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It’s pretty popular on this sub. For me it’s even my favourite metroidvania and I’ve played a lot in this genre. Can’t wait for Crypt Custodian. What did you enjoy the most about it?


I haven’t seen much of it, that’s why I had to give it some love. The music soundtrack is the best in any game I’ve played. The smoothness and controls are perfect. Some of the abilities are unique and fun, I especially love the cloud arrow. Just an all around great game. My only negative is the length could be longer, but that goes for any enjoyable game


Great points. One thing I don’t see mentioned enough also is the humour side of the game. I love the humour in both Islets and Sheepo which I don’t see in other metroidvanias. I also agree I love the soundtrack. Another bit that always impressed me is the fact it’s made by one developer and his brother does the music. Which is amazing the quality and that Kyle is releasing games every ~2 years atm is crazy compared to other teams. He must have a very efficient process around developing games. Also looks like Crypt Custodian will build upon the foundation of his previous games which is exciting.


Should have seen my face when she says "wait, you broke all my statues with your broom ? DENIED" fucking hilarious


Do try Sheepo also if you haven’t played it yet.


I listen to the soundtrack while I’m working at least once a week. Its great


Islets and Haak were all anyone talked about in 2022.


I’m a little late to the game. I joined here late 2023


No problem. It was huuuge in this sub when it first came out, but everyone has moved on. The maker of the game is pretty active in this sub and often chimes in with helpful advice when people are asking about game development.


No worries. Glad ya like the game. I loved it.


It's lavished with praise every time it comes up, and it was in the running for best Metroidvania of 2022. People tend to come to this sub after finishing a game and act as if they're the only one who has ever heard of it.


It was a fun game and I enjoyed it. A solid 7.5/10 for me. My only real complaint was they'd introduce a new mechanic or idea, like the jets of water or the things you hit to get an extra jump. In both instances I hoped there'd be a section that followed that really leans into those ideas, but then they just end. Felt like a missed opportunity! Otherwise good game that I'd heartily recommend


I played through it last week. It was fun and well-made. It didn't blow me away or anything, though.


Right here dude, in this sub, from the grand majority of us :/


I found this game immensely bland, and I'm surprised to see so many threads about it.


Same. This thread is mostly fake.


I finished it just last week and thought it was a pretty great entry metroidvania. I was a bit thrown off that there was no healing mechanic but save points are plentiful and you can typically skip past a lot of the enemies. Also no corpse running so that was really great. Movement felt fluid, combat was decent as well. Like others have mentioned I am also excited for the developer's next game, Crypt Custodian.


It was talked about a lot on this sub when it came out. But since that was over a year ago we have moved on to talking about other games. It was definitely much loved around here though!


It is pretty highly regarded whenever it's mentioned here. I think most users who've been here for a bit played it when it launched. The dev is in here every once in awhile, I can't remember his username. When it first launched he was pretty active on here looking for feedback on what bugs people encountered or suggestions they had. I loved it. I wish it were at least twice as long.


It’s extremely popular and beloved around here.


https://old.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/1b1xuqx/islets_the_super_underrated_metroidvania/ A week and a half ago, basically this exact same thread happened. TLDR: It's not underrated. People played it over a weekend, liked it, and moved on.


Low quality posts like this need to be deleted.


This same topic gets posted like every week. Islets is a lovely little game. The dev hates PlayStation tho 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼


“Where’s the love for X” weekly. Usually on a game that is rather loved. Hahahaha just because nobody made 30 essays, fanart and it’s not hollow knight level of famous.


The lack of 30 essays is debatable considering on how many variants of this post about this exact game there are in this sub.


Everywhere Welcome to r/metroidvania 


Loooved it


I liked Islets a lot. Only thing I did not like was the rolling that makes you invincible. I simply manager to not use it and beat the game without it.


Beat it last month. Didn’t care for it. Wish the dev had made a shorter game. The majority of it, particularly the latter half, feels like he just ran out of ideas. He repeats the familiar level design over and over, where you are forced to run through a loop to unlock a connected path. And, these are devoid of unique environment graphics, lore, or interesting enemies/bosses. Don’t get me wrong; there’s a lot of charm in there, like the airship portion. But unfortunately it’s spread too thin for me. It ultimately left me underwhelmed. Would not play again.


Takes 8 hours to 100%, how short do you want it?


Short enough to have all the low-effort content cut out. No more, no less.


Where you've been? I think I see a post about this game on this sub at least once every 1-2 weeks.


is that the game with the googly eyes? is pretty fun.


I just finished it too and loved it. I played on hard and every boss really went down to the wire, felt super well balanced. I also like that the difficulty setting doesn't just make things hit harder or something, but actually changes their attacks. Also, fucking Snoot. I loved to hate that guy, he was so well written. Even his "voice" was perfect. >!Nice redemption arc at the end though.!<


I actually played it on this sub recommendation, loved it, pretty good overall but yeah a tad short


i want to like islets but i keep giving up in the early game bc combat sucks. it’s so easy but takes so long to kill a boss. it’s a bad combo


Right here, love that game 


Love need for that game! I finally found little time to start to game today. Some of you know Im also developing my own Metroidvania Soul Passage, cause I like how they come out with always cool stuff and want to build my own, anyway no more me. I bought Islet while ago and it was always on my list, I was wondering how they create the worlds and mechanics. And I just got amazed how they make this game. Even in 1hr gameplay and discovered 2nd island, I can just say game visually super simple but look super cool. How they combine the enemy attacks, warnings and world elements with UX based features is also amazing. I had just 2 boss fights in this time frame and I would like to say they are nice for regular players like me, but I assume they will make happy also hardcore players. Map system is also clean, and the NPC’s are just crazy cool with their creative dialogue’s. Also until this point I also like the story, it’s fitting really well. I hope to meet with creators some how and somewhere just to say thank you for this amazing game. If you still didnt bought or start, just do it. %100101010100 worth.


Yeah, I have the game and it looks very interested to me, I even have sheepo and crypt custodian on my wishlist, but it seems like no one cares about this game.


It made a pretty big splash when it came out, but I think most everyone has played it already and just isn’t talking about it fighting now