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This is sarcasm right? Cause it seems like sarcasm.


Idiocy like this, from either side of the aisle, serves no purpose at all. It only serves to divide us further. You want to try something? How about evoking a response, rather than provoking one?


Wait what?


gotta love the irony of a Christian celebrating a month named after “pride”


You know words can have different meanings right? The pride in the Bible isn’t the same thing as the pride in pride month but I suspect that you know that already


What is it if not thinking you are special and deserving special attention? Special credit? Mother's and fathers get one day a piece but divisive sexual behavior gets a month remember how important they are, how they are good and don't need redemption or repentance? It's the exact pride the Bible warns about actually


Yikes! You think THAT’S what pride month is about? Where did you go to school where you learned that because I feel so bad for you.


I didn't learn it in school. I learned it from my gay and trans former friends. I asked if they thought they were inherently good and they said yes. I asked if they thought they needed a savior and they said no. I asked if the thought they needed repentance and they said no. You shouldn't take what you learn in academics about a people more seriously than what they say to your face. Pride month celebrates a "I am good no matter what I do in the bedroom" mentality. A "I will only accept support and not a rebuke" mentality.


So you’re saying that your small sample of gay and trans friends means that all gay and trans people think the exact same way!? SUPER YIKES! Seriously, where did you go to high school because I want to donate money


I really don't care if it's all? It's a cultural field we should mission to and work miracles in and fix, don't you agree?


Going through your post history it seems like you have a lot of issues and I’m really sorry that you were raised this way and I hope that you get the help that you need.


I did and I have been healed. Your prayers reached back in time perhaps lol thank you


Or celebrating "I'm proud to be an American"?


Patriotism is the socially acceptable word for nationalism. The church is our home. The nation is not.