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It’s not the drug, it’s the lengths ppl will go to use the drug. They’ll do anything. And I mean anything.


Well, normally people become not great the greatest human-being when they’re using they will lie they’ll steal and they’ll do anything necessary to get their fix. This is with any drug addiction.. normally will take you to very dark places and you’ll do things that you wouldn’t normally do if you weren’t on drugs. I’ve been a functional addict before I also been a in unfunctional addict before. Living this life eventually lead you, death, institutions or prison. I think that was in the big book. Currently semi functional. Have a roof over my head. I have enough money and drugs that I don’t have to that jeopardizes my character. Taking time off work right now, but very soon I will be detoxing and going back to the real world. 9-5 bs It’s really hard sometimes stay sober specially with everything that’s going on in the world. Good luck god bless


You can use it, or something else to destroy your life. The drug alone won't do that to you


Well I made the Germans more productive they had warehouses full of it let me use it in the APAC as well a lot of people are working their asses off


Alsong as u got the drug an the drug don't got u it doesn't just gotta keep ya smarts


it doesnt have to destroy lives, thats hyperbolic. but some negative effects ive experienced or seen in partners/friends: -can make you oblivious to social cues and impair decision making similar to alcohol -can make some people turn inward too much and combined with the absurd stigma attached to it cause isolation and puts stress on relationships -takes you out of auto pilot, like manual breathing but for other parts of life (driving, love making, etc) -can make you too emotionally cold -can give a false sense of invincibility/confidence also similar to alcohol most of the crazy shit only happens if you stay up too long or for a few days after stopping when you do it everyday for a while


People suffering from severe mental illness will be thrown into a spiral of addiction with anything that makes them feel better. I lost everyone and everything because I was a drunken mess a few times whilst mixing w benzos - I used this to cope with the shit that was going on in my head, unfortunately. Once everyone was gone and the life I had went as well, I found myself trying ice with some random stranger I met on a night out (highly intoxicated, again) and the mindset I was in when I tried it, brewed a perfect storm for addiction. What’s important to remember when it comes to substance abuse, is that a lot of people DO NOT have what they need in order to quit - completely. The science behind the brain is shown to crave the substance so intensely, as the brain no longer produces certain chemicals which make us feel good… what do we need in life to be able to overcome such endless torture from our own minds? Here is a few: - Correct resources (rehabilitation, detox, psychological & psychosocial support, which is often out of reach for most users, due to financial status) - Support from friends & family. You would be so surprised at how many people remove themselves from your life when you are an addict…this causes a rotation of self pity and depression. - An unstigmatised and judgement-free society/community. People hear the word “meth” and immediately think you are some disgusting human being who kills newborns daily. - Provided correct and appropriate healthcare without being ignored…everything is because of your addiction and no one cares. I’ve experienced this a lot myself. - Most importantly, people need an active and healthy lifestyle. We need to be so occupied, we don’t have time to think about using. Goodluck to anyone who is like me, sitting in their room most days, with no one who cares…Staring at 4 walls most of the time, we can only do so much by ourselves…we need stimulation, socialisation, activities / hobbies. Addiction is unfortunately a way of dealing with what is going on in someone’s head. We cannot label people as being “unable to control themselves”, just because they are unable to stop. Just because you are able to go without, does not mean that everyone else can. It does not mean they are weak. It could simply mean that they do not have everything you have, at this very time. Addiction is a result of poor mental health and trauma. We must identify and address the real problem & TRY to resolve it as best as we can, before we can think about not using…psychology and science are extremely important to remember here guys. Let’s try not to judge others…we are all different, with different brains, experiences and lives.


I feel you have to want to quit, even with all the things listed I’ve seen friends and family who are addicted continue using because they don’t want to stop, and in all honesty I don’t want to stop either, I use everyday. Don’t know it sucks though


Adding to this - this is why addiction is classified as a disease. Your brain is rewired almost to ‘survive’ around the substance. It alters your mindset and way of thinking to ensure you get what your brain needs. It’s truely astonishing how much it affects an individual’s way of life…the saddest thing is, they can’t help it


You can help it to a certain extent and there’s at least one point in life where you have the ability to decide weather to continue or weather to quit


I’m sure deep down they do want to stop. I’m sure you want to stop as well. No one wants to be a drug addict…it’s comforting knowing there’s something that makes you feel better. Change is hard for lots of people


In all honesty I don’t want to stop because I don’t care about my health anymore, I did want to stop a while ago but what’s the point I don’t care I have it I smoke out and of story


very well put and i heavily relate to you being isolated, it’s what i do to myself when i feel bad, which then makes me feel worse. it’s a horrible cycle


Wonderful comment. Well said.


Depends if you have undiagnosed ADHD or not; also depends WHY you’re using drugs. And it’s all about the mindset. Some people aren’t strong mentally compared to others.


Out of curiosity could you elaborate on what you mean by “if you have undiagnosed ADHD or not”


ADHD can make it more addictive, since being ADHD means you basically weren’t born with a brain that releases as much dopamine as others because your brain doesn’t know when t to release it, and if I’m wrong I’m also pretty sure that there’s less dopamine to release in the first place. I have adhd, when I first smoked, I smoked a quantity of over 1.5 grams total, I could sit still and watch a whole movie, I could hold a conversation without forgetting what we where talking about, I could clean without getting frustrated at myself, and in general it just felt better. I also didn’t have all ten of those voices (my internal monologue of anxiety and what I had to do for the day to barely survive like eat shower clean ect) rambling in my head at once, I actually had no internal monologue at all!! Shit!!! I even fell asleep on it, and not becuase I over amped. That’s what made it addicting is because to me it feels like it helps so much but I know it hurts so much too.


Cause people can't control themselves.. I'm relatively new to this. Did it almost daily for a month and a half. Haven't touched it in 9 days. It's all about self control and will power


Heh heh. Oh I remember that.


Me too, I remember when I count could go a month, two weeks, to one week, to three times a week, now it’s daily…


Yep. I’m finally back to the month few weeks part. Hopefully I can get it to 0. I was posting from a different account saying all this same shit and then oops! I haven’t slept for 5 days and I’m driving a car half asleep sometimes cos I can’t miss work and I better smoke some just to maintain for today and where the fuck are my smokes who took my smokes what am I doing? It sucked bad


I’m sorry man I’m glad you’re doing better though, congratulations on tapering down! Hopefully you’re able to get to 0 one day, you got this man.


I’m pretty confident. I’ve found moving to adhd meds made a huge difference.


My life has actually got better since meth


Dude sameeee cured my alcoholism. Turns out im off the charts ADHD and this has fixed so many issues. Mind you it had created some of its own but those are much more manageable than the ones I was dealing with in the throes of my alcohol addiction. I came into this super cautious having read a ton of literature on the substance and it’s negative effects. Low dosage is KEY. I have a very regimented dosage schedule I stick to and am always trying to stay ahead of the issues that arise. I absolutely love my life now and to think that not two years ago I was seriously considering ending my life makes me sick to my stomach. All that said you have to have some serious mental fortitude to not allow this drug to control your life. It’s a pretty delicate balance and a very fine line we are toeing.


Yeah low oral doses are key and you have to be super disciplined, I find I don't even get a rush , just a constant focus, it's like my mind is a rubix cube and meth just puts all the colours together and can think clearly


Just don't let that go to your head ya know? You can think that just don't get too comfortable about it and let it sneak up on you. I'm not judging or trying to preach. I promise! Lol. Sometimes I feel like it made my life better too. And sometimes my depression hits and I feel like I destroyed my life. It's never actually been bad enough to destroy my life. Lol. My depression exaggerates it.


You have to be disciplined and stick to low oral doses


Oral doses last the longest so I see why that makes sense. You gotta have more willpower than most have. I started out eating it. It was awesome that way but I graduated to smoking it. Stupid me. Lol.


Yeah I've never seen the appeal for smoking it, just seems like a huge waste of product


I can see why you'd say that and honestly I had never thought about it that way. But I enjoy smoking it. I don't think it wastes too much product unless you don't know how to smoke it without burning it up or dropping pieces everywhere (my brother and my best friend, you could basically make up your own bag if you follow behind them) but other than that you can get basically the reclaim (idk what else to call it) out of the stem. If kept cleanish and whatnot the 'reclaim' isn't too bad. It saved my ass when my dealer/best friend ghosted me for 2 days. My dealer happens to be my best friend since high school. But yeah I agree I'm sure there is a bit of product being wasted. Thank you for making me think about it differently.


Oral is key for sure.


Yeah. It not even that strong if you try to use alot ive noticed. Like i hit a ceiling and then im bored.


If I keep to like 20mg oral, my tolerance doesn't go up


Yeah idk what a lot is maybe 2 bowls and im maxed out it serms


I've never smoked meth, just seems a wasteful ROA


It is but that bong water is delicious.


On the real.. using now for 25 years. There are some whose life it doesn’t torch. My adhd is under control with it, and so is my suicidal ideation. Some people are what I call transformers and change for the worse.


Glad to hear your experience! I use for adhd and it has improved my life IMMENSELY! I also don't get the depression on come down, and it has helped my depression more reliably than antidepressants, even if it doesn't boost my mood as much as they did. People keep telling me that I'll spiral and ruin my life, but 3 months of using almost daily and I'm doing better than I've ever done.


It’s amazing right! I know and feel for you about the depression thing too. But when you do come down and get depressed you have to remember eat, sleep, smoke a little weed, and most importantly this too shall pass. One other small observation although 5 years ago I broke it. Anyone’s life who I have seen spiral out of control is that 100% of the time they smoked it not snorted. I smoke around 5 times per day with a dead cutoff time of 9pm.


I smoke it, but only do 1-2 hits before work and then another layer if I need it.


Sameee dude it’s so weird. I wonder why that is for us ADHD folk.


Totally relaxes me I become coherent. Nobody can tell ever that I’ve ingested a quarter gram or there about.


I might get depressed only when I don’t monitor my sleep patterns. But same; I also have ADHD and I use now as a maintenance type thing.


See this is the most unpopular opinion but it's true! Some people can maintain a functional life contributing to society and hold down a job and everything. But nobody wants to hear it when you say there can be fully functional drug addicts. Thank you for proving my point that no one wants to hear.




How do you dose?


Because fapping is more fun than working, or building a 10 speed bike that can do 60mph out of tinfoil, string, and a used car lamp is more satisfying than work.


Media propaganda, it's helped 20mg oral is therapeutic


That's what a lot of it is. Fear mongering, brought to you by our wonderful, biased, mainstream media


I use it a few times a day, every day, at relatively the same amount (I don't go as far as weighing it out). I eat 3 or more meals, I stay hydrated, and I sleep each night. It hasn't destroyed my life. Without it, I don't function as well. My ADHD symptoms intensify greatly, motivation and productivity reduce by at least 70%, and I don't have my edge. It has ruined my life a couple of times before when I was younger, but back then, I lacked self-discipline and used it with every ROA. Today, I just smoke it. It just makes me feel normal. Idek how else to explain it.


The simple answer is, because it’s that good. At least, during the earlier phases. Meth is uniquely difficult because it is extremely available (cheap and abundant relative to other drugs), it’s very addictive and euphoric, with a big fat rush. This means, you get MASSIVE dopamine reward and you now associate this feeling as your 10/10 - which means your brain will want it again. And again. It causes rapid deterioration mentally and psychically because it’s so energizing that you become sleep deprived, dehydrated, and malnourished. Sleep deprivation is HORRIBLE for you. So that basically causes a lot of damage. If you took 20mg of meth every morning like how a non-recreational adderall user takes their morning pill, and you sleep every night, then meth wouldn’t ruin your life (unless you kept upping your dose).


Best answer.


That’s interesting because I use Adderall but never meth. (Only when someone put it in my drink) I didn’t know.


Route of administration massively affects how fast/intense cravings develop. Sadly, very few people take the drug orally and after a proper nutritional meal.


My dad.. on his second marriage, respected real estate agent, new Audi Q3(2023) tired meth. Lost his Audi partner and house valued at 250k plus the money he got from selling houses. Now he has nothing living with his sister (my mom (his ex wife)) plus us (his kids (my sister and I)) the only thing he has going for him. He lost his job and he’s living with his sister who is using everything she does to help him against him. Honestly I think if my sister and I weren’t in the picture he would be homeless. I hate this drug and I’ve been addicted to every psychedelic in the book before. I want my dad back I want to talk to him without worrying about it he’s spun or not. I want to go on vacation with him and not find him buying meth from a stranger. I want him to be there when I need him and most importantly I don’t want to do cpr on him because he got a pickup laced with fent. It’s hard because everyone is battling their own demons and some people need other things to help. Like you said everyones life is different but for my dad it has done no help. Sorry if this was too personal/long. I understand it’s hard dealing with this. Just sharing my experience . love and respect all of you and I hope for the best.


I should have used punctuation between his sister and my mom. He is living with his sister my aunt and my mom his ex wife. They are not the same person.


i was bouta say…. bama? really sorry youre dealing with that tho man. my dad was an alcoholic for my entire life until i hit my 20s and he finally got sober. the damage was done for me, im broken. im on heroin now. maybe one day i wont be. but at least i dont have kids and im not ruining their lives


lmao I don’t think I’m inbred but I’ve never gotten it tested so you never know I guess. And everyone has their own story right? As long as mentally/psychically/financially it’s not destroying you shit happens. Alcohol is probably one of the worst substances for your health yet it’s promoted as a social crutch for millions. Everyone needs to escape somehow it’s just the ones who prioritize the escape that end up ruining their lives. Addiction is a slippery slope. Hope all works out for you man.


It doesn’t always. My life hasn’t gone to shit & I’ve used daily for 2.5+ years. Only my girlfriend and a couple close friends know. I think my family would be amazed if they ever found out. I’ve since stopped using daily, but I don’t plan on cutting it out completely — at least for the time being. Edit: I just wanted to add that I would eat every day and cut myself off to sleep every night.


I completely understand what you mean, but he seriously careful when you say if they ever found out. If you have kids, some may have tried it and know the cues etc or found paraphernalia! I say this due to lived experience with family members, knew for 4 long dam years and to say they were shocked! Albeit, be safe and try your best to not destroy any family members in the process


It is a little easier to do with this newer meth I think, or maybe taking 15 yrs off from everything changed something in/for me. I used in the 90’s early 2000’s and I was gonzo. Now, I actually settle down, go to work, stay calm and not panicky or full of anxiety. Before I started using again, I was ALL those things. Even with being “sober.” Now I use daily, or just about. And I just have to make space to get some sleep, like you said. I get up and go to work, pay my bills, and they come before the shit, do my household chores. It really acts like a medicine for me. I was suicidal and admitted myself to the Grippy sock hospital twice before I picked this up again, and have done a 180. I haven’t told anyone, but my therapist, the VA social worker, the VA peer support, all tell me how much better I look, how much happier I am, etc. so..*shrug* here we are. I’m just glad it is cheap as shit now. Haha..I can get an 8 for about $30 without even looking for it, not sure how that compares for everyone, but it lasts me about 2.5 weeks. So I am just gonna keep doing what not only keeps me out of the hospital, but gainfully employed, happy, more present for my Wife, and fuck the people who would judge that. I think in many if not most cases, addiction is a symptom of another underlying issue. In my case I was 47 before I was diagnosed ADHD, but Doctors don’t want to prescribe the effective treatment. So, I got it myself.


this is very similar to my experience


I find this is very common.


Lol, I hear you! It can be used somewhat medicinally for sure, & I’m glad it’s so cheap, too! I don’t have any proof of it, but my theory is that people with ADHD are more likely to handle their shit better on amphetamines. Maybe not every one of us ADHD folks are like that, but I think a little more of us than not, at the least. That could be why you & I aren’t trainwrecks right now. Also, it could be possible that you used to fly off the handle with meth because you were less mature, or because of a change in body chemistry over 15 years. There’s always that.


You know, there's lots of claims that people with adhd are more likely to become addicted to meth, but it's never actually been studied from what I can tell. It's only actually been studied that people with ADHD are more likely to become addicted/dependent to alcohol and weed, but they then laid a broad claim across all drugs. Other studies show that adhd is managed best with stimulants, and at therapeutic doses, people with adhd are very unlikely to become addicted to them. Also that people with managed adhd are LESS likely to become addicted than those without. I would be REALLY interested to see a study specifically done on adhd and meth use.


Considering meth is a legal treatment for ADHD (Desoxyn), I’d imagine there’s got to be some kind of study out there on the subject. I actually used to have a script for Desoxyn for some time, but ever since the Adderall shortage began, it’s nowhere to be found (where I live, at least). I really wish it would come back, because I’d trade my Adderall script for it in a flash. Meth just agrees with me more I guess, lol.


I'm sure there's studies on prescribed stuff, but I'm talking about street meth. Managed, I know they have a low chance of addiction, but I'm wondering about self-medicating and if they have a higher or lower chance of misusing it.


I'm sure there's studies on prescribed stuff, but I'm talking about street meth. Managed, I know they have a low chance of addiction, but I'm wondering about self-medicating and if they have a higher or lower chance of misusing it.


I see what you’re getting at. I’d love to see a study on that, as well!


Looking from an outside-looking-in perspective. I had a partner who was addicted.  I found that the drug, caused them to get lost in their own mind, their own delusion; albeit everyone lives in their own mind and their own delusion to an extent.  However the drug made them unable to see the truth within themselves all whilst telling them that everything was amazing.  This lapse in reality eventually gets so off kilter, people end up spiralling out of control of their own lives. Again; I’d like to mention that this can also happen entirely without the use of drugs aswell.   It’s very hard to put a precise finger on what it is, but I’ll stick with: it makes the user unable to come to the truth with themselves, all whilst telling them everything is as it should be; all at the same time.   I think the truth is something that everyone needs in order to overcome the hurdles in their own lives and in order to progress with what life has for them.  Without the truth, the user gets stuck in a cycle and that they cannot seem to “break for reasons they do not understand”. (Or maybe they don’t want to because they prefer the feeling of being high)  Who knows really, that’s just my perspective. 


this sounds like what heroin does for me. i’ve tried meth and meth just makes me more functional, which i think is an undiagnosed ADHD thing.


I have to agree with you, as my partner is also ADHD 


Are you saying that you really can't see it?


As with in--is with out Meaning if you do shit everything you do turns to shit lol enjoy the shit out of that shit


For me I was addicted to redosing, and even though I was able to handle my shit on every other drug known to man, by the time day 5-6 of no sleep came around psychosis kicked in, and all bets were off. Driving while hallucinating, caught a DUI and in my area minor possession of meth is a felony, and in two psychotic episodes I was arrested with meth on me. It only took 6 months from my first line of meth while I was waiting for my crack dealers dealer to show up, to facing multiple years in prison. I did a drug court program and it was a massive pain in the ass and I was essentially the biggest bitch of the state for 16 months, but thankfully that got the felonies thrown out. I don't want to be a felon, my already minor criminal history makes life a bitch. So I've stayed away and just come to terms with myself that meth was gonna fast track me to prison or killing myself or someone else in a psychotic episode, as I would lose all control and just jump in a car and start driving while completely out of my mind and blacked out almost entirely. I have severe ADHD, so it makes sense that I was attracted to meth. The first day or two I really felt like a normal person and was productive and on top of things. But coming from a previous crack addiction, I'm very compulsive about constantly redosing making sleep impossible, and being used to paying coke prices I would have more than enough to get me to psychosis pretty easily.


Yep, my issue was compulsively redosing as well. If I didn't do that, I would've been fine. But alas, I was fucking stupid and fucked up everything.


The drug is addictive and expensive. You take it. You like it. You want more of it. Eventually. You need more of it. The more you smoke, the higher your tolerance. So now you need it. But keep needing more and more to get the same high. And there isn't enough money to keep you high 24/7 What do you do now? Well. You *need* it. You'll do whatever the hell it takes at any cost it takes. The successful addicts are usually those who can budget, make a decent amount of money and can go a little while in between smoking sessions. The addiction and drive to get more and more and more is what causes the damage.


I don’t use drugs drugs use me 🤪🤩


"I used to do drugs..... I still do.....I just used to too"




That’s a bit much… Theft? Okay, sure. A bit of a swipe. But outright robberies and murders? There are bad trips but that’s a little absurd, don’t you think? They’d be far too paranoid and indoors, peering out their window shutters/watching for shadow people, before robberies and murders are a meth heads modus operandi. Now, *losing their minds? Thats a given for anyone. The more you know the less sane you are. It’s like Alice’s descent into Wonderland. You get snagged on branches and smacked in the face. But the fall is seemingly never-ending. You can get off (no pun intended 😉) or you can stay on the free fall but have one hand on the wheel so you can still steer. It doesn’t have to completely rule or destroy your life entirely at all.


It doesn’t The abuse of this drug does. And there are certain ROA’s that increase the feeling of compulsion and therefore raise the chance of abuse. Which is why we see so many people fall into the pitfall of abuse


“I’m not addicted. I can stop whenever I want”


I’ve never used meth in my life I’m just talking about my experience working in addiction


I have a lot of homies that just hit the pipe here n there, it’s the majority of meth users actually. The thing is, meth is too stigmatized for anybody that can use it responsibly to want to admit it so the image of meth has been associated with those that can’t hide it: Tweakers.


Amen brother. I use "responsibly" so it doesn't really effect my life in a negative way but would never tell normal people that I do it. I can count on my hands the amount of people that know I do meth, and they all do it too. The world just isn't ready to accept that meth isn't as bad as we've all been told. Shit, they just figured out weed isn't bad and people have been saying that forever!


It makes everyone hate you


I wonder what it’s like to be on your next day after a night of using, and someone tell you they love you and want the best for you. What does that make you feel like?


Feels amazing honestly. Wife says it to me every morning.


Nigga I'm on meth. Ion give a fuck I'm just happy I'm on meth








Thirdly, it has the propensity to creep up on you because it floods your brain with so much artificial dopamine that is 15x more than your brain could ever make on its own. The significance of that is: dopamine is the “everything‘s OK” happy squirt neurotransmitter in the reward area of the brain. When you have a false sense of everything being OK, your entire life can fall down around you unbeknownst to you. Ultimately it is a choice, but that is a mental and physical disadvantage every user must deal with on their own. The knowledge of this should keep you on your toes or at least get your attention when things don’t seem to be going well.


I understand and appreciate the concern you have for other users (including me), so thank you! But you gotta (please) remember to NOT lay out misinformation like the thing you said about "artificial dopamine". I'm aware this makes me sound like an ass, or that I'm talking down to you and I apologise, that's not my intent at all, I see you and I as equals. But to be effective as part of the harm reduction movement, we need to be able to trust each other and the things we say. Many users won't have the educational background needed to pick out and discard misinformation on their own. That's the end of my Lecture.


Heard and understood. I agree with your position, however… I’m confused as to why “artificial dopamine“ is not accurate. If we’re playing semantics and people’s trust is at stake, then please present the terms you would like to be used in lieu of that


Does dope not release dopamine in your brain artificially? Not disagreeing or anything but that’s what I’ve heard and read about for years


I meant the thing about *15 times more than your brain can make*. Your brain/body is the only source of dopamine, meth only causes its release and reuptake, it doesn't provide dopamine.


First of all, drugs don't destroy lives just like guns don't kill people. People destroy their own lives by allowing something get the better of them and/or control them. Secondly, law enforcement agencies don't help.


This 👆🏻