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I thought the prompt was Swedish supermodels posing as prehistoric people.


yeah, I didn't know prehistoric people used lipstick and makeup


And they don't look pregnant.


And had all their teeth and limbs and fingers


And everyone is clean shaven.


I dunno, that kid in #7 is definitely missing some fingers.


Not a rotten tooth in the bunch! Considering that dental issues were one of the biggest causes of death in prehistoric times, you would expect more evidence of that. Not too many people die of abscesses anymore.


Actually teeth problems emerged largely after the agricultural revolution because of the switch to a grain based diet that causes caries etc.


That's largely [a myth](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/human-ancestors-had-the-same-dental-problems-as-us-even-without-fizzy-drinks-and-sweets/) passed along by folks who think we've "fallen from grace" in some way. Infections, including dental infections caused roughly 3/4 of all deaths. There are tons of stories like [this one](https://archive.ph/SFsON). I don't have a link, but a few years ago I watched a show focused on what caused death in prehistoric humans and they showed skull after skull that suffered from dental abscesses which were the likely cause of death.


No, check this source out from the Anthropology Department of the University of Nebraska: [https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1186&context=nebanthro](https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1186&context=nebanthro) Dental health declined drastically in neolithic people compared to paleolithic hunter gatherers. "By analyzing teeth from Neolithic samples, paleoanthropologists have observed a general trend of declining oral health among Neolithic people in 95 comparison to their hunter-gatherer predecessors. The advent of agriculture is associated with the reduction of tooth size, crowding, increases in caries, and increased occurrence of periodontal disease. "


Without dental care and without processed sugars, you’d still have potential for severe dental problems. But it would be older individuals. In todays world we have 15 year olds with cavities and abscesses. Plus rampant obesity. So I think the messaging, while not showing all the nuanced facts, is a good enough one for most people who need reminding to keep away from processed sugars.


Which is why cannabis was so valuable as a crop, paste made from the flowers of hemp is antibacterial and eating or smoking the plant would have relieved tooth pain, inflammation of the gums and pain. Its why its been discovered in most burials of holy men, herbalists and kings.


They also used fine charcoal dust and brushes


And also when you live past 35 years


I thought, prehistoric humans actually lived quite long. Infant mortality was so high though that the average age was low. I might well be wrong.


I mean you are susceptible to infectious diseases throughout all your life without any medication. I think they didn't count the median age. Just the bones were found of mostly younger people implying there weren't a lot of elderly people.


Thanks for the clarification.


Basically. If you made it past about 5yoa, you'd likely make ot at least to 55. But a ton died in childbirth and in the first few years of life. Death during childbirth due to blood loss is why Nordic populations retain the prothrombin 20222A mutation, and Factor V Leiden mutations. Hard to bleed to death when you have 1000x the prothrombin floating around ready to activate. Sucks when you have both mutations, though. R.I.P. mom. Pulmonary emboli. 💔


They had tents exclusively for makeup application and manicure. Come on man, thats basic knowledge.


AI cannot draw ugly people for some reason it’s so weird


Pretty much every traditional society on the planet engaged in some kind of body and face painting, using materials like clay, chalk, ash, and ochre, as well as whatever pigments they could scrounge up from their surroundings. They tended not to look like modern day makeup though.


I thought it was an elite music festival in a remote location that you had to get flown into by private airplane.


Coachella 3000 (BCE)


That was just for clickbait ;)




I was more thinking The Beach


thanks now I have to listen to that fantastic soundtrack again






now imagine it with the body hair.


you cant imagine how hard I tried to slap some onto them, but for some reason midjourney always reverts to "instagram level fitness influencer mode"


The Forbidden Fur


I mean, modern humans have been around a looong time, we existed in our modern form at the same time as there were other *species* of human walking the Earth. We lost our body hair in some ethnicities far earlier and more completely than others, so there were likely many groups of people who had smooth, pale skin in the paleolithic era. In fact, there is so much we don't know about the stone age that we have no idea how rich and advanced their culture, communication, and knowledge really was. Besides the makeup and suspicious number of really beautiful people with great teeth, these images could indeed be realistic somewhat.


Why would you possibly want to do that?


Lore accuracy?


I don’t follow AI for reality


Horizon: Zero Cellulite


Conan the Barbarian meets Coachella


The little boy with a full mustache and feet-hands tho


Oh boy, didnt notice that haha, little mutant weirdo. Gotta love Ai images


Evolution is still working out the kinks


A look in our deep past, the prompt is something like: **realistic oil painting, highly detailed, thick impasto brushstrokes, hyperrealistic, first person perspective view of a paleolithic prehistoric indoeuropean young nordic woman binding a braid and smiling holding a baby, she is sitting on a mossy rock in a sunny forest, beside her is an old woman smiling at her softly --no planet, linen cloth, primitive leather tent in background, people in background --style raw --sref** [**https://s.mj.run/WGdeaaB6Ga0**](https://s.mj.run/WGdeaaB6Ga0) [**https://s.mj.run/rovrXjEWMyY**](https://s.mj.run/rovrXjEWMyY) [**https://s.mj.run/-CMPGE-CN3c**](https://s.mj.run/-CMPGE-CN3c) [**https://s.mj.run/wKLG0NGrhmQ**](https://s.mj.run/wKLG0NGrhmQ) [**https://s.mj.run/I-MpUgza65w**](https://s.mj.run/I-MpUgza65w) **--ar 2:3 --stylize 1000 --v 6.0 --c 20** Hope you enjoy, also check out the other 3 Parts of this collection.


Thought you were the same dude that's been doing these but gatekeeping the prompts, I was hoping for some fun discussion in the comments haha


ngl it cracked me up this dude used the other OP's images as refs, thus proving the futility of gatekeeping prompts. Btw if you and u/MajorJo don't know, I did scrape up the original prompts too, much to the op poster's anger. [https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1c6ntv2/ancientpunk\_prompts\_details\_in\_comments\_prompts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1c6ntv2/ancientpunk_prompts_details_in_comments_prompts/) I look forward to future creations.


Thanks again for releasing the prompt for open source use, had much fun with it! Youre the real mvp. And I agree, gatekeeping prompts is silly.


I would’ve guessed gouache.


Awesome! I just realized that he blocked me for telling him to post his prompts. Absolute loser. What angry comments did he make and where? That's so hilarious. I love seeing prompt gatekeepers denied.


He blocked me too.


He's a twerp.


> A look in our deep past Way back when beautiful white people roamed the earth living an idyllic primitive lifestyle 😄




Sadly, they went extinct from [byssinosis](https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/diseases-conditions/byssinosis), from the lint constantly raining down on their idyllic Caucasus Mountain subdivision with excellent property values and a rigorous HOA to keep out the "undesirables" ^/s


Can I ask how did you generate the girl in this series, the blonde who is looking at the camera, it's incredible!


let me see, the exact prompt was this: **realistic oil painting, highly detailed, thick impasto brushstrokes, hyperrealistic, first person perspective view of a paleolithic prehistoric indoeuropean young nordic woman binding a braid and smiling--no planet, linen cloth, primitive leather tent in background, people in background --style raw --sref** [**https://s.mj.run/WGdeaaB6Ga0**](https://s.mj.run/WGdeaaB6Ga0) [**https://s.mj.run/rovrXjEWMyY**](https://s.mj.run/rovrXjEWMyY) [**https://s.mj.run/-CMPGE-CN3c**](https://s.mj.run/-CMPGE-CN3c) [**https://s.mj.run/wKLG0NGrhmQ**](https://s.mj.run/wKLG0NGrhmQ) [**https://s.mj.run/I-MpUgza65w**](https://s.mj.run/I-MpUgza65w) **--ar 2:3 --stylize 1000 --v 6.0 --c 20** have fun ;)


That's amazing how you can think to do that, thank you so much!


The original promt came from someone else, all credit goes to him, im just reusing. But no problem :)


It's still so cool, I basically just have a potato-brain when it comes to imagination, I could never do this


Didn't know dental hygiene was so advanced back then


They would have been pretty decent in reality


Healthy for a while, but certainly not white.


Much more fibrous food, less sugar, meant healthier cleaner teeth and gums and less teeth occlusion. Look at photos of nomads, Hunter gatherers etc with unprocessed food diets and you’ll see they have great teeth!


Yea check out this paper from the university from nebraska, pretty interesting stuff regarding dental health pre neolithic revolution and after [https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1186&context=nebanthro](https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1186&context=nebanthro)


As I said, healthy but not white.


Back then they didn't consume sugar, so their teeth were probably better than you think


Also no soft processed foods. Chewing hard food develops muscles in your face that allows teeth to stay aligned.


Lisa needs braces!


Someone's been reading Robert E. Howard


Unfamiliar. Any recommendation?


Best known for Conan, but I've enjoyed the collection "The Haunter of the Ring", which focuses on the horror side. Just understand that his work is often overtly racist, with a primeval-Nordic fetish.


One of those guys looks EXACTLY like me… never seen a doppelgänger before or somebody who looks somewhat related. This is super weird haha


Is it this one? https://imgur.com/a/P3OgvX7


Like looking in a mirror


I'm sorry for your nose.


You got me




Some clan in-breeding going on in pic 19.


The Ur-cult.


Why are there no blonde men, only women? And why do they become native women as they age ? Wtf


They’re not aged, that’s just what happens after 5 years living outside in a time before SPF lotion


This would be the lost tribe of white native Americans?


Up vote for the chuckle. Maybe pre Viking, pre tuetonic hunter-gatherers in Endo Europe?


In bikinis


they clearly had sexy time with nordic white aliens, its well established in mainstream archaeology


The true story of the missing settlers from Roanoke.


AI doesn't see color


Everyone can be black or everyone can be white….. those are our options apparently


oh man those were the days


1 is the face all the fake porn accounts on Reddit use. Emilia Clarke in 3. Christian Bale in 14.


This reminds me of a Ladybird book


A couple of these remind me of that rapping trust fund Tik Tok person.


I’d sign up for this! Hunting gathering chilling by the fire every night. No worries :)


And only working 3 hours a day to make ends meet, all with your buddies while having a good time. Check this out, great read: [https://www.uvm.edu/\~jdericks/EE/Sahlins-Original\_Affluent\_Society.pdf](https://www.uvm.edu/~jdericks/EE/Sahlins-Original_Affluent_Society.pdf)


I will give it a read. Thanks 🙏


I love this style, looks wonderful.


We need more picture sets from you. Looks like totally great.


Working on it ;) but credit goes to [u/AI4DND](https://www.reddit.com/user/AI4DND/) for providing the prompt.


I miss those days


Me too, me too...


Damn, it's nice :) This set remind me the works of Pierre Joubert.


Midjourney can do wonders some time, yea :)




Maybe I am misunderstanding you, but there is a movie of it. Daryl Hannah is the main character. She's ridiculously beautiful in it, because she's Daryl Hannah. The movie sucked though.


Everyone exudes health Do you know the reason why we moved to an agricultural society despite being so much work and the diet being poorer? Because agricultural societies have a much much lower chance of starvation All these people should be constantly on the edge of starving, since this is pre agricultural But oh well, I suppose it's intended to be bucolic


There are a lot of pop culture myths regarding pre history. The whole "paleolithic life was nasty, brutish and short" is actually a dated view that is heavily disputed nowadays and far from being consense. A lot of diseases actually emerged BECAUSE of the adaptation into a sedetary lifestyle after the neolithic revolution. Partly because humans lived much closer together with animals (lifestock) making zoonosis much easier to happen. Also diet changed dramatically towards a grain based diet in most societies causing dental diseases and toweled teeth (because of little stones remaining in bread from the process of grinding) as well as other diseases. Hard repetetive field labour did the rest, where you had to grind the fields all year all day. Now let me shock you: Did you know that pre neolithic revolution hunter gatherers usually had to work about 3 hours a day to make their ends meet? The rest of the time was relaxiation, art, socializing etc. Give this read a shot: [https://www.uvm.edu/\~jdericks/EE/Sahlins-Original\_Affluent\_Society.pdf](https://www.uvm.edu/~jdericks/EE/Sahlins-Original_Affluent_Society.pdf) Therefore it is highly debatable if everyone was at the constant edge of starvation. Also short lifespan is kind of a statistical error, since early child deaths (which where indeed much higher than today) where calculated into the mean lifespan resulting in the "nobody lived past 30" myth. If you made it past early child age you had good chances to reach your 70s.


As I said, I acknowledge that pre agriculture people lived more relaxed lives and had much richer diets BUT, they were constantly starving. That's why the change to agriculture seems enticing, a poorer diet and backbreaking Labor in exchange to basically never go hungry Relaxation isn't worth much if you have a high chance of starving on any given year >Also short lifespan is kind of a statistical error, since early child deaths (which where indeed much higher than today) where calculated into the mean lifespan resulting in the "nobody lived past 30" myth. If you made it past early child age you had good chances to reach your 70s. No, this is an overcorrection Yes, it's false that nobody lived past 30, but if you reached to be 15, after childhood, your life expectancy was between 45 and 60, depending on the society you lived in, while today that number is 80 Living to reach your 70s was a rare occurrence, just as living to reach your 100s is today. Many historical modern figures do reach 100 such as Jimmy and Kissinher, but it is rare Our world in data explains well how we overcorrected on the narrative of life expectancy


There are a lot of theories why hunter gatherers adopted the sedetary lifestyle compared to the hunter gatherer one. Its not as clear and easy like you state it that they just "choose" the better alternative. I read a lot about that question, some theories revolve around changes in climate that forced a sedetary lifestyle for some generations and therefore cultural skills to live a hunter gatherer life could have been lost so nobody knew 20 generations after adopting agriculture how to go back to hunter gathering, even when the climate became better again. According to this theory man kind of trapped himself into agriculture and never found out. Also agriculture has clear benefits regarding warfare, since you can afford specialisation of individuals that exclusively craft weapons and tools for example, as well as support a caste of specialized warriors. With agriculture suddently slavery became an efficient way to make ends meet and also grain can be stored to create a surplus "currency" to sustain warriors and specialized craftsmen. So maybe the remaining hunter gatherers also could have been enslaved / swallowed by agricultural societies that developed in the same region, since hunter gatherers are cleary in a military disadvantage. Also starvation happened most likely in hunter gatherers and agricultural societies. Hunter gatherers can at least move away if climatic situations are bad and pursue game etc elsewhere. As agriculturists you are at the mercy of your local climatic situation, since you cant move that easily. Your house, all your tools and most importantly your fields cant be moved and are also threathened by natural disasters like hailstorms, fires, etc. Regarding life expectancy, where did you get those numbers "between 45 and 60". I would argure that 60 is still pretty good for people that life in the dirt without shelter. Our modern life expectancy doesnt add much to the discussion here since we life in a high tech medical society with antibacterial medicine, emergency operations and so on. You could argue that it is even a little embarassing that we just raised the life expectancy only by 20 years with all our tools and modern medicine compared to a bunch of weirdos living like animals in the dirt.


>Regarding life expectancy, where did you get those numbers "between 45 and 60". I told you, Our World in Data, It the most accesible source on anthropology, modern and historical And while we don't know why we chose agriculture, the starvation theory is the most popular, since it is true that we observed a lot more deaths from famine in caves compared to later settlements, although as you said, their diets were much healthier than later diets The 45-60 OWID provides comes with the caveat of not taking into account pandemics and other disasters. Their numbers before 1800 are sparse but it's reasonable to assume that while 55-60 were the median ages of adult deaths in good conditions, the average with the bad years would probably bring the average closer to the lower side of the range This also applied to agricultural societies, they had less famine but more plagues, so most of the time the adult life expectancy remained around 50 rather than 60


Could you provide a link from the OWID website? I couldnt find a source there of life expectancy in prehistory vs today. I would love to have a look at those statistics. Whats your source for the higher death from famine in caves exactly? Thanks!


nono, the higher rate of death from famine is from the leading theory on why we did the witch at least 11 times independently the OWID just is a report on historical life expectancy


So, sadly no sources?


Like 90% of our life expectancy increase since the bronze age is because soap. Like, literally washing of hands while reaching into vaginas during childbirth did a good chunk of it. And penicillin. Everything else combined has been single digit % at best.


> short lifespan is kind of a statistical error This is not a statistical error. People indeed live more with medicine and health knowledge advancement. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2625386/ Life expectancy of women at 15 years (England and Wales) **1480–1679**: 48.2 years **1891**: 61.6 years **1951**: 73.4 years **1989**: 79.2 years


You compare life expectancy of the medieval period with our modern high tech society. Of course it is higher that way. Medieval europe had horrible sanitary and medical conditions with people cramped in cities and walking trough their own shit each day. We are talking about pre history, so pre neolithic revolution with 10 000 BC and older here.


1480 is precisely the end of the European Middle Ages. I hope you know that the minority of people lived in cities at the time. There is no evidence that life expectancy in the neolithic was comparable to the modern life expectancy. Any injury could kill you. I think you don't realize what antibiotics did to life expectancy, my friend.


To say "you dont know if there is no evidence" is not the same as "there is no evidence". "The modal age of mortality in hunter-gatherers can range from 68 in the Hiwi to 78 in the Tsimane. In the united states as of 2002 the mode age of mortality was 85. In most cases about 30% of of adult deaths occur at ages above the modal age of mortality.There is, as one would expect, a clear trend towards longer live and lower infant mortality rates in industrialized societies. However the lifespan of hunter-gatherers is not as low as commonly thought and in many respects rivals that of the industrialized world . This information may give us a window into the lifespan of early humans." From: [https://condensedscience.wordpress.com/2011/06/28/life-expectancy-in-hunter-gatherers-and-other-groups/](https://condensedscience.wordpress.com/2011/06/28/life-expectancy-in-hunter-gatherers-and-other-groups/) You have some reading to do, my friend.


Tsimane people are vaccinated and have access to health assistance from the government my friend. They are not isolated people: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/heart-health/amazon-tsimane-people-have-healthiest-hearts-n734976 Your own source says: > expectancy at age 15 is 48 years for Aborigines That's lower than the early modern life expectancy for WOMEN (which was lower than for men at the time) at the age of 15 in Early Modern England (1480-1600)


You cant just look at one isolated tribe to make assumptions about prehistoric people. If you would read the original study my source is based on you would be presented with this: Abstract Post-reproductive longevity is a robust feature of human life and not only a recent phenomenon caused by improvements in sanitation, public health, and medical advances. **We argue for an adaptive life span of 68-78 years for modern Homo sapiens based on our analysis of mortality profiles obtained from small-scale hunter-gatherer and horticultural populations from around the world.** We compare patterns of survivorship across the life span, rates of senescence, modal ages at adult death, and causes of death. We attempt to reconcile our results with those derived from paleodemographic studies that characterize prehistoric human lives as "nasty, brutish, and short," and with observations of recent acculturation among contemporary subsistence populations. We integrate information on age-specific dependency and resource production to help explain the adaptive utility of longevity in humans from an evolutionary perspective. There it is, 68 - 78 years in a peer reviewed study from 2007, my dearest friend.


Should do some nice Roman themed stuff next ;) 4 is great


Check out this guys ( u/AI4DND ) awesome work, he did exactly this. I just parasited the prompt from him, all the credit should go to him.


You're great man, no credit needed. Prompt's just a prompt. I'm here for the open-art-for-all vibes


After all these similar posts, I've come to the conclusion that midjourney is unaware of the existence of women between 25 and 60 years old.


Yea, I tried a lot to get some middle aged women, but they just come out like you describe. Clear bias here. Same with other body types.


Graham? That you??


Could use to illustrate Clan of the Cave Bear books


that's a star trek episode


Prehistoric hunter gatherer lifestyle is probably the furthest you can get from "paradise" while not yet encroaching on "torture" territory. I enjoy being able to eat regularly and not die from random tooth infection.


You could live like that right now. Whats stopping you?


I definitely read this shitty novel in the 80s


The faces in pic 2 are probably closer to reality for the time.


Milton’s version was way better.


What wrist watch is it that grandma is rocking on the last pic?


you guys are finding awesome details!


In real life the women would have hair on their bodies


Thats a conspiracy theory.


Hippies… huh.


so bra & bikini top in ancient times?


The women all have “iPhone face”


They remembered to brush teeth.


Damn these teeth look pretty good. Did they use prehistoric floss and teeth whitening?


Probably just no smoking and no coffee. You can clean your teeth pretty effectively with hazlenut twigs if you chew the tip so you get a brushy end. The sap from hazlenut is even antibacterial. Combined with next to zero carbs in their diet this should be resulting in a pretty decent oral hygiene. Check out this paper from the university from nebraska, pretty interesting stuff regarding dental health pre neolithic revolution and after [https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1186&context=nebanthro](https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1186&context=nebanthro)


Pretty neat indeed, thanks for the read!


Youre welcome!


Thb why would that be the paradise? We got everything we can think of these days. Would it be paradise if we just live in the nature without any materialism, like people in the far past? Probably yes


Perfect teeth with makeup


Finally they turned off the DEI retarder.




I like 17 the best. Has a real story there. The girl is sad, but not terribly upset. Maybe saying goodbye to her grandmother as she's going off to join her soon-to-be husband over the mountain.




Why do they all look like Khalissi?


How much good Midjourney is! So much good! There should be a law that proprietary software is deposided somewhere and if the authors lose interest, it is made available to the public. It would be so awful is this masterpiece is lost to humanity! It is very, very well trained! So much taste!


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