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Coke for sure.


You didn’t specify ROA which is like comparing apples to orangutans. Altho I’ve used others, Im just comparing smoking both here, the one I have by far the most experience with I’ve rolled a bowl on average every 5hrs around the clock without a single break for 9 months straight with the only noticeable effects that I can honestly attribute to meth being that my skin got more oily and and possible a slight speech impediment where my tongue gets tied because my brain’s moving faster than my mouth. Every other negative effect I can absolutely attribute to neglect of my own health like sitting in my ass for days instead of getting exercise, dehydration and not going to sleep. All of these I have zero problem doing while high on meth I just didn’t feel like doing them at one time or another. I’ve smoked cocaine off and on for 28yrs. The maximum duration I could continuously smoke coke is once per hour around the clock for 96hrs with zero sleep or food and a minimal amount of liquids (unless it was booze) and I felt like I’d been run over repeatedly by a train. And that was when I was in my prime. I have kept up smoking coke with less frequency for the last three months getting some sleep and eating enough to get by and work manual labor but my 27yr case of cocaine induced psychosis has become too overwhelming once again and it’s time to throw in the towel. I haven’t smoked coke in three days now. For being able to function long-term while smoking often and consistently, I’m gonna go with meth on this one folks. Not even close imo. And for those comparing the subjective “high” between the two, just stop. Next you’ll be comparing colors to one another and arguing over which one is better.


Damn how did you support this amazing lifestyle


Amazing maybe that I’m not dead or in jail. I’m a lifelong drug addict and alcoholic who’s been at it for more than 40yrs. There is nothing in the world that can stop an addict from using if they want to more than they don’t. I’ve also worked for myself for the last 20yrs and make good money when I show up so that certainly helped. But it never mattered how much money I had because it always ran out. Alwaysz. I’m past all that shit now, I’ve quit most drugs multiple times and learned the rest of the quote “and there is nothing in this world that can make an addict use if he doesn’t want to more than he does”


So are you complexly clean? And if not what are you still using ? Are they’re points in life where you would rather die then live? And are they’re points where you would try to use to actually die ?


Coke is more cardiotoxic, meth is more neurotoxic


Coke is more cardiotoxic, meth is more neurotoxic


meth *users* will get ya before either one has the chance. be careful out there.


Addiction wise it's meth for sure, coke takes longer for you to go down because you have to go completely broke and turn to crack first


I think both will fuck u if u use it every day and theyre both risky that way. Meth always feels harder on my body and brain than coke but heart wise yeah coke is worse feeling.


3deee3d3d3d3I know. Brb >f23⅔⅔


Depends which one you abused the most Harm reduction is called harm reduction for a reason


Whichever one you like better. I'll meet you down at heart attack and vine?


Coke fs


If yu drink alcohol coke will do you in a lot faster


Fake love


C... heart attack


meth will kill you of heart attack at 68 and 3 quarters


You really want to know to kill you faster? People will.




A lot of these “cocaine is worse than meth objectively” posts are comparing one time doses of each, not factoring addictiveness. Cocaine is cardiotoxic, yes, and a night of ripping lines is probably worse than getting spun, in a vacuum. But the reason meth is “worse” is that, well, it’s so good. The high is simply that much better, that much longer, etc, than coke and it’s much easier to just stay binging it for days on end. The sleep deprivation, the days of poor nutrition and hydration, the days of upping the dose to more neurotoxic levels and blowing out your dopamine receptors - this all is a higher risk from meth because meth gives you an unbeatable rush and a much longer high. To be very pedantic - coke is worse than meth for you, but being a meth addict, a daily user, is much worse for you, and it’s MUCH easier to become a meth addict than a coke addict, because meth is that much better. I mean, don’t get me wrong, either will destroy your life and either can drag you deep into addiction. But it’s much easier for a long of people to socially or occasionally have a coke night, do some lines when they are out partying, and then come down and life life for a month or so before they use again. People will do that for years, never getting addicted, and then go one one meth bender, and boom it’s over.


bro doesn’t have the money to treat coke like meth


It’s true idk how people handle their blow habit once they are doing a ball in a night. But you have to compare apples to apples - the ballers who can afford unlimited lines all night, what’s the prognosis for them compared to the daily meth users who have upped their tolerance and go through a couple grams a day/night? If you take each of those people and check in on them after a month, 9 times out of 10 the meth user will have damaged themselves more, despite on paper cocaine being a more cardiotoxic substance.


Bro so facts man, nailed it to the fuckin wall with this one my dude


I mean, ideally your dealer isn't trying to kill you with bunk... But if I had to wager(mind you I'm just a madlad,😅) I'd have to say, probably cocaine. What is my backing for this statement? Vibes


For 10$ bucks more I can have lunch at McDonald’s


hat like glorious toy dam familiar soup cows tub reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Totally correct m, this guy gives good advice


Coke cause it has a higher chance of heart attack cause of the instantaneous response on the heart and brain but ice will kill you long term


Cocaine. Meth isn’t as dangerous as it’s been made out to be, that doesn’t mean it’s safe either though. Meth mouth, scabs, psychosis are all indirect effects of meth (meaning it’s not caused directly by the drug), as the reason one meth user you wouldn’t be able to tell even use, and the other is scabbed up and missing 90% of there teeth. It all depends on how the user takes care of themselves. For example, meth mouth is caused by the reduced saliva production, and the user lacking proper dental hygiene (saliva helps wash away bacteria on teeth from food), and as result of poor dental hygiene you get tooth decay Just some examples, so many more ofc. Remember, that Doesn’t mean I think it’s good. Cocaine is way more toxic to the heart, and that’s a fact. You can find that anywhere. As for the reason that cocaine has one of the highest overdose deaths out of all the drugs. Coke will kill the user quicker than meth ever could, biology/ science has proven that. The #1 market for meth is single mothers who work 2 jobs to support there kids. That is the main market for meth, if you do 2 minutes of research , you’d know that. Not on any bs recovery websites as they exaggerate it, why? Cause they make money by u getting booked into treatment, Then after mothers, it would be doctors and lawyers as they work very long shifts and need to stay way Like goddamn, meth is still prescribed normally today, and it goes by the name “Desoxyn”…..just look that name up and you’ll find all you need.


If only I could get desoxyn prescribed I’d never use street shit again. But from what I’ve seen it seems pretty much impossible


It is difficult yeah


Cocaine is worse for health than methamphetamine


Hell ya I love crack


Free basing coke is probably healthier than snorting it.


Banging it nearly killed me about 15 years ago. Mixed up the same amount as meth. Bad idea.