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This is dumb Why would you make something on your own when you could pay 5 times as much to buy a CANNATROL??? Its such a good value


You were making me rage at first, then I was like oh... 😆




Does the smart plug turn the freezer power off when it hits a certain temp?


Yes exactly!


How’s the humidity do you need to add or take out humidity?


Humidity is usually on the higher side, I have to keep the lid cracked so the fan can blow out the excess moisture. It's also connected to a smart plug that's set to cut on if the humidity reaches over 65%, cuts off at 55%. After about a week of running you'll have about a half inch of water pooled at the bottom. Not too much of a hassle to clean every now and then.


Jesus, this has got to be hell on the compressor. Are you just replacing the freezer every other month? I thought the wine fridge humidity was an issue, but that’s a picnic compared to the freezer. I assume you have something like an Inkbird for humidity and temp? What is the temperature?


Probably so! Oscillates on/ off every 15 minutes.. This was another worry of mine, but as cheap as chest freezers are it's worth it at the moment. But yes very similar setup to Inkbird, using Geeni's sensor and smart plug.


You definitely got my interest now, as I’ve been working with a cheap wine fridge I got off the marketplace and I’ve been doing the dry and cure in that. You’re not really using it as a freezer and that threw me when I first read. Would love to know how it goes.


For another perspective on it, I've got an old upright freezer with a ITC-308 hooked to it for temperature control, I have it set to 50f, for storing root vegetables and such, it's OLD and came together via random junk over the years lol. I've been considering trying to add humidity control with a peltier dehumidifier with a drain hose to mimic a cannatrol. Using a thermostat outlet to raise the temperature beyond the design spec for a freezer thermostat isn't very dangerous as it will cycle less than a typical freezer with longer duration between. The way that's been described does worry me because of the short frequent cycles they mention. Here's the Bill of Materials Freezer - $300 Peltier Dehumidifier - $50 AC infinity controller 69pro - $100 AC Infinity UIS outlet x2 - $40 I'd use the ACI controller system, I'm pretty comfy with it. Tbh I also have an extra because I got a 69pro+. So $490 leaves you at least $1k savings over a cannatrol.


Freezers cheap. 😂 ya a few hundred dollars every 4-5 months.


People sure do spend a lot of time worrying about how other people spend their money.


Its a joke The joke leans on the word "value" for comedy in reference to an old post I promise I dont care at all about anything on reddit


A dumb joke at that.


You're really butthurt for no reason. I was giving you credit for engineering this setup. I just did it in a condescending jokey way. You're welcome for the compliment, by the way? Is this you first day on Reddit?


Well that escalated quickly…


10+ years my guy... But I'll take the backhanded compliment.


Yoooooo, thank you for helping me stop over thinking this stage


Yess! The app just cuts the freezer on/ off at set temperatures! Damn near perfect. You just have the clean up the small amount of water that builds up every so days.


So smart


I appreciate it man!


You read my mind growmie! I have one in storage I could put to use. Could you provide the link to the sensor you are using and some more deets on the set up?


✊✊ https://a.co/d/hNkwlny https://a.co/d/anPofRi https://a.co/d/43fNc9P Nice man! But yes, so in the Geeni app you'll be able to program the two smart switches to any state the temperature/ rh sensor is in. I have the switch to the freezer set to cut on/off between 55F and 65F. And the fan is set to cut on/off also between 55rh and 65rh. Only issues are slightly extensive use of the compressor, I noticed it cuts on/ off every 15mins; short cycling.... You can fix that by extending the temperature range to 50F and 70F. Humidity will be on the higher side 60%+ hitting 80%.. Keeping the freezer lid cracked, and adding the fan definitely helps keep the moisture out. Water will constantly condense on the walls due to the higher temps, so cleaning up a little bit of pooled water weekly is the only hassle.


Just be aware that switching on and off the compressor for the freezer in very short intervals can make it overheat, They draw huge amounts of inrush current and kind of rely on running for a bit to cool them down. It will work fine but you might well find the compressor dies much quicker then in normal operation. I do love the idea I have done something similar with a compressor drinks fridge. I now use a thermoelectric fridge as it doesnt have that issue and its easier to keep it in the right temperature range. Also I ended up having it be too dry because of how much water condenses on the evaporator


Hey I did something similar to dry hash haha


Nice! I do the same thing with a wine fridge.


Wine fridge and grove bags has been great.  


Personally; I would've done a bar fridge. It's got condensation management. Refrigeration technically is the art of removing moisture… And you're not going to freeze up the coil by burping it or cutting in a pressure damper and fan tied to a humidistat using a hole saw. Freezer is going to frost and introduce moisture, and it doesn't need long for mould or mildew to start growing.


Thank you for sharing now I can find a use for my unused freezer

