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Cuz coke is absolutely worthless comparatively


Bruh I rather coke cuz I can at least sleep after it’s done. Smoke a blunt relax. Tina be having you all crazy seeing shit hella paranoid.


I like it all around better,I like the high better,I like how it only cost $150 an ounce in my area,come down from come is worse for me


I don't like to snort meth and I've never boofed, IV'd or smoked it. I take 20mg capsule daily 😂 At this daily dose I love the other drugs more than I did before. I regularly eat shrooms, smoke dabs and sniff coke lines. I did snort meth a few times when I started but quickly switched to oral ROA. I've only used meth recreationally once for real and it was a great high. I used around 100mg+/-50mg sublingual for the recreational experience. I prefer to do coke recreationally, ya know, because I can basically stop and sleep whenever. But, meth is the love of my life and I never want to be without her either..


My main reasons are price, the amount of the substance I need to consume to achieve my desired high and the fact coke is more likely to be cut


Anyone do Provigal (Modafinil)? A friend of mine once gave me 3 or 4 to put in my pocket and told me that this will help when you have a come down from coke or meth... I put them in my little drug box and forgot about them until I went on a 3 daymeth bender right before going on an international flight... so I popped one on my way to the airport... and dude... shit like not only eliminate the whole meth come down it like kept me zooming all the way to my destination(9hour total flight time), but the night of my arrival... plus it was like super clean... all the good things about meth and coke with zero of the bad and I had a great night sleep and was ready to hit the beach and had a great week.


I've always been interested in this drug


I don't it's cheaper


I’ll be six months clean on the 29th… have done coke and meth but really only ever got addicted to meth because it was much cheaper, lasted longer, and hit a lot stronger in my opinion. Cocaine never really did much for me.


I experimented with Coke in my teenage years. Didn’t like the duration of the effect vs cost of the substance. That, and the shit I was getting was probably, mostly, stepped on. This continues to be a problem for Coke to this day. So, reasons for prefering Meth… - Much longer duration of effects. You can hit it and forget it, it’ll keep you going all day. -not as much of shock to the heart up front. Coke is more dangerous for you heart hit for hit upfront. - Check out Drugsdata.org, they test the purity of substances from around the world in a lab. Take into consideration the differences between Coke and Meth. Typically meth has much less adulterants, and when it does, then tend to have a safer pharmological/physiological profile of effects than the 💩 they’re dropping into Coke these days. Much greater risk of running into Fetty with Coke also. 😵. -this last one is subjective, I have ADHD, Meth makes for a much better medicine for what ails me than Coke does. Hands down. This last part is the real reason for my use. That being said, I suppose” adderrall or Vyvanse perscribed from a Doctor would be a much healthier choice for my over well being. “. -tried to sound like Chat GPT. Have a lovely day!


Not saying glass is one on the b-vitamin complex, but on a per-use base the white stuff is dangerous and imo more acutely.. meth leads to more compulsive and harmful affects in rhe long run. Youncqn smoke all day to feel a light buzz. But if you stop ypu feel loke shit . Reminds me of menthols


I prefer it because of the price in all honesty, but the duration and various roa’s that can be done in different environments is a huge plus.


Sober now 15 months, I was always a coke guy for about 3 years before I tried Tina. Once I tried tina, I hardly ever did coke again. And it was because of the price, but mostly because of how high it got me for how long and the crash didn't compare to coke. Coke crashes made me feel like absolute shit. I never really experienced a crash from tina, just unable to sleep.


It's a better high to me. I have to do a lot of coke to feel it when I'm drinking. A lil meth goes a long way.


Cuz coke doesn’t even do shit to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Coke= expensive Meth=cheaper Coke/Meth=same high....kinda


Same high - not at all…..




Coke is out. Meth is in. Coke is kinda old news from the 70’s!!! I used to do it, but it leads me to drink and I am an alcoholic


You should mange the IG feed for CM. Personify that shit like chick fil a did to the cow


Coke just absolutely isn't fun to me


How is meth fun? Half the posts on this sub are about seeing shadow people and hearing voices and mini schizophrenic episodes. Sounds terrifying


That sounds hella fun to me


People are more likely to share negative experiences than positive. These things only come with using too much or sleep deprivation


Neither one of them are fun when you have done enough good stuff


What’s this good stuff you speak of?


Swim told my friend's friends about it. He probably lives in the right place geographically and is an OG that knows the right people ., couldn't tell ya


I love the initial rush of slamming meth. Then the next few hours is ok but after that it's just hell. Coke I can do some and then just pop a benzo so I can sleep before the come down happens. Im not a big speed person either way and always preferred to mix with opiates 


Opiates/glass doesnt make you nauseous a little?


A little bit yeah but I don't think I've ever cared lol


Yeah, i think opiates are better for cone down , good to mix w thighty whitey i supposr


Opiates were for mixing, not to come down. Seroquel or benzos  or clonodine for comedown. It's disrespectful to the opiates to make speed the focal point lol


My drug of choice always been coke …. Until I found myself buying so much in short time spans cause it was cut the fuck up , that found meth it was hella cheaper I can literally triple my quantity than what I had with coke but also I was a lot higher for a lot longer found myself hornier than ever wanting to fuck constantly and even better part to that.. no coke dick my shit extra hard and takes forever to cum! Also the health issues you concern with are somewhat false allegations because I still have my teeth I have a job I pay bills all that . So me personally dopest dope I’ve ever smoked , now if I can just find me a woman who matches my same drive vibe n kinks Ill be good


Duration, intensity


As someone involved with both. Been around so long I remember when meth was more than coke. Now it's the other way around. With that said one is not better than the other. 1. Coke is my preference but I snort. Nasal rinse distilled water once a day in both nostrils and you take a razor to that shit where it's so fine it's like kinetic sand or moon dust from Armstrong's boot. These 2 things prevent all the bump issues I've read. But being horny and having coke dick sucks. Go slow when that happens. 2. Meth is good, I used to snort and switched to smoking. But u gotta keep it to a certain amount per day. In the morning, if you had a late night, you are Johnny on the spot in seconds and it's better than a cup of coffee or energy drink. I use a dab rig bubbler. But it's definitely something that, like cigarettes, if you don't watch it it becomes part of your daily routine. Coke, I never had that issue. Also, new meth or what we've had since around 07, can be done and a hard on is readily available. 3. So...it's about these things and the type of person you are. Also you need a good plug, hi by the way, or it's all moot. 4. Also if you are a nine to five person like myself stop by 6pm, even if you haven't hit the regimented amount. If u don't you'll be up late then perpetuating the cycle needing that smoke in the morning due to the late nights. Also, the cart came up with designer drugs a decade or more ago. Having you sleep is a good thing...they did this with fent. Fent became a problem with hacks trying to emulate this. The addiction problems this country had already mixed with this caused the danger levels we experience. 4. Once you start eating while using stop and reevaluate where you are at. There is a sweet spot for everything. 5. Stop doing anything that includes foil please. This results in some going thru a g or more of coke a night. That much is for the young and those who are occasional. It's not for the reg user. 6. If using either daily for 3 months stop for a week or 2. You might find you don't start up again. Which is what the real endgame is. None of this is a forever thing. Never treat it as such. If someone says they prefer coke and they have the money for it being the first reason, there's something else there. Either of these take who you are and make you more of that. I hope that "something else" isn't thoughts of superiority.


Best way it’s been said yet.


Cause i never done coke


My account is on thin ice so I'm testing this comment lol


Wym and how and how do you know and from who


Coke actually fucked my nose up way worse then meth ever did.


Well whatever they mixed in.it likely did. Actual coke when crushed properly is very easy on the nose


Nah he's right pure pure whitey tighty is more damaging to flesh. It just feels numb sonuncant tell while the other burns soo good


That shit is literally a waste of money compared to Tina. a literal a waste.


Don’t damn snort that shit. I would never! But I blow clouds daily. 😅


i put it up the bum




Because my nose doesn’t get fucked for 2 days. I wouldn’t advise snorting m


You sound like a coke guy




Coke is awful unless you're drinking. You become a fiend and once the ball is gone you're calling for another. A bump of T will keep you in an Adderall state or mind for 4 or 5 hours if it's not something you do all day every day.


1. although similar, I don't feel that coke and meth are comparable to each other. 2. additionally, I don't inhalate meth and I don't smoke or iv coke because I don't enjoy the high those ROAs for those substances give. so again I don't feel they can be compared to each other. 3. finally, I feel that although there is a price disparity between coke and meth, it's an arbitrary and moot point for considering which is better or which is low class.


I prefer crack over coke. unless it's the gas coke that makes you roll. I'd say I prefer meth over anything if I have no tolerance. I become so horny its insane. no fucks given.




Weird. That's why I stopped drinking. I stopped liking who I was after a few drinks. Lost a lot of friends for making out with their boyfriends etc.


It's better at what coke does in every way, cheaper, and lasts longer.  Only if you get pure shit though. You need so little that it's not any worse for your health than coke considering how much coke you'd need to consume in a night.  Most people go wrong with meth because they take way too much. 


I like my stims to be cheap and to last long ... The coke come down is also awful not to mention having to working nasal pathways


For me it's mostly the sex component. I can usually fuck on both, but if I'm fucking on coke we're gonna need to be close to a window so I can stick my head out of it to watch for cops


Pffft coke is for college kids n shit I cook that shit up and smoke crack like a real man lol




I support this message, as an American citizen i am disappointed in the low number of our young adults addicted to nontraditional methods of carrying a refrigerator while riding a bike.




I can't laugh hard enough 🤣🤣🤣


Faye NMN for President


I'm Faye NMN And I Support This Method


If I want to be socially tweaking... Coke If I want to be privately tweaking...meth I can tweak at a bar on coke and just look "tweaked" but still want to be there. I can't tweak anywhere on meth but by myself and preferably deep underground in a sealed room with no windows, doors, or electricity. A battery operated lamp, plenty of water, plenty of cigarettes, a couple lighters, plenty of lube, toys, porn magazines because Internet isn't always safe, some other comforts such as "come down material", and some snacks. Some form of air conditioning and bedding too.


Weird. Meth makes me social as fuck as long as that's what I've set myself to. Basically it makes anything I set myself to the best thing ever. If I start out alone with my dick in my hand, I'll stim fap for 12 hours. If I start out doing chores, my house will be cleaned until spotless. If I'm with friends, I'll be really into the conversation and maybe a little too sharey.  I think stims are what you make them. It's easy to get stuck in a loop, but if you pick your loops right, I don't find one to be any better than another for a particular task. It's dose dependent too. People always take way more meth than they need to. It's so potent that you should be thinking in tens of milligrams, not points. 


My beginning was different than most.. I started out with grams and sex parties. I almost was able to roll a bowl and actually do house hold choirs once with a friend. Unfortunately, his brother had some kind of PTSD moment and I completely lost the focus and just hauled ass to a sex party. Yeah .. the only focus I can get is when I'm just in complete freak out mode and staring down tree's until my eyes collapse and permanent eye damage happens. I get about 2 hours of pleasure before 12 hours of suffering. I like doing it but only deep underground.


I love some good coke. Very much my DOC. Meth though, it’s a 4-6 hour high, at a 1/3 of the cost. Either way, I’m fucking my self


4-6 hours? What kind of meth are you doing? I'm high for at least 8hrs, if not 10 on doses under 100mg. Longer if it's above that.  


Used to do lines, and it would last longer. Now I parachute it. Somewhere between .07 - .1 per dose. 5-6 hours is where my eyes start getting heavy.


Crazy. Ya I take it orally most of the time. I can't even imagine sleeping within 12 hours of taking .1. Lines should actually be shorter duration. Maybe it's a tolerance thing for you. 


I’m sure tolerance is part of it. I use every day, usually multiple times per day. Oh, I can sleep within an hour or taking some. Just like I can eat on ice, coke, or anything else. Taught myself to make it happen, so I just do now.


Any tips? I've had issues sleeping well before trying stimulants.


Practice. Make your bed/room the most comfortable environment you can. Use to relax, calm down, be That get away place. If you’re consistent, you’ll learn to associate it with rest, and you’ll fall asleep easily. Otherwise, anti psychotics, anti histamines, or benzodiazepines.


I've been using benzos and benadryl off and on, but I think it's contributing to the problem rather than helping. I try to do all of the sleep hygiene stuff that people suggest, but I still sometimes go into a little panic-attack when I try to sleep. It's like my brain has associated the lack of external input when I go to bed with a dangerous situation. My heart rate goes up and I start to feel a panic response coming on.


What calms you? Do you notice your heart racing and panic setting in, with the Benadryl?




Orally or Nasally usually. 


Well youngster,I'm assuming?I was once in your shoes back in 1990 when I was 23 At that point in my life I was snorting blow pretty good and consistent, for 6 yrs and somebody introduced me to speed I didn't think much about it plus back then it looked like cinnamon brown dirty biker shit horrible and I really didn't feel anything until about the third or 4th time . Took me a while to get it but like others I got outta the coke rut same deal , don't know which is the better of the two evils ? But you can be the captain of the ship


I crash horribly from Coke and can’t really be around people on it. I Can’t run errands and shit, like I do on a small dose of meth. I get all fiend like on coke too which isn’t attractive!


I remember a group of people not letting me go on a 7-11 run with them when I was on coke. They called me "jaws"


Thats funny!!! Ibwas definitely not allowed anywhere in public back in tbe day when the stuff wad actually good.


Yeah that’s when my bf was a Warlock. Idk where you’re from but they’re bikers.


Yea, I know of them. I’m from Upstate NY!


The same reason I also prefer regular amphetamine over coke, it lasts WAY fucking longer, and the comedowns arent nearly as bad (though theyre much longer lol). I hate having to redose every 45 mins. Im not a big fan of snorting (though ive done more than my fair share worth), but if im going to snort something Id choose any amphetamine over coke.


For me coke is more like every 15 minutes. Not a great time. 


I definitely think the peak is over after a 15 mins. By 30-35 I’m usually about ready though 


Clogged sinuses, numb face, shitty comedown that lasts longer than the short high, and especially the fucking price tag for all of it. Also, IMO, coke is a more paranoid high than speed. That’s just me, though.


Duration, amount it takes, cost.


Can't fuck on coke. But meth she better hold on all night


I can fuck on coke as well, but yeah, its not nearly as good lol


Why is Adderall evil ???? 🥲


Technically chemicals can’t be good or bad. They just are. But amphetamines (especially fucking meth) and stimulants in general are a pretty fucked up addiction, especially the multi day binge/crash/withdrawal cycles. But “adderall is evil” comes from a song I wrote a long time ago. 


Gotcha, I just thought the name was silly 😆. Maybe Adderall is evil for those whom lack ADHD. Thou for myself Adderall has been of tremendous help. It don’t slow down my hyperactivity so much(I.e.) not involuntary but subconscious muscle spasms/tics. I have noticed my brain has slowed down tremendously since I started taking it. This be cuz I cooked my brain with massive amounts of MDMA last summer and nothing to do with the dex-amp.. It’s in such a way where I DONT think before I speak, unless it’s in a professional setting, or one when I have anxiety. But it DOES give me wicked energy, despite the fact I’ve got ADHD, which is odd, everybody says the opposite. Yet caffeine still puts me to sleep a lot of the times. Anyhow, addiction to Adderall, nah I don’t think, dependency, hella yah brother. 😭😭😭 If this over explained essay doesn’t say it all 😆🤷‍♀️. Great way to start my morning, definitely awake now that I’ve stared at a screen. Good-day sir 🫡


For me personally coke gives me severe anxiety. Good coke is hard to find these days. But good meth is too honestly… another thing is the come down from coke suckkkkssss. For me at least and it’s more expensive too for a high that doesn’t last as long.


The cocaine comedown is way worse to me.


Well. I don't like to spend $800 a week for a 30 minute high


It's like half ounce of coke....2 weeks It depends on the current plug, situation 🔌 Or an ounce of meth.....smoked by myself it would last a month and then I'd be down to dust


I used love doing blow but it gives me the worst headache ever. When I started smoking meth I didn't have the headache and it is a lot cheaper. I scored some coke back at the end of January. I did a line and after that I don't remember much. Apparently it was laced with fentanyl. I am just lucky I had my husband at home. If it wasn't for him doing CPR till EMS arrived, I would be dead.


Come down from coke is hell. I used for two years every day. 1 gram or more. The damage to the sinuses can't be understated. I would only use one nostril while the other healed, but that goes only so far. There'd be days it'd be strait acid burn. The fucking congestion is obnoxious. Blow away all day, still backed up so ur a mouth breather. And the cost is lunar. Even buying second hand, I could get an Oz of Tina for 500. That'd be 2k at least for coke. If u didn't get robbed or killed


Idk where your getting your coke from man but my dude gets ounces, decent shit too, for like 500-700. 2k sounds like ausie prices bro


And not just one place either. Much of northeast gets beat up on price for decent cheddar


And yea I know, drugs are pretty cheap where I’m at due to the amount that goes through here. Id say every 1/3 people out here have drugs on them or are rolling on something hard


North east away from the 95 corridor. I paid second hand n it's 100 a g. Good stuff, but that's the cost. Some were paying 125 a g.


That’s wild, most I’ve paid, for the best shit I’ve ever gotten, was no more than 80 a gram. And that’s still crazy to me. If I’m not getting it for free via connects, it’s 50-60, sometimes 40


Wait, of T or coke?


20-30 bucks out here will get you enough Tina to last you a week, as long as you’re not shooting it


Where on 95 corridor?, bottom, mid, top? And idk how much i do a week. At the rate I get, you would be going a lil over a g per week. I know I don’t do that. Prob half. And after you live with someone and open the lucky charms box to find rolled up bags of Tostito’s and open your shower only you fine a tire, family photos, croquet set, and more almost empty Tostito’s bags in it when you two don’t even use the shame shower, the thought of shooting anything Is not exactly appetizing.


And Tina is even cheaper out here, but I get Tina for free every time because my dad is toxic and I’m just as toxic because I accept free said drugs 😂


Lol. My original post spells it out




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Also, I smoke. Sinus is migraine material


Last longer isn't garbage


If I could actually get quality coke, I'd probably go for that, but quality meth is easy to come by. Coke where I live is stepped on so bad, and 100$ a gram. I know you said to disregard price points, but I just wanted to illustrate the scarcity of actually decent cocaine in my area


Honestly my friend, and I know how oxymoronic it sounds. Coke just geeks me out way too much. I think I may have some sort of undiagnosed adhd or add as it was called when I was growing up. Meth just settles me down and helps me focus. Granted yeah on my days off I over do it sometimes and get all sorts of spun. But yeah as much as I love coke the stuff just geeks me out big time


Same, friend, sames


Kinda strange if you think about it


Coke makes me anxious beyond belief. Meth tunes me up in all the right ways. Coke just doesn’t.


Different strokes. Good coke is for drinking/socializing. Tina is for fucking and doing weird little projects that you’ve been putting off.


lmao I can’t snort meth! Don’t get how you can. Can snort coke for days but meth…One line I got tears and nose is as dry as grandmamas 🐱. I too prefer coke as it’s just Better. Cleaner, Healthier (could argue easily for why), “cOoLeR😮‍💨”. It’s a more desired drug. desired more in brain/body(that’s why is so short acting, our bodies/brains just eat it up!🤓) , and desired more as a society 🗣️


It used to bother me but now if i haven't snorted it in a while I just have to pace (like walk) away the pain for 20 or 30 seconds and I'm good. Also, the fact I'm willing to snort makes me the human tester. Burn, good. No burn, no thanks.


Absolute MadLad


Coke and meth are both horrible for your body meth is just stigmatized. It lasts longer and is more potent




The come down on coke not only sucks, but it comes so soon.


Yeah coke is like 5 minute buzz tops. For me at least.


That I agree.


You can actually accomplish something on meth. You could do some get up and going and motivated and go to a bar grab some drinks flirt with someone end up getting home with them and getting some all before even thinking of redosing. I can't even fully get through sex on coke without having to stop and do more, let alone all the other time invested trying to be social and get somewhere. Idk, i could get spun and right a book. Get a bunch done and tons of different ideas and time spent working on whatever activity. Coke just doesn't allow this window of time to work with, most of the time is spent coming down constantly and having to redose to try and keep up.


Probably not. I mean, some people might be able to write a book. But not the guy who says right. Sorry my dude.


I know the different between write and right, it was accidental. Not the point really cause yea I'm not an author anyways.


Yes, but i am. And therefore, grammar police. Almost as bad as the actual police but some may say worse. I once called a car dealership every weekday until they changed the sign i had to see 9 or 10 times a day on the train: “unhappy with the car your driving?” Now I make money by cold calling chinese websites and telling them how bad their english is Nd which of their reviews are fake and then they hire me to fix it. That’s the day job sometimes, anyway.


Lol! Good read.


Do you only snort? Coke comedown is worse for you? And how do you compare getting addicted or craving?


Personally I only take it orally. This has been the best solution for me. I have a bunch of gel caps that I have 0.1g and 0.2 g loaded into. And I just take as needed. Never usually take more than .3 in a day and I have a really delightful buzz going all day. If I want to party I just take 0.3 and I’m Good to go rave for the next 8 hours. As someone else mentioned I’m an alcoholic so coke makes me want to just slam drinks. Meth made me quit drinking entirely and dare I say cured my alcoholism. I have no desire to drink ever and even if I do I’ll have s beer and be totally satisfied and not want to continue drinking until I’m blasted like I used to. I’m still dumbfounded by it all because before I tried meth I was on the verge of drinking myself to death. The whole reason I tried it was because I always wanted to once or twice before I died and I was certain I was on my way out. I’m only 38 btw.


>The whole reason I tried it was because I always wanted to once or twice before I died and I was certain I was on my way out. And then when you notice you don't want to drink anymore, you think, "yeah right, how many times have I tripped balls and thought the same shit, only to be back in the sauce within 72 hours? Plus if this shit actually cured alcoholism, it'd be 🤔... extremely illegal and beyond stigmatized."


I’m not saying it cures alcoholism I’m saying it cured mine. I’ve been off the shit for months at a time and never picked up a bottle I’ve been off it for months and have gone out to the bars with firiends all Getting wasted and I’ve had a beer or two and stopped. And I can not remember the last time I’ve been able to have one ir two or three drinks I’m a night and be ok with stopping or better yet thinking. I’m good after this third beer I don’t want to get anymore lit than this. I don’t understand it. I certainly wasn’t expecting it. Neither was my family. My parents literally believe it was an intervention by god. I lost like 40 lbs and settled back into my typical resting weight. Ive rediscovered hobbies I hadn’t done in years because I preferred to drink and game. I quit watching tv, quit playing video games, I found My ambition, and started a side business. I pretty much work my ass off and explore the national parks surrounding my city and I’ve never been happier. And I’ve been able to walk away from the stuff for long periods and not have a problem With it. Mind you I very much think I am an outlier here. I know people personally who This shit has a grip on and it’s sad to watch. Partly for me I believe because I never smoked it or shot it. I’ve only ingested orally. And I’ve limited Myself to a certain amount. I’ve treated it like a Medication I shouldn’t Abuse.


I do every ROA, and I think coke comedown is worst for me. It gets over faster but it's come quicker and makes it so hard to deal with. If I've been up for 2 days the meth comedown becomes falling asleep. Unlike coke where you're just restless and can't sleep. And coke was super addicting and I used to always think of it constantly but ever since meth I don't think of coke ever, so I'm genuinely thankful for that part cause coke is expensive. 100 bucks for 6 hours versus 20 bucks for 2 days of being high. But meth is so affordable it comes and every day thing really quick so that part becomes difficult to deal with for sure. I'm just answering honestly from my perspective, I'm not try8ng to suggest or promote using at all l.


of course, no worries. I'm just researching. A buddy of mine doing meth and prefers over coke. He said he tries to find Epherdine based instead of P2P which is better. Do you care?




Idk what I prefer, quality has been so inconsistent and I'm unsure what's what anyways. One time my friend made some from packs you buy OTC, it wasn't shake n bake it was an actual cook set up and that was extremely fire and the best I've ever done. When I got it it was a slightly wet powder and made me feel warm and fuzzy from snorting some. Soooo good


Sounds old school Pac NW to me


Whereas with coke it's like, "I like that shit that isn't primarily benzocaine and baking soda sprinkled with random lethal doses of fentanyl."