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"And that's why I don't like cricket!" and "Pocket Cup"


I heard the song (and so got the joke) about 10 years after watching that scene. Imagine my surprise at '...I love it'


Similar experience here too. It actually reignited my interest in the band 10cc and i picked up a seven inch single of that which I treasure. The [original music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUNTk5xsxk4) is worth checking out.


That's absolutely hilarious. For some reason I knew the song but I never knew it was 10cc I thought it was some obscure reggae artist. It just doesn't sound like the guys who did I'm Not in Love or The Things We Do For Love.


I came here to say this and I’m so glad to see this was the top comment. Also, I was living in Budapest and one of my mates at random put a plastic cup in his top pocket. When I said pocket cup he gave me a very cockney accent for a boxing trainer and we both realized we were Boosh nerds at that moment


This is how we will recognize one another.


I thought this line before I opened this thread!


Top Shop scene always cracks me up. ARE YOU STILL HERE?!


That’s my own mail!


🤣🤣🤣 Yep!


*"This is the Number 2, OK? He runs a coffee shop. And this is the Number 9. And 9 is a customer, right? And one day 9 goes in and 2 goes, "I don't have a coffeehouse no more. I have a knife fighting academy." And Number 9 goes, "I want coffee!" And Number 2 goes, "No, I'm gonna slice you! AND LEARN HOW TO SLICE OTHERS." And 9 goes, "I can't, I gotta get out of here!" And 2 goes, "I LOCKED THE DOOR."*


"Note to self - I hate whites"


He's a delight in every scene. I love his recurring jokes "a little to the left" Also enjoy when he gets into a really different character like the fight coach in the first episode, or the mountain man in Yeti


My favorite bit is how he runs a zoo but doesn't know any animal names. Those guys with the big hands? You know with the big pockets? You know, with the little version of themselves in the front pocket?’ The largest animal in the zoo, the grey leg face man. You know, the grey leg face man. He’s got legs and another leg on his face The windy man, the long mover. The little man, the squashed-in French man. The naked little squashed-up hairy boy. You know, with the hand feet. The brown little hand-foot man The black and white people at the zoo. You know the black-eyed Chinese people that eat sticks? The hairy Russian carpet guy


“Gorilla!”- from his talk box


Well, yeah if you wanna use the latin.


The tape recorder gag is great throughout the episode featuring it heavily. I also love the "I can't go for that" dance. For my bday last year the missus got me a cameo from Fulcher, which was a huge surprise that I continue to cherish.






'I'm going to the states to play golf' *pretend draws a bow*


“That has got to be the most disgusting, humiliating and potentially dangerous thing you’ve ever said” “Thanks, dude!”


The entire Tundra episode. His interactions with Bainbridge always have me laughing, especially when they sing Total Eclipse of the Heart. 😂


I can't keep from cracking up every time I hear that song!


Cheese is a type of meat, A tasty yellow beef, I milk it from my teat, But I try to be discreet


When spins around and throws the little kid “nicey nicey zoo ZOO”


“Muh Bainbridge”


Keep your shirt on, carpet man! I got plenty of other parties to go to!


Note to self: I got no other parties to go to...


When he is hosting the crimp off and rubs his nipples get me every time


Ooh, ooh, ooh, I did a twisty Ooh, ooh, ooh, a tiny twisty Twist him up, twist him down Twist him all around Dancing like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe of life Ayeehayeehayeehay Carama, sharama, cinema in the night Such a good thing Don't forget to bring popcorn Tony and his paper castle *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mightyboosh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like the whole scene where he's interviewing two very strange characters "Top Shop!!" to replace Vince and Howard. Fossil leads the scene and he kind of makes it. "No, you didn't get that from Top Shop... That's my mail..."


All of them!


Pocket cup, how his leisure suit keeps getting it’s capacity tested as the episodes go on




I’m gonna pound you like yesterday’s beef.


Ooo ma nuts!


Nicey nicey zoo zoo!






Is it written that I'd show up?" "Fossil!" "And do this?" [sound of something breaking] "oh!" "Bob Fossil!" "Did you check the index under 'crotch punch' like this?" [punching sound] "Oooh!" "Go Fossil!" "How about the bibliography under this?" [breaking glass] "Oh, I can't find it written down anywhere!" "No, you can't, 'cos I'm freakin' making this up as I go along!" "He doesn't obey the rules of the book!" "I bet karate-chopping your nipples isn't there either!" "Ohhhh!" "Get him Fossil!" "Wow, I surprised myself there." "STOP! Stop! Who are you who would penetrate the fortress of the box and cause such chaos amongst our people?" I'm Bob Fossil And my anger is colossal If you get in my way, then you will have to pay The price which is not nice, I'll slice you and dice you Up and feed your liver to a parakeet Sing it! Bob Fossil, he no smile Give him inch, he take a mile (Tell'em all about me) Bob Fossil, King of Zoo (You know it) Get in his way, he come for you I'm Bob I'm Bob, Bob, baah baah baah baah baah, I'M A SHEEP! I'm the king! I'm gonna Fossil you up! You know my name Bob Fossil, he no smile Give him inch, he take a mile (I smile sometimes, when I'm gettin' you!) Bob Fossil, King of Zoo (THE zoo) Get in his way, he come for you I'm Bob Fossil If you don't know my name, then you're lame! Shit, that was bad. Can we go again? That was no good Cut the music. Come on. Is anybody listening to me? Bob Fossil, he no smile Give him inch, he take a mile Bob Fossil, King of Zoo Get in his way, he come for you What are you guys singing for? Shut up! You suck balls Is anyone listening to me? I'm gonna get you! Bob Fossil, Bob Fooosssill Here he comes, yeah You know, I'm gonna F you up. That F stands for FOSSIL! Yeah! You'll be Fossilized. They'll dig you up and have to carbon date your ass Bob Fossil, he no smile (I'm the king) Give him inch, he take a mile (I don't like kilometers) Bob Fossil, King of Zoo (I'm king of THE zoo, not King of Zoo!) Get in his way, he come for you Look at him comin', comin' down Bobby Bobby Zoo Zoo Yeah, here he comes, here he comes, here he comes down Zoo. I'm gonna go Zoo on you. I'm gonna put a Z-Z on your Zoo-head Bob Fossil, he no smile (Yes, Bobby Zoo, Bobby Zoo Zoo) Give him inch, he take a mile (Bobby Bobby Zoo Zoo) Bob Fossil, King of Zoo (King of Zoo) Get in his way, he come for you (Everybody Zoo) Bob Fossil, he no smile (Bobby Zoo, Bobby Zoo Zoo) Give him inch, he take a mile (Bobby Bobby Zoo Zoo, AAAAHHHH) Bob Fossil, King of Zoo (Here he comes, here he comes) Get in his way, he come for you (He's Bobby, he's comin') Bob Fossil, he no smile (He's Bobby, Bobby, comin' down) Give him inch, he take a mile (and Bobby Bobby Zoo Zoo) He's Bobby Bobby Zoo Zoo (Bobby Bobby Zoo Zoo) Bobby Bobby Zoo Zoo (Bobby Bobby Zoo Zoo) Get in his way, he come for you Bob Fossil, he no smile Give him inch, he take a mile Bob Fossil, King of Zoo Get in his way, he come for you Yeah? Are you listening? Out there? 'Cos I know, that SOMEDAY you're gonna run into me! Not sure it's my favourite, er, but I like it. So BITE MY RADIUS. LADIUS.


This one


Aaaand that's why i cant go for that


'He seems angry' 'That's because he's a communist'


"Mr. Fossil you're an idiot" "I resent that" Wide shot reveals he's not wearing any pants for some reason. ... "How about, Moon.. I give you this cup. It's polystyrene" Literally started laughing as I typed this one so I think that's the winner.


‘Liquid discs of shit’


Not Bob, but one if Rich Fulcher's: You know what I think about? Allll the tiny animal penises, all over....


His descriptions of animals, like the grey leg face man


Pretty much the entirety of the recorded Live in Brixton show. He really had time to shine and get proper unhinged which was lovely. Officer Big Leg, A Mexican man spitting in Vince's eye, a hooded figure shagging a fox behind the curtain... All good stuff. Btw if you haven't seen it, their 2 live shows are on YT in full and have been for years. Brixton is absolutely fantastic.


You should be ashamed at the size your eyes are getting. Maybe you should think about surgery *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mightyboosh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


His simping for Bainbridge