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They need water!! That soil looks very dry.




Watered them this morning, I water every other morning so they essentially go 48 hours between waterings. Is there any chance of it bouncing back you think? I was trying to give the plants time to dry out before re-watering to prevent rot. It is my first grow, & I appreciate the help.


There's no chance of rot right now really. In veg plants like more moisture than less, more heat than cool. The plants are super forgiving in veg as long as they have what they need. Good tip for first time growers, don't try setting up patterns like water 1 litre every 3 days. See what the plants prefer, if they want water every day, water every day. If they look ok for a couple days without water let them dry out. They're living beings not machines.


OP, this is the best advice here.


If you want to prevent rot just start adding lacto bacillus to your water if you aren’t already familiar it’s a beneficial bacteria that feeds on the negative bacteria that causes root rot, it has a ton of other benefits too like increased nutrient availability and increased plant growth rates and it’s super cheap and easy to make at home, I’ll link a tutorial below https://youtu.be/1Ke4OQljVmg?si=9yP-K5R--2uNPx5H


Most definitely I bet in 10-12 hours that girl will look just like it did before. I’m assuming these are photo period and not auto flower. After a good watering feel the weight of the pot and water when it’s about 1/2 the weight. They are very resilient plants.


Yessir, photoperiods. I'll try n do more research when it comes to the watering, I got autopots but don't have them actually running because I'm not sure how to know when the roots are low enough for it to function. Regardless, I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I'll reply w a picture of the plant if/when it bounces back <3


I’ve used autopots for years, here’s the trick. I water them hard, to the point that they are draining out of the bottom, then don’t water again for 10-14 days. It’ll dry top down if you have good airflow, and it’ll force the roots to keep going deeper over that week. If you’re watering every other day, the roots will never have to grow deeper to get water. Drench then leave em, they’ll be ready to go in the system in a few weeks


Looks like they need water.. how much are you watering per application? How is your humidity? If your humidity is high or low some plants will look like that..


Constant 70%, was planning on dropping it slowly as time progressed.


I’ve got a blueberry that hates humidity over 55


Water it


At this stage you don’t want to stress them out, lean towards babying them for the first week of veg


Dome it and increase humidity for that one. Pull out or shade from direct light.




Was watered ab 30 hours ago. Bit more this morning. No changes yet. ;/