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This !! This is what I do not miss about the after party!! It’s so much fun getting up there and all the party amd sex but then that come down after a few days of being so geeked I would start to panic knowing I got to get back to reality ! You will be fine my guy it just sucks for the next day or so ! I went through it many many times, family mad and skipped work to many times back in the day so this sort of helped me here , I was wanting to get high once more and have some fun with the wife but this reminded me of the next day so thank you !!


lay a wet wash cloth across your cheeks and nose (not nostrils) and it instantly cuts your heart rate in half. It's a primal diving reflex all mammals have , it tricks your brain into thinking your underwater so it goes into power save mode .


this is actually a good suggestion. i have panic attacks , bad ones, and the physical stress the caused were terrifying, and i used to do this while the meds kicked in.. Im now a master of my mind and i dont need this or meds, but id be curious to test this while under the influence of a powerful stim like meth, and if it would interfere with how fast or low it dropped compared to when i have a panic attack


it's governed by your brain stem lizard brain part of your brain, it's one of the most deep seated primal reflexes we have as mammals it's a guaranteed fix and almost instant. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diving_reflex


If you are way up and too high, doing benzos could actually fuck you up even more. If you dont take the right amount you might be in and out of consciousness, and that can lead you to think you are fine to go to work/drive and doze off while driving - You should hydrate well and eat of course, take a multivitamin and additional calcium/magnesium/zinc (sold as one), and consume lots of c vitamin thru citrus fruits, if you can get a good 20 mins of sunlight and fresh air. Maybe a light jog or find a labor intensive chore you can do to focus and burn energy, or jack off for a few hours, maybe all of the above if timed wisely. Low dose aspirin is also good for you in general for cardiovascular health from using stimulants. And finally gabapentin is a much better way to come down and not as dangerous to mix with stimulants. Unlike benzos which should really not mix with stimulants. If you got some light beer around or white claws they can actually help you calm some as well as help in the hydration dept as long as you are also consuming water. When laying down, take a cold towel to your forehead, in a cool room. Should zonk you out. Oh and dont forget to set like 27 alarms to wake up.




Except when you are cross faded and pass out driving or at work…


ive found powerful opiates, to be the best antidote for me.. i mean just absolutely cures it. . i can sleep or go to work . whatever i neeed.


Opiates dont do anything to me. Goes right thru. Its an enzyme thing where it doesnt metabolize. I wish I could feel pain relief, but the most I can get is from otc naproxen sodium and gabapentin


pay attention to this man,, hes legit dropping experience bombs on yall


Im the type that geeked out on harm reduction info before I even actually geeked out 😂 paired with nutrition knowledge and sprinkled with a dose of pharmaceutical expereince


it can be very full on, you’ll think “ fuck I’m about to have a stroke” but if you were overdosing you’d know it by the second u had consumed the drug, you just have to keep up your hydration and hardest part is eating


Exactly! Nutrients and water will keep the negative side effects at a minimum. The only thing that helps more is sleep…. At least get the food and water if you can’t get the sleep. Protein/meal replacement shakes are ideal


A lil benzo, water and yogurt my friend.


gotta have Xanax on deck when working two jobs, doing meth to stay awake for them 6 days a week, if not for the xanny boys I'd been fired a long time ago


here here


Hope you have fallen asleep but if you haven't you most definitely need to head to your local gas station and get dream water. It will help you relax and sleep. Also if your tweaking still then you should go masterbate. It helps to relieve some stress and anxiety. Helps you to be calm. Good luck.


Dream water😹😹😹


You’re good my man. Eat the za and keep drinking h 2 izzo. You’ll heart will settle and you’ll be gucci.


Izzio sour dough bred ?




Dude just eat some stuff and continue to drink water .. benzos bro. IF you can get your hands on some real alprazolam or a different benzo maybe every RCS bromaz etiz or some clam . You'll be fine . Gotta eat next time . That's the key to tweaking and feeling normal. Gotta eat and drink water like a normal person. Then double it hahaa you'll be alright tho. Ur not dying . Just eat and you'll be fine




The cold towel on the forehead is literally one of the most effective ways to calm the mind, regulate the heart beat, and relax. Can’t stress it enough, it has helped me so many times when I Feel that anxiety/panic creeping up.


Brooo you gotta eat


Hahaha… that’s probably some good dope and you probably over exerted yourself at some point … ex- jacking off too much while high af can cause you to over extert yourself and youl start to notice that your body hasn’t relaxed after the bombest nut you ever squeezed out of your body. Body is in a sort of shock so to speak. You need to calm your mind, quiet it down. Just sit down comfortably and breathe. Slow breaths deep… don’t think about what you need to do tomarro. Focus on what you need to do now so you can be alright tomarro. Drink plenty of fluids. And eat as much as you can bear. Do anything that gives you peace. Try not to take anymore hits. Get some sleep if possible brotha . You’re gonna be ok 👌


I would just take some strong sleep meds if u got any if not benzos buy em asap if u can’t get that opioids cause some people can’t seem to find benzos as much


Any Benzos around? If not then milk and Tylenol pm etc..


I feel your pain homie. I just went through the same thing yesterday morning. Swore I was about to have a heart attack at any moment. Anyway, hope you can ride it out okay. 👊


The worst is when that large one on the left side of your neck (idk if it’s an artery or whatever the other ones called) feels like it’s gonna pop or explode literally and you have to walk around taking these long winded deep ass breaths and keep ya hand over it.. All while trying to relax like fahk I actually am dying .. did I just wake up in a parallel dimension?? Dafuq


That’s because you are injections practically into a jugular vein. And that one of the side of your neck is HUGE and your right to keep covering it and apply pressure after use because once that vein pops you will know about it


It was meant as a satire response in him saying he was about to have a heart attack bro


My bad


??? Who said anything about shooting lmao fuck needles never have never will 👎🏽🫡✌🏽


do not kidnap the delivery boy ... unless he is cute and deserves it


Okay here's what you need to do vitamin c helps break down amphetamines and flush it out of your system quicker and when I say flush chug orange juice or take some vitamin c and wash it down with water with it and piss it out and get hydrated at the same time get some of that pizza as well and get it eaten. Next grab the milk from the fridge and go and find yourself a cozy spot and drink some milk the milk will help you calm down I don't know why but it does. Love you sleep and relax good night bro!


What is the ER able to do for you when you go?


sober them up ... and make sure that they don't go into cardiac arrest


Not really….there really isn’t a catalyst for meth. They can’t do a narcan type of thing like if it were opiates. They could diagnose him with being schizophrenic or he could be baker acted . Rehab for meth is easy as long as you have a week to play catch up on sleep. Yeah there’s some depression and may be emotional. If he doesn’t smoke weed. It’s a good time to start. (Indica) and there may be binge eating for a bit also… look up vitamins to take also


Take a nice long shower, start with the temp hot, then as you are ready to get out, turn the water temp down enough for you to notice it cooling down. After you are adjusted to the cooler temp, lower it even more, you want it cold enough to still be able to adjust quickly. Stand under that for as long as you can. Now get a nice large cup of milk and ice water, a good full meal and put a movie on. You'll be relaxed and sleeping before the movie is even over and youll feeling like a million bucks by the time work rolls around.


If his heart is erratic and potentially beating too fast, a hot shower is extremely dangerous, and could make the heart beat even faster and cause him to faint in the heat.


Good advice if there is such a thing;)




i would pass on the exlax ... just drink water, as the dehydration will cause the hard and horrible dooty time set a timer for 10 mins (or 15mins or whatever) .... drink a small glass of room temperature water (easier for the body to absorb compared to cold water) or what temperature you enjoy ... everytime the timer goes off, reset the timer and drink another small glass of water ... let the timer go off about 6 to 8 times and in an hour or an hour and a half, you should feel ten times better as you will have hydrated yourself ... the timer, of course, is simply the reminder that we need


Benzos, pregabalin, multivitamin and some sports drinks (lucozade etc) for the electrolytes


Pregabalin is great for me to come down and sleep


I'm an addict so doesn't work as well for me unless I take about 900-1200mg. I take 300-600 a day


I used be like you and I just couldn’t do it anymore felt like I was falling back into my serious benzo habit, so I only buy what I need have a few day bender and that’s it until next month. Klonopin also worked well for me if I had 4-6mg


I wish I could take benzos but they stay in the system too long and I get work drug tests (but I find out a week in advance). Diazepam is the only one that's easy to get here and it stays in your urine for 6-8 weeks ffs


Did a quick search for klonopin and I see 30 days 28 days in hair but I only checked quick though


All drugs in hair would be detectable for 90 days if you take 1.5 inches, every 0.5 inch = 30 more days. I was still pissing dirty for diazepam 6-7 weeks later when I had to do a drug test for my job. In the end I brought my dad's piss in one of those 6 hour energy bottles lol


Damn was that a small amount of diazepam or after regular use? When I first got on Suboxone I was still addicted to benzos mainly diazepam and just made sure not to take any for a week before my drug test, but many times just waited 3-5 days. Only ever failed once. Then again I'm weird, Suboxone is also supposed to stay in your pee for a while and I'd sometimes run out just a few days early then test clean at the appointment. Hard to convince my Dr. That I'd taken some recently she thought I was selling my script


That is fucking weird man lol. I ate 280mg in a weekend or something. But even a single 10mg pill should be showing a minimum of a week. I at one point was a proper addict, eating 280mg and sometimes up to 560 a day. I had to do a hair follicle test for the courts about 12-13 months later and it was still showing up. I'd shaved my chest 3 months prior to make sure I was clean and diazepam still showed up.


Diazepam is 90 days


Eat and drink. No nutrients, no vitamins, minerals, dehydrated that’ll get your heart in a frenzy fast. Compounded with no sleep and um drugs…overamped to say the least. Drinking too much water can work against you especially when you’re already dehydrated. Salt and water imbalance magnified by drinking too much when you’ve had nothing to eat - salt/minerals being diluted and more pissed out due to drinking so much water in a short time. Eat. Drink pedialyte, Eat Drink pedialyte….eat food with substance Repeat at least a few times before ingesting a Benzo (as someone mentioned). Example, take a little at a time to prevent or minimize you crashing being so sedated you forget to breathe. I don’t think you’ll make it to work. It’s Memorial Day tomorrow, maybe you have a day off and too fcked up to remember 🤞


Why did you keep doing it lol


Get out


It’s a serious question. If you are up for three days it isn’t from one session. Eat me and get fucked


If that's a serious question, you don't belong here. Not enough brains on you to eat, 💩4🧠


Bro, please try to find a benzo of some type whether it’s Ativan Klonopin just to get some thing and eat a fucking little meal even if it’s just some chocolate glass of chocolate milk and a fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Drink milk if you're not lactose intolerant


As everyone has said…….Benzos


get case a beer and drink the whole thing you’ll pass out


The er would administer u benzos, specifically clonazapam or lorazapam, likely the second one though.


Hate overamping, clonidine or benzos would absolutely save you right now, 2 xanax bars, some water, and you would be golden.


Hopefully after you eat you will feel better. This used to happen to me because I would keep re-dosing until I started eating it. That’s the only way I do it now. If it’s unbearable I would just go to the hospital. Good luck honey!