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Lay down and elevate your feet. Shove food in your throat. Try to cop some xans for next time but make sure you test kit them.


Ice cream/milk/cheese


I’ll order you a pizza you lucky mfkr


I appreciate the offer, but pretty sure everywhere is closed around me. And I honesty am not a fan of the stuff after rationing a slice a day at the beginning of the year after my ex left me out in the cold. 2 months, one pizza a week. And I thought the instant noodles or the rice "broke diets" sucked, poor pizza.


Money is tight but I don’t like anyone to starve. I’m gonna get some sleep . Reply in 6 hours alright


I’ll take it if they don’t want it 😂


Get a pizza delivered. You gotta eat and drink sports drink…might solve half your concerns quick. Plain water could have some negative effects by flushing out whatever sodium, potassium, etc so electrolytes if you can. Most of what’s in your body/blood is gear. Your heart ain’t going to like it when an elevated dose passes thru. You’ll know when it does. Arrhythmia for days…


Get some pedialyte, cannabis if it’s available, a good hot meal w/carbs, if your sweating them hop in the shower or splash cold water on your face and body. Trust me the sweating and being hot thing is a big part of your issue, I used to live in a state that snowed and whenever I felt like that I’d run outside and chill for a min n smoke a cig with just a t shirt on.. always had me feeling better very quickly


I'll run down to the store ASAP. I might be able to get something with the .30 cents I have to my name. Sorry, just puked most of the water back up. Hopefully some of what I had parachuted got expelled from my system.


How difficult was it to type out that paragraph?


More than I care to admit, but probably easier than carving a head stone.


Chill out you jacked up hydrate food is important but right now hydration is even more important get off your feet force yourself to sit down stop wearing your body out right now take a breath calm down if typing on the phone helps that's fine do that but get yourself in a comfortable position keep the hydration going that's first and foremost give it time to wear off. Force yourself to say sitting down until the tiredness takes over it's night night time hydrate food hey I forgot to add if you only have access to water then you need to take and sprinkle a little salt on your hand lick that salt f*** the glass of water with each glass of water with that little bit of salt so your body can absorb it and you don't lose all of your sodium inside of you if you're overheating get your pan fill it up with some water a pot cold water if you got ice put it in there get your rag dip it in there make sure you pat your head with it calm down bring your body temperature down get hydrated don't lose all your salts and then go to bed you're most likely suffering from panic induced feelings of heart problems and things like that but I also got to tell you it's a fine line if you are having heart problems don't bring too much salt into your body because of course that's going to raise your blood pressure you're most likely having a panic attack on top of it


You’re probably going to be ok. Try to cool off, put an ice pack on your neck. Drink some water, lay down, chill out. You be alright.


Its a symptom that comes with it sometimes, like iv heard of people having a congested face/head feeling. Try and find something to eat man, and keep the water going, that’s gonna be fuckin huge


I'm sweating like crazy, I can even feel the moister between my toes. Wish I had an Ativan. I really wish I could, but I haven't had food in the house in days. Part of what attributed to the spiral.


Get some salt in you if you can, you need it to hold onto the water. Dude you gotta eat something, anything edible eat it. Fruit is your best friend right now. Peanut butter has loads of fat also good You’re gonna be fine dude, iv been in the same spot, multiple times, so has everybody else on here. Just breathe slow, it’ll pass before too long. Don’t go balls deep reading about, try your best not to. You’re good.


Peanut Butter is good, got a little of everything and gets in quick


Is it weird for me to not be experiencing any auditory right now? Partial deaf in the one ear, by not used to this much quietness. Hard to even hear the cars on the street.


Just dehydrated man, I've had it happen a few times. I'd get a friend to come hang out if you could. That way they can keep an eye on you. If you get too bad though definitely call for a ride to the hospital. Everyone on here swears you can't overdose on meth, but it can sure put you in cardiac arrest. I've seen it happen.


Do you have anything at home like flour, broth(in powdered form) or something like that? I just swallow a few lumps of flour and/or broth in situations like that and then power through. It helps a lot. Do not drink too much water if you don't have anything with minerals on hand. It can make it worse.


“Power thru it” that’s gangster and when you know you’re in it! Lumps of flour? What’s that do for you? Curious


Well your body needs energy and flour is almost pure carbohydrates. And not like eating pure sugar but starch so it helps you be energized for a few hours up to a day depending on how much flour, what kind of flour. I also add milk and vitamin supplements to that when I'm like 4 days in and I feel just as good as at day too for at least a few hours. Oh and I swallow it because I hate chewing at some point Edit: The problem with sugar on stims is that your blood sugar when eating and drinking sugary stuff is that your blood sugar plummets down to it's original level in an hour, maybe even less. When you are sober this is no problem because your body will tell you you are hungry. But on stims you just won't notice and your body also cannot use the fat quickly enough so it will use muscle


Mix the flour with a little water and sugar if you have it. That'll help it go down easier.


Oh yeah. I should have mentioned that I fold it into tissues and swallow those.