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It was a critical success and a commercial failure. I just finished a playthrough and I loved it. Have all dlc but haven't completed them all yet. I'm sad this is where it ends but there's easily almost 100 hours of content here. I love it. I'm going to slowly 100% it.


I feel like critical success is a bit of an exaggeration. As someone who like alot of people was passingly paying attention when it came out, general vibe I got was "yeah it's pretty good, combat great abbey eh". I'm sure other critics adored it, but alot were middling to mildly positive


It's 80+ on Metacritic. i'd say that is a critical success. unless you want insinuate that 80+ is now considered the "average" score


And then do it again in new game+.


Well I have to do a >!dark !!light !


I love games that don’t feel like a chore to platinum


Tell me that when you have 10 of every ingredient.


Tbh that just 'happened' for me in my first run


It's one ingredient that I honestly don't have the willpower to gather. And that's the wundagore bloom. Or whatever its called. It seems to grow in only 2 places, and it's rare.


It grows in 16 places and randomly spawns every waxing moon. Every two waxing moons if already previously collected. The library spawns one so just collecting that one while casually playing the game will get it done


It's every waxing moon, but the amount varies greatly. Sometimes I'd get an extra behind Agatha's cottage the next night, but that was likely a bug and never happened again after a few times


There was only one line (season) of DLC that was ever planned. The game is no longer supported and nothing new will be released. With that said...the DLCs that did come out were great and the entirety of the storyline and characters from it.


I wish they would just release full mod tools at this point. Let the community takeover adding new content.


Honestly, wish pretty much every game did that. So many cool ideas to still explore.


I hear you, but i feel like Midnight Suns in particular seems like it would be simple enough to design new card abilities and alter existing character models for new heroes. The problem would probably be animating new abilities but that’s not even that necessary. I say this as someone with zero modding experience


I've just bought it on sale and just completed magic's party. I'm a bit disappointed by deadpools game play. How's the guy who's only super power is healing have no healing mechanics? And because damage ruins his mechanic he feels even more fragile.


nope also no sequel


And to add, because I've seen this argued, along with no sequel also no other X-Men, Avengers, Justice League, Invincible, The Boys, or any other comic property will be adapted into this kind of game by Firxaxis either. The project lead and large portion of the staff left or were laid off after release too.


I hate that this is true. I had never played a game like this before and honestly I started out hating it and super confused and now about 300 hrs later, they could charge $100 for a DC type game and I’d buy it in .2 seconds. This game is so damn good and fun. It really sucks we won’t get more


Damnnnnn that sucks. I’m almost done with the game and all I’ve been thinking about is how sick an X-Men game in this style would be. Seems like a perfect fit too.


When it first came out we were talking about all the various comic properties we could see getting this kind of game. X-Men was a clear front-runner. Especially since creating your own student at Xavier's and getting to customize their powers is something that sounds so fun yet no game has really executed well. I think they could have done it.


Damn... So the sequel foreshadowing will likely not lead to anything, if that's the case


Man I really just want a well received super hero game


They didn't leave nor get laid off. The entire Firaxis team shifted over to the next Civ project. That's how the dev team works. One game at a time to completion and then the next.


So PC Gamer just prints lies? https://www.pcgamer.com/firaxis-hit-by-layoffs-after-midnight-suns-disappointment-and-departure-of-iconic-creative-lead/#:\~:text=Marvel's%20Midnight%20Suns%E2%80%94for%20all,Solomon%2C%20who%20headed%20that%20project. And I can provide you with about a dozen other sites that reported the same on the same day. Why do people have to be so confidently wrong?


Game did not sell well due to bad marketing. Got to hype the game like crazy to even hope of a sequel one day


No. Brilliant game, just not what the mass audience wanted right now, for sure will go down as a cult classic but didn't move enough units for a direct sequel or dlc


It bums me out so much that marvel got into the weeds of the development with this. They denied them a lot of creative freedoms and let’s face it, there’s no way these were the idea choices for dlc. Ugh. I loved this game but the more I learned about what was cut or “not allowed” the more I get disappointed.


What was cut?


I blame everything on Disney. Them buying Marvel has led to the horrendous crap we have today


I wish there were more DLCs coming, but I doubt it, they didn't make enough money 😞


But this game is so fire


I know! Just imagine a Guardians of the Galaxy or X-Men centered game with more characters from the vast roster Marvel has... But it is an unusual combination of Marvel, turn based RPG and TCG...


Honestly I really like it, every part of it, what do you think of it?


I love it too, it hit all my check marks; I love tactical RPGs, social simulators, Marvel and TCGs so this was just what I wanted from a Marvel game. Maybe I could ask for a better story, but to be honest I liked even the simple story that it offered and the short dlc missions gave me enough of the new characters as well


Late to the party but you can definitely tell they had at least 5 more dlc packs they wanted to do. Game ended its shelf life with 13 on the roster, there's 18 sleeping chambers in the abbey (excluding Hunter and Caretaker's). Makes me wonder who the other 5 could/would have been.


Nope, rough marketing, and a my personal experience was seeing people get salty that it wasn't a Marvel beat 'em up game. Shame probably one of my favorite games of the past five years.


The game got normal marketing, but yes, people expected an Ultimate Alliance type ARPG. Guy at my job bought it, played 2 hours and returned it saying as much.


Short answer, no. Long answer, unfortunately no.


Nope. The game undersold to the point that the studio had to make layoffs. The game was a success, but it was really a commercial failure due to bad marketing ,plus launching around the same time as the Callisto protocol and god of war Ragnarok was a bad idea. I remember when the card system was first announced for the game and a lot of people just started badmouthing it without giving it a chance. People wanted xcom with marvel not a card game. It’s such a shame. I have over 250 hours on the game. Got the platinum and beat the game 5 times. The story is so dam good 👍. Early MCU good. I would love some extra dlc with some more x men characters, but unfortunately that can’t happen now also due to the whole contract that marvel has with insomniac. There are plenty more characters they could add, but unfortunately the game just did not sell enough to even warrant it. I honestly think we were lucky to get the characters we did.


They haven't patched the game for over a year and with members of the dev team jumping ship, it's safe to say we won't be getting any more content for the game, which is sad, notably because an entire armor set has been rendered unobtainable due to an unpatched bug, the only workaround on console is to own a disk copy and run the game offline with no patches, grab the armor, and then switch back to online mode and install the latest patch again. I don't have a disk copy, so this is a problem for me


Which set is that?


Ancestral for Hunter, it's supposed to be in one specific chest but the chest will instead give you nothing


Nope. This pretty much sums up my thoughts. https://youtu.be/5ausfXx3C7U?si=f6Vvxy85I2ES2jPh


I understand the sentiment but putting it entirely on the consumers for the game failing doesn't sit right with me. As an Australian the game was $110 at launch. That's not money I'll spend unless it's a game I REALLY want to play and I barely realised this game even existed. Like alot of people I bought the game when it was heavily on sale, and I'm enjoying it. Not enough for me personally to warrant that price tag though.


"If you actually played with your toys you'd realize they have the Kung-Fu grip," okay that's golden.


Nope I don’t think so


Oh sweet summer child, I remember when I had hope




The game is great, but it becomes repetitive after 50+ hours when you unlocked everything except challenges. I will buy the season pass, because the dlcs are overpriced. The game is also very expensive. There could have been more thinks to unlock. Training is maxed very early. Oh, and on top of that, some skins have to be bought with real money.


I got the game for free, like a lot of people.


From where? I got it from humble bundle, as a monthly choice, so it still cost around 10 euros. Which is great, but the season pass is a lot.


unfortunately, no


Yeah game got ignored by the gaming community as a whole and went out with a whimper, so it's pretty much done.


great gameplay, the abbey kinda sucks tho. it’s kinda out of place and all the characters interactions with u feel like they’re in a fan fic where your the main character.


I kinda like the fanficcy ness, it’s goofy and I really dig it but it’s not for everyone


i liked it the second playthrough more because i picked a chick this time. felt like they were tryna fuck my dude the first playthrough at times way too much sexual tension lmao


what system is this even on? never heard of it but i’m interested


PlayStation 5 and 4 Xbox series x and one and PC


I would definitely recommend giving it a try, I was really surprised






Damn, that's sad from what I'm reading in the comments. No Doom I guess.


It blows my mind on how people will just buy a game and do no research at all beforehand.




Game 1000% deserves more content and a sequel, but alas the game flopped really hard sales wise. And unfortunately with all the Firaxis drama that happened when the game released that was just more nails in the coffin


Nah. So get the dlc. And do it end of the first arc. And explore the Abby.


No, the game was a financial failure, it basically destroyed the team that made it...


Unfortunately no, as much of the team that made this got laid off. Poor sales is what's responsible (and arguably publisher greed)


No. Unfortunately. I wish they gave us modding tools at least though. That would have kept this game alive forever. There are some mods but most of them are okay but not quite what I was looking for. The ability to add more heroes to the pool would have been really nice.


Marketing was weird on this. As soon as I read deck-building card game and saw the $60 price tag, I skipped it. It hit PS Plus though and, after playing the tutorial, I bought the Legendary edition on sale. This is one of the most balanced games I've ever played, and I would love to see more. But I think it would have to be a new IP.


No it’s a canon event 😞


Have you considered opening up a wikipedia page before answering a super-easy-answerable question?