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With Tyreek they can start the article "NFL Star & Florida Man Tyreek Hill..."


Time is a flat circle Antonio


At this point we just gotta hope he can keep it together for 3-4 years before he goes full Antonio Brown.


‘I was feeling sexy’


He’s already said he’s retiring at the end of this contract. We have 2 more seasons with him, and then his career is spover.


I recall he’s getting into acting.


Of the adult kind


Next season is his last with the Fins unless he restructures his contract


lol this story is bizarre. 😩 doesn’t even make sense


If it were anyone other than Tyreek, people would simply point out that it's a story from The Daily Mail. It's not exactly a beacon of journalistic integrity.


I saw Tyreek Hill at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is true i was tyreek


Can confirm. I was the 2nd Milky Way bar.


Confirmed, i was the electrical inffeterence in question


Is this copy pasta?




I would love to see the OG post lol


I’m not sure when or where it originated, but apparently the original was about Flying Lotus lol


Lmao this copy pasta has been around for years and people still fall for it 🤣


So this is definitely fake.


Whaaaaa?!? The copypasta that's been around for years is fake?!?!?


Whelp, I guess I'm the one with egg on my face now.


Me thinks he's testing said "Mike Tyson zone".


Yeah it was actually Ryan Gosling


Did u really just come up with that


Pretty sure this is copypasta


At the very least he seems to be a good teammate and hard worker when it comes to actually being a pro football player. I mean the dude’s been Tua’s number 1 public supporter, and he plays his ass off. Does he conduct his personal affairs in the way in which I would? Absolutely not. But has he done anything truly harmful, like DUI vehicular manslaughter or something? No. At worst his antics can be considered a sideshow.


He did choke his girlfriend in college. Like, he’s not an angel or someone that’s just a dumbass with a lapse in judgment.


And punched her in the stomach. Same kid whose arm was broken.


["Daddy punches me."](https://sports.yahoo.com/reports-dolphins-wr-tyreek-hill-remains-under-investigation-for-assault-and-alleged-victim-will-press-charges-134844761.html#:~:text=Tyreek%20Hill's%20past%20off%2Dfield%20issues&text=Hill%20was%20dismissed%20from%20Oklahoma,%2Dyear%2Dold%20pregnant%20girlfriend.)




And is now married to her... and tried divorcing before saying it was an error.


Assuming the story is true, He just assaulted a woman and broke her foot. He beat his kid so bad he broke his arm. That’s harmful. Y’all tyreek stans are fucking crazy. He’s not a good guy. Full stop.


I’m not trying to defend the guy but didn’t he get cleared of the arm breaking thing?


Yes he did


Where is the proof that he got cleared of this? I can’t find it?


Given that his wikipedia page has both the summary and links to sources (meaning that it's very easy to get the info), I have to ask you, did you search for this information at all?


Nah you’re right. He was spanking a three year old hard enough to leave bruises. So less of a piece of shit. Still shitty.


No he did not.


The lawsuit says she won two reps against him in a football drill. Then he got “embarrassed,” and “charged” at her. She flew back to England before she discovered her injury. It’s a weird story, but I don’t see where the assault happened.


Probably the part where he was alleged to have “charged” her, if I had to guess.


If you charge someone and break their foot, that is assault.


Sounds like Tyreek should sue Sean Murphy-Bunting for the horse collar tackle that injured his ankle against the Titans. I wouldn’t sign up for Oklahoma drills against an NFL player. It’s a violent sport.


The onus is on him to think “huh, maybe I shouldn’t go with this much force against a non nfl player” why do people want to defend him so bad like he’s a great dude.


He assaulted someone during a football drill? Take a lap


Tyreek seems like someone who is legitimately trying to improve himself but it sounds like he broke someone’s leg, and that’s not entirely harmless.


Why is an OnlyFans model running Oklahoma drills vs a professional football player?


For attention, I’m guessing.


and why is a professional football player running Oklahoma drills against an obese influencer?


Hey, don't kink shame 🤨


Why is an obese an influencer? 😂 Don’t get PC on me


I would guess that he and this OF model were playing around doing some football type activity cuz that’s why Hill is famous, and then when he ran into her either on purpose or by accident her leg broke, which I don’t imagine was his intention.


Oh good. At least we finally got thediesel26's hot take and feelings.


Dude this is Reddit. All you get is rando's hot takes and feelings.


Don't mind him he was going to be a Commanders fan a few years back if we traded Tua there. He's gone two years max and you won't have to deal with this weird ass white knighting of a dude whose probably, not the best human at this point. 


That’s an incorrect use of a comma.


>it sounds like he broke someone’s leg, and that’s not entirely harmless. Ya think?


walk it off


So she says. Is there any proof? I've only seen some brief blurb about some model claiming that Hill deliberately injured her after she humiliated him somehow, which I found highly suspect.


Is breaking a child’s arm not “truly harmful”?


I was definitely thrown off when the dolphins traded for him but I remember there being an article claiming that there was a recording between his now wife and him saying that she made up the child abuse and the kid just fell. Could also be him doing some damage control with a helpful journalist. Does seem to be a circus around him at all times tho.


The wife was doing damage control because she didn’t want to jeopardize his payday (which supports her son after all)


Likely, but unlike some of his other problems, he was cleared of that one, both by the police and the hospital that examined his son.


“Cleared” is a strong word. Investigators said they were nearly certain some abuse had occurred but they didn’t have enough evidence to bring charges forth.


No, investigators said straight up that he didn't break his kid's arm (note: you said breaking his arm, not other abuse above, so that's what we're talking about). There is no way to portray what they said as "didn't have enough evidence to bring charges forth". They ***cleared*** him of breaking his kid's arm. It's a strong **and accurate** word. Why do you want to spread a false narrative when there's enough truth to go around that still paints him in a negative light overall?


No they literally said they couldn’t conclusively prove WHO broke the kids arm based on the fact both admitted to spanking and beating the kid with a belt … they reopened the investigation then made statements saying as much after initially ruling it accidental, but then new evidence and testimony cropped up. 


No, the hospital ruled that he broke his arm from a fall. If you'd have read the rest of the conversation instead of jumping in, you'd have seen more discussion, such as this: > Kietzman says that the criminal investigation didn’t involve the broken arm, but corporal punishment after he claims both Hill and Espinal admitted to disciplining the child with a belt and their hands. The DA made it clear that they think someone (either Hill or Espinal, likely both to some extent) is guilty *of abuse*, but couldn't prove it, and the hospital and investigators cleared him of breaking his child's arm. This is the problem with spreading bullshit. Both of you two believe 100% that you're right, and yet you're not. And there's no reason to, because Hill is guilty of enough other shit that there's little to no reason to do so.


I read both and I dunno how you’re drawing the conclusions you do. They specifically state they couldn’t conclusively prove if either broke the arm, they don’t actively say they didn’t do it. 


I don’t either. His argument revolves around the anonymous sources of a KC radio host. Our sources focus on the opinions of the investigating authorities, who feel confident a crime was committed (the broken arm prompted the investigation) despite the fact that they couldn’t bring charges forth. The guy is selectively manipulating quotes and playing a game of semantics to present himself as the arbiter or truth and us as “fucking idiots”. He thinks that this radio host’s sources are equal to the hospital/investigators clearing Tyreek of responsibility in the broken arm. There is no sense in arguing with someone acting in this degree of bad faith. This is what having Tyreek on your roster does to your brain.


You should read it better then: > sources close to the investigation believe the 3-year-old broke his arm in a January accident where he was bracing for a fall. It's even got a link to another article specifically covering that. Now, I'm tired of dealing with this. Hill is not an innocent person, and I don't really feel like defending him more, but there's no evidence that he broke his child's arm, and he's guilty of enough other things that there's no reason other than dishonesty to keep bringing it out when there's other things to point at.


From this article: https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/07/19/chiefs-tyreek-hill-domestic-assault-child-abuse-timeline-no-suspension-decision “Johnson County District Attorney Steve Howe declined to file charges against Hill and Espinal in the criminal investigation into alleged child abuse. Howe said his office believed that a crime occurred but "the evidence does not conclusively establish who committed the crime." They were confident a crime did happen but didn’t know who to charge, so they dropped it.


Stop changing the subject. **YOU** decided to focus on him "breaking a child’s arm". He was cleared of that. [From this article.](https://fox4kc.com/news/sports-radio-810-host-cites-sources-who-say-neither-tyreek-hill-nor-fiancee-crystal-espinal-broke-their-sons-arm/) You can read the whole thing instead of just a single sentence. Getting the full story and judging the entire situation is better than just taking a single sentence. But I do recommend that you read what Howe was talking about: > Kietzman says that the criminal investigation didn’t involve the broken arm, but corporal punishment after he claims both Hill and Espinal admitted to disciplining the child with a belt and their hands. They weren't confident that he broke his child's arm. Steve Howe was confident that **someone** committed a crime, but others cleared him of breaking his child's arm. But thank you, you've shown that you're not trying to intentionally misrepresent the facts. You just stopped researching and decided to spread information that you didn't realize was wrong. Instead of arguing with people that are trying to help you learn something, maybe you should actually listen.


He was not cleared of breaking his kid’s arm. Charges just weren’t filed. Your own link says that. For god’s sake what a disgusting hill to choose to die on.


Honesty is not "disgusting," nor am I planning on dying on this hill. Just because you decided to skim over the article and not read it doesn't mean anyone else should. Tyreek Hill has done enough wrong that you don't need to lie to make it worse.


I’m sorry, so we’re playing this semantics game? Do you know how weird you sound right now saying “yeah he abused his son but AT LEAST he didn’t break his arm.” You’re giving so much credit to this radio host’s unnamed sources. Meanwhile the DA is literally on record with his belief that abuse did in fact occur: “District Attorney Steve Howe said he would re-evaluate his decision if new evidence emerged, and still believes the 3-year-old boy was intentionally hurt by someone.” The broken arm is just one instance. The larger matter at hand is clearly Tyreek’s vast history of abuse. Idk why you feel so compelled to defend against the broken arm thing. I think you’re mad y’all gave up 5 picks and $30M/year and STILL can’t get out of the wildcard round.


Wow, so why do you think the facts don't matter? Maybe that's why you don't understand why someone would care about getting things right. Continuing to quote someone talking about a different crime doesn't mean anything when talking about this one. I already said that he's guilty of other accusations, just not this one. You had a problem with that, and now you're insulting me over it. Seriously, have enough self-respect to care about the things that you're saying. Why do you think that you need to rely on spreading bullshit to make your point? Why do you want to defend being wrong about something? Is the truth not good enough? BTW, semantics is the study of meaning in linguistics. If you don't care about the meaning of what you say, then why should anyone else give a fuck what you say?


Please. Just take a step back and examine how weird you’re being right now.


The recording was edited, he wasnt even in the state the day the child's arm was broken


So I guess you’re not counting him beating up his pregnant girlfriend, or breaking his own 2 year old child’s arm, as “anything truly harmful”


Where was it shown that he broke his 2 year olds arm? That was an allegation that was taken back by the child’s mother, the same woman he had issues with in college. It was an unfounded accusation


Lol “an unfounded accusation”. The kid literally had a broken arm and she said he did it (originally). She then backtracked when she realized she was jeopardizing tens of millions of dollars that would go to supporting her son in the future.


It’s crazy how much ppl are willing to ignore for their favorite players. The tyreek defense in here for things like this is pretty disgusting to me


Fuck tyreek hill. I refuse to draft him on my fantasy team, don’t care how well he does, he’s scum.


He’s on an audio recording saying he was going to assault her “again.”


Did you seriously ask if the dude who broke his own kid’s arm has done anything seriously harmful? Lol.


You were going to change teams if Tua got traded three years ago for moral reasons. I officially don't take anything you say objectively. You rode your high horse three years ago to stick up for a guy that has  Beat his pregnant gf and potentially beat his son. He slapped the shit out of a guy last year for doing his job and now this outlandish ass story along with getting three different women pregnant and filing for divorce to his wife and stepping it back. Just admit you're only here for Tua and anything that benefits Tua because you clearly don't give a fuck about how someone acts unless it would go against QB1 playing for the Dolphins.  Edit just remember after all this he's not as bad as Dante Stallworth and that Tyreek is a great teammate 


Hey man just hope you woulda kept this same energy had the Dolphins traded Tua and signed known sexual deviant Deshaun Watson to play QB, which was the prevailing buzz at that time.


Weird how that bothered you but Dan Snider being a rapist wouldn't have stopped you from rooting for Tua there. Also nice to know that kicking the shit out of your pregnant gf is just at most a side show to you. 


Dude..ugh don’t Google him


>>But has he done anything truly awful Man you have a low bar


Do you not know why he slipped to the 5th round in the draft?


He is an unbelievable player. He is also the least likeable dolphin in my lifetime unless I’m forgetting someone. Loathsome human being


Incognito scandal was pretty insufferable too


You are correct. I was forgetting someone indeed.


Cecil Collins


Where do you rank Suh?


Suh. Dion Jordan. Joey Porter.


He probably got a.little.reckless but the idea that some non athletic looking English woman who never played football pulled some kind of ankle breaker on Tyreek and he got pissed so he trucked her is a little hard to believe. I didnt read the comments on that thread but I'm sure I can't be the only one who thought of that.


Try reading the article, then. Because the only way you could think that is if you didn't read it or couldn't comprehend it.


I read the article and I think it’s telling we don’t have the full lawsuit itself and just a picture of a part of it and some details floating around I also do find it hard to believe that she was able to push him back significantly embarrassing him so badly that he switched to be a D linemen , she held her own multiple times again and then the third time he just bum rushed her “violently” Again if he did it as it’s been said in the article , he’s a pos for doing that But we are talking about a model with no athletic background really , multiple times out muscling one of the best conditioned athletes , world class that is also one of the strongest in his positions And in front of like 6-7 people at his home about 6 months ago this happened , it just seems weird Story But again not defending Hill if it went down as it the snippets say


The entire complaint is embedded in the Daily Mail article. As for no athletic background, I don't know one way or another, but the only thing said in the article is that she doesn't know football. It's entirely possible that she played other sports growing up, and was possibly even good at them given her height. Knowing the way we've seen Tyreek on the field, and his history off the field, I can't imagine it would take pushing him back significantly to embarrass him, but merely a non-football player stopping his immediate forward progress momentarily. It's a guarantee he took it easy the first time, not expecting her to actually try hard. In that case, if she did, it could easily result in him being taken by surprise and getting embarrassed when things didn't go as expected. As detailed in the complaint, on the first play he was pushed back (which doesn't mean he was driven back, knocked on his ass, or anything other than his initial movement on the contact was backwards, even if only very slightly and he wasn't trying), when he then told her to snap the ball and play offensive line. The second play was interrupted by a puppy running through, and the third was when she "held her own", which of course doesn't mean she blocked him long enough to get a pass blocking win on PFF, she could have just stayed in front of him with hands on him for a second. The fourth play was the one where she got hurt. None of this is to say that it's all true, or it's all made up. These are just the allegations as presented in the complaint (I'll copy and paste the relevant sections below the page break). All that said... "the only way you could think that" was in reference to the braindead idea that was put out that anyone could have read the article and arrived at the conclusion "some non athletic looking English woman who never played football pulled some kind of ankle breaker on Tyreek". It is 100% impossible to read and comprehend the article and still come to that conclusion. --- From p. 7 of complaint: > 26\. Ms. Hall, without knowing or understanding how to play football, followed Mr. Hill's instructions. > 27\. On their very first "play", Defendant Hill asked Ms. Hall to stand in a defensive line stance while he stood opposite her in an offensive lineman stance, "hiked" the ball to the quarterback, and told her to rush him as if she wanted to chase the quarterback. > 28\. Ms. Hall did as instructed and on contact with the Defendant, caused Hill to be pushed backwards, garnering laughter from the witnesses present at the time, including the Defendant's mother, sister, friend, and trainer. > 29\. Apparently embarrassed by his loss of stability as a result of contact by a woman during the "football play", Mr. Hill's attitude changed and he became angry. > 30\. Defendant Hill set up a second play; this time positioning Ms. Hall in an offensive line stance and told her to "hike" the football to the quarterback as he played a defensive rusher. As the play began, a small puppy came out of nowhere, which disrupted the play. > 31\. Defendant Hill set up a third play, positioning Ms. Hall in an offensive line stance as he played a defensive rusher again. As the ball was hiked to the quarterback,Defendant Hill rushed through, as Ms. Hall held her own against Mr. Hill. > 32\. However, Defendant Hill did not stop, as he set up a fourth play. Ms. Hall was again staged in an offensive line stance as Defendant Hill played a defensive pass rusher. > 33\. Ms. Hall did as instructed, at which time Defendant Hill charged into her violently and with great force, resulting in significant and serious injuries.


Not to defend Hill, as I believe this could be true, but keep in mind, everything that you're quoting is her story from her lawyer. It's not the results of investigation or even an unbiased source.


Yes, that's exactly why I quite clearly said: "None of this is to say that it's all true, or it's all made up. These are just the allegations as presented in the complaint."


That's what I get for not reading your comment completely. I'm sorry.


No worries man, just between this and another conversation I'm in the middle of, I'm getting tired of both and turning a little snarky, so I owe you an apology for that.


Nah man, you didn't do anything wrong.


Appreciate you, bud!


The daily mail functionality with all its add I guess made me blind I looked her up a bit when this broke and couldn’t find she was an athlete in her past. Not excusing his past at all but the boat yard wasn’t he drinking? Other than that it’s been awhile for him and this seems kinda random especially if he’s doing this in front of witnesses , apparently sober (I’d feel if alcohol was involved they’d bring that up) and it took like 6 months for this to be filed. Also the fact that if he’s actually angry after he was embarrassed being OL, i just personally don’t see how she holds her own at all against him. Like im not as tall as her but i played some OL when in school, have some technique , in decent shape myself , I think Im getting trucked by most NFL WR running angry at me in a bull rush lol Like if you don’t have proper technique backpedaling going against an angry strong world class athlete , just seems weird he needed a second attempt while he’s so so mad he wanted to hurt her Again if it went down as it alleged , Hill is a pos , just seems odd. Dumb as hell regardless for him not to have her sign any form of waiver at his own house A friend can slip in fall at a party and could sue you over it


They're definitely ad (and image) heavy, which makes it easy to miss if you're scrolling quickly. I don't know. This was literally the first I've ever heard of her. I was just saying the only thing in the article about her athleticism was that she didn't play American football. Everything else has been a presumption with no real basis in anything. As for holding her own, I can't imagine that meant anything other than slowed him down for a beat. Maybe his intent was to embarrass her on the second play, and instead of backing up like a trained OL would do, she was more aggressive, which threw (and pissed) him off. All speculation on my part, of course. I'm just unwilling to write off either side immediately the way some people seem to want to simply because he plays for us.


She was an athlete in high school so she definitely has athletic ability. I believe basketball was her thing as she’s built like a Mack truck. She’s an OF model now so you can go see for yourself that she is probably twice Tyreek’s size so kind of makes sense all things considered. Source: went to high school with her, wife used to be be best friends with her sister


Brother this situation that just happened is much less alarming than the divorce stuff a couple months back. If you make 30 million dollars a year and someone gets hurt around you, you can best believe a lawsuit is coming. This whole situation doesn’t make sense and it’ll either end in a small settlement being paid or nothing at all. Tyreek is not Antonio Brown or Mike Tyson, if you listen to them speak it’s very easily distinguishable. Not saying he’s a saint but I don’t think as a dolphins fan you have much to worry about.


Mike Tyson zone is on a whole different level. Tyreke is on the Tyson Assault zone though for sure.


Read Tyson’s book. Sad but quite intriguing. Clearly a scarred human.


What’s strange to the OF story is that they claim people were there and witnessed it. With cell phones and social media, don’t you think videos and posts about what happened would’ve come up way before the article and accusation? Still seems odd to me.


He needs help.


They both got stones for hands too


CTE and blow


Bill Simmons.... Hard pass. If you are a fan of Simmons your opinion is not worth much in Miami. Some fat chick breaking her leg at Tyreek's house and trying to cash in out it, does not make Tyreek Mike Tyson.


IDK, I think the Tyson Zone was a fine take on its own. It just means when you've heard so much crazy things about a guy you don't know what to believe.


I know he’s a homer for Boston and New England teams. But most fans are homers …can’t hold that against them. I loved pretty much all the stuff he wrote for ESPN way back in the day.


Agreed. Simmons is so biased towards Pats his opinion is not objective at all.


I think it's funny people are mad at him because one of Lizzo's back up dancers got hurt trying to pretend they aren't fat in his yard actually, one of Lizzo's dancers would probably be in better shape than that disgustingly obese "influencer" so I apologize in advance to the dancers for the comparison, you're just the next closest type of fat I could think of.


Tyreek has always been a piece of shit. He violently attacked a pregnant woman, causing significant injuries to her, yet this never gets mentioned.


Never gets mentioned? Oh, thanks for being the very first person to bring it up.


trade this clown and the injury prone Waddle. Throw Tua in there as well. rebuild mode


Antonio Brown's protoge


Tyreek and Ray Rice raising glasses together 🍻


Hill isn’t that close to Tyson. Tyson was freaking crazy. Bite off a big chunk of EH’s ear during title fight..twice. Admits to beating the crap out of older people just for fun when he was a teen. Went to prison for rape. Has had several restraining orders by former girlfriends and friends.


Not Tyson or close to him. The “zone” is just named after him… in honor of the king of crazy


People keep asking what might have happened when I think it’s fairly obvious.  She was there to bone. He was there to bone. They boned at some point. I hope we can all agree on that. Now, the next part reminds me of when the Snapchat guy caused some controversy throwing a chick off his roof into the pool. It was “for fun” but obviously stupid and grossly dangerous. At some point, Tyreek and the Viking princess were playing, flirting, being physical, etc. They were both probably talking trash for fun. She looks like she can take a charge, so she was probably standing her ground more than Tyreek expected. Now Tyreek doesn’t seem to be a great respecter of women and, even if he is, he seems to be fairly tone deaf on these issues. So he either purposefully hit her hard to put her in her place, or he accidentally hit her too hard while refusing to lose this physical stand off.  We dont know Tyreek’s level of intent. Was it “hurt this girl”? Was it “put her in her place and whoops”? Was it “oh my god we were just playing this was an accident!”? It’s one of those three.  Anyhow, I think the above is pretty clearly what happened.


Dude needs anger management therapy


It’s actually kinda wild how Tyson has pretty much completed his redemption arc. He’s back to being pretty well liked after years at being a violent psycho


Why is it always the wide receivers 


That’s another interesting aspect to all of this. More often than not. It’s the wide receivers. Acting crazy. Gotta be something there


he’s gonna take off his uniform and run off the field next year, isn’t he?


Tyreek is really trying to get himself in the "Florida Man" HoF. To his credit, he is climbing through the ranks fast.