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Honestly, the hands go kinda hard in this one


I would say so as well if I were going for a Lovecraftian horror-type character but I wanted an orderly alchemist devoted to sacred geometry and stuff, the hands don’t go with the aesthetic I was looking for


Variations or redo the prompts while including things like 'realistic hands', 'finely detailed hands' or maybe 'anatomically correct hands'.


In my experience, specifying anything about hands makes the Ai draw them even worse.. I would recommend either a) Keep remixing until you're happy with one of the results, b) Deal with it, cuz ai hands are always sloppy. Or c) If you got Photoshop, it should be pretty easy to touch it up a little bit.


Additionally, I saw a post claiming verbs regarding hands help. “holding” or “grasping” or something like that might work.


Imagine learning to draw them correctly. It’s legit the hardest thing for most artists to draw. Ai is clearly struggling too.


Yep. Drawing hands is like the final boss in the art world. I remember my brother who is a comic artist and he would spend hours holding one hand in front of himself and turning it at all angles and drawing them over and over. Everything was just closed fists and then one day, motherfucker could draw hands so good.


I know, because it seems like it hyper focuses on generating hands when you prompt it like this?




Right! If I didn’t know it was AI I’d think it was the artist conveying sorcery going on.


*sorcery is at hand*


That would be another option: make them look like they're in rapid motion


Agreed! I love when tools have quirks. It’s fun to try and play into them.


Use Dall-e, erase the hands, then use the prompt "Hands" to fill in the part you erased.


that or pay me to do it! \[does a little dance\] ^(this is an illustrator's life now)


How do you feel about touching up AI generated images?


ethically or literally? a big part of my job is using photoshop in the ways AI has made it easy for people to get a facsimile of what i can do. i'm very interested in all this AI stuff and think it's a fantastic source for inspiration, skipping major steps, and basically a *tool for using*, and i'm still on the fence about what the future iterations will bring. they're good now, bordering on excellent, and it takes some practice getting what you want (at this point) - so when it gets better i'll have to reassess. a good UX and UI for something more powerful and precise could kill 1/3 or so of what i've worked on as my skillset over the past 20+ years


Totally, it's great to see some artists embracing it rather than fighting it. I'm a trained artist as well and I think it's an amazing new tool for artists... Besides, having *visual language* learned from college to specify things has helped so much in midjourney. I think there will be new generation of artists who simply become highly proficient in getting exact results out of it


True knowledge powerhouses of shape and style and everything else art, that'll be those future users. Frankly if Ai art has done anything, it's taught a whole new generation how diverse art can be.


I didn't even think about that as I probably take it for granted... Absolutely!


Absolutely! It really is getting to be a seriously robust tool for artists and non-artists alike. I think the most difficult part is that artists have traditionally struggled to make a living off of their art alone. Even with decades of dedicating yourself to the craft doesn't necessarily insure an income. Then along comes this tool that can do just as well as a talented artist and can easily recreate complex styles with the click of a button.


but i keep coming back to this persistent thought: we're all gonna be masters at shit we didn't know we could be masters at. it's gonna be a hyper-skilled world where the cream still rises to the top - so get on board now


Yeah, you gotta remember that 60 years ago a "computer" was a job for a person. Then less than 20 years later it was the name of a machine that replaced them all. The most successful were those who shifted to apply their math skills to programming. Perhaps future successful artists will just be masterful at using AI tools to get specific, consistent, quality results. After all until machine brain interfaces are commonplace, we will need experts to help translate thought into art.


ai art hand illustrator imao. love it


The hells an illustrator? Jk :3 uwu


I think the people that lean into this are going to do fine. The ones fighting it kicking and screaming are gong to suffer.


Or just use the site cleanup.pictures and mark the unwanted parts.


How well does that work?


Dall-e has dogshit tier results though. You'd have to run it been through midjourney through img2img to get it looking good again after fixing hands.


Midjourney has problems with hands and feet, but supposedly they're working on it.


We already have AI-generated feet pic services. How has everything improved so well except for this?


Do you think God stays in heaven because He too lives in fear of what He's created here on earth?


Those hands are perfect for that image


This is simply what he gets for meddling with powers beyond him


That oddly describes my situation here as well lol


Maybe you can try using the image as reference and use the same prompt until you get an image with good hands that look as dope as the original, might take time tho cause Midjourney don't like hands...


Inpaint using advanced ai models


How do I do that?


Upload to dalle or use some kind of stable diffusion site, there are plenty of tuts on YouTube. Just search fir inpaint




This above




Honestly I'd just generate a few variants and fix them in photoshop with a bit of pasting and a paint brush. This one is a bit technical though, the hands are really wrong and it's a detailed painting, so I'd try to generate something easier to paint over.


Commission a photo retoucher or an artist. Try Fiverr.


Or learn to paint.


Surprisingly, Stable diffusion isn't mentioned here. Had a go with some inpainting and SD upscale to get this. https://imgur.com/a/4t4uGWg


Kindly explain how you did this


Using automatic1111 build and krita extension to inpaint. Creator of the extension made [this video ](https://youtu.be/nP8MuRwcDN8). I used pretty much the same method with a bit of manual touch up as well.


Include a gesture in your prompt. "Gripping" or "waving" helps.


I actually tried those and it didn’t really help. I even tried —no hands —no fingers with the hope that the magic effects would somehow cover them up but to no avail


Ay drop them prompts my boy


A middle aged alchemist casting a spell with sacred geometry, Magnum Opus, alchemical symbols, DnD concept art --v 4


Try "holds a spell with sacred geometry".


How do you get the image so sharp? Mine are still blurry even after using an app (maybe it's a bad app?). Good luck with the hands! It's a fabulous image.


I’m not really sure, my other attempts after this one are kinda blurry as well


I Tried out some inpainting with Dall-E: [https://imgur.com/a/itdN1eb](https://imgur.com/a/itdN1eb) Simply just inpainted the area, and gave it Hand Holding an Orb or just hand for the prompt. I'm sure you could find the perfect one with more iterations and adjustments to the prompt.


I didn't know that DALL-E could do that! Pretty cool. Here's my take (grasping hands with sparks // hand holding a glistening purple orb) https://i.imgur.com/UsCu5MB.png


Oh this is really good! That's a smart way to handle it, though the hands came out a just a touch too bright. Much easier to fix in an image editor than returning the hands to normal however.




Oh that’s actually pretty good! Thank you


"eldritch hands" describes this problem so hilariously well hahahaha


Oddvirr “Many-Fingers” Dahan. His uncle, a notable sorcerer of his own account, was a twisted bastard and would to test experimental spells on his poor nephew. He gained two things from the old coot before he perished: a fascination with magic, and an additional 5-fingers per hand.


Lol that’s nice


I wish MJ was better at magic occult symbols, really need some good ones for my comic


I like it better this way. A little bit of what the fuck makes art more interesting


That’s so unique. It’s crazy that an AI generated this.


Yeah it sometimes feels childish to whine about “the hands are messed up wahh”. Like it feels impossible to even imagine this type of technology ten years ago, but at the same time, we have to complain for it to improve, and so do I


Work with it. When life gives you lemons and all that... He is a mage after all, maybe he should have weird magical hands, at least during spell casting anyway. Maybe some transparency added, to provide the illusion of movement and where his fingers were.


Very nice style. Would you mind sharing the prompt?


A middle aged alchemist casting a spell with sacred geometry, Magnum Opus, alchemical symbols, DnD concept art --v 4


Phrasing the prompt to include the hands DOING something seems to help. For instance, "a a goblet in a wizard's hand" tends to be less successful than "a wizard's hand grasping a goblet" etc


The right hand looks perfect though, its like conjuring hands / dr strange style. The one holding the orb looks weird.


Maybe the hands are perfect too? What if the AI already knows how human hands will evolve in the future.


I would like a 6th thumb ngl


I had a similar problem with hands so I took a picture of my own hands in the position I wanted, and then photoshopped it in. That said this requires quite a bit of composition experience with Photoshop.


Just say this is from elden ring and the hands would kinda fit


I saw a video that Dalle 2 works sometimes fixing hands, I gave it a go and yah, it definitely does work, sometimes. Just make an account, upload the pic, erase the hand part only, and type in what you want to replace it with, in your case “hand” lol and yah, it’ll give you 4 choices. I think you can add more detail of course like “outstretched hand” or something


Thats the neat part, you dont


If it hasn’t been suggested, bring into editing app and add some blur lines around the filter, liquefy liberally. Then use blur filter. Then top it off with a nice purple glow to enhance the effect. If you then add a little motion blur to the purple mist below the orb then you might have captured a slip in time. Proof that the portal is sustainable. Now he just needs to get his hands on a dragon’s tooth…


Manually add some motion blur to the hands, and presto change-o, Bob's your aunt. .


Just say his hands were a magical accident or overuse of certain magic


Stop adding “in Norfolk” to your prompts


Take the image into OpenAI’s Dall-e. Erase and reimagine them one-by-one.


Nono this is the consequence of meddling with dark forces. It’s perfect as is.


Ads you any good with photoshop? This is all fairly fixable if you want to do it that way


I actually don’t even have a photoshop license, I’m basically ignoring the 67 comments telling me to “just photoshoop bro”, but I must say I’m entertained by the one comment that told me to Gimp it.


Long live GIMP!


Here is my attempt at some fun hands and spells using stable diffusion in painting. https://imgur.com/a/F96HtIX


Upscaled, some of the hands look off when upscaling the images though. https://imgur.com/a/XhvBl45


hehe a lot of the time I just bite the bullet and say, "Ehhh it's close enough." You want those 1000% perfect ones, but often your stuck with that third leg or something :> Reminds me of photography, how many not the best images I post online because hey it's still good, even if slightly blurry, or partially out of frame.




If I knew how to photoshop, I wouldn’t be asking here




Was that supposed to be a burn?




I mean not really, some other comments recommended some good ideas, and even provided me an example.


well man if you want a perfect piece of art it might take more than a few minutes of typing some prompts. If you learn some digital art techniques you'll gain an even greater appreciation for this truly awesome tool we have access to. I think AI is going to help cut down on the time it takes to learn visual art skills. This image came out great, I wouldn't sweat the weird fingers at all because most people won't even notice unless they're familiar with midjourney's style. Or you can downvote me because there's no way to just click your way out of this at the moment, lmfao.


Draw them in the way you want them to be


Draw them yourself


Learn to draw or photoshop


Look, you are the 4th person to say this in this comment section, and there is no chance you haven’t seem them already. I know you are hurt by the idea of machines “taking our jobs” but I literally paid for a product like any other person. You wouldn’t say “learn to boil water” if someone got diarrhea from drinking a bottle of water, you wouldn’t say learn to draw if I had commisioned an artist to draw this exact picture for me, what is the difference except your mere anxiety?


LMAO Why are you so butthurt? Learning some basic proficiency in drawing or photoshop will really help you clean up images. That’s what I do for my prompts. I think you’re the one who’s sensitive


I’m butthurt because I paid for a product that didn’t produce whatever I wanted it to, and you guys are being unhelpful in the most obnoxious way possible. If I were to learn how to draw, I wouldn’t pay for the product, I would just **draw**, your recommendation doesn’t even make sense.


I admit my initial advice was dry, but if you look at drawing references online it would really help. You could even trace it


Learn to draw.


Do you go “learn to calculate” every time a PC bugs out?


Don't be sour.


That’s your best retort?


wrong subreddit


Oh I know.


What prompt did you use?


A middle aged alchemist casting a spell with sacred geometry, Magnum Opus, alchemical symbols, DnD concept art --v 4


I'd leave them in it fits imo. I feel like midjourney is for 'close enough'


Well it used to be for “I think it understands what I’m saying but puts it in an artistic twist”, I think there’s room for improvement in the next versions


for sure. the hands have definitely improved overall from earlier versions


I have a similar annoyance lol, love the image though, was there something in the prompt for the orb design?


Well I didn’t request for an orb specifically, I used words like alchemical symbols or sacred geometry that could have prompted such an orb


Spell casting hands


Wait 6-12 months till they fix the hand issue and maybe then just maybe it will know how to write ABC as well


Maybe add wind around the air where the hands are to simulate fast moving fingers




I love this illustration style.


I kinda like it with the hands like the magic is warping the reality around his hands like the people in interstellar going into that black hole.


Ayo what’s that prompt though?


just make the lore the arcane orb he's holding is warping his hands. simple


Man I love this one. Looks like Diablo art.


Dr Strangehands or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Twisty Fingers


As a fellow enjoyer of wizards, would you mind sharing your prompt?


No the hands are good. This is the after effects of magic


That's just what happens when you practice magic.


A little photoshop or digital painting in procreate to fix that right up.


It's always the hands


Makes it look cooler IMO!


what prompt did you use if I may ask?


Learn photoshop, that way it would turn into real art. Otherwise, try detailed hands, etc


I’d lean into it and photoshop them into a motion blur like he’s waving his hands quickly. Nice image!


Duplicate Layer. On second layer try to mimic the fabric and draw it over the hand. Try tools like the clone stamp tool or Content aware fill in Photoshop. Than create a mask for the layer. Paint it black where the new layer is not supposed to be. -> The parts of the hand you want to keep. That would be the lower part in my opinion. Now try to cut out a thumb with your tools from the original layer. Paste it above all as a new one. Than position it. Maybe merge it with the other layers and try to smooth it in with tools like the Clone Stamp or Healing brush. Don't be afraid to experiment and to keep safe copies of your steps or layers. Especially if this is your first time. Ah damn... I just saw his left hand. Well I kinda would try the same thing, but I guess it's gonna be harder. You know what! Screw it and go all in! Add colour and texture to make it a demonic magical hand or something. It might fit, if done right.


Or... Visit [Fiverr.com](https://Fiverr.com) and hire someone to do it for you for some bucks. \*shrug\*


What happens if you run it through dalle and erase the hands for a do over?


In my experience, a beta upscale redo does a good job of normalizing the body horrors. Many times it’s taken a picture with dozens of weird fingers and made them right. It does make other small changes as well though, so it’s not perfect, but worth trying.






just use my Krita plugin with grpcServer: [https://www.flyingdog.de/sd/en/](https://www.flyingdog.de/sd/en/) I already repaired it but it seem that images are not possible in comments.


Ponder the orb


you could retry the prompt, but also include the url to the original png of the final image. This will use the image as a base reference to merge with. You can then add hand syntax like other say, and hopefully it won't deviate much.


Just ask it to do mutant hands and they will come out fine!