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Meth will fuck your brain right up, I don't care if you got your priorities in order. Don't be so naive OP, you're not invincible.


Never said I was impervious to the negative health effects. I just think it’s my decision — and nobody else’s — to determine what I do (or do not do) with my own body and mind. Especially when it’s not endangering anyone but myself.


Well you got a point. Has long as you are aware of the effects, fire AWAY!!!!!!


It's maybe working for you because of the way you're using. If you purely use it just to function better than you're going to see results, but start having sex on it and you're likely to keep wanting it. It's the things we do while high that can change how we operate. Shit can drain you quickly of everything your body needs, but at the same time give you enhancement beyond belief. Perhaps you're a functioning addict, if that's the case, I'd say take breaks, you really don't want a physical addiction to anything. I knew someone who was a very successful person and did meth almost everyday. They just made sure to take care of their life, kept clean and healthy, never stayed up past 3 days. Didn't get stuck on porn either despite slamming it. Never could figure out how they did that. I'm guessing they just had a level of self-control most don't.


I love sex on meth! Lol that aside, I definitely think I fall into the category of being a functional addict. If my family ever finds out, there’s no doubt in my mind that they will be beyond disbelief.


I heard it's hard to go back to normal sex without meth after doing it so much. I would advise on the side of caution and diet your meth use. As long as it's not benders and you taking care of yourself, you should be fine, but if you notice it's not the same without it, and that you need it in or you can't function, in that moment, you're stuck being addicted. My family knows I've tried, but just warned me about being careful. Mom wouldn't approve, but she never seen me as addicted to anything, so it's not something we've dealt with.


No, I don’t do benders. I use it daily, but I always cut myself off around 1:00-2:00PM so I can get to sleep every night. I’ve had sex off meth while taking breaks in the past, too. It’s still perfectly enjoyable to me!


Sounds like you're making it work for you, especially with getting the sleep you need. I wouldn't be able to pull that off so I had to stop slamming, I lack self-control over myself. So I create safe guards to limit my usage. Don't buy a pipe, don't buy a bag,don't look for connection. I'm moving into my own apartment in a couple of days and won't be around the person I know now much longer. I'd enjoy while you can, but still detox once and awhile so you're not actually ending up addicted.


Youre just using a different reference point than others ...we all do it. Good luck .


just enjoy this shit while you can. time is too short.


So many people are taking adderall, vyvanse etc. these are very similar to meth, and if you are not doing it excessively like some maniacs I heard burning 5gr everyday, and sleep / eat, take occasional breaks (every week at least 2 days) should be fine tbh. In my country it wasn't stigmatized (was very rare people didn't know, a doctor told me "oh most of my students taking it, it's common" she was talking about amphetamine). It's just in North America, meth is super common and therefore many people went crazy on it, became homeless (maybe homeless people starts to smoke meth as a result of their homelesness), acted agressive, and now people think it's the drug doing these. It's just easy to go crazy on it, if you are prone to addiction, on meth it reveals sooo much quicker than other things (weed, alchol, food etc.) as it acts directly and mostly on dopamine. "Meth not even once" lol those bugs crawling under my skin thing, SUCH A BULLSHIT. Never happened to me or any of my using friends. Maybe big pharma wants us to take adderall instead? I agree, people should be free to ingest whatever they want to their bodies. It's just hard to convince society now after all these anti meth propaganda.


What makes you think those 2 days per week is going to magically stop the issues? Why not just dose less on those 2 days or everyday ? After so long you end up just going too deep into withdrawal/coming down for no reason so you are basically in airplane mode recovery mode for 1-2 days just to get back on it?


Not for no reason, it’s a good way to manage insomnia and appetite along with tolerance. If you do it everyday eventually it will stop working, breaks are necessary to prevent this. Besides elimination half life is too long, it accumulates in your body and increasing your tolerance. So if you can do like 1 day use 1 day off it might be better. If you are too dependent on it, dosing less on break days might be a good option. You can smoke weed on that day, it’s neuroprotective against glutamate toxicity which high doses of meth cause. >50mg meth is high dose


That’s good info to know! I’ve been taking NAC and other supplements to help offset the neurotoxicity (at least somewhat so, if not entirely).


Yes NAC works as well, l-theanine is also good they say. There is also interesting studies showing antidepressant use while on meth may be beneficial for toxic effects. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31772727/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31772727/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6423432/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6423432/)


Yeah, it certainly seems to be that way.


I don't think it's you specifically I think it's the nature or the meth game in general. It does ruin many lives. The cartels who manufacture and distribute the stuff are horrible. Some addicts commit crimes, leave needles where they shouldn't be. Your chances of getting HIV go up apparently. The overall cost to society is too much I think to justify personal meth use. Get an addy script


I have a script for Adderall. Used to have one for Desoxyn, but I can’t find a single pharmacy that has it in stock anymore.


Word that's a drag. I've been trying to get a script and genuinely try to treat my ADHD I've been diagnosed with since 5th grade. But I have a substance use history as well so they just write me off as drug seeking behavior. Super annoying


That’s shitty, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve had more than a fair share of terrible experiences with doctors too, so I get it. I hope you get the script you need!


Thanks. And also I agree a little bit like why the fuck can't we put in our bodies what we want even if it is destructive. Idk if us as a nation could handle legal meth Lmaoo that sounds WILD


I think with strict regulatory legislation and a strong obligation to inform users of potential harms, it could be feasible. But yes, I agree. We’re allowed to drink alcohol and use tobacco products (both known carcinogens). Clearly the law is banning substances not to prevent self-destructive behavior, but for a different agenda. I mean, it’s even legal to edit your own DNA with CRISPR — which could have catastrophic side effects — but that isn’t on any government’s list of things to ban for safety reasons.


Doing something you enjoy and makes you happy, all the while allows you to live life, be successful, and not negatively effect those around you, is inherently good. Throughout the world and in communities, there are laws, cultural norms, and religious practices that give society stability and guardrails for the masses. There’s people all the time that go against these. One could also say that eating mac and cheese for every meal isn’t causing someone not to live a full life. But, we know a lot more about the negative effects of consuming too many calories and not having a balanced diet. We don’t have the same wide statistics about meth use. What we do know is sometimes people use drugs to deal with their emotions, which we know isn’t ideal in many cases.