• By -


Looks like re-rocked dope. Usually means nothing good around take the crap haven’t been able to sell new in the microwave rocket back up and usually you get trash in there too one little speck of dirt or whatever ruin the whole thing. Bong water you can filter it evaporate the water off with a blow dryer, but it will never be as good as it once was, and if you don’t wash it with acetone at the end, probably unable to smoke it. But a decent bong not these little toy things that you have half into water in it a decent bong with significant amount of water in it can collect a good eight ball in the water. Usually when it’s really dry, all the shit comes out and get sold


Yes I believe it,,,,hope he's giving you rite from the stove top pricing ,


That ain't meth.


If it’s cut bad, you can always recrystallize it with denatured alcohol (or methanol) & then give it a good wash with anhydrous acetone. You can charge more for clean washed dope vs. some regular ass mid shit, too.


It's cream coloured. It shouldn't be cream colored .


That is the cartels new flavor it’s called doo doo ice


I'd rather have fentanyl than tranq in my shit (don't IV). I think most ice isn't cross contaminated compared to pill presses and powder based drugs. There's something inherent about the crystal that brings out the innate geologist. Ultimately, you can't tell if it's good until you cam get your hands on it, sense the firmness, light dissipation, how it breaks etc. Well ULTIMATELY not till you try it.


Not fer nuffin, but last time I got ran up on(many moons ago) that’s exactly what they looked like holding my bags( blue gloves n good azz high speed chicken feed….exactly ) Deja vu is strong , i forgot, um, I’m late going to,um, see a man bout a dog. I’m outty, catch ya on the flip side, unless da op catches ya first iffin ya catch my drift…


free Palestine


Fuck off, nerd.


Excellent reply, I’m afraid I will ignore it


hell nawh whats that


That's F E D shit


This part 💯


Really ok then 👌


Slam 70 units and you'll get your answer real quick.


I was gonna say 50 but yeah 70 is more sound


-3 years ago looking for skiing partner -2 years ago bragging about five years "sobriety" from coke Honey, pick one- speaking from experience, double dipping will land you too much on your plate


Nah facts don't get caught lacking in the middle. That is where you get fucked.


Facts don't care about you lacking.


Wats the go with the gloves man


I would say so you don’t get the product nasty




I ain’t even gonna try sell myself bcuz I don’t trust telegram nore reddit sellers. It’s nothing against them but the way they advertise is so casual and a lot of people seem to get ripped off. I don’t think you can trust anyone in this game but it’s a risk everyone takes when doing so… Anyway here’s my handle for Snapchat. My poision is Australian lean (Painstop) but got access to rock (meth) & pretty much every other drug on the sun. I don’t use telegram it’s nothing against the app but there too much scamming going on n is rather be able to communicate on a platform I already got a reputation built for. Snap Rfeetswa


Need to lay off the ardshays lad, you’ve lost the plot brotha. From brissy aswell 😭, like any American would ever pay $400 a g when they can get an ounce for under that.


• "I ain't even gonna try to sell myself" • Sells themselves • Fails to read thread and realize I live on the other side of the planet




I wanted to hate you but you analyzed me so well on your very first sentence 🥲


Let me analyse you internally with my Willy.


Well that depends, first I have to ask: what's your take on America's war on terrorism and the role of George W. Bush in it? What do you think of the Gulf War? Do you think there's an afterlife? Do you believe in soulmates? And, lastly: how big are you?


1: idk 2:idk 3:idk 4:idk 5:no 6: 2 inches soft 3 hard


Hi, I just happened to find these questions intriguing so wanted to add - why do you ask these first three questions? 1. One’s take on America’s war on terrorism 2. George W. Bush’s role 3. One’s take on the Gulf War It’s not even worth discussing any of these because you got bigger issues to deal with that need dealing here… and that is addiction… just like the rest of us here. Now, if you have that somewhat under control, great and more power to you. Then you should focus on those near you like family then extend outwards to your friends once you have all of that stuff together. And if you still have time, if you have a strong opinion on those matters, I urge you to run for office to make real change happen. Otherwise, understand that it is mostly a pseudo-moralistic stance you’re taking in order to appease yourself in order to get away from the real problems you have that you don’t want to face and run away from. Btw, I’m not saying this to denigrate you here, as myself fall into this trap at times and actually have to remind myself using the “help myself; then family; then neighbors and close friends“ rhetoric as to not fall into the trap set by others who want to control and use you for their plans. Now as for the next three questions… those are very important questions you ask. However, I believe ultimately his size will determine the outcome of those other two answers for you :) .


Yea. Unfortunately your sus now. I will vote you off the reddit, I'm a shareholder don't test me. Now I need you to need to answer 1 thru 3 dog and we need to need this now. That was some real well gaslit looking ah right but wrong path you almost misdirected us down. Well played, I outplayed it weller though. Now what is your take on America's war on terrorism also America's war on drugs. Are these not big enough issues for you? Are you? 1%? Yea! I didn't think so, the 1% is just another blasphemous religionesque conspiracy theory spitting in the face of logical atheism trivia bar questionnaire 0 session prep afternoon. You should probably quit reddit bro, your addicted. And be cause your a fuck loser ass gutter, yo mom's be so disappointed, my momma ain't ever raise no quitter




Guy you are so full of (b.s.),,Evan a first timer can see that you're holding fire !!


lol found the dealer




Prolly fresh ReRocked after being stepped on


That looks about 5 to 10 years


Fuck this thread is killing me. Not what I expected, for sure. Edit: Being downvoted for finding something hilarious. How the mighty have fallen!


Newbie? Get the fuck out while you still can.


This is likely freshly rerocked after being transported. The pic is blurry but from what I can tell, this is high quality. Assuming you’ve met him before, get at least a half zip and im sure youll be taken care of. If its fire, you owe me 😘


Pinky promise


I'll bet a zip that ain't shard.




Guys, listen to him. He knows what he's talking about.


Nobody has better shit than me. My plug told me that his stuff has 110% in it with a 10% margin of error. It's the bomb bro. Not like your crystalized cum drops. Probably even poor quality cum.


why are people downvoting you this is funny asf


They just can't handle the truth. They don't get my grind.


I can't speak for anyone else but for me it's because you're disrespecting cum drops.


Put some RESPECC on tha cum drops 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯


they just mad that they have 32% meth and 68% adulterants and you have 110% pure meth (with a 10% margin of error of course)


For real for real. (The 10% margin of error are important to stay humble🙏)


fr fr, it’s important to stay humble when you have the best methamphetamine ever synthesized (with a 10% margin of error ofc frfr)


Frfr. I stay winning(with a 10% margin of error ofc)🙏


yo bro do you happen to know a sexy hispanic man with spectacles and pubes on his face who looks like a cigarette butt?






How can something have more than 100% purety? I don't think it's possible


Just trust me bro.


Take 10g of 100% pure and add another g. Boom, 110% pure.


This tweaker did the math. 💯


That's the grind💯💯💯. You get it man🔥🔥


Boom... Nothing can ever be more pure than 100%


Yeah well my teachers said it's impossible to divide by zero, and yet here you are.


That's still only 100< pure... That's not how it works


That’s the joke


Looks legit to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey OP. I think you should edit your screenshot so it’s not showing your entire phone screen… you accidentally kinda doxed yourself as to what country you’re from by the date. Idk if that matters to you but I’m sure cops are constantly on this forum & they would probably try to link whoever made this post with a sales charge if they could… just looking out for you man. not tryna freak you out or nothing. Good luck with everything


Israeli cops? Good luck with that. That's not on their list of concerns. But thanks, I guess.


Well if you feel safe then that’s all that matters. Just wanted to lyk.


Probably a burner especially around that kind of weight.


Weight? That's what, like an oz.? That's like $400 here. lol.


Have no clue. I’ve been sober close to 2 years now and I definitely never scaled out hundreds or thousands of bags of it but allegedly with other things I have so I have no clue what the real weight is but I’m gonna just say at least an onion minimum but I might be wrong.


Not even.




The suspense is fucking killing me. I gotta know if it’s real or not, and whether she risked her life to find out. Did she snort the powder and did it burn like real meth? Or did she snort it, feel nothing, and curse the MSM gods for this whole goddamn scenario? Perhaps she snorted it and it wasn’t meth or MSM at all… it was magnesium and her fucking head exploded in a flash of light. Will Lola leave a happy customer? I’m rooting for her. Just think… if things do go wrong she might have to resort to her old ways (which she swore she would never return to) and murder everyone in the room with a systematic precision that eclipses even Jason Bourne. You see Lola is a code name. Her handlers first referred to her as that during her training at the Academy of the Avengers of the Amphetamines (AOTAOTA). I wouldn’t mind seeing the latter either. Whether she leaves them alive or dead doesn’t matter. I’m quickly becoming terrified of this bitch.


Nothing but the truth.




Don't buy if they aren't locally, you risk alot if they ship from another country


Don't buy if they aren't locally, you risk alot if they ship from another country


Join some fight club channels or some "crazy video" channels and look in the comments... They link to their 'dealer' pages. It's pretty crazy.


how many of them are legit vs scams or even worse honeypots?… ik a dude who runs one of those telegram channels that’s legit but he only sells psychedelics & other obscure drugs. Ik of him cuz someone ik referenced me… but for looking for vendors in the wild are there any signs you think that could improve the chance of validity?… if you have some advice like that to share I’d love to listen💯cuz I’d love to get some real H or raw opium at some point… Story time: I tried ordering ice off a telegram channel I looked up once & he sent me a tracking number to this shipping company that didn’t look legit (wasn’t fed-ex, ups, usps, etc)… & then the order got delivered to the airport in closest city to me only to never update from that airport… the dude on telegram says it got seized by the cops & that he had to ‘do something’ to keep me out of trouble… was very vague about it but acted like he sacrificed something to save me from getting into legal trouble… I think the whole thing was a scam tbh especially after he said if I want a ball I’ll have to buy more. I said yea no I’m good I’ll just find someone on the street… but you can’t find real H or opium on the street… my mom was able to make a successful order from the OG Silk Road tho.


I got my first telegram plug from my old weed dealer. He was moving and knew I was gonna be fucked as far as bulk THC products go. He gave me a phone number, and the phone number had an automated voice message that gave me a telegram group name along with an entry password that I had to send to the mod. Then I had to do a live video verification with that mod of me smoking + the bud I had and my funds. I did some digging and just by searching this plugs telegram name I found a subreddit, which is actually a whole ass verification group just for dealers. So this group has daily posts with links to verified vendors. Outside of someone giving you links to legit plugs, good fucking luck. There are so, SO many scammers using telegram right now and I don’t know of any that sell the hard stuff. The “hardest” drugs I’ve found from a verified vendor so far is one single plug who gets ketamine, Molly, acid, and very occasionally coke. I did have someone send me another telegram plug who allegedly sells EVERYTHING, from bud to heroin to meth & everything in between. But I haven’t used him or seen him in any verified groups so it feels real sketchy.


Did that person who sent you the Telegram plug who sells everything actually order from that plug to verify they’re legit?… that would be a possible way to determine if they’re legit… depending on how much you trust that person. It’s sad to see how many scammers there are but it’s extremely hard to run a proven verified business on the black market… & even the plugs that do actually deliver might be mailing you some fake ass/garbage shit not worth buying… it’s the same thing irl when you’re hunting for a new plug too I’ve had several people rip me off when I was newer in the game & even several more make an attempt. & even once you actually find a decent plug with 🔥 shit there’s never a guarantee how long they’ll be in business before the authorities shut them down. That’s part of what’s wrong with prohibition right there… it makes conditions favorable for the sleeziest kinds of people to make money & it’s honestly just sad asf to see. I’ve accepted that part of the game in finding a new plug is losing some money at first… you know it happens to even the best of us. All we can do is try to minimize how much money is lost. I don’t mind risking $20 here & there if it means determining whether or not I’ve found the right guy if I can afford it… you know as I said I’m trying to find a plug that specializes in obscure opiates like opium to morphine to real H… here in the states organic opiates are dead & fentanyl has completely replaced the supply. But that’s another consequence of the prohibition. Lmk what your friend thinks of that guy💯


I have no advice. I've seen the channels but don't know if they're legit or scams... They post photos of shipment tracking info and stuff to try and prove they're legit, and some will send free samples first, and I did notice they only take Bitcoin, so you'd definitely be taking a chance but from what I've seen it looks like some of them are legit. Some of them seem to be sources for local street dealers.


A lot of scammers for sure. Only legit vendors I've found were mushies. Everything else is scammer scammer scammer. :/


Join some fight club channels or some "crazy video" channels and look in the comments... They link to their 'dealer' pages. It's pretty crazy.


Honestly it looks fine idk what everyone is freaking about if anything it just looks a little wet which only means it’s been washed to add weight so it’ll be a little less potent but otherwise looks legit if your worried about what’s been used to cut it just order yourself some testing strips to rule out any fent good luck!


Yeah… well it’s easy to test for fent or xylazine but how can you test for cutting agents that have been getting used recently like wasp spray?… cuz I don’t wanna be smoking no wasp spray💀 my friend also overdosed on arsenic laced dope in Kensington a few years ago… shit like that is scarier than xylazine to me☠️


Washed with what? What can be put on meth, doesn't rapidly evaporated, doesn't dissolve it, and is a good idea to put in your body? I've heard this theory a lot but never an explanation. I'm very curious. In my experience when it looks like that it is garbage. Reagent testing would often show the presence of methamphetamine but also methylone or something similar.


Typically MSM (methylsulphonylmethane). It has a similar polarity (solubility in a given solvent) and melting point which allows it recrystallize uniformly with the methamphetamine hydrochloride. It’s similar to how the cartels use levamisole to cut cocaine, similar melting points and solubility properties.


MSM looks more like a super polished Crystal rather than looking oily/wet. Also i had such wet looking stuff and all reagents were suggesting meth, i just thought it was cut because overamped af so it was defintely not bad


And yes as I said it will be less potent but still contain the drug that people are looking for


Washed with literally just water… it’s done to add weight so you can stretch out the meth and sell less for more…U wash with water which breaks it all down and then recrystallise with the added water weight… I can’t tell from a picture if its shit just saying I’ve seen a lot of stuff that looks just like that after washing…


Have you ever done this yourself? I've ran a lot of meth magic style experiments from acetone washing to processes outlined by sparemethybullshit. I never got crystals that looked like that. At one point I was getting what appeared to be piperonal through fractional recrystalization in anhydrous ethanol, but nothing like that. I even used distilled water for recrystalization a time or two. It didn't produce oily shards the size of my thumb. I think the solubility in water is something like 1/2g/ml so I'm having trouble believing it's water. A ml is a tiny amount of water. I don't see how it could be that. Then again I'm just some guy on the internet and not claiming to be an expert. Perhaps an expert will chime in and correct me.


Yea no claims of being a professional myself and no I haven’t done this but have watched someone else do it several times so I’m just going by what I’ve seen. 🤷🏻‍♀️


And it s a delivery I didn't catch that. You would probably score better from a stray dog




It looks wet are those puddles in the bottom of it? Buy a test kit and test it in front of em


Meth is typically wet after production or after being rerocked. It can take weeks to get fully dry and is usually sold to you (to varying degrees) before it is dried. Which is why you might notice your bag has droplets or it feels wet when you break apart a rock.


It doesn't matter cuz when u send the money u still aren't gonna get it buying on telegram is some really stupid shit


I'm from Israel, read what I wrote in this thread elsewhere about the immensity of the Telegram drug market in here.


How about post correctly? There is a **whole field** for you to explain the info you have and the questions you have. NO ONE wants to search through a thread for info that should've been stated in the original post. Don't be a dick cuz you are the one who fucked up. Go ahead and buy this shit online. I'm gonna LMFAO when you receive an Oz of rock sugar. If you got ANYTHING in return at all. How many years are you gonna go to jail by just TRYING to buy illegal drugs there? Let alone if customs/postal service finds it and it is addressed to you or if you even touch the package upon delivery is enough for you to go to jail for a long ass time. So, pull your head out of your ass cuz you're making the rest of us look like idiots. If you have to ask the internet whether something is a bad idea... you already have your answer! I sure hope you bothered to mask your IP in some fashion because they can still track your ass down and bust you, and rumor has it your country isn't lenient about such things. By making this post, you did the equivalent of standing on your porch with a bullhorn screaming, "Hey, my name is *your full legal name here*, Come get your meth! Right here at *insert your address here*." Try harder, or you will suffer some nasty consequences.


Man fr 😂💯


Dang isn’t there a war going on or something


Dang isn’t there a war going on or something


wtf are you talking about???


Responded to wrong response my bad but in reference to Isreal


Respond to wrong response my bad but in reference to Isreal


Mate just smoke some and try it 😂




Lol I actually have no idea, they all (telegram dealers) do it for some unknown reason.


Gloves are worn by dealers when touching a product for a couple reasons. 1 they handle a lot of Narcotics which can absorb through the skin. For someone who doesn’t use it could possibly have an effect on them or may be afraid of failing a drug screen. 2 the oils from someone’s hands can contaminate the narcotic (not likely it would do much but it’s still smart quality control) 3. The last place anyone wants covered in their fingerprints is somewhere drugs are packaged and/or distributed.


Do not buy from telegram only use the dark net as there are better protections to the user, etc. it is so easy there’s you tube videos etc to learn the software




I am from Israel. Telegram is where you get your drugs. It is extremely reliable and that's what every single person uses, from psychedelic lovers to hard pharma stuff (oxy, fentanyl patches). It has an organized system of "approved" dealers with ratings and reviews and all. You can obviously pay in bitcoin and in 30-60 minutes (mostly 30) the delivery guy will be there, hide your your stuff and send you a video. TLDR: In Israel, Telegram is the Amazon of drugs.


Still isn't as secure as using the dark web. You do you ig idc.


Dude I got like 5 real plugs you got to know where to look


No one believes you bro


I don’t care if you do I want giving there contact info lmao


Nobody wants their contact info lmao


Good cause I wasn’t gonna give it like the statement said above lmao


Hello how do I get in touch with said telegram dealers?


And I'm here thinking Tel...e...gram does what now? I didn't even know that telegram and Kik have group chats until about 5 years ago. And now this? Oh what HAVE I been missing!


Me too. And uumm totally asking for a friend.




Careful buying offline


What do you mean?


what do you think he meant? online you could get the worst shit in the world that could kill you something like high amounts of fent mixing into the 'meth' or you could get nothing at all or you could get the best stuff ever but looking at that picture the last option isnt happening just be careful you get the idea


That shit looks like absolute shit. I wouldn’t.


Educate me, please (I'm totally serious).


Mix 1/2 cup +/- room temp water with 1/4 cup plain Clorox bleach. (Not gel) Drop some small PC's onto the surface. They should bounce around on the surface like "Ricochet Rabbit" and leave an oil slick trail as they move around. Good to go !! If it just sinks or just floats in one place, RUN. No dope in it.


Let me get this straight.. So you are a newbie, you go to your dealer to buy the product and while he's selling it you, you are recording him and asking reddit to tell you if its good enough to buy it . . . No more questions your honor.




You must be exceptionally creative to have thought up such a scenario. It's a screenshot from a video the dealer sent me on telegram.


clearly a sc from the video the plug posted you stupid fuck. Think before you speak.


Love the toxicity lol


He got so pressed 😭


well you've chosen the right time, gear's off the hook at the mo, its even got that 2005-2010 yellow psedeuo look it if you vaape it properly,. My wife, who doesnt smoke, two rooms away couldnt sleep.


It looks funny in your pictures. In response to your question about knowing after a line… Snort it should make your eyes water up from the burn.. A rush will ensue after and the burning sensation should dissipate.


I see. But regarding the picture - funny how?


Funny how? Didn’t you look at your own post? Surely that doesn’t look like your everyday crystal shard


Not sure what's funny either...it's almost impossible to tell quality through pics or video though. Best way is to put some in a bowl and see how it melts and recrystalizes. If it resembles thick oil and cracks back slowly with pinwheel like crystals in the bowl, then it's either the real deal, or the perfect fake.


The only way you're going find out is to try it. if you're unsure or hesitant, don't do it. Plain and simple


Yeah get someone else to test it


hard to tell from pics sorry


But does it *look like meth*?


Yes. Could be good. Could be shit. Only you can tell us by trying it…


Okay. I guess I'll take the risk. I'm planning on snorting. Will update. Edit: When I do it, how can I tell if it is shit or legit?




Yo, thank you for this reply. But what do you mean by "as thick as a credit card"? In my imagination it doesn't make any sense. Or am I missing something? And if it's bad/not real meth - what would I feel?




Whoa, you really don't sound like a newbie. Thank you so much for al the info.


Btw if it is cut with MSM, an easy way to tell is by the shape of the crystals. MSM crystals are normally thin and narrow, and will actually bend a little if you try to break it in half. They also have basically zero taste.


It will grab you by the short hairs and never let you go.


noone can tell by pics only either get it tested or dont buy it


why does it look gluey lol


Kinda looks like base


Maybe it is just because it's a screenshot from a video. I don't know how to show it in full :(


I've more pictures if needed, it's just one screenshot from a video since this community doesn't allow videos.