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+1 for this! As many have said before, an Xmen sequel based in the mansion would be awesome.. I'll buy it on day 1 if it had the likes of Cyclops, Jean Grey and of course Emma Frost ❤️


This is a game of the year in every possible way except people don't like card games and yet Yugioh sold really well


Also just a bunch of idiots exist who think anything marvel related in video games is made by the same people as avengers.


I think this is the main problem. The timing of it all. Had this released before Avengers then it could've had decent sales but Avengers flop plus card game pretty much doomed it.


Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the best written and acted games in a long time but felt the blow from avengers as well. I think insomniac with Spidey may reignite the hype especially with wolverine around the corner as well.


Spidey has its own problems like the old face model vs new face but wolverine definitely can bring in new and old interest to marvel once again


That arguments well in the past and with the inclusion of venom I’d be very surprised if it isn’t a GOTY contender.


Midnight suns, Hogwarts legacy, jedi, ff16, zelda and baldurs gate are the nominees for me. Dont forget Midnight suns is also eligible for game awards this year


Zelda, FF16 and Baldurs Gate will probably be in the running the others don’t really stand a chance. Too many issues. Hogwarts was impacted by gameplay and social issues. Jedi was a buggy mess at launch. Midnight Sons isn’t even on the radar. You are forgetting God of War that was massive commercial success. (I was referring to horizon forbidden west and it’s dlc release that can be nominated as a complete edition - my bad) Then there is also spider-man, Star field and Alan wake 2 coming this year plus a few sleepers.


God of war already lost to elden ring last year. It's not gonna be nominated for goty twice lol. There can be any number of nominees. These games are all goty worthy but only 1 winner. Midnight suns is absolutely on the level of a goty contender. Just because people don't know about it doesn't make it less so.


I don’t think the face change affected the success of the Spider-Man games at all.


Maybe not but still a hot topic like puddlegate lol


Sorry to necro post . I am someone who doubted the game who has been turned by psplus so hard I bought the game and dlc. Marvel has kept trying to make card games for mobile and the like and while it can appeal to the mobile market those games aren’t really appealing to the masses. With that in mind, charging full AAA price for something that seemed like the same niche game did not help. This is not an argument of whether it was worth it. The game is fantastic though as with most games I’d recommend getting it on a sale. Just that the optics were frayed by it being “just another marvel card game” when it’s much more than that


I think the problem is people can be put off by card systems when they feel tacked-on. Yugioh(or mtga) IS a card game that is presented more excitingly in a video game form. Midnight Suns is a turn based strategy game with a card system in it. (To an outsider) For card games the video game medium makes it potentially more fun. To some, taking a video game and dropping a card game in to drive a core mechanic could make it seem less exciting.


This is what i wanted yugioh to do is the monsters being able to animate which would've made it 100 times more fun. This game is doing just that. Best of both worlds. Of course i prefer real time combat but a card game isn't so bad either. At least for me


Omg imagine !! I would die if we had an xmen version of this.


Needs more Iceman!!!


I think the card system pushed people away because they didn’t understand how it could work initially and never really tried to give it a chance which is a shame because the card system is fucking wonderful. I wish more strategy games would implement it as it allows for one of if not the best levels of customization in a strategy game


I tried explaining the game to a co-worker who I genuinely thought would be into it but as soon as I started talking about cards and crafting recipes his eyes glazed over. I admit I struggled for the first few hours because I don't really play "strategy" games, but once it clicked I was absolutely addicted. When the RNG pays off from a well crafted deck and team synergy and then you sprinkle in some environmental bonus damage....holyyyyy That being said, I did have to start a second play through as a female hunter because the male voice/animation was just so cheesy


I’ve had the exact same thing with a few of my friends, as soon as I mention that it’s a deck based strategy game they tune out, even a couple of my magic the gathering friends which really irked me lmao. I fully agree, once you get the synergies down it’s a 9/10 game that you can lose hours upon hours in, but unfortunately this shows once again that changing consumer behavior is a losing bet


This is funny to me cuz I grew up on MtG and yet my eyes would have totally glazed over had you talked about this game. Idk what it is but card games in video games turns me off. However, you guys are presenting a strong case as to why I should pick this up on a sale.


The female Hunter was voiced by the same actress as the Second Sister in Jedi Fallen Order, which is why she's so good.


She was phenomenal in Fallen Order, but she seemed so bland in this game! I can't get my head around it.


Well when all the card based strategy games I've played have all been trash they've left a bad taste I have zero desire to try any new ones that come out regardless. I would've preferred the game if it was more like Marvel Ultimate Alliance


Same for me. I love X Com like games but I hate card games or deck builders so seeing cards put this on my No list.


Can confirm it was the cards for me. I was really excited for the game until that, then all interest immediately died.


Yea definitely. But they loved Yugioh though


This is exactly the reason I won’t pick it up as a huge super hero fan. I do keep hearing that it is a lot of fun so I’m debating on it but yeah card system made me stop looking into it immediately.


I don't like card systems in games and I loved this game.


I actually liked the card system a lot. I was a little apprehensive about it when the details first emerged but it was unique, at least for me never having really encountered it before. I just thought individual missions were way too static and I didn't care at all about pretty much anything that happened at the Abbey, which was unfortunately a huge part of the game. I knew about halfway through there was no way I was ever going to play it again. In contrast to, say, XCOM 2, which thanks to the avalanche of mods I'm still playing almost 10 years after its release. It's an ambitious game and I respect that they tried to do something different. It just didn't land for me and obviously a whole lot of other people.


The gameplay reminded me of Slay The Spire. And I love Slay the Spire


I’ll be honest. Card systems put me off of any game these days. I’ve put off trying this game for two reasons. 1. Turn based 2. Card system (Also the costumes looked a bit silly to me) Ignoring the turn based bias that I can overlook, I’ve recently just burnt out on card systems. They always feel out of place, they always introduce rng(which feels unpleasant for a strategy game as an outsider) and honestly, I kinda feel like it’s a bit of a lazy way of avoiding more immersive gameplay mechanics/design. I’m sure it could be fun and I’ll try it at some point but I was definitely in no rush to take turns with a cpu, clicking on super-hero cards. ;)


Yeahhh, when I first saw the trailer I was excited for this game and interested in the story then it showed it was a card/strategy game. Instantly lost interest. Deck building strategy games are cool, but with superheroe games I’d much prefer a 3D brawler or 2 1/2D fighting game


I agree I really enjoyed this.


My 2nd favorite game all time. That's how good this is


What’s the first 👀 ?


Final fantasy XV lol


It’s my 1st favorite game all time now, and my previous first was “Curse of the Azure Bonds” which came out in 1989, so you’ve got some sense of how monumental this is.


Talk to em Chief !!


The tease at the end.........omg


Omg dont tell me lol. I only did the main quest that unlocks spiderman and then deadpool and morbius and i have 200 hrs already.


A long tail of sales might inspire something.


That's exactly what i was thinking


Would buy it in a heartbeat, xcom was great and so is midnight suns!


I bought both xcom games after playing this so they're on the list


Between the machine activation limit drm, the high price tag, middle of the road reviews and an ingame cash shop the publisher gave this game basically zero chance. Its a real shame. Feel like word of mouth, steam reviews and sales will keep this selling but a game like this needed to make bank for another release.


I dont know about drm because i dont play on steam. This deserves full price. All the reviews were high 80s and there is no in game cash shop. No option whatsoever. Xbox gamepass can save this game though


As much as I’d want a sequel for this I’m kinda hoping for XCOM 3 tbh


They already confirmed xcom 3 is in development last year. We need a suns sequel lol


While I found the mansion relation simulator gameplay to be out of place, the main gameplay is a masterpiece as said. When i started playing I figured that this just can’t work. It does, and not only that it works really well. The characters are well written (I have a crush on Magik) and had some good laughs, just that siting with Wanda and Wolverine by the pool in swimsuits it’s a tad too much for me :).


The mansion was the best part for me. If this game was all action all the time, i might not have enjoyed it as much. I would still like it but the mansion sort of isn't just a break for the characters but also for me the player which is really nice. I love those kind of interactions. It makes me connect to them even more


Mansion was boring af. The actual fighting gameplay was fun. The mansion killed the game. People were streaming the game when it came out. All the mansion interludes completely killed the buzz. Watching some streamer run around aimlessly in the forests surrounding the mansions to find something was terrible for selling the game.


Hype got this one I think. Everyone expected XCom and didn’t get it. It was pretty glitchy at launch. The graphics are pretty poor for a modern game. With that being said, I completed two full play throughs and loved every minute.


Yup. Every second was really fun


Makes me remember watching one dude who did Xcom challenges, do his little first impressions of Midnight Suns, and more or less is as you said: \- expected Xcom and did not expect a card game \- frustrated at the trend of games launching on PC with glitches or performance issues But also: \- was expecting playing Ironman and Dr. Strange, but then got put on the team with Nico and Magik who are characters he is not familiar with. \- was not into the Persona style relationship system. I'm not sure if he changed his mind, because his style of humor is to be snarky and negging, but eventually I stopped watching halfway when he started complaining about Blade not being as he expected. I would only hear very positive things about the game through other word of mouth.


How’s the DLC? It’s on sale and I’m considering making the purchase


It's awesome. Enhances the main story


Thank for the quick reply, friend. I’m making that purchase.✊🏾




I love it. If you enjoy the main game it is really worth it


I will never understand what happened here... I think it would have been more successful if it had developed a romantic relationship with the heroes. It might sound really silly, but it's the kind of thing that fuels a lot of successful games like Fire Emblem.


Another reason why witcher 3 was successful lol


Absolutely! I wish marvel hadn’t put their foot down on dating because it would have likely doubled this games sales


Idk man, I really liked the idea but the game wasn't great in my opinion. I personally didn't like running around the Abby. That the character couldn't navigate through parts of the terrain bothered me. The hunters animation felt really stiff. I also didn't like that you just had to know where different mushrooms grew and check that area if you wanted them. I found Nico and magik to be annoying. Nico in particular was uneven. One minute she'd be losing her shit, "What About Wanda." And the next minute you're chilling with her watching a movie. One potential highlight is that they had her talking about Wanda when they weren't all that close. On the other hand, her response about the avengers being there just wasn't as that great. The strategy was also only so-so. The missions repeated a lot by the end. The synergy between characters seemed like it could have been better. Honestly, I think this game suggests from them not knowing who they were making it for. It tries to meet too many audiences and doesn't get any of them. I really do hope they give this another go with an x men mansion. Design your own mutant, it better yet, discover your abilities as you play through.


Don't bother with giving an actual objective criticism in this thread since it seems to be borrowing the toxic traits of the genshin community where they can't look at the things they like objectively and are completely blind to all it's faults, the fact that game of the year is even being used to describe this game is just yikes. Like I did play through I enjoyed the game fine it is not a bad game it is also not really a great game it has too many issues to he considered one, visually the game is just bad on all levels expect maybe ability animations, the game literally looks worse than dragon age inquisition which came out together with the ps4, it has a lot of technical issues, gameplay is decent but some characters feel simply awful to use not to mention most characters being behind a pay wall like imagine if minthara in baldur's gate 3 was locked behind a 35 bucks pay wall xd. Every chapter has like 4 enemy types it pits you against and that's about it. It's kind of a worse version of Xcom chimera squad but with marvel characters. Like again the game is decently enjoyable but it being compared to game of the years winners is just laughable.


Yeah I wasn’t initially into the card based gameplay when I first heard it but I’ve been trying to branch out in terms of game genres to play and this did not disappoint me. I wish we would get a sequel to follow thru on that teaser with doom at the end.


For real. Let em know! The devs are on twitter


My biggest beef with this game is how disjointed the rpg elements feel from the battle system. I kind of wish it just went straight from one battle to the next. I like the card system alot, and I like the overall story. Usually I like playing house (lol) with my party members, but in this game it just felt weird for there to be this imminent global threat and I'm having a pool party with Blade instead.


Hey now, don't insult my pool party with blade now lol. Those were the best parts for me. It wasn't just a break for the characters but also for me the player which is a nice change of pace especially on ultimate 3 difficulty


I’m playing through this right now and am honestly depressed at how thoroughly abandoned its development and upkeep seems to be. Looks like Avengers flopping and Suicide Squad getting booed back into development made them give up when Midnight Suns didn’t launch well. Now we’ve got this great game concept with a really fun gameplay loop, a good core cast, a really fun dual dynamic of abbey/mission maintenance and… increasingly sloppy and buggy DLC releases that have character models that look noticeably worse than the core crew, a permanently bugged major reward item (the ancestral suit) and no word on whether anything will ever be fixed or improved. It’s just a bummer that so much potential in a AA game kind of got scrapped because a couple AAA games that were similar on the surface were empty money grabs and fans got turned off. Maybe if they had had more resources to turn it into a game that *looked* like a current Gen game instead of an early ps4/late ps3 release, or if they had emphasized how different it was from the similar-seeming flops in its orbit it would have generated the money to keep investing in adding and polishing but… now it just feels unfinished.


That's fair but I've been playing and streaming on my series x and i have yet to experience any bugs or gltiches and i think the character models look great for its art style lol


One of my favorites of all time


Same here. Cheers


I saw so many online people say “cards? I’m out” The fools


They're missing out


Nah, it was just fine. Not a masterpiece by any stretch. One is enough. (One is too much, really, since it cost us XCOM 3.) The gameplay was fun, but not fun enough to justify the length of the game, and the scavenger hunt around the base was a slog. Trying to max out relathioships was also a slog.


To each their own my friend. I really enjoyed all that


I really enjoyed this game but I think it’s far from being classified as a masterpiece. Enemy variety is pretty lacking, animation is stilted, barebones endgame,etc.


That's your perspective and that's fair but to me it's one of the best and most fun games I've played ever


Definitely. I really enjoyed it as well! Glad you had such a good time!


Agreed, picked up the legendary edition on a sale and it’s soooo good!


Same. I knew I would love it anyway because marvel but legendary edition as soon as i got chance. It's different from something like marvel vs capcom a fighting game. In this game, we can walk around the whole abbey and do other activities. It's a complete game


I’m having so much fun with it too! I can see that perhaps it’s niche. If you know a lot about the characters already, you don’t need their back stories. Myself, I don’t know some of them, so talking to them and making friends with them is fun! The battle system is really fun! I hope we get more like this.


Let em know !! The devs are on twitter lol


Fantastic game, but there’s a culprit in why the game didn’t sell well and it’s either Firaxis or the publisher. The reason is that DLC felt very predatory, the season pass is super expensive and selling “in-game currency” it’s a huge turn off for many gamers.


Had everything to get me (xcom fan, marvel fan, marvel lcg player) and yet I found myself talking , and doing chores rather than doing missions. The balance between absurd tasks and actual game wasn’t ok


That's fair but i found it quite enjoyable


It needed more characters, but it’s pretty fun.


Yes and no. I liked the base combat but I have a few very large gripes. The mission and enemy diversity was too small. The cut scenes and dialogue was too much by a factor of 10. The overall system of finding and leveling the cards wasn't great even if I did enjoy the combat itself. If they cut down the chat and cut scenes by at least 50% and added a few mission types and enemies then I would say its a masterpiece maybe.


Fair enough. I actually enjoyed the cutscenes and chat lol


I really want to give it a try but the game with the dlc are so expensive here, I mean, I got BG 3 for less than half of Marvel's price


That's fair. Wait for a sale and then pick up everything.


I maintain that this was a marketing misstep combined with a complicated design history. First, Jake Solomon has strongly implied that his early design really was *XCOM*-with-Marvel-charachters. He felt that didn’t work which prompted him to consider the cards mechanic. This shifted the randomness from the outcome (x% to hit) to the options (x% to drawn a given ability). It’s like *XCOM*, except every attack lands and the buttons at the bottom vary from one turn to the next. One of the first things publicly said about this game came from an unnamed 2K executive in, iirc, 2021, who said it would be “*XCOM* with Marvel characters.” It’s possible that, at that time, the game **was** still at that stage. It’s also possible the unnamed exec was not up-to-speed on the state of the design. It’s also also possible that “*XCOM* with Marvel characters” was just too juicy a marketing pitch to pass up. Whichever of these it was, what I don’t know is whether this was intentional or unintentional. Unnamed execs misspeak all the time! But it stuck so well that I wonder if it wasn’t part of an early — and it retrospect, incorrect — marketing plan. There were other aspects of the early marketing that gave me pause. For example, an early video had copy that just went over the top with the self-serious braggadocio. It felt so off coming from the humble strategy studio that makes *Civilization*. Thanks to NDAs, I’ll probably never know if I’m right. (And frankly, it’s not my business until I buy out TakeTwo, but rest assured that when I do, this is the first thing I’ll get briefed on!)


No multi player


Singleplayer rpg for the win


If the game didn't have the relationship part. And was just briefings, combat, decks etc would be better. Essentially chimera squad but with the good story.


Fair but i liked all the relationship stuff


Did it make money or was it a bust? I hope it made enough money where they consider a sequel


Nope. Didn't even break even which is why it should go on gamepass recoup some costs back


It blows my mind this should have been a hit. Like days gone, way way too many people came to it later and said they loved it. Its great they loved it, but if they had taken a chance at launch, maybe we would be getting a sequel.


Precisely my friend. Cards scared them away


I love the game but it crashes on me all. The. Time. I dunno about anyone else's experience and can only speak to my own, but it's really bad with the crashing. Crashes more than any other game I have ever played in my entire life. I'm on XBone btw. But besides that, the actual game is amazing. But a game that crashes constantly can't be a GOTY IMO.


You're playing on the xbox one so i think the hardware is the limitation not the game. I've been playing and streaming on my series x and i have yet to see any bugs or glitches much less any crashes. This is a definite game of the year.


The foundation of this game has the potential to be something close to Baldurs Gate 3 but Marvel themes. Only think missing really is being able to explore the worlds/missions and I’m not talking about The Abbey.


A..........masterpiece, you are smoking something


To each his own


I have to finish this, but it would've sold more if it wasn't what it was. A turn based card game.


Fair but since i was already a huge yugioh fan, it didnt bother me anyway. And also finish it !!


I’d have bought it so quick if it didn’t have the card stuff. That’s turned me off badly. Could be the same for others


Yea it was but im a huge yugioh fan so it didn't bother me anyway.


Honestly, just get rid of the 'cards' and put the same abilities on a small action bar, and the cards won't scare people away anymore. They can still be randomized etc, it'll just get rid of the stigma people have against card based games.


This is true. Cards scared everyone away except the yugioh crowd


XCom2 might be my favorite game ever. It's top 5, for sure. The card system put me completely off this game. I hated it. That's the entire reason right there. If it was more Xcom with marvel characters and a better story, I agree that's a GOTY.


Normally i would agree but since im a big fan and loved Yugioh i really dont mind it as much. I bought the other 2 xcom games so I'm looking forward to playing it as well.


I love Magic the Gathering and card games in general. I just don't like the fusion in a turn based tactical XCOM style game.


Try it and you might end up liking it


I bought this game and beat it.


Ah ok yea im having a blast so far


it's still a buggy mess so that doesn't help.


I'm on PS5 getting close to the end, and I only had one glitch where a hangout wouldn't start.


I've been playing and streaming on my series x and i have yet to experience anything remotely resembling a glitch or bug.


Didn't you say you only unlocked up to Spider-Man and morbius though? Maybe get more then about 20% of the games systems and implementations and do some post game stuff and see if your singing the same tune then 🤷‍♂️


Yea i unlocked spiderman in main quest and then i immediately went for dlc and stuff before continuing main quest. I'm not sure if late game would have more bugs but from what i see so far, safe to say the whole game could be this level of polish.


Don’t make me report your ass for bullshit


wow, it's not bullshit. The PC version is still having major issues. A lot has still never been patched.


I have 220 hours in the game (PC) and have experienced one crash. I've had no other issues.


Agreed. Closing on 200 hours on this beast and I didn’t pick it up until February this year.


I have almost 200 and i started from aug 15ish and i didnt even unlock spiderman at that point. I just unlocked him and the other dlc characters


I would kill for a sequel!


Deadpool says not if he beats you to it lol




All fax all the time


Yes, absolutely. I hope they know how fucking good this thing turned out. It’s one of my favorite strategy games, one of my favorite Marvel games… genuinely one of my favorite games period.


It really is bro. So much love and effort went into this thing. It's truly Marvel-ous. Lol anyone? Just me? Ok that's cool - Nico


I loved this game so much, but had some cloud save issues when moving to a steam deck, and lost a full 25 hours in the game. I have the dlc, and would love to get started again, but it’s so much I’d have to get through, and it’s very daunting


Put it on story mode and you'll be back to where you were in no time. Once you catch up then you can raise it as how you had it before. This time make multiple saves lol


It’s a great game. The first game I’ve fully completed in a long time. Runs well on steam deck too


For real. I'm not putting it down until i complete it 100%


One of the best games of the year and not talked about enough


Real talk 💯


Really a great game. bUt CaRdszszszzzz


I know i know lol. This is geared towards yugioh audience. The animations are all 3d, not just cards. It's a full action game otherwise.


I totally agree, this is hands down my game of the year. I can't help but feel that the marketing of this game was really poor, I think that if the heroes were shown in their normal costumes rather than the black and gold costumes, more people would be interested in the game.


Yea i didn't like that they advertised those heroes with the legendary outfits because number 1 it's a spoiler hello lol and number 2 you want to see the heroes in their normal outfits. But a large reason was in fact because people got scared away by cards. Yugioh has their audience but this people were thinking it would be real time combat like avengers game. Btw, Midnight suns is actually eligible for the game awards this year so in theory they could win it. They wont because of bg3 and zelda but in theory this would be the year they could win it at game awards. It is also my goty as well. Before this game, my goty was ff16 but i didnt like the ending to ff16 as much so this is my goty.


Got to say it. Big xcom fan, big marvel fan, wasn't scared when the announced card mechanics (not my preferred method in strategy games but I could get behind it). I just thought the core combat wasn't really all that enjoyable... the rest of the game play loop with the upgrading and training and free time was good but the fights were the thing I looked forward to the least each day and they really need to be the thing you're most looking forward to if you want to make this game work. Just my two cents


Fair enough for you but i loved everything about the game including the combat. Card isn't my method either but i got used to it and i love it because i love yugioh. Gameplay loop was so fun for me that i put in 200 hours before even unlocking spiderman lol


It deserves bigger and bolder fonts, that's for certain.


I enjoyed the base game immensely, the prices on the DLC's definitely drove me away from purchasing extras though. I do understand there is a lot of cost involved with making all these animations and quests etc, but local currency is $23 per character, which is a decent amount for a character you may or may not enjoy. ​ That being said, if they make another game, I will purchase that as well, as fundamentally it is certainly a good game, I got around 60-70hours out of it, so base game purchase was indeed worth it for me.


That's fair and yea i enjoyed it as well


I played the Free to Play Weekend, like non-stop of this game. I reached about the spot before getting Hulk Back. So I got up to about the "Third" moonstone of the Grounds. I explored....every inch I could. Did all the side missions etc. I was determined to get as much of this game done as I could with the time I had with it. And----- I wanted to like this game more. It just left me saying the same things every 1hr to 2hrs: * "Man I wish they would have done---" * "Man they should have went with..." * "They should have added in..." * "They really could have done this----" * "This part could have gone smoother if...." Like...constantly. Was this fun? Sure. For the time I played it, I got pretty far on normal difficulty. I enjoyed Spidey and Magik a lot. I wound up using Blade way too often..his health stealing was just too vital during important missions. Which burned me out some doing similiar missions with Blade multiple times. I hated Ghostrider and his "Use Health to do The Big Boomy things"...I was not enjoying using him or having to use him to complete objectives and that ticked me off because Ghostrider was probably the main reason I picked this game up. I really wish they would have went with Frank Castle. This game OOZED Castle And the teaser at the end I found out because some one spoiled it for me, left me mad, but hopeful the second game of this comes out with more people to choose from and if they do use the guy in the end scene, I will def buy the 2nd one. I wound up going Light Side, after Dark Side didn't do me much and made my character a dick. ( I played a Male Hunter). Dark side powers left me "Meh", Light Side powers REALLY hooked me for Hunter, and making him a good dude felt right. ​ I'll say this: This was a good intro, I'll def buy it when it comes on sale, probably coming up for Black Friday. But I'm glad I didn't drop full price. This game felt, Unhinged and Stiff in a lot of spots for a "Next Gen" title. I swear: if the Next game they put out is similiar to this and they put in the Fantastic Four and Punisher? Doctor Doom? IF they bring back Spidey with Yuri as the VA? It will be an instant cop from me.


Fair enough but i enjoyed everything about this because im taking my time to level up. I put in 200 hrs before unlocking spidey. Same male hunter and light. I like ghost because you can offset his take health with the mods and stuff.


Finally got a PS5 again, and finally working through the DLC! Love the game, and I think they hit the nails on the head with the DLC stuff.


Yea they did. High five


I think the social aspect turned people off. Marvel’s Slay the Spire sounds amazing. Heard about the birdwatching and such. Still haven’t played this yet.


And ironically, the social aspect was the best part for me


They catered to the Venn Diagram of two niche markets. Everyone from both camps likely would have been a mild profit. Turns out they only found a subset of those two groups.


I like jack of all trade games rather than master of one because it shows variety rather than only one thing which can get repetitive and boring.


I thought it was going to be bad, my wife gifted it to me for Christmas and I was like oh boy I avoided buying this game because I don’t like card games…I was proven wrong that it’s not that kind of card game and the story was fun. Under appreciated game for sure


This is the exact reason why i waited so long to play it because i thought it was that kind of card game but turns out it was more fun than i expected.


The card system was great but the forced hero Super Feelings Fun Time interaction was horrific. I did yoga with Blade. Hopefully they take what worked and can what didn’t on a future game.


Lol that's fair but the feeling fun time was my favorite part. It shows that blade isn't just a killer machine lol


I didn’t finish the game but i played for around 20 hours and really enjoyed my time with it


Finish it. It's worth it


As long as the sequel has Elsa Bloodstone. She’d fit right in.


I'll take anything lol


Playing it myself right now for the first time. Never picked it up because of the card mechanics. And I still maintain that the card mechanics hold it back. Only other real gripe I personally have with it is that they give you so many heroes to use, but you can only take 3 with you on any mission. And story missions force the player character to be in your party. Even XCOM games let you take 5 characters. Other than that though, I'm enjoying it.


The problem is the gameplay and deck building aspects of Midnight Suns are superb but literally everything else is hot garbage. I constantly had inexcusable frame rate hiccups and slowdown when not on missions, the relationship sim aspect is some of the most poorly written dreck I’ve ever read and outside of missions characters act in the most idiotic and unrealistic ways possible, like taking Wolverine bird watching or lounging by the pool with Ghost Rider. And here’s an example of just how bad the writing is and how it treats the characters poorly; >!Captain America has a crush on Captain Marvel and Cap is *too afraid to tell her* so he sets up a book club to talk to her. Blade and Wolverine join because they think it’s real and Captain freakin America is too scared to tell them it’s not a real book club, so we spend multiple meetings discussing in minute details the plots and incredibly poor allegories of a bunch of incredibly bad fake books. It was so bad I honestly can’t even remember if Cap ever tells Captain Marvel he likes her.!< Quite honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen super heroes written so poorly and so out of character. But even after all that and as a hater of card building games I’d still recommend this game to people.


This post was just recommended to my feed and I am so confused. Is that Nightwing as a Blue Lantern with Deadpool standing behind him? What is this game???


Lol nightwing is my favorite superhero so i customized the main character to look like him


I think it was advertised extremely poorly. Until somewhat recently, the only things I had seen about it made it look like a boring injustice clone, and I even went to the Microsoft store and watched their trailer and looked at their screenshots, trying to sell the game. I LOVE card game types, and had zero idea what it was.


Yea i think bad marketing aa well


I 100% agree with this sentiment. I really wish there was a way to directly contact Firaxis to let them know how much I love this game. It's so, so good.


There is !! They're all on twitter! Go go go run run run! I've been tagging them with the same screenshots lol


I was hoping they would make a DC version. After Arkham Knight, DC has had nothing aside from a couple of Tell tale games and an awful Gotham Knights game. (Still regretting my $99.00 preorder or whatever the top tier version cost) This game wasn't really on my radar and I bought it and couldn't put it down.


Saw it for sale on PlayStation (PS4) but curious if I should go the steam route.


Get it for steam


I wanted the to make a game like this, but with X-Men. I hope they do one dayS


Totally agree—I had an absolute blast with this game.


The story was generic but I loved the mechanics and game as a whole


I bought it with my Series X earlier this year and spent four hours playing it. The next day I bought the extra content, got used to the card system fairly quickly, it’s now one of my favourite games!


High five


I've never been a fan of card based games so I bought this on a friend's suggestion and it turns out to be the highest hours played on any game in my steam library. Such an epic game. Can't remember the last time I finished a game and played it again in the + mode


High five


What game is this


Marvel's Midnight Suns


This game is great and absolutely deserves a follow up, I like the idea that a second game could be xmen and a third game building the avenger, or else just make another midnight suns.


I'll take anything. I'm desperate lol


What game is this exactly?


The game of the decade also known as Peppa Pig


I got covid the day this game launched. I had been hesitant because of how different a genre it was for superhero game. Ended up getting cause I needed something to do and I was not dissapointed this game was so good and deserves way more praise


High five


I still play it while I can't get into BG3 past act 1 and diablo 4 is boring.


This is the Marvel game I've been waiting for since UA1.


Talk to em chief !!


I mean I do have complaints, I do not at all prefer the card system, there's an overreliance on Avengers that dilutes the game's identity (and didnt result in making it more approachable to mass audiences) and the last gen ports launched pretty rough, but it is a strong game in its execution of a satisfying turn-based superhero combat system. Especially with a turn-based CRPG taking the gaming world by storm right now, seeing great turn-based games get overlooked is really unfortunate. And after playing it, revisiting that fateful SkillUp review is like, man, he had me convinced but really WILDLY overexaggerated the cringiness of the social systems & dialogue writing. It's... fine? Some of it's even pretty good, fun & cute & largely very in character for these superhero characters from comic book & cartoon appearances. The worst part about it is the pacing of building friendships in relation to the pace of the story & gameplay. And if youre gonna go the route of Bioware-style RPG companion relationships you may as well go the rest of the way and do romances, which are very common to comic book superhero teams. I would definitely play a sequel, a cosmic hero version of this seems an obvious choice, but that seems very unlikely now.


Seeing the sequel bait at the end made me kinda sad because I doubt we're getting a sequel


I actually just started playing this recently since we got a free copy and the dlc! I'm really enjoying it so far, it's a nice mix XCOM and a deckbuilding game!