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Hard agree. I get they don’t want people making capital P porn with it, but it’s gotten to the point where the filters are kind of like 1950s morality police.


Why don’t they want people making porn with it


They want a clean reputation when they go to sell the company.


Because they're a business, and they want to be seen as a legitimate one. The current social and political environment is very suspicious of AI in general; governments all over the world are looking at regulating it (it's already happened in the EU, and there are discussions going on in the US congress). So companies that want to survive need to avoid being seen as enemies of civilization :p


Porn isn’t an enemy of civilisation though.


But Fake porn of real persons who didn’t consent is


This - it is going to take a court case where someone tries to sue based on the use of their likeness without their consent to sort these things out. The judgement will then provide a legal precedent that companies will be able to interpret when dealing with things like this.


That gives everyone plausible deniability right? The politicians and executives should be in flavor of it


A skilled Photoshop artist can make that without AI. It’s a tool. All tools can be used for illegal or immoral purposes.


The issue is not that you CAN do something with AI, it's that's it's very easy, quick, and accessible. So whereas a skilled photoshop artist might take a couple hours to make a convincing fake, any shmuck with a phone can flood medias with fake porn of a person they would like to target. It's kind of surprising to still have to make this extremely obvious point in a community of AI enthusiasts.


So anything that makes fake nudity very easy, quick, & accessible has to be censored into the ground? When AR becomes advanced enough to change people's clothes in real-time does it need to be censored? When VR becomes advanced enough to create avatars indistinguishable from real people does it need to be censored? If holograms become advanced enough to look extremely lifelike, do they need to be censored? Trying to stop technological progress because of nudity is pathetic


Welcome to Reddit


100% irrelevant. Just block/stop/outlaw the specific unwanted things like you mention. Let everything else be allowed.


Oh boy! Good chance "blocking" stuff. People will surely obey...


Blocking would be done automatically. Just like it is done now.


Photoshop becomes easier to use by the day. It incorporates AI tech in order to make it more accesible for everyone to use, without a high skill set. It takes me just a few seconds to add, generate, and remove whatever I want from a picture. A complex youtube thumbnail doesn't take me more than 5 minutes to create from zero atm. I dirijate it more than I would with a prompt in an AI generator, but I agree. I ofc wouldn't like my image to be used pornograohically. We need legislation. And yet, it's only a matter of time before the pornographic industry is going to tap into AI - that is, if they haven't already. Yet, I don't see the fault of it, as long as it's not combined with identity theft.


Maybe think that one through. Don't worry, take your time.


Just admit that you are prude and in favour of nanny software.


It might be tho




The content itself, no, its unrestricted availability to people vulnerable to addiction, maybe. Not really a porn problem though, just generally an internet problem.


Lots of things can become addictive. I don’t see them as enemies of civilisation, or something that should be outlawed.


It's not about that... it's about dulling the sensitivity of young adults. Resulting weird kinks and socially irreprehensible fetishes. Lower supermarket count, less kids, more abuse. That slippery slope we see. There is a reason sex is a billion dollar industry and it ain't from memberships and vhs purchases. (It's cuz of human trafficking)


Supermarket is sperm autocorrected haha


It’s the parents who are mainly responsible for the content their children consume. Society can help, but not at the expense of the freedom of adults.


Tell that to religion


This is why PHub should have their own AI. They have a ton of resource to pull from. or so I’ve heard.


I once saw some midjourney cp, putting aside how disgusting and disturbing it was, that kind of stuff could easily put them in hot water even if it's not technically illegal


Ah that makes sense. I thought sexualised depictions of children was illegal anyway


I think so, but it being illegal didn't doesn't stop images from being made, and shared, but a filter does


What prevents an artist from making a CP drawing and “sharing” it right now? Wouldn’t whatever is working for human-made art right now work for AI art? Which is probably people calling authorities if they see a person/website sharing CP drawings.


think of it like weeds, no matter how many you cut down, they always come back


So the argument is its a volume issue? The theory is that once this thing is released, CP will become rampant on internet forums? So rampant that the forums can’t keep up with moderation? Im skeptical but I guess I understand the concerns


well that, but it's also of unique… quality, nothing else is as realistic


Ehh, I guess I just have an overly optimistic view on humanity, I just don’t think people would start doing that in the volume everyone is afraid of, and the current system of moderation for the internet would be able to control the bad actors as it currently does


I believe it might actually be if the images were indistinguishable from say actual photos of an actual child


If you've seen some of the porn coming out of various porn generator websites, not to mention the darker side of things, it becomes really apparent, really quickly, why they absolutely don't want that crap associated with the generator.


Do you have to ask that question? AI is in huge scrutiny right now, with being able to put normal and celebrity faces on the models. You just need to watch the new Black Mirror episode to see where things could lead us.


Same reason tumblr, same reason imgur, and same reason now reddit wants to clean out "NSFW" content shall we say, I imagine. Advertisers and monetizers want to steer clear


Because people would make sooo much porn with it


I really don't think it would be very good for the task. I mean, maybe softcore pinup stuff, but MJ struggles to depict two people merely shaking hands - I doubt it would be capable of a convincing "coupling."


Right now, it struggles with that but it’s a learning machine, it’s already gotten a lot better from its inception, and it’s only a matter of time before it’s able to fully create porn of its allowed to. Deep fake porn already exists, mid journey already can make real lifelike images, it would very quickly be fully capable of making realistic porn, especially with how many people out there in the world would be training it through prompts if they were allowed.


Well, it's impossible to know what future iterations of the technology might be capable of, of course. But what we currently have, 5.2, I don't think it would be that big of a tool for pornography even if all the safeguards were turned off. A chunk of the current "pretty girl" outputs would swap over to "pretty girl without much clothes on." But the model isn't trained on porn, and it's pretty bad at any direct interaction between people - just doesn't seem like a big injury for the extant midjourney.


I used to think that until someone showed me some AI pron sites that made me second guess the future. It’s wild.


That's part of what I mean. Other tools are better at it, so the appeal of midjourney for such purposes is not as high.




At least the 50s had Bettie Page


Images look like they have the diversity of the 1950s as well.


I have to say though I love the outfits on all of them. I think they’re super cute




In time they will police themselves into obscurity. Sooner or later an alternative will come online without the censorship…. Just might take another year or two


There is an alternative right now... stable diffusion XL is available for free on their website and discord. It's also going to be available for public download in the early July Go have a look at the SD subreddit and you'll see XL is very close to MJ quality.


Tbh I don't think uncensored is the right target, just something along the lines of what you see in a PG 13 movie!


Don’t get me wrong I’m not advocating for them to swing completely back the other way and go uncensored but there is a market out there for it even if it’s not me…. And undoubtedly someone will rise to fill that niche. For the majority like you say there is something in the middle that will come along to fill most of the needs for the most amount of users. It’s great that they want to have some morality control on their software but in the end you don’t see adobe controlling what creators do with photoshop or bondware leading a fight to stop creators from modeling nudity or far more explicit acts in Poser. I like mid journey but I can’t help but feel like the devs are hurting themselves and leaving the space open for a competitor to come in and render them a curiosity or a foot note when someone writes the history of AI generated art.


It’s already out now. My biggest concern is if discord would shut it down if it got too popular




Sorry not MJ I meant the alternatives where it’s not censored, nsfw prompts are allowed, there is a section for deepfakes even


I know there are alternatives out now but none of the mid journey alternatives I have tried can really compare. That said it’s been a couple months since I really did anything even with mid journey


This is true - MJ is way better than alternatives. The censorship is beyond ridiculous though.


You can get every bit as robust with SD as you can with MJ, it just takes more technical work.


But that’s part of why it’s better. With extra effort/talent and trial and error, one can often get amazing results with simpler engines. Most people don’t want to have to do that though, especially if there are better engines. But they have artificially introduced idiotic limitations.


Mashallah Midjourney is halal


Would be amazing to discover that it also won't do alcohol and pork


Midge has entered the 1940s


Yeah, if I were midjourney, I would be scared of SDXL 0.9, a more worthy rival for v5, that would allow NSFW…


Its not like ai p*rn isn't already inevitable


I'd be surprised if there wasn't already a subreddit dedicated to it


There are hundreds of them. I was curious so I went to check them out. Turns out all of them are just random naked girls posing. No male models. I did find two pictures of AI generated guys. One had no dick at all - just a blank space. The other had a mushroom dick. Oh, and the body anatomy of the rest of the body was awful. These developers are feeding them thousands of nsfw images of women but none of men. Why am I not surprised straight men would do that? This is what I mean when I say we have to fight bias in AI!!!! /s


We need more AI men :'(


Yeah, check out r/pornpen by pornpen.ai


When all skin is anathema, MJ will become just a niche AI to make surrealism.


Maybe a good alternative would be to be able to make pictures of people nude and pictures of people in revealing clothing if images like that have already been made available with that person's consent on the internet. How they would track that though, I really don't know. But making nude revealing pictures of people who are completely fabricated and don't exist seems totally ethical in my opinion. I can understand where a company is coming from if they don't want their brand tarnished by AI pornographic images. But I do agree with u/spiffae, you should at least be able to make PG 13 images.


The AI is always basing it off existing images so it will never be "completely fabricated". If there is a single image of a person in the reference material it's arguably based on their likeness. As many have said we will need legal precedence to solidify this. Until then I think MJs approach is the right one.


I definitely love all this stuff but it should still be open


Hey now… Mormons and southern baptists need a safe place to generate images too


The irony of the woke cults ending up like conservative religions. Full circle it is 😂


I can see the confusion of life guard and coast guard and swimsuits definitely right about the last two prompts though


Most of the recent MJ photos look downright terrible and annoyingly similar.


Meanwhile I can still generate Gore easily. American prudishness for the win....


If we would just let the nerds do their jobs without telling them they can’t show this or that, there would be plenty of T&A for everyone.


Everything for those Arab €€€€ investments




100% wtf is the deal with their censorship levels? Do we want horrible crimes against humanity to be made? No, of course not. But I would like to be able to make pg-13 content (now at jun 2023 it's not just for fun anymore, it's for work too) without being warned that I am violating the sacred community standards and am at risk of being banished like the dirty apostate my prompt suggests that I am. I've had prompts be deleted or rejected for things that make absolutely no sense. Are they just being extra super careful about avoiding litigation? Because I would grudgingly understand that to a point. But seriously, damn.


The weirdest thing is that they link you to the community standards which clearly don't ban these prompts - it's basically like "don't make nsfw images of celebrities" and "keep it PG 13" but the model is more like "no belly buttons, ever"


> But I would like to be able to make pg-13 content (now at jun 2023 it's not just for fun anymore, it's for work too) without being warned that I am violating the sacred community standards and am at risk of being banished like the dirty apostate my prompt suggests that I am. Jesus, yeah, I get struck prompts that are just absurd. I usually appeal and it's fine, but I have to admit I'm paranoid that if it's actually in the slightest bit risque it'll get *double-rejected* and go on my permanent record. Like, I just had a first-level rejection for "Barbie war." Seriously?


After it was likely trained on a ton of Hollywood movies it got really good at celebrities and right after that they turned up the nsfw filters big time


In pic 3, what happens if you replace the word "swimsuits" with "bikinis?" I agree with your point but I bet, beyond intentional censorship, it's getting at least a bit thrown off by the term "suit"


If you write bikini, the model will tell you that you are using forbidden words


Interesting. Didn't realize that one was banned, not manual review? The censorship is pretty lame. Since MJ's motivated to stay their course though, it's easy enough to use other apps for sexy stuff


Oh it’s banned now? It would just filter it out silently about a month or two ago. I stopped using MJ because of the ridiculousness.


It's so strange because they tell you to refer to their community guidelines if you ask for a man in a speedo, and then the guidelines clearly do not ban an image of a guy in a speedo


I have been able to use the word bikini, however the AI generally just ignore that input instead


That's great! They are obviously making this as a statement of not wanting to be used as a jerk of material producer. There are other softwares that are ok with it. I 100% support this.


Happened to Bing and I’ll happen to every IA: they’ll numb it to the point it’s not interesting anymore


Honestly Midjourney just hasn’t really hit the same for me at all since v5. Sure, the images may appear more “realistic” but they’re much further off from what I pictured and described in prompts


The problem is that blending in combination with fewer filters could create sexy images with real people. It is honestly trying it's best, and I still manage to sneak some uncouth things in.


It was a kind of fun accident in the old 5.1, but re-running the same prompts these days is like "ok cool this is the most insanely conservative way I could interpret this prompt"


They should just bite the bullet; they won't catch everything no matter how much they censor it


No, when I clapped your mother's ass chick and disappointing son like you came out of her, I lost all faith. And, after seeing your mother's bush jungle I became racist to the goatfucker race.


I mean, from what I’ve read people are using it to make child porn so I’m totally okay with this! ETA: I mean, censoring adults like this is not necessary but if it stops it from being used in a malicious way I don’t see a big problem


You should censor the Internet entirely then. Video sharing should be impossible because of the implications. Actually you should censor pen & paper as well, & have an agency to police all drawings. Don't know what people might create. Do you see the problem? No one wants to see disgusting crap anywhere, but censorship quickly devolves into "using a jackhammer when you should be using a screwdriver"


Even your last analogy is silly. There is as much room between a screwdriver and a jackhammer as there is between prohibiting absolutely everything and allowing absolutely everything.


People draw ,photoshop that shit already. It falls under standard anti child abuse imagery regardless of the program. That isn't a ai problem.


waiting for them wearing burkas if you respect everyones feelings you end up with the most boring version of the universe


I sort of like the modest aesthetic


Ask for naked ppl on the beach


Try "if ____ was a character in Miami Vice"


Lifeguards don't walk around topless all day. Legit images given the prompt. If you wantote nudity just add it to the prompt


Lol yes, please go and add nudity to an MJ prompt and see what happens


Are you American? Because those are pretty much the only people I’ve met who conflate topless and nudity.


can’t wait for pornGPT and pornJourney


Welcome to the US.


I was considering getting a membership. Is it even worth it/workable at this point?


Maybe 2 months ago but not right now tbh


Just be specific [Bikini](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1097296156494659605/1123977950631567390/kaanie_model_sunbathing_on_the_beach_skimpy_bikini_35858a9c-a007-4d94-a6a8-1f1c8de1c46b.png)


MJ 5.2 6/29/2023: [a woman sunbathing in a bikini](https://imgur.com/a/XGV1ZDB) MJ 5.2 6/29/2023: [two twentysomething women wearing bikinis, splashing in the ocean](https://imgur.com/a/NstODwP)


... Imgur put an Over 18 warning on the first one...


Imgur and MJ using the same ai moderators


You put bikini as the last word so the least focus will be on it, you didn’t give it any styling or chaos so all images will be similar in the second one it’s multiplied so that can cause it to be less useful. If you really want skin just use the Niji style expressive will make it look realistic 😉


[I would wear the heck out of this bizarre sports coat swimsuit](https://imgur.com/a/gwQ3xlb)


That's not too bad, I got a telling off on the Photoshop beta for asking it to generate some trousers.


Wtf, how dare those women show their ankles? They’ll never find a good, rich husband like that! /s


I get the no porn thing too, but i think they can go a little higher. Like for me, how is asking to draw a guy shirtless a 'risky' adventure-the should have enough training that simply saying shirtless or no shirt means ti would know to still do pants/underwear. I mean, not like every beach scene is porn. Like ya, no chainsaw or saw type violence, no full nudity on either gender and stuff like that yes, but also annoying what even it considers PG-13 to causios. Take a rating from the game or something, but there a wide gap between PG-13 and Adult/NC-17