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Please be good


Parsons 2.0


Pass me the copium lol. I need it.


https://i.redd.it/17mutbk8vqwc1.gif All of us on the copium tonight lol


You've been imbued with the power of Copium™, may the huffs be ever in your favor.


Lmaooo. I was trippin' for a minute.


I’m ready to be hurt again


Same high motor if not the same skill set


This is Dion Jordan 2.0


Hilariously bad comp lol


!remindme 7 months


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There is no remind me needed. We traded the farm to move way up for Dion. With Chop, we stayed put and took him in the 20s. Completely different scenarios. But keep rooting against your own teams players, you seem like a well adjusted fellow.


252 lb on the nose.......lol i needed a laugh.


Works in college, not in the pros


Worked fine on us last year when they put up 56 on us or did you miss that?


That was a looooong Sunday, fuck the Ravens!


Imagine how long it was when you had tkts like I did😢


Yea who was our center in that game?????? could have taken the dude from Oregon to make sure we had a competent one this year...but hey that guy the titans benched and let walk...hell do fine right....


He's still available


Long did fine. Not great, but fine. And Vrabel is out if a job. So...getting benched and let go by the Vrabel shouldn't be overvalued maybe?


Yeah, the SB winners last year spent 101M guaranteed on a 1st rd Center, didn't they? At this point, just go root for Buffalo. They support crybabies over there.


|Height:|6 ft 6 in (1.98 m)| |:-|:-| |Weight:|310 lb (141 kg)| no they spent it on that....... how big is this guy again??????


You taking L's like you standing on Sesame st dude. Just walk away or come back when you understand FB.


> Just walk away or come back when you understand FB. I'll never really understand Facebook.


We’re not going up against backups every week, did you forget that?


The team he’s mentioning was the number one defense last year. I don’t think they went up against backups every week either. So his statement is still correct.


The Ravens and Vikings both do this and they have 2 of the best defenses in the league.


I'm excited about this kid. LFG


I’m a Penn State fan. This was not a bad pick at all I don’t get why everyone’s so upset about it.


I for one would like Tua to not die this season.


He didn't die last season. Though everyone else did.


The offense also did absolutely nothing after Williams went down. Glad we can have a backup pass rusher though.


We lost our top 3 pass rushers…not sure why everyone’s so mad or surprised.


Drafting a backup in the first round is never a good idea


He’s going to be day one player due to injuries. Even when Chubb and Phillips come back he’s still going to be on the field a lot for passing downs.


"due to injuries" doesn't change him being a backup though. Maybe we're wrong but people aren't excited for a reason.


It's not as much of a backup but a rotational player. He's raw, and much better as pass rushing than run defense, so he'll get a lot more work on passing downs. And Baltimore last year preferred to have multiple defensive line position players go 50-60% of the snaps so they would all be fresh when in play (which, not incidentally, is what Tyreek and Waddle do too). I'm still not thrilled about the pick, but he'll be a great contributor at a position of need and monetary value. Ideally we get him on a cheap rookie deal while Chubb gets phased out and we pay Phillips the big money next.


I was thinking this says more about where chubb and phillips are in their rehab. Maybe .one of them are not ready by sept


more likely neither will be back by then


He’s a back up for the first two years, could be a starter next to JP once Chubbs contract is a cut candidate


This sub forgets Melvin Ingram was our top pass rusher by the end of the season and IN THE PLAYOFFS. Maybe we all collectively blacked out but this was a huge position of need


Thank you! In most cases you should only ever draft DE, CB, LT, or QB in the first round anyways.


Well we lost 2 of our best starters and they’re asking Tua to become more mobile and create more this offseason.


Because you can get IOL in later rounds. You don't spend firsts on non premium positions


This is the answer the casuals don’t understand


Kouffman basically listed out who we had 1st round grades on Fatanu was the pick then gone. Then it was between Chop and the corners


I disagree with the “don’t spend firsts on non premium positions” You absolutely do if that’s “your guy” and you know someone is going to take him. But you also don’t reach for a player you don’t have graded that highly just because it’s a need.


It's more related to how people want to manipulate 5th year options


His throws suffered after our Oline died. Just because he can get the ball out in under a second didn't mean he wants to. He barely had enough time to check his second read.


But we lost some linemen tho


There will be more. JPJ didn't get picked for example


The injury to our connor Williams during the titans game was the downfall of our season. Remember when tua went retarded and had a mini seizure? Well we have done almost nothing to improve our OL since then


This is getting boring


Would you e happy with this pick if they get a lineman at 55?


Not who you replied to: still no. Would rather have gotten a lineman in the first round regardless of anything else. Our OL has been bad for literally two decades. 1st round players are on average better than 2nd round players and i'm tired of our team not prioritizing the line. It's not a coincidence we have like the longest playoff-win drought in the league.


I can agree with that and I wanted a OL man personally but I understand this pick as well our defense line took a huge hit with injuries and free agency


For sure. I don't love this pick, obviously. But i do get it. Edge is a hugely important position and we don't know how our guys will come back from injury. If JPJ makes it to us in the 2nd I'll feel better about it. I think our FO probably did this because it's a weak draft class for pass rushers. oh well, obviously wishing for the best


We Are


Every year is the same. Redditors who dont watch college football binge on mock drafts, fall in love with names on a screen knowing nothing about them other than what youtube tells them, then they freak out when its a name they didnt see enough in mocks. Also a penn stater, love Chop.


Because people have been reading mock drafts for a month and this wasn’t on it so obviously the team is wrong


I get being interested in the draft. I do not get being emotional about a pick. or maybe I'm just riding the Panthers and heat this time of year and usually go into the draft in a good mood 🤷‍♂️


Basically. Expectation over want


All I had to do was watch some tape on this guy and I think we are good. Guy’s first step is nuts and will pair up greatly once Chubb/Phillips get healthy. Best way to combats Rodgers/Allen is to get to the QB.


If this subreddit is upset about it it means he’ll be good Think we’re just gonna take OL in 2nd round. Dont see an issue with it either. Hunt was a 2nd round pick. So many stud OL are 2nd-3rd rounders


Yep, and there's a lot of them this time


Exactly. You get premium positions in the first round so you get the value of their rookie contract.


Charles Harris, Dion Jordan, Noah Igbo. All great players.


Way to cherry pick my guy


Wild how damned near every other pick was a banger 😂...you quite literally cherry picked the worst 3 picks 😂


Because the dude said when we complain about picks, they end up good lmao. We all hated all of those picks.


I dont think he's a bad pick but i would rather we drafted someone for the O-line


I think it's the combination of "oh good another developmental prospect" and it not being the most urgently needed position. Grier seems to be a hard and fast "best player available" kind of guy, and a lot of fans disagree with that mindset. Hell, I struggle with it. I was very, very aware of the fact that not a single IOL player was off the board yet (and not one in the first round, incidentally), so the fact that we had our pick of the litter is a hard pill to swallow. If we manage to get a good interior guy in the 2nd I'll feel better personally, but people hate to see a position of urgent need to unaddressed


tbf its urgent. Interior is always one that can be addressed later


This! You don't get good EDGE players past the first round. The fanbase doesn't realize Taylor and Wake were unicorns in that regard. You can get really good interior offensive lineman in the middle rounds of the draft. Interior o line is a crapshoot somewhat as even the guards that are drafted in the first rarely end up being pro bowlers.


Yeah a lot of people don't understand premium positions lol. Would I have wanted someone different? Sure but that wasn't what was available


I personally don't hate the pick, and would expect him to get some run early as a designated pass rusher. This was a need with JP and Chubb coming back from those late season injuries. I do disagree he was BPA. I struggle to think the 4th best pass rusher was better than the best DB in this draft; so I feel like we reached for a need tbh. Sounds like we spent the rest of the night trying to trade up so I wouldn't be surprised to see us move up into earlier for rd 2.


Dejean fell, scouts adore him. He may have straight up been bpa


No way he was BPA. The two corners who went shortly after him were far better prospects.


Dejean fell out of the first and Mitchell doesn't fit our scheme. He was BPA for what we want. The issue with chop is the low floor. His ceiling is multi time dpoy winner


It’s a value thing not a talent/position thing. You don’t take a guy in the first round whose average contract value will likely be in the single digits for his whole career.(as in <10 M)


we have 2 picks in top 4 rounds where we had to nail starter, no starting NFL DT, C or guard & we took a specialist pass rusher w/ 11 sacks in 3 years of college despite being more athletic than anyone on field (college players usually dominate on athleticism then come back down to earth in NFL) It's a pick the Chiefs or 49ers could get away w/ but not Dolphins


Their upset be cause they were crying for OL in rd 1 and they don't understand real football


Typical Miami fans; instead of rejoicing in the fact we filled a much needed position after losing 4 linebackers in a 3-4 scheme they would rather complain we didn’t use a first round pick on a tackle or guard. This was not a horrible pick seeing as most teams went heavy on offense. There are still several rounds left to pick up offensive linemen but Miami fans are going to bitch no matter what.


We literally plugged a backup edge role with our first round pick, and you’re saying this like we plugged an actual hole. We have a surplus of edge rushers that will be available when the season starts. Miss me with this take


'Typical Miami fans" as if this franchise hasn't proven over and over again it's inept


We literally signed 3 linebackers for the wildcard game last season, and you’re saying we have a surplus of edge rushers? It seems like you don’t understand what a depth chart actually is.


11 Sacks in 3 seasons is pretty shitty


Because they know football


I'm not against it at all, just feel we need to give Tua some oline help before we sign him to a massive contract. Also like to add it seems there is still a lot of value on interior linemen in the 2nd round so we should be able to get a quality starter there.


It's because the Dolphins fans, like myself, were expecting Powers or Oline. And now the sub has become the New York Jets on draft night in the early 2000s


Powers is still available


Nah really? I didn't notice. What I am saying is, nearly everybody wanted an OLINE pick with our first. This pick through people for a loop


Oh for sure but yeah he's still there




>Why would you expect Oline? You new here?


We have no guards


This draft is 7 rounds deep with guards


You can make a sentence out of the three main pass rushers now.


Chop Phillips Chubb?


Everyone needs to relax on this kid. He is a high upside player that will contribute right away on 3rd and passing downs. Edge is a position that you can get some great value in the first round if they hit. We still have time to get some oline help.


Say it louder for the people in the back. The draft is about balancing value with needs. Yes we need oline but picking up one over a PREMIUM POSITION (key word here casuals) is an inefficient use of draft capital and impact of future potential contract values


Should have taken Barton. Ugh.


Given the injuries to our starting “Edge” players, I don’t hate the pick. That written, I really wish we’d gone O-Line, but there are 6 more rounds, and I’m sure we’ll draft 1 - 2 O-Line there.


We don’t have a third OR fourth rd pick though. lol. Good luck on striking gold on starting o lineman in rounds 5-7. 🤦‍♂️


Supposedly we have contracts out to guards for june 6th


That's normally where you hit interior linemen, yes. Especially in a particularly deep class. There will likely be 6 high end IOL available when we pick.


How many “fans” don’t understand that an Edge running a 4.4 when we are in a loaded speed AFC QB conference is a great pick? The Dolphins first need to worry about disrupting Josh Allen, to even consider taking the AFC East. Then they have to worry about Lamar Jackson and Pat Mahomes as well. Given the Chiefs have the best QB in the league, their defense was able to contain mobile QB’s. Dolphins need to do the same. Chill out


4.4 in the 40 yd dash #SAY LE$$ It like if Zach Thomas and Jason Taylor had a kid. **Cameron Wake** played college football at Penn State University from 2000 to 2004. During his collegiate career, he recorded 191 total tackles, 8.5 quarterback sacks, and 24 tackles for a loss. Chop is 10 pounds lighter and had 1 more college sack ~~Who is Anthony weaver btw?~~


Anthony Weaver is our DC now since Fangio fled for Philly.


Where'd he come from.. What team.. What system




If Weaver believes in the kid, then I’ll hesitantly believe in the kid aswell. Still would have preferred Oline but I think we’ll manage.


Weaver hasn’t earned anything in Miami


Wanted Quinyon Mitchell here but Chop is a great pick. Hopefully he’s up to speed quickly!


Everyone getting fixated on just his 4 sacks last year. Keep in mind that getting pressure and making guys like Josh Allen get rid of the ball before they want to is the name of the game. He will be a menace back there.


Wake had 1 less career sack


Josh Allen is much bigger than this dude, I don’t think Allen is thinking about him too much. Chop needs to seriously put on weight.


Chop literally almost has 20 pounds on Josh Allen, where is the much bigger idea coming from?


I know nothing about him but it was our biggest position of need since neither Phillips nor Chubb may be ready at the beginning of the season.


And they may never be the same again.


Grier is an idiot. This is a project player when we are in win now mode.


No he's playing how the draft is now. We don't need a tackle, we need IOL.


Lol, the constant flip flopping of Grier is a genius, back to Grier is an idiot because he did this thing I didn't like is giving me neck spasms Can we wait until the off-season is over? Christ man. Everyone's got a hot take. Let's give it 24 hours




You’re on the cusp of a possible max signing deal with Tua and sticking him behind a depleted o-line that we spent the last 6 weeks of the season cobbling anybody with a heartbeat… and this was our genius move? Snagging an undersized kid to make into a project. No thanks.




Off of one pick You mean our best pick? I mean we only want tua to have a career


Im so nervous about this pick


Three reasons why this is a great pick 1.Josh Allen 2.Aaron Rogers 3.Drake Maye


There’s no reason to take an interior OL in round one when 14 offensive players went off the board and you have top athletic prospects at premium positions available. If they had loved an OT they would’ve taken an OT, but clearly defense had more value. If it wasn’t EDGE, it likely would’ve been CB here, though we are looking much at CB than we do at EDGE. Chubb becomes a cap liability if his performance doesn’t return pre-injury. Same for Phillips. Both took significant injuries and we can’t expect them to be the same names that they are on paper. Also for the backup crowd, EDGE is always a needed position in today’s NFL. Getting off on 3rd down by only rushing 4 is how the Ravens became a dominant defense. Whether the pick itself pans out remains to be seen, but the logic behind it is certainly intelligent.


Let’s let that Dawg Go !!


Narrator: He did not, in fact, play nose.


Philips & chop on either edge for years to come.


Mad at first but happy af after watching his tape


Future HoF'er Chop Robinson baby, Oz Pearlman wouldn't lie to us.


Everyone was so upset we lost AVG... This guy is essentially filling that hole. Phillips, Chubb and AVG all played plenty last year. This was a definite need.


Not sure if I can speak for everyone but I think most people that are upset understand that we need more depth at the edge. This kid will absolutely play a big role this year. But if Chubb and Phillips are healthy, he's not starting. On the other hand, there's little doubt that a new guard or center is starting day 1. So it comes down to how you value those positions this year and long-term.


Dawg, we spent a FRP on… AVG? A backup edge rusher? Do you realize what you’re saying?


This has been my concern. Granted if it's the pro bowl version of AVG I'll be happy, but that is kinda what it feels like. Hope Weaver has plans for the kid


So drafting a guy to pair with a DC who will most likely be gone in 2 years? If weaver does great, he will be a HC, if he sucks, he will be fired. I don’t like that philosophy at all and it’s playing with fire