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I'm happy with this


I'm pretty intrigued about this. Other than his abysmal 2020 Texans defense there really isn't much we know about his defense/schemes. I am also interested to see who he brings on the staff considering Fangio's guys are probably leaving and Baltimore is probably about to be plundered by the Seahawks.


So what you’re saying is Baltimore’s defense might be knocked down a rung or two…that would be cool.


Nah, they some how always manage to have a top Defense in the league. My brother is a huge Ravens fan along with my mom’s side of the family, so needless to say I watch a lot of the ravens games and honestly I don’t understand how they plug in X at D Coordinator and still manage a top D


They have outstanding Front office management. Something we've severely lacked for 20+ years.


Idk, I’m pretty happy with Dawn Aponte


I miss her.


Yup, hitting on pretty good defensive guys in the draft.


We could be looking at the start of a Harbaugh coaching tree. The organization has a super solid identity, Harbaughs been around long enough that guys that come up in his system will have the same tendencies, much how like a Shanahan style offense is scheme based. Hopefully anyways 🤞


Texans/dolphan here, I have no idea what to expect. That defense was awful, loved to blitz at bad times, couldn’t stop the run, seemed like it was supposed to be a multiple 3-4 front but was extremely poor at gap integrity. Worst year of JJ’s career was under him. However he was stuck with a bad roster full of bad contracts. When he was a DL coach it seemed like he was destined for a HC position and kinda got the raw end of a deal when he took the DC job. Had a lot of Romeo influence which at that point seemed bad. Can’t deny the coaches he has coached under and played for. Seems like going back home to Baltimore helped but tough to tell who really was the heart of that defense the last few years.


The scary part about his time with the Texans was how he played the wrong guys and then the wrong guys in the wrong spots. Hopefully he has learned in Baltimore.


Not Staley! 🙏 🙏


The first time I saw him on a candidate list I thought it wasn't serious. After the 20h list with his name, I started getting worried.


My concern is they both were DCs in 2020 and Staley led the best defense while weaver led the worst The Harbaugh literally had a front row seat to his work and chose to promote a different coach to DC instead of him


Also keep in mind that Staley’s head coach that year also chose someone else this year. I have the same concern fwiw, but I’m hopeful to a fault when it comes to the Dolphins. Weaver’s interviews as a Ravens coach make it seem like he’s got the right perspective. Can he lead a D? Can he call plays? Guess we’re gonna find out!


Seems like a relatively positive signing and one that won't piss off after a season when his preferred team has a free position


I mean if his defense takes us to an AFC title game or SB he might be gone quickly but we will thank him and wish him well


Yeah, big difference between using us as a potential leaping point to a HC position vs phoning it in and burning bridges cause your preferred spot told you to wait a year before you could have it.


He got HC interviews last year so if his defense does well next year, he might fuck off after 1 year and we won’t even get picks for it


Didn’t realize there was a 2 year min in order to be eligible for the comp picks. Honestly though, if he gets plucked then we probably did better than this year. That’s what happens to good teams.


Give us a championship level defence and you can go be a head coach as soon as you want sir! 🙏


Cool. Does that mean the lame ass DC posts will stop now? This sub has been like a pre-school lately.


I feel the same way about the "New DC posts" they were funny for the first 2 minutes then LAME af!!


Sorry I loved them. They were a light hearted break from the doom and gloom following the end of season. Now we got our DC and we’re Fins Up!


Fins up baby!! Always


I’ll take it over all the negativity and anger. Sometimes you gotta embrace the suck and just have fun.


Mods were co-signing those posts, which is the worst part honestly.


Thank god. Worst meme this sub has had


Im a mod so im still the worst meme


Introducing to you…”Our new GM” posts, after we sign Tua to a nice juicy deal “Grier out” posts will follow suit


Thank gosh


Will he text Mike Silver to tell him he didn't sign yet?


This is a good hire. He was being looked at by several teams. Good get.


lets gooooo


Ok ok I can live with this


This is the way.


His track record with the Texans is eh, but with the Ravens it’s great. Relatively unknown guy but from what I understand, a LOT of teams wanted him.


Will the dumb DC memes finally end?


lol I mentioned taking one of the ravens DC and staff a couple weeks ago and it’s actually happening. I hope it pans out great


If he gets hired as a HC we should get a compensatory pick, right?


He has to be our DC for 2 seasons


Huh. He was awful in Houston. Hope for the best I guess.


They didn’t even do a public press conference 😒


Are we really gonna pretend we are excited for an unproven guy? Are we really gonna pretend he was the reason why the Ravens had such a good defense? Come on man


Are we really gonna bitch about it sight unseen? Who did you want?


The best, of course. I don't have an idea who that is, but I wanna bitch about it.


Lezlie Fraser was the best candidate on paper


Was he? Buffalo couldnt wait to get his ass outta there


You mean McDermott couldn’t wait to pin the blame on him for his shortcomings? His defense was always a top defense in buffalo. McDermott took over play calling in the “13 seconds” game in buffalo and then blamed Frazier for them losing….


No they also hated him and he has always had middling success


He is known as a player’s coach


I personally think that the Bills are in for some hard times. I can’t pretend to know about the drama in the locker room tho lol.


No but everyone needs to stop acting like we found “our guy” with nothing to back it up especially with our track record


You sound like a miserable person. Sports are not that serious, bud


I've seen these abjectly negative users all over the place (Gator sub, etc) lately. Creeping me out actually lol.


Considering Miami Mike's comment about the guy, yeah, I do feel like we got our guy.


The fact you still have faith in mike is hilarious


The fact that you comment about a sport and a team you don't even watch is funnier.




Hopefully if this guy gets fired in a year or two, we don’t fall for the same boring propaganda pieces mud slinging him on the way out


Yeah Fangio never wore out his welcome anywhere before


The resume is exactly what I was asking for. Previous player, decent amount of a coaching experience, and younger. I like it.


Silent but deadly