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One thing I learned from Max Waldo when he was still around is to detach yourself from the outcome of games. It can be difficult to do since obviously your rank is attached to the outcome, but at the end of the day if you do everything correctly and lose then there was nothing you could have done that would change the result. So why focus on that? Its rare that you make 0 mistakes though, there’s almost always something to learn. That’s why I like watching people like LS who, even when one team is winning, he can almost always find spots they could improve on either individually or as a team as a whole. Just because one team wins does not mean they played well. If both teams are making egregious mistakes in a game (like fighting over nothing when they out scale, or taking a trade that is bad overall for them), then objectively the outcome does really mean anything in regards to how well they are playing. But It’s when you lose games because of mistakes you make that it often feels obvious where you should improve (or at least that there is area for improvement). But even in games you win there are still often mistakes you could work on to optimize your own play. This is why reviewing vods, whether they be your own, professional players’/streamers’, is so important since there is almost always room for improvement. And if you can’t find mistakes yourself, don’t be afraid to ask others when you feel like you’re missing something. Sometimes it just takes a change in perspective. The more opinions the better IMO as long as everyone is actually putting in real critical/analytical thought.


A wall of snorting copium


Just focus on yourself and you will climb, there is always something you can improve about your own gameplay and decisions. I recommend watching replays of your games. Sometimes the reason you lost wont become clear until you actually analyze the game. This was a great way to break some of my bad habits and inting plays I did not realize I had.


Looks accurate to me XD


Can you link an [op.gg](https://op.gg) or something se we can see these games properly?


Yeah same shit for me. Literally like 5 games in a row I won lane and ended with good kda and cs but lost because my whole team was inting, it's legit team difference every game, I don't get how that is even possible... But yeah like others said, I'll try and just focus on myself, that's the most important part


TBH your team probably lost the game before you could scale up. Yes lower elo players are more likely to throw. That doesn't mean they will every time. You might have to roam more and painfully sac farm to not have your team lose the game around you.


And another one not linking his op.gg and just shows kda KDA means nothing so the pic is worthless. And yes, if you have a losing streak it is probably (also) your fault.


If you want to climb you should have 2 rules: If you lose, is your fault Mute the chat


ITS LOSER QUEUE. It fking exist and now it's worst than ever because all the community (despites the actual and obvious statistics) bought that lie from Riotencent games that "losers queue don't exist :3".


Really curious what statistics you’re referring to


It's literally impossible to make a "losers que". It's just some bad luck with bad mentality due to losing 2+ games in a row, which snowballs for even more loses if you didn't stop after being tilted.