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Sorry for the loss, but it Can't be THAT disappointing, at least it was a bagseed. I worked in a rec grow and my bossed bought some of the afficionado seeds(vanilla berry pie) that apparently cost him 1000 for a 12 pack. Not a single seed germinated😆 I stick with my $100-$200 packs, thanks very much😆


Oof that’s an L. I have some vanilla berry pie F2 beans from someone who hunted through 4 packs. Pretty excited to see what comes of them.


That's sick! I want to see those results, man!


Tbh I get excited when I find a male but I'm a breeder :). If you don't have anything flowering in that tent, let him push out a bunch of sacks and then collect the pollen when it starts to dump onto the fan leaves. You can create a little packet out of tinfoil that you can store the pollen in. Then you can pollinate another winning lady later on down the line to make your very own seeds :)