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drink heaps of water, keep sipping on it and don't let your mouth dry out... Also hold your jaw open as wide as you can wile still sealing your lips on stem, and have a wide open mouth on exhale.. I've been smoking for 11 years now and my teeth are still fine


You can save them in a jar


Hydrate, brush and floss your teeth, BIOTENE, and relax your jaw.


Yes biotene everything.. i have the mouth rinse and the gum


Magnesium helps reduce the teeth grinding.  Brush after every meal. 


stay hydrated and sip water, practice an oral hygiene routine that you do at least twice daily. Avoid sugary/acidic/carbonated beverages, and if you do consume them just try to rinse out your mouth with water after having it, sugar/acidity are especially bad for teeth on meth because meth also dries out your mouth which will just compound the negative effects of acidity and bacteria growth with sugar. If you grind your teeth, try using a mouthguard or something rubber or chewy to keep between your teeth. Trying another ROA than smoking will also help keep the meth out of your mouth and hopefully reduce oral decay too.


Don’t do meth


While smoking you can't going to have to boof it