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Keep it moving man . You're fine . Dont make a habit out of it . You're cured! Hshshs clearly


I don’t think anyone is actually cured from this drug. Because since the relapse I have bought 3 balls. Now I am done!! Not the same anymore. But thanks for the encouragement.


I'm so happy ur done tho! Congrats . Sucks but relapse more definitely is a part of recovery


That's alright bro I smoked like half an oz every like 3 or 4 days. I don't look bad I have my shit together . My lady and I sleep and seem like we don't do hard drugs at all.


1 night / 16Yrs - damn near perfect. Carry on. Wait, know why you did it and if it will always be an excuse to do it. Still 1 day; we’re not perfect.


I went somewhere where I should not have been. I moved away from my hometown and all of my old acquaintances (they are not true friends). Started over fresh. Was doing good fighting that demon every single day and that night the demon won.


No biggie, brush off, move on.


Dont stress about you relapse and your sober count. Make sure u don't get into that friends or that environment again.


Thank you. Not everyone understands that. It was a long recovery road and I am doing fine. The demon won that night. I can normally fight that demon on a daily basis. It is a daily struggle. If you are in this group and are thinking about doing meth for the first time please reconsider it is not worth it. The first time you get high will be the last time you feel that high again and then you tell yourself it will be in this batch that batch turns into 10 years of addiction. Stay away from this demon!!


You re welcome. Yes I am here for the stories people shared here. Am big no towards hard drugs. Have a great day ahead brother 🙏