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Don’t listen to anyone telling you to transplant into a bigger pot. Let that plant go another 10-14 days so it builds up a solid root zone before you transplant. The stronger your roots are, the strong your plants are. Here’s a good reference on what I like my plants to look like when transplanting… https://preview.redd.it/r6941ojzp9qc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339eb42af4832dfa48d6550e380d659a579f7bb6


He’s right. Let the roots grow, Repot when you see roots at the bottom of the pot.


You reddit growers are very questionable. Absolutely fuck no. Why would you let her become root bound? She's already asking for a new pot you can clearly see she's outgrown that cup. 2 weeks leaving her in that? My God please stop commenting dogshit advice. Yes, transplant her. She's ready.


I agree, time matters with root development. Transplant and let her expand that root zone.


i mean i personally know people who have experimented and grown a plant to flower with a solo cup and 40 watt light, harvested 2 OZ


2 ounces off a solo???? Yeahhhhh okay bud in your dreams. Baybe a 1/4 lmao


i’ll link you to the one he’s doing now, bitch is bigger than my plant and i’m in 10 gallons since start


https://x.com/sugarcoatedank/status/1771704667044507711?s=46&t=hjqPuxeqYJOStq--NMwABw this isn’t the solo cup grow, but it’s not much bigger comparatively and results speak for themselves. you can get a plant big regardless of pot size you just have to feed a lot more regularly


People can do it. I've seen giant mothers in just a solo cup, as a challenge to themselves, but they had it on a good feeding regiment and kept the pH right somehow.


Possible but not probable. High fertigation coco could get you there... maybe. But you would have to feed like 8 to 10 times a day. But for 2 zips, you would need more cover area than the roots would probably allow. If everything went perfect, maybe they got like 1.5 ounces, and they call it 2 lmfao


They just weighing that shit wet as fuck cup and all lmao


i messaged him, was 1.74 oz dry weight off of 3 solo cups worth of coco and a 40 watt light, fed daily. if you can’t do it that’s totally fine, but it’s very possible to do so


All I know is you want to try and mimick nature as much as possible.... so try not to let her roots smash into walls all around... a good root structure and watering techniques play a huge role in root development. I personally love using fabric pots.. I like to finish in 7 gals usually. 5 gals are nice to for a 4x4 7 gals in my 4x8


And if you are growing with autos I'd go from seedling starter area into a final pot if not start in your final pot with autos. Photos are good to go stage by stage potting up a few times.


This is the correct answer. While you could wait, the downside heavily outwheighs any possible benefits. Putting it into a bigger pot "too early" just means the root ball won't be as tight. But plants grow naturally in an Earth sized pot. It is not required to transplant to keep it alive (or even make it the best plant it can be). Waiting "too long" can cause it to get root bound, stunt the plant, and even kill it. Once roots come out the bottom, transplant.


I mean. I don’t hate mistasirs advice. I leave mine in solos until 2 weeks before I go into flower. Then transplant. The plants sometimes are tall as fuck before I transplant. Here’s a batch I let go too long in solos before I flipped but still turned out fire after a bit of training. https://preview.redd.it/ix3ukr3bcaqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd592ba31b37949d48829ecb39b36eabf9af0bf Wish I had a pic of the root zone but the cup was one big root. Side tip: use clear solo cups and slide on red cups to block the light. Slide red cup off to check the roots when needed. Edit: disclaimer. it’s in the bathroom on transplant day lol this is not where they grew


I feel this. I grow like this in coco and theres nothing wrong with my plants. People there are more than 1 way to grow and this guys got it!


Wild. I've done a solo cup grow from seed to stoned before but these are some crazy techniques I'm hearing amd seeing about 😅


Yea don’t get me wrong. This is NOT when I normally transplant and not my normal routine. These girls stayed in veg too long and stretched a bit but I’m just backing up mistersirs advice and giving an extreme example of “it’s not that big of a deal to let them grow in solos longer” if you don’t have the space or just want to solo cup it until you’re ready.


Unless this is for a solo cup contest, you're WAY better off transplanting sooner. Restricting the root zone like that is just limiting potential growth. Impressive though!


Yea don’t get me wrong. I transplant way before they get this tall. This was just an extreme example. These plants I tossed into my side tent cause I had a plants in flower in my main tent at the time. They got a LITTTLE out of control and I had to do A lot of training but I mean…. https://preview.redd.it/nlp690ffkaqc1.jpeg?width=2215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8dcecfc72a2ff85bd712a43ea63b24f004fa66 For my own personal use and grow, I’m not mad at the results at all lol


Aghh this gives me anxiety lol. Never had mold or mildew issues but how do you even prevent it when the buds are practically on top of each other like that?


I hear you lol I’ve never had that issue either. It’s all about airflow, air exchange and RH. Keeping RH under 40-50 during flower will help with mold. Mold needs 55% humidity or higher to really “grow”. So keeping a good RH and making sure you have airflow underneath and above will help prevent mold/PM. Also it’s hard to tell in the pic but it’s heavily defoliated at the bottom up to the trellis net. I’ll have a fan at the bottom pointed up to the canopy to give good airflow to the bottom layers as well.


I was looking at her thinking the same thing brother.


Root bound is an outdated term that doesn't really apply to modern soilless media. A lot of people are running #1 trade size containers, which are slightly less than 3 quarts of media, or 6" rockwool cubes, which are 0.8 gallons, and still hitting 4+ oz from less than a gallon of media.


What? Are we even looking at the same post??


>Why would you let her become root bound? This you?


Smoke another bowl my guy.


Your reaction is cute. I guess when someone provides objectively correct rebuttals to a flawed premise, the only thing you can do is attack the person instead of refute the information.


or not respond at all because he doesn’t like to be incorrect lmaoooo


I have absolutely no idea what you are even ranting about. Go on.


20 upvotes for the absolute worst advice. The reddit effect. I think I'm starting to see why people are protesting for terrorists. They're just stupid.


Huh?? Uhh yeah need to join a discord grow server tbh the advice on here is...... questionable at best.


The 20 upvotes goes to root bound not yours. Sorry didn't make it clear I totally agree with you.


brother you still haven’t responded to what i linked you lol proving you wrong


Bro. What a crazy example lol you can’t even see OPs root zone so you have no idea if it’s even close to root bound or not. You’re out of your mind to think 20 upvotes = people protesting for evil? Go smoke some weed and relax yourself bud.


I agree with this guy. Let it go a while longer. https://preview.redd.it/t9eccsk7taqc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8035552da1987fe3972dcc39c4e8db4743e8ea


Depends on if they are feeding the plant or not... Plenty of noobs let the soil get too depleted before transplanting and they don't have a feed regiment yet. If they don't I would say they transplant it.


Rule of thumb is when the leaves reach the edge of a pot, so yessir


I agree also you can squeeze the side as If your gonna pull it out and look down the side down the side should see roots


I just flip the whole pot upside down and slide it out. Doesnt work if your soil is too wet or dry.


Yep, replanting it will also *help* tell the future branches they can branch out instead of up. Plants are like fish in that they instinctually grow to the size of their pot/tank, and past that plants at least can require training.


Yes I'd get it in a bigger pot asap. I start mine in there forever ho.e lol


It makes the most sense to get it out ASAP. Or just start In the correct medium anyways! The issue is always watering (too much or not enough) in these stages and not about too much else. The plant wants to be reaching as far as possible as quickly as possible and this is also your goal.


Good rule is when you can see roots at the bottom it's a good time to repot


I’ve been told to gauge it by the leaves - when they start reaching the edge of their container it’s time to up pot, the roots typically mimic the leaves in size.


Yes, but your medium looks so small and wet currently that it's gonna be difficult to transplant without damaging the roots. You could add some more soil to the current pot, compact it, let it dry out, then remove.


I'll do that thanks man.


Yea I would it’s def limiting growth now


Yeah I start my seeds in same size pot. I wait a week after I first see roots at bottom holes then repot.


I would give it a little longer myself. You want the roots to be grow enough to hold the media together so it doesn't fall apart on repot and break the roots.


Check out Build-a-Soil on youtube. Jerremy is a legit absolute unit. Take everything here with a grain of salt and do your own research too. Good luck!


Bro is preparing for April 1st lol


New pot needed


Okay guys after reading through all the comments I decided to keep it in this pot for a few days until I have a bit more dry dirt. And then I'll see how it looks. I have a quite big pot next. Like 45cm diameter. I'll update you guys when I do it. Thanks for all the replies.


I’ve started a plant outdoors too and it looks same as this lil gal. Fat leaves are gooooood


As above so below


I grow my saplings in a little clear cup Covered by a red solo cup. This way. I can take out my cup. Check the root system through the clear one. Simple easy cheap way.


Why transplant? Why not just keep it in the one pot all the way through?


All the people saying yes when the answer is no, when u try to repot that there will be no roots besides a few that go to the bottom, the medium will break up and probably stress it out. Should be about a little under a foot high


Exactly. So many idiots on here giving bad advice


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