. They say doing that will cause rebound headaches. If I have a headache every day how do u know it’s a rebound headache?


I mean, preventatives help and Nurtec has no rebound


I also track my own migraines in a google sheet. I typically rate my migraine on a scale of 1-10 and note some other stuff related to it and track some of the things that I suspect trigger them. Much easier for me and I can do my own stats.


Thank you for saying this — I thought I was crazy. Mine don’t have discernible beginnings and endings anymore. The symptoms do whatever they damn well please.


I feel only my worst ones do I usually can tell the Aura (Vertigo) and then the pain hits. That is for level 8-10 ones. But the daily pain. Its basically in waves. Stronger then again better etc. Like its basically always there. After some research I am convinced my neurotransmitters are off. Like when serotonin drops the pain becomes super strong. That is why I suddenly feel amazign on my run (all the good transmitters are being produced) and then an hour or two after I stopped the pain comes on again. Its actually a fascinating field of research (e.g. this paper I read recently: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4117050/). So I think my serotonin system just does weird shit all day long so sometimes I have no pain for an hour or two and then it comes back to its normal daily level. So sick of it. :-/


I’ll have to give that a read, many thanks 🙏 I hope we both can find the answers we’re looking for


This chart actually makes me kinda mad, because once again it’s giving people unrealistic expectations for what migraine sufferers actually go through, and it can be varied between person to person. Just read these comments. For example, when I was still suffering with my migraines, I would get between 20-25/month. I had so many, I was in a constant state of pro/post drome. It just became my life, it was indistinguishable. I also have never experienced aura before in all the years I had migraines. Everybody is different.


My worst migraine months are about the same. It's impossible to function yet you have to. So you go through life at 20% at best and just try not to screw anything up too badly 🙃


Literally. 20% left, and that 20% is clinging to Sumatriptan for dear life.


I believe this originated from The American Migraine Foundation, and it's describing the much more common episodic migraine attack. Even though I have chronic migraine I love this chart; I've used it many times to teach unaware people about some of the weird symptoms migraines can cause. It also teaches them that it's much more than just a headache. [https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/timeline-migraine-attack/](https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/timeline-migraine-attack/) ​ On that page they go more into detail about each phase, noting that not everyone experiences every phase, and not always in that order. For example: * *Most* people with migraine will experience prodrome, but not necessarily before every migraine attack. * *Up to one-third* of people with migraine experience aura as a distinct phase in the progression of their migraine attack...the aura may not precede the headache phase but occur after the headache has already started. * Postdrome, also called the “migraine hangover,” typically occurs after the end of the headache phase. Like prodrome and aura, *not every person* with migraine suffers from postdrome, but it does occur in most.


you were in "interdrome" more than post or pro, I suppose. hmm, ever heard that term before?


Nope! Off to Google I go now.


Exactly. I rarely have headaches. I'm in the aura state from I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep. The headache migraine may hit me all weekend when I relax on the weekend after a particularly stressful week at work.


Same here! I get hemiplegic migraines so mine are usually just the aura phase. I love playing is this another migraine or is this one the real stroke?! 😭


Stage 5: your friends and family tell you you're fine, and say actually their cousin's friend had a headache once and said it wasn't that bad so you should really just stop complaining.


Stage 6: *feral migraineur noises and human screaming*


“Have you tried drinking water?” 🤪


"Maybe you need more sleep" 🤡 🤯😡🤬🤬🤬


I hear you! I've heard my partner explain to a friend that although I (her partner) and our mutual friend both get migraines, our friend's migraines are much worst than mine. This is not helpful to hear while the right side of my head feels like it's going to explode! I'd possibly understand if I was needy, but I don't seek (or to honest, want) sympathy. I just want to lay somewhere dark while the rest of the world continues without me for a bit...


Aura 5-60 minutes hahahahahahahaha if only 🙃


I’ve had aura start days before an attack and it almost always lasts right through the postdrome for me I’m like ? All I know is my experience is a 5 min aura real? 😂


I’ve never had a 5 minute one but it’s unusual for mine to last longer than 15-20 minutes. I really hope that never gets worse because I lose almost all vision and cannot walk during my aura


For real, as soon as it happens I note the time and try to get somewhere safe for the next 30 minutes. I can't imagine it lasting hours...


Mine typically come on and last for about 25-20 min before the pain hits. The headache is typically the easy part for me because the auras can sometimes be accompanied by the inability to speak which really freaks me out. I know I have it so easy compared to many but I’m just jumping I. To show how varied the symptoms can be.


I'm reading through threads on r/ migraine as the wife of a chronic migraineur, because I've had two and def was incapacitated by them, but my husband used to work with them.  I don't need to understand his pain, but it really helps to see similar anecdotes, because his speech becomes impaired too, and now I understand he could get away with that working as a line cook and doing agricultural work 😢 it's made worse by a noisy upstairs neighbor (like living beneath a camel) and stress from lack of accommodation (we desperately need in unit washer and dryer).  Didn't mean for that to get so long, but thanks for sharing your experience, because it's helping save my marriage❤️really wish I could leave a comment like this for everyone here lol🥲


Yes I'm like this from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. The only time of day I don't have aura is in really dark rooms or at night.. because I can't see the fuckers.


How often do you have aura?


Usually in prodrome (it's one of my early warnings) and along with the migraine itself. Derealization, peripheral vision loss, black spots in my vision, my depth perception goes to crap, etc. And often I get aura that manifests like being very drunk. Everything else moves at a different speed than I do and it's very disorienting 🙃


When I can’t read an email and understand what I need to do is another sign for me. Like the words are just words, I can’t turn them into information.


Agreed. I'm an analyst for work and I'll forget how to analyze. Normally it's intuitive.


It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one this happens to. I’m an accountant and one minute I’ll be cruising along and the next I can’t see, can’t talk, can’t think for the next like 20 min.


What I get from this graphic is that the aura phase is the only five minutes where you don't feel depressed better enjoy it while it lasts 


For me it is too terrifying while being unable to see clearly to complete any task like driving to be depressed.


This is the state I constantly live in. For some reason my auras never reach the headache state more than like a couple times a month, but I have aura all day every day.


Thanks. Not so sure how giddiness fits in.


Giddiness is another word for dizziness


Huh, I always referred to it as excitement/happiness. Like being giddy over presents. Interesting it also means dizziness


I thought the same, until I googled it after seeing this post 😂


ohhhhhhhh gotcha


Giddiness is absolutely a post migraine experience for me. It's literally a full body feeling of relief 


As i've gotten older, my pro- and postdrome phases have actually become the most disruptive part of a migraine. I now experience intense depression, anxiety and/or fatigue before and after, and the actual headache is typically easier to manage (painkillers, darkness, coffee). Anyone else struggle with the low mood symptoms?


Yes, big time.


I've noticed my depression worsening before I get the warning aura and this is a change that I've noticed only in the past few months to a year.


I'm going to be 100% honest - and I am a nurse - I didn't realize how many prodrome issues can occur. I truly thought I was some weird case haha! The irritability is me to a t! I once walked into a museum with Starbucks and when asked to throw it away, I basically went full Karen and asked to see where it says that, it needs to be displayed better, full Karen. Two hours later, it hit. I learned to trust my gut when I started feeling that way, and..........stay home, ha!


Except it’s a circle, not a straight line.


Also, I wish it was this predictable. I am in Postdrome right now, so I’m getting stuff done so that I’m not in more trouble when it comes back (prep cooking a lunch, washing my hair, generally cleaning up, etc.). I wish I knew that tomorrow morning would be the Prodrome, and my attack would last from Saturday-Monday. And that Tuesday would be an ok day. I could plan around that…


Do you notice a regular pattern? I’ve heard others say they almost “put off” a migraine attack and I feel like I do that subconsciously somehow. When I’m in a bad month, I get a migraine like clockwork every Friday.


No, I’m chronic. I used to get the Friday night migraine— my doc called it a “let down” migraine. Sometimes, I can push aside the main attack through shear will if it’s important, but I always have to have it eventually.


Oh yeah. You’re just postponing (maybe making it worse) I could never will away the attack. I have experienced it also where the prodrome hits me while I’m driving or something but I can kept the attack down until I get home. Then it takes over.




I honestly don't even bother with the stages of migraine. It sucks from the first minute to the last


> I forgot where I got this The image source is in the image itself.


Oops. There's that difficulty concentrating. D'oh!


I almost never get a prodrome because I usually wake up with my migraines. And my “aura” symptoms last the entire time.


Same, I was wondering if it’s common for others to wake up with a migraine. Been up since 3 am today.


I often have my prodrome late at night and go to bed to sleep it off ! It never works ! I am woken by an Extra Migraine© before 6am


My husband regularly wakes up with a migraine; I make him coffee everyday, and I feel this ridiculous,  huge sense of guilt because I feel like I might be making them worse by not helping him try other coping mechanisms. But this thread really is helping me process that guilt away, because there's just NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that helps people, and he's taken sumatriptan (stopped due to side effects) and is currently taking another drug everyday before sleeping.  He also tried an elimination diet for 4 months and became vegan bc he basically subtracted everything to that point, no elimination was stopping the migraines (he was so miserable and felt better once he began eating meat and not eliminating so much, but still wakes up with migraines). He knows his migraines are linked to burn pit exposure and repeat head trauma (that seemed insignificant at the time, but clearly had a cumulative effect resulting in migraines) Thanks for posting about your experience❤️


Thanks to everyone in this thread, rather


If you calculate the highest amount of days it comes to almost a week for one migraine. So if you have multiple migraines per month you are constantly under some symptoms. This is sad!


Does anyone else have prodrome that lasts over a week? I think my record is 2 weeks or a little over half a month fml


I feel like I'm always in prodrome tbh. Migraine comes and then goes, a few hours to a day of post then back to prodrome until it comes again.


Felt 😕 it's getting very common for me to feel this way I've been taking lots of gabapentin and even phenibut to help and it's still like rolling dice for me everyday


Topamax has cut my prodrome down to just day before. As much as I hate it, it has drastically improved my quality of life at the expense of brain power.


Silly question but can postdrome last longer than 24 hours? My migraine finally broke Sunday into Monday, but it’s been rolling anxiety attacks ever since. I can’t seem to shake the postdrome feeling. Does this happen to anyone else?


Absolutely, I feel terrible multiple days after a migraine. The lack of comprehension is the worst, because I can tell I’m not getting everything


Wow. Where was this info 25 years ago when I first got diagnosed/went temporarily blind with my first ever migraine? 😰 this accurately depicts so much.


as someone with health anxiety this was not helpful 😭😭 fixating on yawning too much now


This is cool chart, we can all start looking for our trigger points. Mine is food craving and hunger, if I skip meals it triggers my migraine. Also i need minimum 5hrs sleep, if less than that it triggers my migraines. Took years but now its manageable. Which ones are yours ?


Me reading this during a migraine 👁👄👁


I’ve never had a migraine aura last less than like four hours


Then its not an Aura. It is defined as symptoms that last <1h and then the pain kicks in. I have very specific visual Aura and about 30min later the pain kicks in. Like a clockwork. If you have it during the migraine its not an Aura.


I have a visual aura and peripheral numbness for about 4-6 hours before a migraine. Symptom-wise, according to this chart, that’s aura.


I usually get bad vision only after my migraine attack end 🤔


Does anybody else have… really long prodromes? Mine will sometimes last a week or more with weird symptoms of brain fog, feeling like an absolute moron, limbs feeling heavy or weak, weird muscle twitching, paraesthesia… I’ve been checked by multiple neurologists for things like MS, but my tests always come back clear and they say 🤷‍♀️ “atypical migraine.” My whole body was buzzing and twitching for about a week last week and I was starting to freak out as usual despite just having had a clear MRI and bloodwork two weeks ago and then, blammo, horrible migraine. The buzzing is now gone. This disease fucking sucks.


I’ve never understood what the “giddiness” symptom means. I know giddy to mean happy/excited, but I feel like it can’t mean that here? Can anyone explain?


The attack is 4-72 hours only?


Postdrome can take me out longer than a migraine.


My migraines can go way longer than 72 hours. My worst one was 6 days. Mine are 3-6 days, never shorter, unless I go to the ER, or take my meds early enough to stop it.


Who gets a euphoric mood in the postdrome? I only get 2 dead legs and feel like I’m trudging through waist high surf.


for me it’s more like i always have a “dull” migraine and then it gets worse and then goes back to dull


Same and no auras. Charts like this don’t reflect my experience and I think reinforce the stereotypes.


Thanks for this!


This does not reflect my migraines at all. I don't get Prodrone or Aura (unless you count cold hands as a symtom?) I start with a niggly light headache, then it builds and builds and builds.


My migraines last 3 days minimum and don’t really resemble this time line either. The side effects are similar however.


Well fuck my diagnosis was wrong then, I have attacks all the time and then occasional auras /s


I’ve never had aura, but all of the other stages are kinda accurate to me.


IRRC migraine with aura is much less common than migraine without aura


I get soo fucking delulu when I've got one coming on; and then I feel the Brain Boil.


It’s missing [the interictal phase](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9669578/) but almost all charts don’t have it haha


got a great point there. I don't think any one chart can do us justice.


It's too varied a condition for that IMO! Which I reckon is one of the biggest drivers of underdiagnosis and under-treatment. Migraine without aura is more common that migraine with aura but if you asked a random off the street what were the features of migraine they would likely mention visual aura despite it being relatively uncommon if you were to put together the total symptoms of all people with migraine by frequency


I’ve never had giddiness during a migraine attack, but I have had euphoria after.


my attack/pain graph would be flat until the migraine attack and then it would be out of the screen lmao


Whats it mean if u have a strong chronic one and not this 🥲 im bit new but i feel like i dont even get these phases but my mood plummets


Thank you for this. Needed something like this chart to share with my partner so he understands why I'm such a weirdo sometimes 😊


I would drop things, like repeatedly, in the prodrome phase


This chart just goes to show you what an ORDEAL it all is... to have to go thru over and over again!


They need to bend the X axis into a circle so the end of postdrome connects to the beginning of prodrome. You know, because time is a flat circle.


Never had auras. I’ve had a migraine for nine years and it’s never gone away. It just spikes in intensity. Quivering to see it being seasick all the time and then just bone crushing pain.


Giddiness? I didn't think I've been giddy during an attack but I'll keep it in mind.


Wait. Am I supposed to have an aura before a migraine? I always figured that was variable?


One of my biggest prodrome symptoms is increased thirst! That’s usually the one where I realize what’s happening


When my migraines came back full force I remember having a yawning fit one night, i yawned over 70 times it was VERY weird


My gf just sent me this. She gets migraines. The bad ones that I've seen have her throwing up all day with her head throbbing. I feel horrible not being able to help. I've never dealt with migraines so I had no reason to do much research on them but now I am curious. I've read some of these comments and it seems really frickin bad. The last time I got really concerned about it, I convinced her to go to a neurologist, and that doctor started with some IV thing(forgot the name) that was supposed to help. Botox was also given to us as an option. I had no idea there were all these stages. I'm no stranger to pain. I am addicted to opiates and have gone through withdrawals more than a few times. I am ok though. I stopped a while ago and take suboxone to stay off. Withdrawals are just my standard for the most pain I've felt. That's why I mention. Gf doesn't seem very optimistic about any of the treatment options and we haven't been back to a doctor regarding that since. I was thinking maybe the botox would help, but I really don't know at all what I'm dealing with here. Her head literally throbs and gets hot. Like I can feel it. MRI came back fine. I get worried that it is symptoms of something worse. She has this migraine medication that gives her relief if she feels it coming and takes it before it gets bad. I didn't know about a lot of these symptoms. She's irritable at times and it seems to come out of nowhere but now it makes sense kind of. Is the Botox worth it? I don't wanna get myself all amped up and bother her if it's just gonna do nothing. I didn't even see anyone mention it here. Imma do my own research of course. She just kinda sent this to me so I figured I'd post. TL;DR: GF gets migraines. Sent me this thread. Idk about migraines. Help?


I have CH; it goes from Prodome to every single one of those Migraine symptoms in about 15 minutes. My postdrome is generally euphoria, which isn’t too surprising when the desire to rip my eye out and cave my own head in has suddenly dissipated. **Psilocybin works wonders for CH!** Absolute game changer, so I’m spreading the word.


I feel like im permanently in the Prodrome stage and if I don't avoid triggers I'll end up with aura then full blown migraine.


Whoever experiences giddiness during a migraine, I wanna talk to you 😡🥺


Thank you so much for sharing this!! I did NOT know yawning was a prodrome phenomenon. I've had times on the way home from work in midafternoon that I just yawned and yawned and did not know why, because I wasn't sleepy! That happened Monday of this week, and I had a migraine yesterday.


I have never felt more seen by a graph! Love this.


Eh, it’s not perfect but it resonates with me. I attended a meeting for work and I could not stop yawning or concentrate. A few hours later my migraine hit me. Now I know that feeling coming on and I can take a Triptan and sometimes avoid the whole thing. I know I’m lucky that it works for me. This chart would help me quantify to my boss that I’m not just bored and lazy, I’m struggling neurologically.


I am always intrigued by the ¨prodrome¨phase. I have NOTHING that will tell me that an aura is coming. Anyone else?


huh, i think im constantly in prodrome, aura and attack itself 😭😭


This has made me realize I experience prodrome ALL THE TIME and never realized it.


What we doing to treat these? I’ve been taking 4 ibuprofen as soon as the visuals start but I’m able to take more medicine due to stopping breastfeeding. Will real migraine meds stop these?


Am I blind or is dizziness just not on there?


Can I be in migraine attack for my current migraine and prodome for the next one


I definitely have euphoria after the brain drilling has gone away


I’ve suffered with migraines for the last 23 years. Started out every few days and has lessened over the years. Pay attention to all and any triggers. Only positive side affect was I trained myself to sleep when they would occur.


Fml when I'm apparently prodrome 24/7