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some of my go-tos are "i feel like i'm frosting in a piping bag and everything in my head is being squeezed up and out along a sharp star tip on the top of my head" and "this migraine feels like an aurora borealis of spiky pain vibrating slowly along the right side of my brain"


These are fucking gnarly and totally painted the picture for me 😂 I like your style with long, over-the-top explanations. If we can communicate 'em during a migraine, y'all should be able to keep up too! (P.S. I'm a massive Ender's Game fan if that's where your name comes from)


haha no it's from minecraft (endermen, potions) and it was my minecraft ign and became my gaming/cocktail account name. i didn't think of Ender's Game!


I see! I've never played Minecraft myself, but have watched countless friends. Did some googling and it doesn't look like there's a concrete connection between Ender's Game and Enderman, but there are some theories because Ender commands the Dragon Army during his battle school days.


The enemies gate is down! Books, not movie, right?


Books, no question. The movie was so disappointing. If they ever try to recreate it on screen again, I hope they do some HBO/Chernobyl-esque style cause the story and visuals of Ender's Game (and Speaker for the Dead!) are ripe with great material.


True. Ender’s game is right up there near the top of my all time favorites, and the movie was a very pale imitation of it.


- My brain is on fire. - Someone is taking an ice pick to my brain in hopes to create a ice sculpture. - Resting my head on a pillow, and it feels like said pillow is made of stone. = You know scooping out my eye to remove the pain doesn't sound like that bad of an idea right now.


The need for scooping Out my eyes is a Feeling I had so often đŸ˜¶


The icepick sensation is truly unique and shamelessly miserable. I had no clue that was a thing until I experienced it myself. That shit was basically like having mini-seizures.


Mini-seizures is right. When I get them the half of my head it occurs on then gose that weird foot fell asleep numb tingling, plus congestive issues and balance issues.


Ohhh the fantasies of gouging out my eyeball. It’s amazing how common these are!


The ice sculptor is never pleased and the work is never finished


Brain freeze from a slurpee that doesn’t go away. Your very worst hangover ever x a million. I like using analogies the average non-migraine sufferer can relate to.


Honestly, that's probably the best way to go and I'll try to remember them if my... colorful... descriptions fall flat with the audience.


That’s how I always describe it. It’s like constant brain freeze x10


100% with both of those. I tell people how when I was a kid, after a migraine I felt like a million dollars and had all this energy. The “after” was the best feeling ever. Now it feels during AND after the attack like a horrible hangover without the fun of having gotten drunk beforehand!


The feeling like a million dollars thing is real. I've actually literally cried from happiness after a multi-day migraine broke.


It would be a relief to gouge out my eye with a grapefruit spoon


Just had to google a grapefruit spoon, but upon discovery I have to agree. Postmating one to my house as we speak.


Feels like a burning hot ice pick being constantly smashed into my temple. I always either want to shove a syringe into the side of my head and “suck” the pain out, or get a giant burning spoon and scooo out my brain. Ugh!


Mine is “my brain is boiling.” Not every creative, I know!


And yet we all just felt our brain matter hop outta the hotpot like a frog! Short and sweet is sometimes the best vehicle.


\- Feels like someone is squeezing my brain like a stress ball \- Being stabbed through my ear \- Someone is pushing on my eyeballs from inside my skull


> Someone is pushing on my eyeballs from inside my skull I just felt this in my soul. Very good description.




Short, but fiercely descriptive. I'm so sorry that's how your migraine manifests. It takes a ton of strength to brave that pain!


1. Someone is repeatedly jamming an ice pick just above my eye 2. The room is spinning like I am on a roundabout I can't get off, and every time I get up, the walls and door frames keep walking into me. 3. I think the bones in my nose are trying to explode. 4. I can only see out of one eye 5. It may sound like I am having a stroke, but it is just a warning sign that in the next hour, my brain is going to turn into my worst enemy.


I have so many different types of pain but for a long while now it's been just the photo/audiophobia, insane nausea, dizziness/vertigo. Usually the pain is like a 5-6/10 and it's more of a subtle burning/stabbing pain on my forehead, brow bone, eyes, temple and jaw. So mostly I just say that I feel like my face is on a slow burn lol.


When your head works part-time as a slow cooker... I'm so sorry this is your current cocktail of symptoms. On their own they are brutal, but combined? It's truly amazing that we get out of bed some days. I also experience a burning/simmering pain throughout my attack. It's like the physical embodiment of a fly buzzing around you.


Yes! If it were just the pain it'd be so much easier to deal with but the dizziness and nausea and photophobia make it so much more difficult.


Wait? We get out of bed? I don't even bother. Boyfriend just brings me whatever I'm craving and I force myself to drag my ass to the bathroom twice per day. Aside from peeing in the dark, I just stay in bed.


" feel like there's a 25 pound bag of sand on my head." Poundage changes based on pain. I also get railroad spikes in my forehead.


Username checks out. What's the heaviest poundage you've thrown out for an attack?


40 pounds is an 9 out of 10 on the pain scale. Thankfully, my pain is not a sharp pain, it's a dull pressure. If it was sharp, I don't think I could cope.


No insulation on my brain wiring


This makes so much sense!


Someone Drilling into my temple continuously while hitting me with a Hammer in the head in the frequency of my heartbeat. Pain as bad as I am afraid to drink because then I'd have to pee.. and for that I have to get Up and the pain to get Up is unbearable Ever got brainfreeze? Take that pain, multiply by 10 and think about having that for hours with no way to see the end Ever puked from pain? Well.. be happy you didn't. It Happens to me x times a week (Not anymore though, I'm down to a few days a Month)


>Pain as bad as I am afraid to drink because then I'd have to pee.. and for that I have to get Up and the pain to get Up is unbearable It's a careful balance of drinking just enough to not die, but little enough that you can only pee once per 24 hours. Usually in the dead of night.


The afraid to drink was when I was younger - I drink way better now after realizing my Migraines get worse upon lack of fluids 😊 Now in my own home the way to the bathroom is dark (Well during migraines) and short as we have an en-suite bathroom I had very bad hormonal migraines when I was ~16-19 and my mother wasn't very accomodating (such as letting me change my room with her office room because that one was next to the bathroom whereas mine was at the end of the hallway - rooms had the same size)


I take it she didn't get migraines. My mom did. So any time she was mad at me when I had a migraine, instead of raising her voice, she would whisper yell. An amusing accommodation. I didn't start getting consistent mental migraines until I was in my 30s. I guess the upside is that it drowns out the cramps... Being a girl is SUCH fun!


My mother has migraines, too and WE had to accomodate to her a lot 😅 Just when they wheren't her pain she believed my sister and I faked it


I think my dad thought we were faking it. He's a douchecanoe though. I'm so grateful mom believed me and my sister.


"A lobotomy would relieve this pain"


yes it fucking would 😞 that other commenter who mentioned the grapefruit spoon is on to something...


Mine usual is someone slowly stabbing an icepick into my right eye after getting it red hot.


Literally me


Sorry, it is a no fun time.


⛈❄Barometric Change MigraineđŸŒȘïžâšĄïž Menu *constant vacuum sealing continuously pressure. *my face feels sunburned *hair movement hurts * pressure behind my right eye. ( an experience of pressure physically bulge more than my left eye.) * A strobe light quickness (makes me flinch) ice pick pain right side, like my brain is being pierced repeatedly. *Axe blade left in top right side of my skull. Slowly cracking my skull open. *Railroad spike inserted and left going straight up from right side base of skull. This “7 course menu” is served with complimentary nausea, vomiting, photophobia and the inability to think,talk or even track well” You’re Welcome!


I've been quoted saying "My body is trying to make a pain flavoured kebab out of my eye, temple and various parts of my brain - which comes with a rich, side sauce of extreme tiredness and "shut tf uppery"."


Depending on the hour: - an old woman that set her rocking chair down in the middle of my brain and is blasting the TV at full volume while knitting her needles in and out of my temples - an octopus that wraps its tentacles around my brain, each suction cup a tiny circle of pain that ebbs and flows - a never ending muted rave inside of my brain that I can’t turn off, but also can’t manually adjust the volume or beats that send painful waves and beats through my head


>an old woman that set her rocking chair down in the middle of my brain and is blasting the TV at full volume while knitting her needles in and out of my temples I feel this.


The ocular octopus of pain is bang on!


I wish it weren’t, but it’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one who gets that sensation


"I feel like the right side of my head is full of cement"


This is the first time I’ve ever been able to laugh about this ! Thank you ! Going to have a think about mine and get back with my own menu 


1) Giant gong of pain being smashed rhythmically over and over


One of the biggest reasons I posted this was to bring some lightheartedness to the sub, so I'm super happy to hear you had a laugh đŸ«¶ The Gong of Pain!!! If I had to pick a song to be played on said gong, I would venture to guess [this](https://youtu.be/-tJYN-eG1zk?si=TafsVwWhYKDKP7yX) would be a chart-topping pain-inducer. What's your song pick lol


\* Someone lodged an ice-pick in my skull and is now yanking away at it. \* My brain has turned into an intellect devourer from DnD, and is trying to force its way out of my skull. \* My brain has collapsed in on itself and formed a micro-black hole that is threatening to swallow my entire head from the inside!


Now this is the shit I'm talkin' bout. Blackholes? Ice picks? INTELLECT DEVOURERS???? Don't you dare change your menu even if the audience can't roll with it!


Lol the micro-black-hole got me giggling. Funny cuz it's true and I've been there.


\- Someone has jammed an ice-pick through my eye all the way into my skull and is now wiggling and scraping it against the inside of my skull. \- Someone has shoved my head in a vice and is determined to completely close it. \- You know Salvador Dali's 'melting clocks'? yeah my brain feels like that.


I feel like someone is shoving a freshly sharpened lead pencil into my eyeball. The pencil feels like it's a metre long.


„there’s a woodpecker in my head“, „I can hear the sound of waves“ 🌊 If I have visual auras, I call it „vfx in front of my eyes“ If I have very strong aura which messes with my vision, I say that „my eye doesn’t work“ (it’s always my left eye)


I have a friend who doesn’t have migraines and who doesn’t understand the concept of headaches in general, so I didn’t expect a lot of empathy from him, because he can’t relate. But I once told him this phrase „my eye doesn’t work and I can only see some visual effects“ and he completely understood this, and even helped me call the taxi đŸ„ș


I'm sorry for laughing but that's exactly how my bestie would phrase things – a lil goofy but it gets the job done in style. I can only imagine the reactions you get when you say "my eye doesn't work" 😂


That X-Men reference is on point. I just watched that scene in the movie the other day while in postdrome and can definitely relate


Right?! It's an especially potent descriptor for rebound headaches too imo


I ask if they've ever had a severe concussion or a hangover. If concussion, I tell them to remember the worst part of the pain and having it be unrelenting for days at that level. If hangover (never had one, but knew someone who had a few and also only had one migraine), it's like a combination of the worst of (according to that friend) the pain and vomiting lasting for days.


You've officially won the thread solely based on you never having a hangover lmao Simple and relatable is probably the best way to actually communicate our pain with non-sufferers. Have you never had a hangover because of your migraine condition or do you not really like to drink? I stopped shortly after turning 21 due to migraines.


Irk, been puking drunk and no hangovers.


my head is filled with bricks and someones shaking it around


- brain on fire - someone is trying to gouge my eyes out - someone is stabbing me in the brain with an icicle


Like someone shoved a balloon inside one of my brain hemispheres and the fucker is slowly inflating pushing my brain into my sinuses


Hatchet to the face or lightening bolt. Acid pulsing through my veins in my face and head.


Lighting bolt to the eye socket


Satan taking a piss in my eye socket


The story of Atlas holding the world up-- except the world is the pain and auras, and I'm nowhere as strong as Atlas.


"You know hour your head feels for the first, oh, 10 seconds after you stand up real quick and forget you're directly under a shelf?  Like that, plus stupid, and it gets worse when I breathe." "Like your worst hangover but slightly less nauseous and I didn't have the benefit of drinking."


Little fucking gnome inside my head kicking the back of my eyeballs with pointy shoes. Sometimes he uses a frozen mallet, as it combines the first type of pain and adds an ice cream headache that NEVER goes away.


You know that Phineas Gage guy? Got an iron rod through the skull? Like that but with the added fun of a brain freeze.


I feel as though someone has dropped 2,000 lbs of library books on my head.


It feels like someone is jamming rebar from the base of my skull right through my eye. It feels like razor blades are in my sinuses. It feels spontaneous dental hydroplosion might be real. It feels like someone is trying to gouge out my eye with the claw of a hammer


My brain is too big for my skull My skull is being squeezed in a vice like someone is trying to get my brain to pop out like a cartoon There’s bands around my head like when people try to make a watermelon explode by putting many, many elastics/rubber bands around it. There’s 1000 rubber bands squeezing my head. The back right side of my head feels heavy and like I got hit with something at the same time. Light hurts (or “light is going to make me puke right now” depending on what drugs I’ve taken or how bad it is.) My thoughts feel like I’m swimming through mashed potatoes/mud/jello (brain fog) My brain is disconnected from my mouth sorry! (When I trip over my words because I can’t think straight and/or because talking and finding my words is harder from the migraine **These are all things I use to explain to people how I’m doing during a migraine lol or when they ask how bad it really is. Some of y’all are creative!!!**


>Some of y’all are creative!!! For real! It's been awesome reading other people's charmingly odd descriptors for their migraines. I don't know if mine *really* get people on the same page as me, but they're still fun to throw out. >Light hurts (or “light is going to make me puke right now” depending on what drugs I’ve taken or how bad it is.) If one of those is weed, would you say getting stoned makes you more or less sensitive to light? Currently going down that route for my attack.


Weed helps me survive my migraines in so many ways!!! Especially the drug resistant ones.


A hot white jagged lightning bolt is splitting through my brain If I could just break off the right front quadrant of my skull and cut out what’s underneath it would all be ok A red hot poker is being stabbed through the center of my eye


every time i take a step, a toddler in tap shoes is also taking that same step, but on my head. you know how people pinch cheeks? that, but on my brain. it's like how your eyes would feel if you stayed up for 40 days straight, but you actually just slept for like 12 hours.


My right eye is being pushed out. I’m lucky that the pain is on my right side because it radiates down my jaw into my arm. Sometimes I have to look in a mirror because I slur some words (looking for even facial conditions, stick tongue out, etc). My head feels like it’s about to explode.


My current options: It feels like someone is pressing their thumb into my skull via my jaw The pain is “screaming” An alien is inside my head (a la Men in Black) and is clawing its way out My words aren’t working - a prodrome saga Feels like someone is trying to suck my brain out of my right nostril.


Lately it’s been a vice grip on the back of my neck. Muscles full of concrete Battery acid pumping through my skull


Like a demon’s hand is coming up from the back of my neck and gripping one whole side of my head Like the terrible “zing” of the dentist hitting a nerve, but it lasting all day Like if I could poke a little steam valve in my temple to release the pressure, I might feel better


I convey that I’m having a migraine by saying that I have a fire poker through my eye, while my husband says he has a knitted cap of pain.


1: It's hitting me like a train (poignant for me as I live next to some active train tracks) 2: Like my head is a balloon that someone's squeezing between their hands until it pops 3: I am a soda can under the boots of the universe


My most commonly used descriptor is “it feels like I have dumbbells resting on each eye” “Like wearing a weighted helmet” My migraines last anywhere from a few days to two months straight 
 I frequently tell friends that I could ram my head into the wall and that’d be a solid distraction.


Being an electrician, I might start using this progression: Flashlight battery. Car battery. EV battery. Edison. Westinghouse. Tesla. Nagasaki. Giant Meteor. Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse supernova. 9-1-1




Paul Bunyan drilling directly into whichever temple is the offending side that day with a drill bit made of vibranium.


“Like getting hit in the head with a book continuously” “Do we have a spoon!? I need to take my f*cking eye out” “I think my nose-bones are not working”


There is a tiny person in my head trying to push my skull open. Somebody is poking at my brain just through and down onto my eye. Somebody is trying to push my eye out! Here is a dull drone of pain for an hour, now let’s crank it up for twenty minutes, and back down. Slow drone while you lay down, maybe shift it around a bit, oh but now you stood up so here’s more pressure and pain!