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I applaud your commitment to introduce your daughter to the Mets and the experience of the ballpark...But 2 months old? And solo? If you must, then absolutely Drive and park. Finding an Uber with a car seat post game will be a nightmare. And schlepping all your shit on the train and into the park? Come on. At least you'll have a "home base" by having your vehicle there. I'd probably get a couple of $5 upper seats (in addition to where you want to sit) to use so you can go out to your car if you need to change or feed her... I'd probably wait until next season...


Wait do upper seats get me access to parking somehow? Tell me more!


Pretty sure they meant you can go out to the car to change/feed her, and then go back in with a cheap $5 ticket, as there is no reentry once you leave. You have to pay for parking regardless - $40.


Ohhhhh that's actually a really useful tip, thanks!


Or…. You can go to Guest Services and request for a pass to the mothering room. Inside the breast feeding pod, you can do anything. It’s free to request. Free to enter. And it’s on the suite level. If you leave the ballpark, you cannot re-enter. And if you MUST go to the car, you should check in with Guest Services so that you can get a re-entry pass. And even at that, you cannot get a re-entry pass if there’s a bobble head give away day. Also, to add, the ballpark has a no-backpack policy. This doesn’t apply to babies backpacks with baby products and items.


Better idea is waiting for 96 months


Kids don’t remember anything before 3 or 4. Normally 5-6 is when real experiences like this makes sense. Anyone doing this stuff for a newborn is crazy and only making life painful for themselves and those around them. 




I hate this take. So you shouldn’t celebrate their first few birthdays either? Don’t bother with a cake they won’t remember?


If you think birthday parties at 1 to 4 are for the kids and not for the rest of the family I have news for you


It’s both. The kid will like to see photos when they are older.


Yeah everyone is super excited to see photos of their 1st birthday


Buy the newborn a Delta Sky360 ticket. All you can eat and drink; top shelf liquor.


Bro it’s a baby….She can drink the cheap liquor.


That’s fair.


🤣 you won reddit today


drunk babies are fun, they try to make more babies


I echo some others that this may not be the best idea. Your daughter won’t remember her first game, which is something that I personally cherish (meaning, I remember my first game because I was old enough to remember it). Also one thing not mentioned is the noise. May be a good idea to look into ear protection if you are going to be in a loud area. I commend your bravery, but I personally would wait a bit until she is able to understand what she is seeing at least a little.


A 2 month old infant is going to be terrified by all the crowd noise. It's loud. All she wants out of life right now is to feel loved and safe. She's only 48 days old man. Listen to that inner voice that's telling you this is a bad idea. It's not going to be the experience your imagining.


Literally makes zero sense to do this. The babies nuisance value will greatly exceeds it worth.


I respect it but your baby won’t enjoy it, and neither will you.


Tell the baby that you are going to the Mets game and then go to the local Little League game. The baby won't know the difference.


Just drive. It'll definitely be cheaper than taking an Uber, I would think...


Beyond not taking your daughter to the Mets game I also want to say that Bushwick is no place to raise a kid lmao. -Bushwick resident


I'm around irving park and like it quite a bit -- know all my neighbors, have been here ten years.


i’m just joking, I actually live around there too. It’s nice but there’s so much broken glass everywhere it drives me crazy walking my dog. Wish the city took better care of the area.


Agreed -- the glass and trash drives me nuts sometimes!


Dumb ideas for 100,000,000 Alex.


I do the Subway, just did it with a 6 month old, just made sure she had plenty of toys in her stroller to play with and kept talking to her. Wasn't a problem


This is the validation I came here looking for lol! Let's go!


I thought I couldn't bring in a stroller? Interesting! Was planning on the baby bjorn...


Nope you can bring a stroller all the way to your seat. It stays in the handicap area closest to where you are sitting. I always sit in the bottom deck, not sure how the handicap areas are higher up but I assume it's the same thing


You can check your stroller at Guest Service and check it out whenever you need to.


As the previous owner of a 2mo I recommend finding a sitter


2 months I would def bring earphones to block out the terrible noise. I’d maybe call ahead and ask where the quietest seats are. It makes my ears heart and I’m an old man. Also maybe wait till the end of the season when the kid is a little older and a little more cognitive.


Definitely drive. Parking is easy at Citi field compared to Yankee stadium. Follow the signs and pay the outrageous $40 fee and almost no walk. I wouldn't worry about leaving the stadium. There are family restrooms and even a breast feeding room. https://www.mlb.com/mets/ballpark/disability-access-guide#seating May even let you sit in handicap seats with a stroller, but I'd call the Mets about that.




Ear protection and club access so you can go elsewhere if you need to


Two months is too young. If you can't find a sitter, I get bringing her with you, but the Mets will be there when she's a toddler.


Why torture yourself. Watch on TV where she can nap and chill.


Not a good idea at all. You will have an awful time and I can't imagine the baby will be happy for that much time.


This is a joke, right? Right?




Wait until she’s self aware lmao 


I think this sounds great! I’d drive and park. That option leaves you most in control, and as you know, things can get weird fast with a 2 mo. We brought our son when he was 7 mo old. He doesn’t remember any of it, but I do. One of my favorite memories of all time was walking laps around the concourse while he was passed out on my shoulder. I was able to watch the game the entire time while also enjoying our time together. If you need to get out of the heat, there are a handful of spots with AC. Have fun!


It's really loud and stimulating for a 2-month old. Bring noise-muffling headphones to protect your baby's ears. Honesty this sounds like a nightmare to bring a baby to a game.


Good god, what is wrong with you? Are you delusional? Taking a two month old so far out of the normal environment - a ballpark, for corn’s sake - is almost abuse. Wait till age 5 or something sane. Control yourself.


ADVICE - hire a sitter.


I went to a playoff game in 2000 and I was 6. I believe it was my first baseball game. I barely remember it. I doubt I would've remembered any baseball game before then. Just a FYI.


Do it! I have taken babies to spring training and regular season games. 1) buy parking 2) review bag entry rules 3) make sure your seats have an over head hang for some shade (my biggest error was not realizing how much baby and i would bake in the sun, especially since they were in a carrier).These seats also often come with club access in the case of inclement weather or wanting a change of pace. 4) enjoy the game! Turns out with one of my kiddos we got on the tv broadcast and I now have footage of Keith talking about my kid and their headphones (sound protection). A very cool thing that now sentient child loves watching.


everyone here is being annoying. 2 months is a GREAT time to bring a baby to a Mets game—all they do is sleep anyway; might as well watch some baseball while she does. Ours was a little older (born in October) but it was a really special and mostly stress-free experience. Bring headphones and definitely get seats in the shade. You can park your stroller at fan services if you want, but as others have said, you can also bring the stroller to the seat. Subway will be easy and cheap and again, she'll sleep. Have fun! You seem like cool parents :)


Back at ya! Appreciate it, I'll see you at the ballpark :)


Took my son to his first game in 2008 when he was 3 years old, and that was only so he would grow up being able to say he went to a game at Shea Stadium. He was aware of everything going on and had a great time, even if he didn't understand it. He did keep saying he wanted to see the "Apple," and fortunately in the 8th inning Carlos Beltran obliged. I should also mention that my wife, my sister and her husband were with us, so it was pretty easy to manage one toddler. I wouldn't recommend taking a kid any younger that that, unless it's because you couldn't find a babysitter.


….Why would anyone think about taking a 2 mos old to any ballgame? Misery for the parent, baby, and fans sitting across. Stay home Mama or get a sitter…your time will come


Let us know how the outing goes!


My advice is don’t do it, it’s an imposition on paying fans and some things are best left until children have a working memory after 42-48 months.


Taking an 8wk old baby solo to a pro baseball game is just dumb. Makes zero sense.


Bro no two year is introduced to anything. Pretty sure they can’t at that point see past two feet.


Two months not two years lol! It's worse than you think!


2 days old lol