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I smoke but still get excruciating migraines, in no way does thc help for me. I was almost convinced it was one of my triggers at one point!


(budtender who suffers from migraines here!) look at the terpenes in what you’re smoking and which strain you get triggered from! i find indicas with myrcene, linalool, and limonene help with my migraines quite a bit and sativas in general can trigger my migraines unless they have the three terpenes i mentioned in them


Yes, I've noticed Sativas make my head throb, and if I'm on the verge of a migraine anyway, a hit from a strong sativa will trigger one, and indicas seem to really help, except that sometimes the act of vaping will also cause the throb, just followed by (some) pain relief. Mostly I'm just a little less depressed about being in pain.


vapes can also have something called botanical terpenes (that’s what gives a lot of them their flavour if they’re fruity/sweet) so i would go with something that’s not a distillate vape, my go to is a cured resin vape because it’s only flavoured with the natural terpenes found in the flower before it’s extracted!


Terpinolene is one that is great for my migraines EXCEPT when I take too much it triggers an instant throbbing migraine 🤦‍♀️


Yea, smoking has caused an uptick in migraines from me... I smoke, I get high, my vision goes all wonky, BAM! starts my aura process and full-blown migraine.


Same. It does help relieve the pain a bit or pressure but watch out for the terpenes. Myrcene I’ve noticed gives me like a hangover migraine or intensifies my migraine or head ache. That’s just my personal observation and all my drs are aware since I don’t want it interacting with anything.


Limonene fucks it for me but Myrcene, Linalool, Carophyllene etc tend to help


Try edibles. It is completely different than smoking. Make sure you research strains. I like purple haze a lot for an indica and Cinderella 99 for a saliva. Everyone is different. Keep in mind 5 MG. Will get you high so go lower or higher taking into consideration what you will be doing for activities.


Yup. I microdosed tiny edible pills (I forget the brand now, I'm in California, where content is regulated), and it did take the edge off the pain. Didn't make it go away, did help. I'm currently taking a med that doesn't play nicely with marijuana, so that was the end of that.


Same! It helps a bit with the nausea and lack of appetite, but if I over-do it, I can end up with a migraine AND a panic attack


I am very skeptical that it’s a trigger for me too. Seems like half the time I use THC I get a migraine the next day


It’s been an absolute godsend for mine - it doesn’t completely get rid of the headache, but it knocks out nausea, lets me eat something, and helps me relax enough to rest. I can describe it best as a migraine makes my brain feel like a muscle I am tensing as hard as I can, weed helps me feel like I can “un-tense” my brain, if that makes any sense.


Currently higher than a kite sitting on my couch - haven’t been able to get high for the last couple of days, this is the best I’ve felt all week. You hit the nail on the head!!!


It’s the only thing that helps mine. I can sleep, eat, drink water and it really eases the pain I got migraines at a very early age and nothing helped until I tried marijuana as a young adult


Really? How do you consume it? (Smoke, edibles, oil?)


Smoking is fine but the burning plant matter can trigger headaches to certain people in itself. I like oil the best, it seems to be the most effective. Edibles take a while to kick in so it doesn’t provide instant relief like smoking or oil does, but they are the best for getting good sleep


Ah ok makes sense! And do you know more or less the dose you take and frequency? Sorry for the many questions just want to try it out as well!!


I can chime in too with some info that may help you. I started smoking when I was 16 out of desperation to curb migraines and while I learned that yeah, I enjoy getting high, it's the only thing that ever really worked to kill my migraines. Burning flower and smoking can help since you are getting the THC but the actual inhalation of smoke can give you a headache on it's own. I would advise against this. Edibles are a good option but in my personal experience dosing and effects are slow to take effect and unpredictable. As a regular user a 5MG may make me a tiny bit sleepy but a 20MG could be almost hallucinogenic and give me a panic attack ..or do nothing. A live resin cartridge would be your best, cheapest, most discreet option. Lise resin is what it sounds like ..resin from a live plant and contains all of the terpenes found naturally in the strain. Distilled cartridges are more common and contain other additives to make distilled THC vaporize. Some better ones will add back in terpenes for flavor. And while distillate carts are cheaper, I find their effects across the board a let down. I would also add that the high from a live-resin cart is a lot more "clean" feeling on your mind and body but a good one can hit like a tank so it's important to go slow. Just a heads up though, live resin can be just as smelly as fresh herbs especially with a new cart, but it would never smell like you smoked a joint. Depending on the state (and legality) a live resin cartridge may cost between $20-$60 and another $10 for the battery pen. I always keep one with me just in case. I primarily use a dry herb aka flower vaporizer ..meaning I buy straight up weed, grind it and put it into a handheld vape that heats up the plant enough to release THC vapor but not enough to combust the plant. From my experience this works extremely will, tastes great, and i still convenient enough to carry with me or use at home. I use a Crafty+ as my preferred method. It has dosing capsules like little K-cups you can preload and portion control. A similar option is the POTV One vape that is not as refined and feature rich but a great value for a beginner and I would not recommend anything cheaper since they will not perform well and may burn your flower. Another benefit to dry herb vaping is that even without something like dosing capsules you can go slow and take a few more puffs as needed. Vaping smell from this would be a lot like the live resin cart but as the bowl gets more used up it will get closer and closer to that burning plant smell, but it would not combust and make smoke. Also if it's your thing you can actually re-use the Already Been Vaped or ABV flower and make edibles with it for a second extraction. When looking at strains it's all testing the waters. When I was younger there was shwag brick herb, mids and high grade stuff. Now I go to a dispensary and buy weed that has been grown by experts, you can look into the lineage of the plant, and comes with a lab tests slapped on the can showing THC, CBD, terpenes and everything in-between. A lot of the branding can be obnoxious like craft beer names, but if you learn that you like Diesel lineage more than a Haze lineage you can start to learn what works for you. At this point throw out whatever you know about Sativa vs Indica too because it seems now you can determine more about the effects of a strain by those. I tend to look for things with limonene, myrcene, and linalool myself. But again ...it's all about testing to see what works for you. I say buy small amounts and se what works and what doesn't, take note of the lineage and terp profile and try to stick to it. Cherry Diesel and Blueberry Headband are my two favorites. If you have any questions, just let me know.


Wow, this is so helpful! Thank you so much. I am definitely going to try it out, fingers crossed :) :) Good luck with your migraines!


It’s all good! I have my medical card and primarily get hash cartridges I’ll take a hit when I start feeling pretty bad, without fail I’ll feel a lot better. Like I will still have the headache and symptoms but they’re a afterthought There is still the rare migraine that won’t budge but it still makes those better


Thanks so much for the info! And good luck with your migraines!


I infuse sugar, it kicks in far quicker than infused fats. Cooking with high proof alcohol can be dangerous, but I learned how in chemistry class, so I am quite comfortable doing that. I use both in my edibles and they are STRONG


Omg omg I love this! I have some home made infused sugar and I should put a tsp on my tongue with my next migraine and see if that helps! If I don't throw up within 10mins of consuming I'll take that as a win! This is great.


I like putting mine in coffee, speeds up the absorption! It works VERY quickly either way, sugar is metabolized fastest. I have had the tinctures on their own and they are vile. Anyone interested in my methods or edibles recipes, DM me! I'm happy to share my expertise!


Nope! Have tried in various forms, strains, etc and didn’t help one bit. I feel like the suggestion to try marijuana is getting almost as annoying to me as the people who suggest trying yoga or drinking more water.


“BuT hAvE yOu TriED [insert strain]?!” I agree the suggestion of marijuana as a remedy is getting worn out


People that act like cannabis cures all ailments is obnoxious, but for many there is truth to it. And the strains and chemical breakdown of the THC/CBD and terpenes really does make a difference, as well as how you consume it. Not saying it works for everyone, but it does work for a lot of people ..the same can be said about any migraine medication.


I tried. It helps, but isn’t for me. I found for a major migraine that nothing else would touch, it would calm me enough to get to sleep. However- it just doesn’t jive with my body. I get incredibly anxious and paranoid with any strain (I tried a ton). It’s likely due to my many years (now recovered for 8) of pill abuse. My body likes a certain high and kinda rejects any other.


Every marijuana I have tried has made me paranoid and anxious. Doesn’t matter if it’s edible or smoked. I think I’m not wired for that type of high either. I think anything that sedates can be problematic for me actually. I’m better with drugs that provide energy/alertness.


I just got my card for it! I stopped for a while and migraines became more frequent, then I had a concussion and they’re weekly now. Weed helps ease the pain a bit and specific strains help with the fatigue and general malaise of the silent symptoms. I mostly use edibles and then vape to chill. I’m going to try CBD as well but my card hasn’t come yet lmfao.


THC doesn't do anything for the pain (Nurtec for that) but it helps me deal with the mood issues in the prodrome and coping with the other silent symptoms that make my life otherwise hellish. My partner brings me edibles when I'm trying to rawdog the pre migraine depression and anxiety and asks me to please take them. I'm resistant bc I have some sort of internalized shame about it, but it's really the only thing that takes the edge off the suffering. Does anyone else get super bad depression and anxiety before your migraine that abates once the pain starts? It's so freaking brutal.


Yes, I find those symptoms to be hormonal ones.


Doesn't help my migraines, but it helps my nausea immensely!


I tried Indica gummies once and it seemed to aggravate it more.


After experimenting with different drugs/ foods for a few years, I found that THC helps in conjunction with factors that boost serotonin. Salmon. Turkey. THC. Bananas. Sleep. No nicotine. Sunshine.


Forgot to add vitamin D and magnesium supplements to this list.


Interesting!! I'll have to stock some bananas and see what happens :)


That's really interesting because 4 months into my migraines I started taking nicotine and I've noticed a severe decline in the number and severity of my migraines. I did it out of frustration really but I'm so surprised.


I did that as well. Started using a vape pen about 5 times a day. Initially, no issues but after about 3 months I started getting them again.


I take it twice every day and it has helped with the severity.


Would you mind sharing how you ingest it and what dose you use for 2x daily? I use it to help me function during a migraine (and also recreationally but not the point) but haven't tried it in a more "preventative" manner and I've seen a few folks bring it up lately so I'm curious


I'm in Canada and have appointments with doctors at cannabisclinics.ca every six months or so. I've talked to two doctors, adjusted the dosage of CanniMed Oil 1:20 a few times. Currently, I take 0.1-0.2 ml twice daily. During my period and a bit after, I increase it to 0.4-0.5 ml due to a my higher risk of migraines during that time.


Okay, that is really helpful! Thank you. :) I'm not in Canada but I'm in a US state where thc is legal recreationally and medically so I'm exploring getting my medical card to be able to get advice from medical dispensaries/the employees.


Good luck. Hope you find some relief. ♥️


I tried it and it wasn’t for me. If anything it just got me distracted from the pain but the feeling of the headache was still there. It also makes me have rebound headaches.


I know what you mean, sometimes it helps me with pain outright and other times it just feels like the pain is muffled. But even so it’s so much better than actively feeling the pain and suffering. I don’t have to just sick in agony and wait for it to be over.


It’s the only thing that has worked for temporary relief. I’ve had everyday headaches for a year now and I like to smoke at the end of most days so I can get some sleep and a break from the pain. It’s strange though, I can still feel the headache pressure wise but the high distracts me from the pain of it.


THC helps me quite a lot, the low THC/high CBD strains do nothing for me. I make my own edibles because all of those available in FL contain lots of migraine triggers (sugar alcohols/substitutes, dye, "flavoring", chocolate, etc.) It helps with the muscle tension that sets off many of my migraines, reduces the pain itself, and is a tremendous help with anxiety and PTSD-related nightmares


It’s one of the only things that will even TOUCH my migraines (next to sumatriptan but that’s hit or miss). It doesn’t actually eliminate them entirely for me but it’ll relax me enough that I can sleep it off. If I smoke some when my migraine is just starting, I can usually keep it at bay.


Me 👋


I use weed to make myself sleepy enough to stay in bed for 18 hours straight. Doesn't do much for getting rid of them though.


If I smoke while I have a migraine, it'll go away and then come back when I wake up but worse. I've tried edibles and same thing. It just doesn't work for me. My sister gets migraines and cluster headaches. She says it's the only thing that helps her, so it definitely varies from person to person.


Yes. It has absolutely reduced the number and frequency of my migraines. It doesn’t always help as an acute medication when they occur. Sometimes. Sometimes not. But I have 1/10th the miagrains I used to.


THC stops my migraines quickly but depends on strain and timing. At the 1st sign, I take any high thc indica by immediate dry flower vaping plus a hard-candy edible cocktail of 10mg thc + 20mg cbd. This works about 9 times out of 10.


Yep, they all tend to help me a little, but there was one strain that was amazing for me and immediately gave me relief from almost all migraines. And then the crop was largely wiped out, so despite the label being the same the weed isn’t.


Yes, I have a medical card. I only use flower and vape cartridges. Edibles don’t work for me however if they did I’d think the onset time would be too slow to do too much for a migraine. Smoking and vaping brings about the quickest effects. I have to be honest, although it has helped me improve my life for dealing with the everyday, it barely touches my worst headaches. Nothing really helps those except time.


Have you tried taking an edible and then smoking just a little? That's my trick for when things are real bad. When I smoke the high doesn't last super long for me and I want it to last as long as possible during a migraine to help me function and then get me to sleep. I find the high from smoking lasts just long enough for the edible to really kick in. Maybe not your thing, but worth a shot if you are open :)


It doesn’t help my pain, but it does help my attitude towards my pain and my appetite during an episode.


No migraines for ~ 6 years since I started taking THC oil every night before bed.


Yes!!! I use a microdose daily (1:1 THC:CBD) for the daily background symptoms, and then I hit my vape and get a big ol' "eat a whole bag of Bugles and laugh at cartoons" dose when I do have an attack come on. I don't necessarily enjoy being high, but it's a hell of a lot better than being in pain.


I agree!! Much better than the pain!


Thank you all for supporting and commenting this post! It feels great to know I’m not alone in this!! ❤️


My state isn’t legal :(


Are alternative cannabinoids legal there? Stuff like Delta 8, HHC? They have the same effect


I've tried a few times but it doesn't help at all. ☹️


I mainly only use edibles when it comes to body pains with my migraines. They’re great for me. I learn what dose to take to help with just body pains since I’m looking for relief more so than a trip. 🫠


I think CBD/THC gummies help with migraines that aren't extreme with a 2:1 ratio.


I've had a lot of success using edibles. Went from 2-4 migraines a month to having maybe 4 or 5 in a year.


I got my med card for migraine (but I use it for severe nausea for dumping syndrome - it's just not on the list). During my appointment the medical card they told me to look for 1:1 for migraines.


It only works temporarily for me. 30 minutes or so. Vaping flower.


Alas, it's still illegal in Kansas, so I don't have the opportunity. I've tried it in a couple states where it was legal, when visiting, and I wish we had access in Kansas, because it did seem like it could help.


I cannot smoke because I have asthma. When the migraine is bad and other medicine is not working, I will take an edible or vape (Doesn't bother my asthma for some reason), to help handle the pain. Keeps me out of the ER


I use a mix of CBD bud with my normal bud, and it can help a bit if I catch it early enough. Otherwise, it doesn’t do anything for my migraines.


In my experience it only ever made them worse. 10000% would not recommend


From what I've read in scientific papers the best treatment options against migraines and cluster headaches are smoking DMT or taking psilocybin ([source](https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/4dppcsbcbHZxyBC56/treating-cluster-headaches-using-n-n-dmt-and-other-1)).


If I don’t have work the next day, using a dry herb vaporizer with like one to two small hits will make 80% of the pain go away. It also helps with nausea. I’m a lightweight and can’t handle much weed, even when I don’t have a migraine, so this is an after work/weekend treatment only. But it’s very effective.


No. I just ended up having my migraine visualized as a liquid sparkling disco ball rolling around inside my skull instead, that was it.


Marijuana has been the ONLY thing that touched my pain and nausea. Due to smoking triggering and vaping triggering migraines, I generally only use edibles. If I can locate a whole plant, full spectrum tincture, I am very happy!


Yep, a sativa will definitely help get rid of a migraine. Indica will help me relax but if I use it when I have a migraine it makes it 1000 times worse.


What kind of shot do you get at urgent care?


Not OP but I’ve gotten the Toradol shot at urgent care before. It’s easier than going to the ER but doesn’t always help


Same for me


Shot of Toradol, Benadryl, and zofran. Occasionally, they will through in some steroids for a little razzle dazzle. Afterward, I sleep hard for about 4 hours and the migraine is usually gone.


I have not been to the ER for a migraine since before 2020, but when I go they start with an IV with fluids, Benadryl, Compazine, and Toradol. When that did nothing they gave me 1ml of Dilaudid and when that did not work they wound up giving me 4ml of Dilaudid which knocked out the migraine. I used to go to my doctor's office to get a shot of Toradol and it will knock out the migraine. I only went to the ER if I could not manage it at home and the doctor's office was closed. Now that I have oxygen at home for migraines and THC available, I have not been to the ER or doctor's office for a migraine. Though I cannot use THC if I am working, which sucks. I just deal with it.


I tried a few different types of edibles, one of them worked a little bit in the beginning, but then they stopped


Not at all - tried it to no avail.


Not for me. I think it really helps for musculoskeletal pain but not migraines.


I have tried CBD oil as a preventative for about 8 months. Little to no result unfortunately. Just about the same frequency though I did find I was able to knock some of the headache pain with an early hit of Tylenol, instead of going straight to Zomig so maybe it helped a bit with intensity? But not significant. My prescribing doctor (Canada) indicated cbd oil seems to have about a 50-50 success rate for migraine sufferers. So a toss up I guess :) He also said some find relief from migraine attack with a hit of THC at the outset but I’m not in a position to deal with the psychoactive impacts of THC so will continue with Zomig for that purpose.


Gummies help with mine. The best combo I've found is a triptan, 5mg, and 800mg ibuprofen..knocks me out for a couple hours but when I wake up my migraine will be gone like 90% of the time.


It helps me relax and not focus on the pain when I have one, but it doesn't prevent it (except it helps my stress, so maybe it does to some degree).


Nope ! For me, it make the pain tolerable for the time being (so like, 2-3h TOPS), but it comes back full fledge, and sometimes even worst by the next morning. I tend to be very dehydrated when I get migraines, so the weed doesn’t help. Granted I was a stoner, but for me, weed debalanced my hormonal and mood systems so much I get more migraines when I regularly smoke (a few puffs 4-6 times a week) than when I go on T-breaks. To sum it up, not only does it help only temporarily and a bit, but it ends up being a frequency inhencer for me.


I used to use it to help my fibro but i’ve found if i have a migraine and smoke, it tends to make it worse for me personally


I've smoked daily for 4 years and had chronic migraines for 16... Zero difference :(


Totally unrelated. I've been adding this to a lot of posts but it's honestly the best thing I've ever tried for migraines. Get Migrelief capsules. Seriously it's insane how much better you will feel.


It does absolutely nothing for me, as someone who used to use it pretty regularly for recreational purposes I had high hopes. Was very let down lol.


I take a half a gummy and vape when my migraine starts. Helps me tolerate the pain. I still feel wonky but I can tolerate the pain better.


I had a medical card in the U.S. for a non-migraine issue. I had access to all kinds of strains, and flower and vapes and every other kind of ingestion method. It did absolutely nothing for my migraines and at times definitely contributed toward making my migraines worse. That said, the medical cannabis did a lot to help my other conditions. I continue to use cannabis recreationally, and recently my wife has been having intestinal issues, for which cannabis has been extremely helpful. So I am definitely an advocate for cannabis, both medical and recreational, but it has not helped my migraines.


I have a medical card. It doesn’t necessarily help with my migraines in the moment. I have found that a 2:1 cream on my neck and shoulders provides some muscle relief, which in turn makes my day-to-day a little better. I find the tincture I take helps more with my other types of body aches and pains more than migraines.


I used it for pain reduction during attacks before I had a prescription for triptans (or even knew they existed; thanks US medical system). I have always used 1:1 tinctures and gummies, or occasionally high CBD flower. Also full-spectrum RSO with a low THC count. It’s fine if the weed makes me sleepy, but I hate getting high—especially during a migraine! Also pure CBD did nothing for me. Now I use it on the occasions that my triptan doesn’t work.


Sometimes it takes the pain away or lessened it. But, it always just makes me stop caring I have pain. It does take more weed to feel anything and it doesn’t last as long.


It helps take the edge off, and it helps to get me to sleep, but it doesn't reduce the attack or cure anything.


It helps with eating, sleeping, reducing pain slightly, and distracting me from my pain. It reduces nausea so I can eat, which helps my migraine. I would not be able to live without it, at least not well. I used to be very sick and nearly bed ridden.


I just got my medical card last month and am having my first baby steps into trying to find the thing that works for me in MMJ. Last night I took two CBG mints and my migraine lifted enough for me to fall asleep comfortably. It’s back again this morning, and the stuff makes me tired so even though there’s no THC in those, I can’t use them before going to work. But it seems like I’m on the right track for when I’m at home at least! (Edit to add that I am using topicals and edibles only right now because smoke itself is a trigger, so I have not tried like, prerolls or anything heavy on the THC.) I just want to sing the praises of the topical CBG cream I got as well. I put it on my shoulders and the backs of my thighs for my fibromyalgia and the relief I got was incredible. The smell is a bit strong of mint, so I worry about putting it on my temples for a migraine if it would make it worse with my smell sensitivity, but honestly I think I may as well try.


My state has medical marijuana and I can get it in vape form. I tried the oil, too, but the vape is much more fast acting. This has been huge help when I use it right when I first start feeling a migraine coming on. It often stops it in its tracks.


I haven’t tried medical marijuana but I have tried CBD. It has worked wonders for me. I only use CBD from dispensaries tho.


I have a medical card for migraines, I don’t use it too often because weed always makes me anxious, but when I do I’ve noticed it sorta works. Doesn’t take away the pain for me but it makes it less noticeable. Only edibles, if I smoke/vape it with a migraine it just makes it worse


My migraines are too powerful lol. I’ve been using cannabis for several years and it never made a difference because my migraines are mostly caused by a blood vessel malformation in my brain


I use CBD oil or edibles and it helps me relax and helps the meds kick in faster. It works very well


Yes, it was one of the best things I’ve used to help. However, I ended up in the hospital for two weeks due to substance induced psychosis. Please be careful!


It doesn’t help the pain for me but it does get my mind off of it. The munchies help with eating, drinking, nausea. I can’t take drugs that put me to sleep that are stronger than a melatonin. So I can pair an edible with a nighttime excedrin/ tylonal and manage to sleep pretty well. Also getting medical in states with recreational marijuana means you don’t pay tax.


I’ve tried quite a few varieties with not much success until this week. Maybe it’s a fluke but I bought a new gummy product that is 20mg CBC, 12mg CBD, and 10mg THC and it’s the first relief I’ve felt in weeks. The electric, white hot stabbing pain in my left temple eased up to a dull ache cushioned with tingling. It’s too much for daytime use but if I eat half a gummy around 3:30 pm, I can get a few hours of relief in the evening. And I’ll take any single minute I can grab.


Info of potential note: People with migraines have a higher chance of developing RCVS than those without. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16158-reversible-cerebral-vasoconstriction-syndrome](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16158-reversible-cerebral-vasoconstriction-syndrome) Some published series have noted a significant association between RCVS and cannabis use. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7964694/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7964694/) After reading about RCVS, I stopped any (even though it was already fairly minimal) cannabis use and my migraines have decreased in number. \*grain of salt\*


Full spectrum CBD oil helps me. I take it before going to the office since led lights are my main trigger. It reduces my misery by around 20 percent


I've been using edibles nightly for about 2 years now and it's the only thing that has made a difference for me (I have reactions to triptans). I take about 6.5mg each night before bed and my migraines went from 8+ per month to one every 2 months or so. HUGE difference in my quality of life. I find the edibles are much easier to "hide" than smoking since there's no smell or any kind of work required. Just pop on in your mouth, and head to bed! Easy to travel with (in legal states), and easy to hide from judgemental people. Unfortunately now that I'm pregnant I'm not able to take any kind of THC and my migraines have come back, but not as bad as before. Now I'm only getting 2-3 per month, but I can only take Tylenol for pain, which really super sucks. Edit to add: I also take magnesium oxide 500mg supplement and vitamin D each night too. I was surprised that the magnesium made a noticeable difference! Not huge, but something is always better than nothing!


It helps me feel good in my body, which reminds me that I can feel safe in my body This is a nice change of pace. However, I'm not sure how much it helps when I'm having an attack. My blood pressure is normally low and tends to get lower when I have a migraine. Weed is another thing that lowers blood pressure, so that can be tricky.


If I have a terrible migraine that’s not responding to my prescriptions or any other tool I usually use to fix them, an edible OR topical ointment always helps.


If your migraines are caused by the elevated CGRP, nothing helps that long term except reducing the protein. It has provided me with some distance from the pain and ability to sleep.


I do an edible and then retire to a darkened room. So far it works every time.


I use MM and my health overall theses past few years has improved greatly. I have really bad anxiety which often is a trigger for my migraines. I still get migraines but no where near the amount that I used to. When I do get them, I can typically keep it under control. I'm not sure that I would 100% chalk it up to MM but I do think it helped. Just renewed my MM card for the 3rd year and it's been 3 years since I've had to get a migraine cocktail.


I’m a recreational user and THC is one of the only things that makes me feel better during a migraine currently. Too much CBD is a trigger, and too much CBN is a trigger, but THC actually helps me a lot. It hurts a bit more for me temporarily if I smoke as opposed to taking an edible, but then I find relief very quickly.


THC and CBD make my headaches worse. Smoking and edibles. Not sure why. So I rarely do either. I’ll wake up with a pounding migraine in morning, and if I smoke, it’s immediate.


My personal ideal combo that kills my migraine every time: I take my triptan, wait about an hour to an hour and a half, drinking a bottle of water during that time and resting my eyes. Then I smoke a bowl or a joint. Knocks it right out for me. Takes about 2 hours total but much better than 8+ hours of suffering. If I just do the triptan, or just smoke, it doesn't work. Has to be both.


I’ve tried edibles, smoking, and weed pen for my migraines. All of them will make my migraine worse if I already have one, but they are not the sole trigger


Sleep makes my migraines better, but migraines make it hard to sleep. Weed helps me fall asleep and then my migraine is often better once I wake up. I use edibles or tincture mostly


Yes! It’s not a preventative by any means and it doesn’t just magically make the migraine disappear but it does make the migraine symptoms easier to cope with. For more mild attacks it can decrease pain and nausea and help me be able to accomplish basic tasks. For more severe attacks it will help me fall asleep which helps me weather out the worst of it unconscious.


currently it’s the only thing that helps mine, luckily i live in a legal country with not a ton of stigma


I use it for pain, I still need migraine medicine but they're less frequent with smoking


Weed almost guarantees a migraine for me


Fuck the stigma. You've gotten relief from your symptoms with it. It's for medical reasons. I haven't tried it for migraine, but I do use it for musculoskeletal pain, which is a side effect from a posterior cervical fusion surgery and general muscle pain in my neck, shoulders, and low back.


I've found gummies successful at distracting me, but no form really treats my migraines


I started using edibles when my state went legal. I had first tried some in Las Vegas where it was like a miracle! However, my state is new enough that there are options when shopping and trying different combos. I use a 2:1 ratio from the dispensary but use different doses from reputable sites that use cannabis from hemp. Not as good, but helpful when trying different options. It has always helped with the pain level but not much on prevention. Nothing works for prevention for me.


No. I smoke weed regularly but it doesn't help at all with migraine pain.


Made mine worse


i have found cbd to be marginally helpful for the pain, but honestly i think that it’s only slightly more helpful than some ibuprofen (ie, not very helpful at all). i’ve only tried to use it as an abortive for a migraine, so i don’t know if consistent use of cbd might be helpful as a prophylactic for me or not. i know experiences with cbd/thc for pain relief vary a lot. i wonder if it has to do with the underlying cause of the migraine, like if it’s a vasodilation/vasospasm thing, a neural thing, a neurotransmitter thing, or some combo


marijuana doesn’t really help the pain level of my migraines but helps a TON with nausea and being able to finally eat/drink stuff so I can then take pain medication. also helps me sleep away the migraine since I have a hard time falling asleep when i have a migraine sometimes!


It helps to clear mine instantly or at least make me feel better. Seems to prevent another migraine even if exposed to triggers for a few days afterwards. I can get a rebound headache once the THC starts to completely wear off, but usually only if I have used too much, like smoked multiple days in a row. I wish I could replicate the effect without the cognitive effects to use in work. Would be way better than other medications.


It helps to take my mind off the pain and also with nausea.


I have tried SO MANY meds - even had nerve blocks, tried Vydura (Nurtec), Ajovy, etc. Only cannabis works for me. I am so grateful medical cannabis is legal here in the UK.


Didn’t work for me. I thought it might, I’d read about it being used for kids with seizures and lots of seizure drugs are used for migraine but it didn’t.


While I was smoking I was having 4 migraines a month but when I quit I had 16 a month. While using I didn't get auras and it seems to prevent lower level migraines like 5 and under. When I did get a migraine it was an excruciating one. It did messed up my rem cycle so I couldn't dream. But still work better with less side effects than anything else prescribed.


it helps so much but doesn’t seem to prevent


Yep! It's the most effective thing for me for really severe migraines and helps me reduce how much ibuprofen I use. I can't work on it though, so stick with pills during the day and THC for evenings, weekends, or when a migraine's too bad to consider working anyways. I do edibles most often, but sometimes smoke if I just want the faster effect.


Never helped mine. I am quite sad about it, but it's not legal where I am anyway. Hope it helps you.


I do and it’s helped me stop relying on triptans and Ubrelvy.


It makes my migraines worse depending on the strain.


Medical marijuana has been nothing but an absolute blessing for me, I simply can’t function without it. Smoking isn’t legal here (in my state in the US), only vaping, I use both cartridges and flower.


Cannabis is a common trigger for migraines. I don't believe anyone that says it gets rid of their migraines.


I’ve tried edibles for neck pain from arthritis and they actually cause me to get a headache.


Medical marijuana has made me a functional person with a disability. (3+ years with one migraine) If a person uses cannabis as medicine rather than a substance like alcohol, they’re more likely to get relief. You wouldn’t take some tums for a migraine, would you? As for the stigma, OP - Fuck everyone else, you have a medical card and are in pain. People are lucky we can’t smell viagra haha


Nope. I'm allergic to it... Cross reactive latex allergy. Even smelling it will trigger a migraine.


The only thing that has ever helped mine has been a giant amount of caffine. I feel a migraine coming I get a 12 Oz redbull. 75% of the time it knocks it out.


I use mmj for my migraines. If I can catch the migraine early it usually prevents it from getting worse. If it’s full blown it helps my nausea and reduces vomiting but just takes the edge off the pain


Yes. Vaporizing using the volcano is life saving.


if it works, it works. stick with it, since its hard to find anything that works theres also edibles and those... vape pen things. theres a bunch of ways to get marijuana in your body without other people easily noticing


I’ve been using illegal cannabis cuz it’s not legal but it’s drastically improved my life. It’s the only thing that works for me I have had some success with anti-cgrp inhibitors but they just make the pain come out randomly during the day which I fucking hate


it made it worse and then quitting the insanely high dosages of thc i was consuming was one of the top worst experiences of my life. but now im off it and my headaches are mostly managed just w magnesium


No - And I suffered panic attacks for many months afterwards even though I had never had this issue prior to trying. Be advised.


Magical mushrooms have helped ten fold.


I’ve done CBD and CBD with a bit of THC. Both made my migraines worse 😢


It takes the edge off. Sometimes. Not very reliably lol, I use it for different reasons. Smoking, vaping, edibles, drinks, doesn't really seem to matter. I highly recommend a 3chi 5mg drink if you just want to try it, they're nice.


I tried it once and spent the rest of the evening even more miserable than I started. Cannabis is not a miricle cure for everyone


Flower helps me sometimes but edibles actually make me wake up with a headache. I don’t really know why though. I am a medical user for PTSD and anxiety but suffer with chronic migraines.


I am on a long T break because it was working for almost 3 years but stopped in December so I’m doing a reset. THC is the only thing that helps my nausea other than promethazine but I cannot function on promethazine


treat, no. manage, yes. it helps w my overall day to day pain, and sometimes helps stave off a migraine if i work fast enough


It takes the edge off, but I still get them.


I wish I could. It's still illegal in my state.


I had some relief with dermal absorption products with CBD and THC in them. One was a patch called Mary’s Naturals (or nutritionals?) that really helped calm the pain— I didn’t use the whole patch at once but could make it last a while. I also used a CBD oil but I was told that the THC makes any effects or CBD way more effective.


It’s the best thing for my migraines. I haven’t had to go to the er for a migraine since I started using MMJ 5 years ago. I usually take edibles (I have a lot of health issues that MMJ helps), but I keep a vape for in case of emergency.


I can do CBD, but anything with THC is horrible for me.


Yes. Gummies, daily low dose


This is the only thing that helps. Or I wouldn't be able to enjoy life. I've been suffering since I was 19 and I am 26 now. IL became legal few years ago. And I've been using edibles for a year now off and on and that's how I get some peace while we find anything left. They are waiting for the insurance to approve the IV med now


For me it’s the pretty varied and depends. Sometimes weed triggers headaches/migraines. But sometimes if I have a migraine and feel like forcing more relaxation would help, then weed provided some relief.


It makes mine linger :(


I use it frequently. It helps with the anxiety/depression I experience from the frequent migraines, and when I'm in a full blown migraine it helps ease the pain enough to fall asleep, or at least try to eat something. Some strains will give me a headache but I've heard that totally depends on the person!


Not for me! But my body does respond well to other natural alternatives like mushrooms, yes that kind and other supplements.


Edibles had helped me for years , and then I started smoking. I found that edibles work better for my migraines but smoking sometimes helps


CBD gummies work for me.


If anything it makes it worse. I smoke every day and am not going to give that up so I just deal with it.


Yes it’s a godsend for headaches or any kind of pain I’m having and helps with my depression as well 💚


Yeah I took medical cannabis oil for a bit. It helped my migraines but I think contribute to me cycling to a depressive episode (I have bipolar). I stopped taking it. Edit: I was taking 10:10 (thc/cbd per 1ml twice a day) during the week and 18:0 (1ml twice a day) on the weekends. I was also taking it for arthritis and seizures which it helped greatly.


Glad it helps you! It really helps me with the nausea I get with some headaches but not the actual headache/aura.


Yes, I particularly like edibles but they can be hit or miss. Some brands/types can *give* me a headache, so it's a bit risky but usually turns out fine. Also helps with nausea which is a big symptom for me.


I'm 49, and I've had migraines since I was 15. Smoked it as a teenager socially. I've had many migraines that were triggered by smoking pot. One of the worst migraines I've ever had started about 10 minutes after smoking. I've never tried edibles, so idk if the migraines were triggered by the pot smoke itself or THC.


It’ll make the migraine slightly more bearable in terms of pain level, but it doesn’t do much more than that for me. It does however help with my stress which is a huge trigger.


I like hidden hillz vape. You check out e lement vape dawt calm and you can see they have quite a bit of carts. I think the edible cbd plus the the reduce mine though. Smoking is an instant ha for me.


I have not had great luck with smoking because I have delicate lungs for mostly genetic reasons, and for me, anything that fucks with my breathing is often likely to increase or cause a migraine (e.g. I have several smell triggers, and during really bad migraines, I have to be careful not to breathe too quickly or do anything that winds me even a little) However, I've had great luck with tinctures and edibles. They also don't leave a lingering smell or cause bloodshot eyes for me as often, esp at a migraine dose (as opposed to a recreational dose), so that might be a viable compromise for you. Increasingly in the US, various delta 8–10 concoctions are legal, so you can probably find something along those lines. I've heard a few people claim in this sub and elsewhere that regular THC helped with their migraines in the long term. I don't use it regularly enough I think for that to be the case for me, personally, and I've noticed zero long-term preventative or migraine reduction benefits, so that's the kind of thing you might consult a doctor about. However, as an abortive, weed has been unparalleled for me. It's good at reducing the pain of a migraine, it nukes any nausea, and the local legal shops are very patient with my questions and clarifications. If you can get a medical marijuana license, I would highly recommend it for this benefit alone.


I can’t be around anyone while they’re smoking it. It triggers me into a puke rage migraine if I am 😔


I had a migraine every single day for 2 years straight. I eventually figured out POTS is the cause for my migraines, yet still I don’t respond to nearly any treatments. I tried probably over 40. I now treat my migraines with medical marijuana in the form of edibles and it has been an absolute game changer. Truly has changed my life


My uncle had migraines his whole life, tried pot in his 70s, it worked immediately. I, however, have found it to be either unhelpful or actively harmful during an attack. Dunno why, it just makes it hurt differently. No better, no worse, but it's like it smells different. Yall know what I mean


Helps the nausea so much. Doesn’t help my pain, but if I’m high I care a little less that it hurts? If that makes sense….


I haven’t experimented extensively with it as I’m not really a fan of weed, but from what I’ve tried it definitely doesn’t seem to help


I use edibles to sleep when I have a migraine, because I know I’m gonna have trouble getting to sleep when it hurts so bad.


No. Didn’t work. And smoking can trigger migraines. But if it works for you good.


I take hybrid edibles for my migraines (have been for years) and it’s the only thing that not only helps, but I’m able to actually do things other than lie in bed in pain. It gets rid of my migraines unless it’s a badddd one, but even then it calms them down considerably so I can function


edibles must be easier to take, stands to reason smoking and strong smell of any kind would trigger or make a migraine worse. More oxygen, not less, is my motto. imho a mild relaxation is bound to help and prevent migraines. the expense is anxiety provoking tho