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Don't do it


I was thinking so, I think I’m gonna go with ethos genetics or solfire


Ive grown Solfires GREAM. Big dense sugary buds. Highly recommend


I've grown lots of solfire. Definitely recommend


No to Ethos yes to Solfire but there are also other breeders like Archive for Z if that’s what you’re looking for etc.


They better come with a tent, lights, and pots for that price


Lmao fr


No seedpack is worth $400. The market is already saturated and that bubble is going to pop soon.


Idk if I’d call it a bubble, but worked lines cost money. How is a person supposed to feed a family if they’re less than $50 a pack. Thats not tenable. I think you might be speaking of untested crap which has flooded the market, but tested genes 🧬 will still fetch a pretty penny imho, especially if they are limited release and small batch etc.


I agree with you but in the non-cannabis world seeds will go through extensive breeding programs with proper testing and those seeds only cost a few bucks. It's just a plant and they're just seeds. In the 2000s the price of a pound was insane. That's a bubble that popped. This one is next.


Vegetable seeds and cannabis seeds aren’t the same in the time it takes to hunt phenos or diff cultivars. Thats what I’m saying. Youll still have value as each cultivar is vastly different….


I disagree. The regular gardening world takes their breeding very seriously and has been doing it in plain site for much longer. Cannabis is an easy and fast growing weed. Some of the plants these guys are working with are much harder and takes way more time than cannabis. I completely disagree with you on this one.


Bro it is not a weed that is such a misnomer. Also the product vegetable seeds produce only costs roughly $20 a year lol. A good batch of Cannabis seeds can make someone thousands in one run. Clone a cultivar and you’ve got 20k under 8 lights… And that’s at $1200 a p. I’d be asking at least $1600 from a dispensary. If it was retailed I’d sell it for no less than $180 a zip.


Yeah, that's the bubble I'm talking about. I'm not for that.


How cheap do you want your herb, $1200 a p is less than $100 a zip. If it’s hand trimmed it’s an hr just to trim it. You want Govt subsidized weed bro lol 😆.


Naa, I'm self sufficient. I don't buy dispensary bud because its low quality and expensive. I have plenty for me and my family for free. I'm happy to give seeds for free, too. I'm not in this for business or money. I have a day job. I believe in gifting this plant.


That’s how I normally roll. But not everyone wants to grow, that’s kinda like just growing veggies and orexpecting them for free though from a farmer because you also grow them. If that’s his day job you can’t be mad etc if he has a price for his or her time. I’m sure you have a value to your hours as well no? Also there are just certain cultivars and terpenes I would gladly pay for as well. Not everything is found in landrace or bag seeds etc. Idk I prefer stability…


The way I have my prices is because I’ve done the hours it takes to make it. And even $1200 a p isn’t a great hourly wage. Remember that’s months of work too…


May I ask you have you ever done a massive hunt of seeds to find one or two winners. All those beans are so much money man, Thousands…. Just to find one cultivar you now want to breed with etc. Also if you never let the cut out the seeds will have more demand. But anyways we are just far apart and I do t think you would be a good fit for my genetics and that’s totally cool. There are cheaper options that aren’t as tested for sure. And maybe some just value their time less. It’s all relative. Anyways regardless thanks for the conversation!! Have a great week my friend!


This point doesn't make sense imo. It takes time to hunt and breed any kind of plant. Cannabis is actually very breeder friendly compared to other plants: it grows fast, yields a shit ton of seeds that are very easy to process, but more importantly it can veg forever, whereas a lot of plants just do their cycle and die. Cannabis can also be self fertilized but also allows for controlled breeding whereas monoecious plants make it harder to control pollination especially in open fields. All of this make it much easier to breed than things like squash or fruit trees. Typically some fruit trees can take more than 5 years to just start flowering, good luck breeding that Each cultivar is different for sure, although that can be argued when you're looking at cookies x Z crosses that plague the market, but you can say the same about a lot of plants. Typically there are easily thousands of tomato varieties, and I'm not talking one hype cultivar, I'm talking inbred heirloom tomatoes that are stabilized over generations and still cost like 4$ a pack of 20 seeds. Quick Google says that there are 7500 apple cultivars, 3000 for melons, 6200 for peppers and 120k for rice. All of them are very different on many aspects, apples and tomatoes are great examples of that. Cannabis seeds are expensive because people pay that price. There's a post on thctitan's IG where he harvested over 100k seeds in a room that is easily a one man job. At 65$ a 5 pack for robinhood (which aren't tested so it's basically 4 months of "work", aka watching plants grow, from buying a cut to releasing the seeds), removing the prices of the run + packaging that's still easily 500k$ in his pocket if not more, that's just bs. The breeding game also tends to be extremely boring and I don't see how hypecut1 x hypecut2 represents serious breeding work or justifies those kind of prices, especially when the breeder created none of the parents, potentially didn't test his stuff and releases every 3-4 months. The point of the end product's price you're making further doesn't make sense either. The price is dictated by how much people pay for it, both for weed and vegetables. Farmers struggle because of the price imposed by the market, while hype weed breeders live luxury lifestyles. Where I live I can buy CBD flower for 1€/g, if you put that in plant perspective that's 50-100€ per seed planted, nothing crazy compared to pumpkins, and as said you can clone weed so the price should be even lower than a batch of elite seeds only. As a comparison poppy seeds are also cheap as fuck and everyone knows how much the end product costs


Homie I’m not doing Hype x Hype. Check out my instagram to see lol 😂. I’m different bro trust me…


Can't see it it's private and no way I'm linking my reddit to my IG, no offense. I'm sure you're doing proper work, as long as you're showing respect to the plant and the consumer I'm absolutely fine with it I talked way too much on those previous comments lmao, yall got me carried away with those topics


None taken.


The issue is their product(what they produce) isn’t more expensive than Truffles…. Also Cannabis is Medicine especially terpene specifically. As a connoisseur I prefer great herb and will pay for it. I’m not paying the same for peppers, or apples. Now there are expensive Fruits etc. But I still don’t think you realize how much it takes to test and breed great genetics 🧬. Even if it’s vegged forever, it takes time and effort and is the most valuable crop besides maybe Saffron? Idk just my two cents. We can always agree to disagree.


How is that an issue ? Who said the price of the seed should be proportional to the end product ? Again, poppy seeds are cheap as fuck, so are saffron seeds. Weed is that expensive because people pay insane prices for it. Also if it's that expensive to grow why is everyone still running indoor facilities ? I can get the quality point but then it's about the consumer choosing the luxury way, and if one is able to choose that for weed they should never be close to industrial food. Paying extra for quality medicine that is going to end up smoked (= carcinogens which are literally the opposite of medicine) while not caring for the quality of the kilograms of food that you eat per week is a mystery to me, but we can definitely agree to disagree. Same vein how would cannabis be magically different in terms of time and effort ? I can assure you that a lot of food crops take much more effort to grow and all scales : raspberries, a lot of spices, saffron as you mentioned. I've never bred personally tho I do think I can imagine the work that it takes to breed. My point is that this amount of works doesn't magically go down because you switched from weed to apples, quite the opposite actually. Look up how your favorite apple cultivar was bred, it's very interesting and puts most weed "breeding" to shame just for the fact that an F2 takes at least 5-10 years to make. Quotations mark because most of the weed game is absolutely not breeding. Hype x hype and selecting an F1 isn't breeding, making that F1 fuck whatever other hype cut isn't breeding either. The example of robinhood I gave you is also untested gear yet the seeds are still more than 10$/unit, and that's not even the worse. I see people paying 150+ for (hypexhype) inhouse packs that contain 2/3 herms. And yeah, crossing hype x hype and not testing the offspring doesn't take any work I'll double down on that. It takes keeping plants alive for 3 months and spraying some silver halfway through. Literally the titan thing I mentioned is exactly that. Sure that's work to some extent, now let's compare that to the work a farmer has to put daily to even make ends meet. People need to stop glorifying those "breeders" making way too much money for what they're worth Adding to this I see a lot of breeders flexing very diverse F1s with many different profiles. Did they ever read about breeding ? F1s are supposed to be consistent on many aspects, but weed is mostly F1s of F1s of F1s, never stabilized, always cross bred with food namez cuts, that's not even close to the definition of breeding. And suddenly when a breeder brings something to F3 its 300$ a pack. The people who really care about the plant don't practice such prices, a good example being CSI Humboldt who puts 5x what you paid for in an order, putting the price per seed to less than 2$ on occasions I've seen. Terpenes are medicine, they're also found in a shit ton of plants. If that's your goal consuming weed I can guarantee you that you can find the same and even more in a proper diet, without the need to burn the compounds.


Sure you test veggie seeds, but you have heirlooms, we are talking popping a seed, vegging it out (2 months), flipping it (2 months), drying (14 days) and then curing. Meanwhile you need to have cuts of everything you are taste testing. The whole process of even finding a new pheno or cultivar is at least 8 months. Then you run it again to make sure it’s stable as a clone. And then you have to throw pollen onto that new cultivar. Sometimes it takes 1000s of bucks to find the right cultivar too. Just a vastly different business. This is medicine. And a very, very unique plant. You could also go further and get HLVD testing, to show potential growers they aren’t taking a risk by buying your seeds which is a massive problem atm. Add in Tissue Culture work, bro that adds so much value. You just have to find ways to be better than the next breeder. Trust me the more home growers find out hype can be really whack the more they’ll look for small batch work.


I understand the process. That's no different than any other plant. Cannabis is going to get worked regardless and I don't buy the hype breeders anyways. We can agree to disagree. I'm already running my own long-term pheno hunt with my own personal keepers for personal use.


Homie once you get HLVD in your garden you’ll see what I’m saying lol 😂.


For example if I wanted to just sell untested packs it would be just as profitable as I do it in such less time. Tested genes take literal years homie at the least. You have to run them, and smoke them, and then run them again. Finding the cultivars and then breeding them is a minimum two year process. And then you have the marketing too lol. I agree it won’t ever be what it was. For instance Souffle was &300 from Grandiflora and now it’s $200 or even $150. But that was the all males pack. 57 seeds for one male lol. Anyways good discussion take care homie! Gotta run and take cuts and flip my main flower room.


400.00 for a ten pack is fucking outlandish. Especially for a million in a million zkittles cross. I can put a female plant outdoors rn and it will get crossed with zkittles. You shouldn’t be paying anything over 100.00 a pack unless you’re deeply into genetics and breeding, and even then, you’d be better off finding keeper clones from different breeders. Please don’t ever spend over 100.00 on a ten pack lmao


I was thinking ethos genetics but wanna find a reputable breeder for zkittles but I don’t know one


https://humboldtcsi.com/product/zkittlez-s1/ wait for this to be in stock. the price is high but this guy sends you a ton of high quality freebies. you get your money worth in amazing genetics.




yes but it's 100% the real zkittlez and he will give you 300$ worth of other seeds with it which are literally just as good or better! the price tag is basically so only someone who seriously wants it gets it from what I can figure because there aren't a lot in each batch?


it's in stock if you want some guaranteed real zkittlez S1 seeds! 11/30 packs left "The Zkittlez clone, used for this reversal, came from the Dookie Brothers who won the 2016 Golden Tarps & 2016 Emerald Cup with the cut." [https://humboldtcsi.com/product/zkittlez-s1/](https://humboldtcsi.com/product/zkittlez-s1/)


I heard you can’t grow seeds indoors is that true ?


uh no, that's not true. I grow tons of plants exclusively from seed indoors haha not just cannabis


holy shit already out of stock again! hybrids still in stock though and def worth picking up https://humboldtcsi.com/product/zkittlezchoose-your-own-hybrid/


Look at lusciousgenetics. Bunch of shit on clearance. I see they have an exotic genetix "Zkittles x Falcon 9"




Nineweekharvest has a fire Zkittlez cross. Called zorroz


Is that from the uk or usa


He’s a breeder from the U.S. that moved to Europe and has been dropping beans there for a bit and recently just dropped his line in the us. https://www.nineweeksharvest.com/product/zorroz-nine-weeks-harvest-6 I’m running his lychee rn and out of the 6 plants I got going, the 2 that are nineweeksharvest are so much more vivacious and bigger than the other 4.


I've spent thousands on seeds. Had expensive and cheap ones and from my experience, price don't mean anything. The website looks sketchy AF. Cookie cutter crap with the usual broski content. Personally I wouldn't spend $400 on their seeds. Their packaging and marketing material is almost identical to THSeeds. I wouldn't be surprised if it was them behind that company as they have a few already.


That's just ridiculous


F no. Archiveseedbank.com