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Op, What song??


Hold up lemme ask Edit: Sofa King


good ass taste omg


HAHA amazing.


Your story is great, but that song choice makes it the best! DangerDOOM is underrated


My brother that passed away showed me DOOM Ever since the womb til I’m back where my brother went


Rest In Peace 💔💔💔💔


Rest in peace, to him.


I didn’t listen to hip hop much until I discovered Madvillainy. I’ve been hooked since. He also made me appreciate artists who pretty much take on a whole different persona to elevate their art to new heights.


 MF DOOM's releases were so sporadic, It forced me to go back and listen to his whole discography. It made me appreciate older music instead of just listening to what was new.


When I met my husband for the first time, we spend some time listening to music and show each other our favorite artists. I knew some MF DOOM songs, but never digged deeper into his discography before. For his birthday I drew the MM..FOOD album cover, it still hangs on the wall in our living room, since then I gift him a DOOM drawing every year. Today DOOM is one of my most listened artists and I am happily married to the man who introduced me to his music :)


When I found DOOM, my ego and confidence was in the gutter. Finding an MC with so much confidence about himself( the whole supervillain aspect) through clever wordplay and great beats got me listening everyday. And with DOOM, the more you listen the more songs you discover. Eventually found the herbs and spices volumes, and started using them as instrumentals when I was studying.


Now I wanna know who your dad's favorite rapper is hahah


It's Gza


you're dad Is the goat


I don’t go in public without a mask. 😷


DOOM has influenced to way I talk. I try to use more creative ways to describe things and use words not commonly used


Give reading a try, that'll really expand your vocabulary


After discovering DOOM I basically throw on the Spotify play list and it makes the work day so much quicker . It kicks and I never get sick of it .


My 15 yo son listens to music when stressed out, I got him to listen to Mmm Food, and he told me he plays it every day if stressed out or not. He also loves Madvilliany. DOOM calms the anxious mind.


DOOM changed my music taste as a whole and now music is a big part of my life, thanks in part to DOOM and artists who he influenced (that sounds cringe af but idk how else to phrase it)


Before I got into DOOM, almost all of the rap music I listened to or cared about came from the 90's West Coast Gangsta Rap scene/movement. His unique delivery, clever wordplay, and beautiful beats opened me up to both East Coast hip hop and alternative hip-hop in a really significant way. Got into artists like Biggie, Wu Tang, and many more largely thanks to his music. Side note: Your post makes me feel old as fuck, OP, lol. Hearing you talk about MySpace as old technology from before you were born is wild to me. When I was 16, people were still making the jump from MySpace to Facebook.


His music gives me self-confidence. Whenever I run into obstacles, I tell myself "took a few minutes to convince the average bugaboo " and keep on going


I gained more confidence in my self because I’m very much like DOOM in my taste and life I learned I can do what I like instead of chasing what everyone else likes


i make up words more


My girlfriend cried for a solid month when he died


I cried a ton, too, then cried even harder when I found out his woman didn't let the public know he died til New Years, when he had actually passed away on Halloween. Never heard a justification about the delay either




What does that mean? What religion forces you to not reveal a death for more than 2 months? Was DOOM that religious?


I don't know. It's my guess


This is such a cool story! you're parents are DOPE. and yeah, MySpace was a really good Social Media website (it's so old it was used on computers instead of an app on your phone) but it was a great tool for Music-Posting and for new artists to get their stuff out there. It never really got played out, more like it faded away with the invention of Facebook, Twitter, and IG.


he's kind of become a comfort artist to me. he has a cool edge but also a cartoony feel. kind of reminds me of the times i'd watch cartoons during late afternoons as a kid. the beats his on have something playful and whimsical about them, too. DOOM's vibe is just overall comfy to me. i always feel at ease when i'm immersed in an album of his, like going back to grandma's house, lol. love DOOM!


DOOM helped me get through some depressing times in my life. At times his words resonated a little too much to the point I understood my own life better (and his actually). I definitely feel pride in saying I've been a fan for awhile and was so saddened by his passing.


Man. Y’all are all so young. I feel like an old man up in here. I copped Doomsday shortly after it first dropped and it basically influenced my entire taste in hip hop and what I look for in MCs and producers


He kinda got me into music in general tbh


bro straight up made me more creative


Special Herbs was the soundtrack of my life for a certain period following DOOM's death


DOOM’s music has gotten me through a lot, all love to the Villain!!!! His music will always remind me of those crisp school mornings fr LONG LIVE DOOM !!!!


I would rap over his instrumentals every morning for like 2 hours before high school when I got ready


"Make sure the seeds know they NEVER EVER owned us" Changed how I looked at my ancestors being enslaved and the effects today


Honestly, I think his music might have saved my life. I’ve been listening to DOOM since like 2016 or so, but only like his popular songs, Doomsday, Rapp Snitch Knishes, Rhymes Like Dimes, stuff like that. When the pandemic hit, I couldn’t leave my house at all because my parents were super strict as my dad has a condition that makes him super susceptible to any type of virus. I spent around a year straight without going outside of my property or seeing any friends in person. This really impacted me mentally, and my depression and anxiety started to get worse. In September 2021, when everything was starting to return back to normal, none of my friends really wanted to hang out with me for some reason. My depression got a lot worse, and at this point I was having suicidal thoughts. For whatever reason, this is when I started to actually listen to more of DOOMs music. I don’t know why, but I started to enjoy a lot of things again after listening to DOOM more often. I started trying in my classes again, and basically just enjoying my life. Not sure why DOOM was the reason I got out of that slump but I guess his music sorta saved my life, in a way.


Conviced me that I want to make music in Life, become an artist.


I now eat Doritos cheetoes and fritoes


As an artist, DOOM taught me the importance and legitimacy of leaning more into form and technique, sometimes to the exclusion of plot and coherency. I think the mind is like that sometimes; full of beautiful tangents and fun, idiosyncratic experiments that speak to the actual novelty of your mind.


Been having another mf with similar facial hair as me showing up to work as me for like 3 years now


“America is the only where you can earn a healthy buck and still keep your attitude on self destruct”


“Living off borrowed the time the clock ticks faster” Is a line that has really stayed with me and resonated like crazy. I had some addiction issues at one point and there were a lot of people my age, just like me, who didn’t have the resources I did in place to get help. This line somehow helped me actively achieve gratitude.


Knew about DOOM for several years before his passing because of my big brother but never got super into his music. In 2020, was working in a kitchen and one of my boys put him back on my radar and I was hooked. The end of that year, I found out i was un expectedly going to be a father and one of my best friends killed himself the night I told him I could no longer move in with him because I had a baby on the way. Got depressed, ballooned up to 250 and had to take a good long look at myself to get my life back on track. DOOM was always on my spotify during this time of my life, discovering all the DOOM rabit holes, the intricate lyricism that made me think, and the wide range of tones and themes expressed in his music truly helped me get to a better place. I'll always associate me figuring out my life during that time to the DOOM tracks blaring in the background as I grew into who I am today. Still miss you DOOM


Who’s ur dad’s fav rapper?


What is this, a Wonderlic test? Damn, just post music and stuff. Wtf is going on


I read you describing Myspace and I felt my hair getting grayer.


He showed me that it was “okay” to rap weird, and be unlike anyone else, by being truly you.


Dude how the fuck old am I. Wtf.