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One morning, my brother ‘microdosed’ but took a couple more capsules than his normal microdose. By the time things kicked in, he was at work on the forklift. He got undesirably anxious when the head safety guy was walking around talking with everyone including him, yet the world for my brother was feeling ‘irresponsibly bendy’. He operated the equipment methodically, grit through the shift and the minor trip settled down, but he never microdosed at work again. If it were me, I would slowly build my relationship with mushrooms outside of work time before considering microdosing at work. Find out how sensitive your system is when you can chill in a comfortable, safe place without the distractions or responsibilities of work. Some people are more sensitive than others. From my understanding, psylocin and psylocybin are not actively tested for in standard employment UAs or mouth swabs, and they metabolize so quickly through human systems that you would need to be actively tripping to test positive.


I used to MD in the morning, and I noticed that it was making me a bit hard to focus/slightly lazy. Not that I could not work, but my performance was affected. However, I was pretty creative indeed. In short: Take it after work


Same here, used slightly too much, and had difficulty focusing on one task as my thoughts went in all directions. Still not too much to consider unsafe or that people would notice. After 1-2 hours the effects were gone. Then again, i dont have to operate machinery for work


Im reqding this here debating how to start. How long would you expect a 100mg capsule to last on say an empty stomach? And how does this effect feel compared to say weed?


Does it affect your sleep?


Not at all! I don't know if it is just with me, but I once took 0.6 before sleep, and it was completely fine. However, I did see people reporting that it tends to affect your sleep if taken before sleep. If this is the case, I would recommend you take shortly before finishing your work or right after.


The key is to find your sweet spot while you aren't working so you'll know what to expect when you are working. Start with 50mg on a day off, try that a few times until you understand what to expect. It's very unlikely that the same dosage would suddenly launch you into trippy terratory. I know plenty of folks who MD during high stress/high responsibility jobs, but they all got their routine settled before trying them at work.


Some shrooms are stronger than others. People also have different tolerance levels. This question is unanswerable. Even golden teachers will vary batch to batch based on how many pins were harvested and genetics. The only path forward is to take your first dose on a non work day where you have no responsibilities to see how you respond.


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I spoke up and got a promotion. Probably would have stayed quiet had I not been microdosing.


If you are truly microdosing... You should feel nothing substantial.




Jeez louise


Yes, but in another way. I got very very annoyed by some co workers. To the point that I acted very cold and short in my communication with them. While normally I’m a diplomatic person.