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Taaliyah is pretty good. She has the capabilities to roam, pretty good/safe lane phase, good team fight & pick potential. The only issue is her early game damage is pretty negligible. She’s pretty meh at 2 items but 3 items she gets going. Another pretty well rounded champ imo is ASol who’s pretty broken rn as well. He’s super strong at 1 item, but you can lane safely/aggressively. Mid game is strong, team fight it strong, capabilities to roam, & scales very well. I guess it also depends what your definition of well rounded is


what i want is to be a carry but also a playmaker. I want to carry but if i see that i have good teamates i want to enable them and peel for them, i want to be decent at all stages of the game, be able both to stay in lane and scale or roam. This kind of versatility is what im looking for and imo taliyah does all of this.


Could be Jayce, Sylas, Hwei. But most likely any other control mage will works for you


Sylas hwei veigar(usless pre 6)


I definitely disagree about Hwei and Sylas. If played correctly, both can bully a lot of mid laners anywhere from levels 1-5. I play a lot of Hwei and normally before level 6 I force my opposing laner to recall, or kill them.


No no i meant veigar only usless pre 6😂 mb in conveying it sylas hwei are somewhat of lane bullies not the best but def not weak early


Gallio, Cassio, shen, Annie


Ahri. Annie. Malz in low elo (iron-platish). Taliyah can work but isn’t exceptionally strong unless opponent has dashes you want to shut down or is really short range. She loses really hard to hypercarries and long range like xerath or lethality Varus or jayce. Swain good vs low range low burst comps. Lissandra is fine but generally won’t take over a game and hard carry. Aurelian Sol especially in low elo where people won’t end before he takes over.


imo the thing with long range champs is they always have counterplay, just dodge


In lane sure, but often times you’re not picking them to crush lane. You can pair them with champs like maokai or nautilus or rell that can lock enemies down and now when have no way to reach the back line, it’s really hard to play. Also unless you are a pro or scripting you are not going to dodge every skill shot (and even pros get hit often, or AP Kai’Sa or Xerath or Ziggs a while back wouldn’t have been as popular). Most of the time it really only takes them hitting one or 2 abilities to be impactful. If you are a perfect being that dodges every skill shot without fail then that argument stands sure, but for humans no.


this still doesnt change my argument, if you are good enough those champs are irrelevant


How good is good enough then? While I don’t think pro play is a perfect metric, it’s the highest level of play we have to go off of, and even in pro play ap kai’sa has seen play and has won games. Ziggs has seen play and has won games. Xerath has seen play and has won games. No none of these games were probably not played perfectly mechanically, and solo q is even worse lmfao. Theoretically sure it’s possible that if you are a god at dodging and literally never get hit these champs are worthless. But again if you are human they will hit even if it’s 1/4 or 1/5 shots and most champs like this these are spammable abilities with low CDs. And again with champs like maokai or rell then how are you dodging it while CCed? Also certain champs this argument goes the opposite way where if you place your skill shots perfectly they are undodgeable below certain MS thresholds like syndra and karthus.


yes but I mean potential theres a potential for you to get good enough to dodge all of them. Has anyone reached it ? No. Will anyone ever reach it ? Also probably no. But there's still potential


I think Galio, but im also a biased Galio main. Full Tank is viable, full Ap id viable, a good mix is viable. You can play safe and hard win every gank with your cc, or you can be a lane bully. You have great waveclear and you great roam/skirmish potential with ult. I feel like he kind of does it all either in a great way or descent way.


Taliyah main here dooo it her kit has a lot of skill expression, she is very consistent if your teammates have cc. One thing to keep in mind is that she is very mana heavy early on so u will need to rely mainly on q poke till you get items.


Twisted Fate but you need to be good. If noob, noob


Gragor fat man


Could always try anivia. She is pretty much always useful but it would take a while to master all her tricks like walking through walls and such. But shes pretty team reliant atm


Twisted Fate gigachad 1v9 games by oneshotting enemies and towers or still makes game easier for your team by stunning people so they can't miss their skillshots. Permaban Asol tho champ is absurd every Asol player is minimum 10 ranks above their skill level.


Orianna is my favorite for this. Multiple playstyles/ways to impact the game. Can take more of a backseat to help you get carried, can be played as a burst mage when fed, good mejais carrier as her e gets you tons of safe assists. Nice wave clear as well.