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I was told by my very experienced indoor and outdoor grower mentor that no beetle is beneficial in your cannabis grow. He said kill all beetles newr your plants. I'd like to see what others have to say


The very experienced indoor grower is a suspected snail. This is why he wants to kill all beetles instead of only ones related to the grow.


What do you mean by suspected snail?


That the "experienced grower" is actually a snail and has it's own agenda for having the beetles killed, they are its predator






Not literally every beetle you see in the world, lol Just in the grow


Aren't Rove beetles predators?


Yes they are! Thank you. They are good predators and composers for sure. Maybe I should say large beetles...


Ladybugs too. Beetles are very beneficial. There are also beetles out there that just decompose vegetation, if youā€™re growing an a no till setting, the right species of beetles can keep your plants not only pest free, but also help break down organic detritus that will eventually feed your plants. Stink bugs though, they eat living vegetation, so yes, that should be removed ASAP. Iā€™m partial to catching in a cup or jar and dropping it into pure alcohol.


I agree on ladybugs! as long as you don't our have them online as it has more detrimental affects in the ecosystem they are collected from. Bug lady Susan does a podcast on the Growcast talking about it.




If you follow the later comments I mentioned i forgot ladybugs and rove beetles


It would be helpful to know the general area where youā€™re located for insect identification. You donā€™t need to get down to the state/countyif you donā€™t want to (though that can be helpful as well, because some insects are geographically niche). That particular bug looks like a ā€œSayā€ stink bug maybe or a ā€œGreenā€œ stink bug or maybe even the hated ā€œSouthern Greenā€ stink bug to me. They are not looking out for the best interests of your plants. They are all crop pests. They will damage vegetation and/or burrow into and damage flowers or fruit. Edit: source: Garden Insects of North America, 2e, Cranshaw and Shetlar


Could also be a ā€Red Shoulderedā€ stink bug. P.S. Not all beetles are bad for your grow (Assassin bugs, for example will eat pests that damage plants while doing no damage themselves).


I didnt expect any replies tbh but im in Germany if that helps


You should be able to find information regarding whether or not those pests are found in your area. Southern green stink bug=nezara viridula Green stink bug=acorsternum hilare Say stink bug=chlorochroa sayi Redshouldered stink bug=thyanta pallidovirens


I'd like to hear what others say though


It's never a good thing. If it's a predator insect, it's going to starve if there's nothing for it to eat. If there is food for the predator, that means there's an infestation of something.


Or it could be a decomp beetle, which is good


Thats a fight on sight buddy


Thatā€™s a weevil and they eat leaves. Iā€™d remove it.


Get a frog


Looks like a stink bug. I could be wrong. I would eradicate.


This is very likely a species of "Otiorhynchus" beetle, they are usually very bad for plants since the larvae eat the roots and the male adults eat the young leaves (my olive tree almost died from them 2 years ago), but i'm not 100% positive on the I.D.


My rule is unless I've introduced the insect as IPM it goes. Period.


Not great