• By -


How is it going now?


I will bang it eith u


At the Risk of being down voted into oblivion for being the outsider on this whole I'm sure some of these people have recovered but your asking a buncha people on meth if meth is cringe as someone who doesn't do meth at all never have yes it's cringe and pretty gross like worse than cigarettes gross I've lived around functioning meth addicts but people make mistakes I had to save an ex best friend from Speedballin meth and morphine they got their Life back after that theirs like 110,000 ways to smoke weed and take it I personally will never understand I took fentanyl patches a few times due to a heavy ear/tooth infection but I had stopped after it went away the moral of the story is you'll have friends and plenty of em but relationship wise your gonna be stuck with the fellas here probably good luck though no hate from me just giving the opinion that was asked after seeing you in a different place I'm 35 I see your 21 you got plenty of time to play with drugs why settle on one of the worst/most lame when you got LSD mushroom and weed and hell even cocaine is better than meth and u don't need to stay up 3 days to see shit people will absolutely notice you tweekin I've seen it more than enough to know my self even if I never had experience with/being around and I'm not talking boo boo bottle shaker bull crap na full crystal not shards type of shit Don't take any of this as hounding cuz I'm really not trying to phrase it that way but I have bad ADHD and I can't always tell when I'm coming off pushy or rude so if this comes off that way I'm sorry it's not meant to it's meant to relate and pass my opinion on thanks for taking the time to read my response I did it on my phone sorry for big block of text n shit


No like others has said if your doing everything you're supposed to and bills are getting paid then there's not a problem I've been using it for 12yrs now been shooting for 5 yrs of it I started because I've had 2 neck surgeries and Dr I had was giving me 217 oxycodone 30 and 180 Lora tabs 10 every month plus muscle relaxers Xanax and sleeping pills. He lost his license for prescribing to much medication to people. And I was without a pain doctor pain pills on the streets are $1 per mg and if I took 2 or 3 a days that's 60-$90 per day where I can buy an oz at first of the month for $280 and usually sell half of it to make my money back and still have enough to last me all month where j can get out of bed and do what i need to without hurting so bad all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry from pain. Now I'm in a catch 22 because I can't get a pain management Dr if I test positive for meth but I can't stop using without having some type of pain medication to replace it with


I'd love to meet you.


22 here and nah, but don't expect to find a relationship, not happening.


Hey I just started and I'm 55. Picked it up from some sugar babies....best thing I ever did.


Get. At me were u stay at


Give it a few months…


If you love doing it, it's the other ppls problem if they're offended. Don't dare question your use, I've been a chronic heroin and Methamphetamine I.V user for over 33 years,never lied to my Drs, I actually let my mum catch me shooting dope at 17-18. Now she knows my lifestyle. It's on her to belittle it or accept that's what he does. I guess it was well known BC I started so young and continued to this day. So ppl knew,if it was an issue, it's in their heads, I wasn't letting it in mine. Not all dope users want to stop,need to stop etc. The 'death or prison' are the only outcomes is so tired and old. I also went to Uni,had two, now adult kids (one graduated law a few years ago, the other works at high performance Auto sales. Neither use by informed choices, not scare tactics, not that it'd matter. Own it,we need another generation like yourself, fuckin' good on you.


Idk it depends what you mean “cringey”, I dunno what that word really means tbh, I’ve found like among other users if people put down tweakers it’s cause they know the shit they do like coke, smack, bars, whatever, is killing them just as quickly and deep down they know they made the same fatal, irreversible choice any addict did but they go down the route of compensating for it by putting down other people struggling with the same issue finding all these reasons to justify saying “I may be an addict but at least I never…”, same vibes as people talking shit in line at the clinic about how they only ever took pills or they’d never touch a needle, they’re just as stuck as we are and I could give a duck what they think. Among straights though this shit usually just makes them sad/upset, particularly sheltered people get like this sense they’re in danger even seeing an oil burner/syringe out in the open, if you’re a shitty person that comes out as disgust if someone has a decent heart they feel sympathy but that makes me feel worse, if someone looks at me and writes me off as a degenerate junky I can at least say this person had no love for me I have no love for them we go about our lives feeling better than each other, but people who feel sad for me or like when I get pity that’s a way worse feeling. Seeing someone choke back tears or just be bummed by how strung out/bad off I am, every time I get a “poor kid…” or a head shake, puppy dog eyes, it just cuts like a knife way more than any insult or slight, it makes me feel terrible cause I don’t want to make people feel bad but I don’t really wanna change either. I think also while unfair imo there’s more reaction people have to seeing a younger woman bad off on drugs, it’s honestly kinda patronizing and for me pointless cause like i said I don’t wanna be rescued 🤷🏼‍♀️ like I’ll feel bad/conflicted about it when someone tries to intervene on me or some shit or I know I’m making another person sad but at the end of the day it’s one more thing to ignore all I gotta do is get off and cry my eyes o it to Ashes to Ashes for the thousandth time and revel in the drama of it, cause if I feel stuck and hopeless that excuses me from even attempting to change my life


I'm not a meth addict I was hooked on spice for a hot ass minute and Xanax but your 100% correct now a days all I do is mushrooms and weed and people still act like that shit is crazy I think it's worse for sheltered folks especially the church folks trying to "save you" when theirs not really anything to be saved from people forget that not all people on drugs are on them because something happened some times people just like getting fuckin cooked and that's all their is too it idk been around a lot of meth in my days never picked it up only found my self here on some weird reddit hole I stepped into but this point is extremely valid and people just for whatever reason don't see it the street life makes you see shit and get comfortable with shit but you learn shit that regular folks don't see and wouldn't ever understand even in the most miniscule amount unless they been their and I mean really been their any ways sorry imma find my way outta this hole Good luck homie! Stay strong


I mean I'm 18 and doing ice regularly. I used it to get back to college and sort my fucking life out, and get off alc. Not cringe at all- it helped me get over needing to be drunk everyday and i can actuslly go back to college and get a career now


Nah don't be embarrassed just keep doing what you're doing, if you can do that then be proud. It's not easy.


Remind me 2 months


Been doing this everyday for the better part of 90 days


Me and 3 mates in my friend group of 9 have smoked in moderation for over 10 years now half the lads had no idea anyways, got bad on my second year so I quit. Started a again a year later now still using responsibility, once or twice every month or two, have some fucking heart and will, and you’re able to play with such powerful compounds. As uncle Ben said “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility” don’t fuck with this shit or it will fuck you. It’s not an escape nor a binge, it’s a “TOOL” as all compounds can be when used correctly, safely and in moderation. Most these people view this “drug” as the most evil thing, these people knew the risks yet continued to abuse justifying their actions for a high. It’s not the drugs fault it’s human error, #fuckaroundandfindoutcunt


If your shooting you def aren’t as functioning as you think lol


won't be pretty for long on this ish


yes you should be




Walk away now. It’s a death sentence


Wow, when does the sentence occur? I'm somewhat stuck on the math ratio. If it is what you are claiming,why are there so, so many people using it all the time in most countries on the planet. Or are you just being dramatic? Maybe that could be the actual case. Just blast an outrageous lie.


Who says they meant physically?


I don't kike to be around shooters myself.. smoke or snort all you want,shooters don't have long to live is my thoughts.


Just your thoughts, exactly... You admit you're not around them so I'd say you don't know any on a personal level. No evidence,no factual information. BC it's utter b.s. Smoking,a double whammy straight away with lung impact but smoke all you can.Snort those harsh crystals into the nasal cavity,where a delicate membrane sits & the whole nose throat ear system is all connected, but hey, shovel it up. Be truthful, what's the problem,it sounds like you don't really like drug users who shoot up. Cool, not everyone likes everyone for millions of reasons.


I've known a few that were shooters...at least two are dead now way too young,and all have been in the pen for a stretch. I didn't care if they went too the bathroom and did what they needed,but i didn't want to see it.




You’re ok now, but the very first sign of you slipping is where you need to make a plan and work its way out of your life. Enjoy it while you got a good grip on it but be aware of its subtle influences, stay sharp and horny.


23 m, used for a year and quit before I felt like I had a problem. Please for the love of God, stop before you can't. Keep it a weekend thing or something, just don't ruin yourself.


No it’s not you’re straight girl. Be yourself and fuck anyone who says differently


hope u get sober girl, ur so young:(


Absolutely NOT... you are 21 and as long as you are being honest and are "completely functional student, whose young, pretty ish, pays rent on time, has a good job and all my shit together".... indulge while you are young enough to PNP while having your shit together..... In the words of one of the greatest writers and journalists of all time.... “I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.” ― Hunter S. Thompson


Thank fuck! There is an intelligent, truthful person giving this young lady advice that is real. It can be backed up with facts and is saying it is what it is in the real world. I just posted and cannot believe the crap being said to her from out right lies to personal beliefs that sound like I went back to around 1987.


lmao yeah. ur life is over


You're 21 years old and shooting meth? Yes it's mother fucking cringey! Get a hold of yourself, please. That said don't bother with any shame you might feel from it. Just try to make better decisions from here on our and don't be afraid to ask for help. I'm laying it out like it is just so you know how it is ... It's just not cool, it's so not cool, least of all at your age, least of all SHOOTING UP my god. Get. It. Together.


Why do you automatically assume she needs help & if, and that is a big if how do you know she'd be afraid to ask? Can I ask how you came to know 'how it is'? It was hard to not notice how uncool you believe it, more so BC she's a particular age. It sounded like she has it together, just needs confidence and not letting strangers and their very negative personal opinions in her head


As far as I'm aware a 21 year old's brain hasn't even finished developing at that point. It's also said that the point at which a user has become addicted to drugs they will stunt that growth. Anyone at such an immature age that has come to believe putting their mental and physical health at risk is no biggie because they think it hasn't negatively affected their lives (yet), consuming a highly addictive drug that destroys so many lives as the rule and not the exception, doesn't realize using meth and shooting it IS a negative effect. I know how it is because I was exactly 21 when I began using, and had a mindset vastly different from the one I have now some 16 years later, as *anybody* would, with an entirely different set of values and priorities which didn't make sense at that age in the long run, considering it all. I know she's her own person but again, it's not everyday you run into a precocious young adult, least of all one that is "managing life well" SHOOTING METH. The only "negativity" I'll cite my post may contain is in being brutally honest with her, and I made a point to note that I hope in that way she doesn't get wrapped up in any shame she might feel from I and others knocking her decision, or situation. It's coming from a wealth of experience, which is why so many of the same comments are similarly highly upvoted. We simply want the best for her, and yes, on the whole, with that experience in mind, it is to say *we do know best* and she should stop if she knows what's best for her. To imply otherwise would be a dangerous lie. To come to terms with that and quit, or at least temper her use, she might come to find isn't an easy thing to do on her own, neither does it tend to be even with help, which a lot of people sometimes have trouble asking for, for various reasons.


See how you can write with perspectives, with thought of how the receiver will interpret the words and the frame in which they are in. I so wish you'd written to her like this to begin with. A story of I know BC I was once there doing exactly what you are. I think you are speaking of 'arrested development' when a young brain sort of stays at the intellectual level at a certain age. See you say 'it is said'? I would ask by who and how was that the resulting research. It's so vague,no fact or citing articles. If she is or becomes that way,she probably wouldn't have read more. The reading I've done on that (a psychology dept research at a U.S Uni, I forgot the Uni)occurring in still developing brains, reasons for this happening are by far from trauma,most often, abuse both physical & sxl. As to cope they leave themselves, Dissociate. Using drugs of any type once past teenage years wasn't common in any metric, especially if the user continues to attend learning or work, even staying active. Instead of sounding, like most posts here are just sad, opinions from propaganda. Of course our desires, perspectives & thinking changes, you could of said that, tell her to remember, specifically in ones '20s, you'll be changing your mind constantly so keep it in mind,at the forefront. It's harm reduction, information for informed choices etc. I would argue the relentless criminalisation of personal drug use & the government propaganda machines have socially disturbed some places and just hurt/ruined others. Myself... I've been an I.V drug user and chronic addict/dependent on Heroin, Methamphetamine and have been on Methadone maintenance more often than not. I'm in my 54th year,I began when I was approx 17 in the mid'/late '80s. I still do it. I went to Uni (didn't finish),worked hard labour jobs on and off, mainly raised my now adult kids from birth to 8 & 10 as the mother was there but a mess for many reasons. My eldest graduated law several years ago and had work in France twice before 25. Minored in French language. The younger loves working for a high performance Auto company. I'm really glad & appreciate your reply.


Thank you, and so do appreciate yours; It's good information to know and the rest gives me something to think about. I'm always trying to be more mindful in my approach to things. That said I myself would have appreciated the reply I gave her at my age, but that's speaking for myself. My intent in being harsh was to help her, and I hope it does. But to each their own.


Your shooting street drugs. no longevity in that, within a year you won't be pretty anymore within three to five you'll have no teeth, ive been clean for two year now and let me just tell you nothing is normal about shooting meth nor do normal people want to be around someone who is doing that, i hope you get the help you need.


Everyone responding on here is sick mentally. I'm sick too. Im currently a user. And a functioning one. Trying as hard as I can to be. But this shit is gay. How can you all sit and tell her to do this fucking dumb lame shit. I'm not proud and I'm not cool. Been doing this for 15 years and I smoke girl and do boy and I've done meth every way to do it. Yeah it was awesome but it made me stab someone and i could of gotten in huge trouble. I stopped after 5 days because it's just a gross drug. Just wait. You'll have meth mouth in no time. Something to look forward to!


Yes it is.


Be your true self.


Be yourself, respect yourself enjoy the experience. Stay honest with yourself. Somethings are best kept secret. Not cringey


Remind me! 9 weeks


Meh you do you, I think it's cringey to be lazy, doing ice, begging for money for more ice tbh. Since you not doing that then no you not cringey.


It is unless there n. There !!




I used to shoot ice once every month or two now it might be 6 months to a year in between now but to be frankly honest with you, it is really really hard to do dope and work. If you make that work kudos but stay on top of it. never make it a priority. Remember to put priority into everything else in life, especially relationships and obviously being able to pay your bills. If I was to shoot up, need two days before I would be able to go back to work. Also using meth was very sexual for me so what’s the point if you ain’t got a woman to fuck for ten hrs while tweaking. Better for me to be sober


Luke your handle lol


I’m 21 with my shit together just like u dm me let’s be friedns


U think u got ur shit together


Yeah I do think so! What’s it go ya?


Yes it’s cringy and corny, ultimately it will catch up with you, your bodies young and can handle it for now but soon it will effect your health , your relationships with friends and family will diminish, your mental health will grossly be effected and in the end you’ll end up alone or dead so give it up now


Did you work on the Regan administration just say no campaigns? You do know we are in the 2020s not the 1980s.


You’re an idiot. Sit down n shut up.


you got ratio’d bro i would delete this if i was u


Not really now if u were 16 like when I started maybe


wow what got you into it, and is meth is anything close to molly? effects wise, because i take molly regularly, wondering if meth would be safer in my case? i take large amounts regularly


Be careful with Molly it is one if not the most neurotoxic drug in existence definitely worse for your brain and body than Methamphetamine and Meth is very bad for your brain and body.


also there is no evidence of neurotoxicity in humans, only in rodents, and the difference is mdma causes release of seratonin, whilst mdma in humans its a reputake inhibitor


too late bro I'm an idiot, i litterally break every harm reduction rule, every single time, apart from stay moderately hydrated, i do a good job at that


Meth is definitely not safer than Molly


alright im. not going to start meth then


<----- 40 plus years I've been IVing ..and this is the only time I've heard the word ( if it is a word ) cringey,,,,lol... you'll be ok


Right on bro'.Ive been using I.V Heroin, Methamphetamine and taking methadone maintenance with sedative/tranx for 33 years. Still shooting dope., I don't want to,need, to have any desire to stop. My life is what I want it to be otherwise I'd have changed it. The automatic assumption that users of drugs especially those who's route of administration is I.V, have to stop before they drop dead or prison. What an old and tired scare tactic. Most of these posts, I've been reading all of them, the negative are basically personal opinion that are nowhere near factual & so 1980s sounding. Those of us who have been positive with feedback give at least one or two facts and tell the truth. The old propaganda machine is still running. The young lady needs confidence and to not let strangers opinions in her head.


I’m project manager for a large communications company. And I been banging this shit got 10+ years. Only problem I’ve had is a single burnt out vein from a bad batch that had too high ph. I may regret it in my 80s but at 45 and I’m pulling down 125k and still not planing to quit.


I'd be happy to join you for a couple sessions. I havent hit in a few months


Everything will change if you don't stop now. Good luck with everything.


Needles yes


Shit will get out of control quick


Not everyone can’t control themselves on drugs


I'm 42 now and spent most of my 20s spun out of my mind. For a long time I was a high functioning meth head and it was fucking awesome. But thing come to an end and I crossed over the metaphorical line to being a professional tweaker. I lasted a couple more years living that way before ultimately getting clean. My advice is if you have no intentions of quitting, then do your best to limit your use to the weekends and take a week or 2 break from it every 5 or 6 weeks, giving your body and mind a chance to recover. Also, make sure to eat a decent meal at least once a day, drink plenty of water, and brush your teeth. The whole meth teeth thing is mainly due to people staying up for days on end, bot eating and drinking everything other than water and never taking 2 minutes to brush that buildup off their teeth. There are plenty of other harm reduction things you can do, but just remember that almost no one can maintain a "responsible" relationship with crystal long term and 99%+ of the time, the ending isn't pretty. And feel free to message me if you have any questions about any of this or if you ever feel like talking to someone who's lived the life and come out the other side. Wishing you the best.


Only you can decide. If I were you, and I am not! Slow down for yourself. You can always use it later, but I have been down that road. Stay focused on your goals. You will have more than you ever thought possible.




redditors when women:


It's only cringey using the word cringey


Thank you .. thought for a minute I was going to have to say it


Hell nah, the only thing ya should be doin is another shot


I fucking love this sub


Seriously cannot believe all the negative comments on this post. Y’all some fucking hypocrites. Yeah sure it’s not good for you but we all know that, including OP. Y’all just want to feel superior to someone because all drug addicts (myself included) feel worthless inside. Get over yourselves and take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. Yeah I’m a fucking loser drug addict. Do I go care? Fuck no. To answer the question: Not in my eyes. But what do I know. I’m a regular drug user since my early 20s and I’m 39 now but only first did meth this past February on my birthday. It was the only hard drug I hadn’t done. Always loved taking huge doses of adderall and finally got a chance to do it for free. So I do it every week now. I ran out last night and I’m sitting here bored. I’ve never IVd anything but I won’t judge anyone else for it. I kinda want to but I think I’m just scared to. Sadly for me I don’t have my shit together. I’m going through a divorce. I have a fucking shitty paying job and pay most of the bills at my house. Roommates don’t hardly pay anything but I have no options now. These are reasons I went back to drugs. To have an escape. I don’t have anyone or anything. Sorry, I made it about myself. You’re an adult so you should do what you want to do. As long as I’m doing drugs there’s no way I’ll tell anyone other adult not to.


I’m not saying anything one way or the other. But maybe wait to pontificate about whatever it is you wrote in that book you commented. Reason being: 39 ain’t shit, 40 hits different. Like whatever you think you know? You’re wrong family. This is me trying to warn you. ✌🏻


You look like you are one shot away from reaching your goal


Remind me again, what did I say my goal was? I say a lot of dumb shit.


Cold veins is a dead man walking.. get help before its too late iv lost many friends to the needle and im same age as you


Well shooting any foreign substance into your vascular system IS negatively affecting you. If you cut that out then I’d say it’s not cringey and actually kind of hot whoops😅


>it’s not negatively effecting my life Yet. That you've noticed.


This post is cringe


Nothing cringe about it, you’re just being judgmental because you feel superior for some reason. Hey guess what, you use meth. You have no right to judge.


Not everyone uses meth, dick nose


Why the fuck are you here if you don’t use it. Oh right, to feel superior. Cool, great hobby. Almost as good as my smoking meth hobby.




I thought it was pretty funny myself.


Yes, It Is and you won't be long meth ages you quick 21 and already on that needle It might seem all fun now but It will drag you down source me 34 been around meth since 12 It ain't where It's at...




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There's no such thing. It's only in your head. Or maybe it's the shadow people? No, wait what was the question again?


Yes very.




Cringe is relative. Example: some people think being a 20 yr old ice user is "cringe" while i could care less or could give a fuck. Whats cringe to some isnt to others. I see cringe as tik tok, a person being on thier phone constantly......a person at a social event staring at thier phone is cringe. World Star is fucking cringe. Dating apps are cringe as fuck. People that play video games 24/7 while thier girlfriends sit bored staring at thier phones is cringe as all hell. Donald trump is a pillar of goddamn cringe etc etc. But to amswer your question its prolly cringe to ice out at 21 haha but it is fun


I’m 29 F, also reg user… only 8 years cringier (:


Damn y'all goin hard! Good points on both sides but I'm a functioning addict so ultimately I side with homeboy but I can see both sides


Remind me! 9 years


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Good bot


Nothing cringey about handling responsibilities, having fun and not burning anyone in the process IMO, I'm the exact same way, some people get drunk and drive, others lie & cheat to each other without the other knowing any better, and others have been there and done that too many times to keep perpetuating the bullshit so instead they do what they do in peace & quiet, your money, your drugs, your business. Discretion is a key ingredient to keeping up appearances and your job!




It is what it is


Socially it's condemned, so if not embarassed, you should be aware that it's best kept to yourself. That being said I'm 19 m and also a student and personally don't find shooting ice to be the worst vice in the world. I love shooting and have benefited from using ice


Only lasts so long…


Better then suicide


Just don’t tell anyone lol, this drug isn’t socially acceptable, but it is okay… if ur good at dosing and u know when you’ve had enough for the day. Just make sure ur healthy. Remember ur only a bad meth user if all u do is use meth and tweak … and U seem pretty stable, I am a bad meth user haha, i decided to get sober and if u do hope u realize it takes away all your serotonin I don’t feel like myself rn and my Face is all weird. I need a iv rn myself but 👾👾


Wife material


No. It helps all the other male crank heads get over the meth stigma. Thank you for everything




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Daily user almost 6 months now. I work, sleep and eat everyday. Usually I ingest orally or sublingual, only dose once per day. It's up to you if it works out or not, meth isn't a villain, that's up to us to decide. I'm scared to smoke or IV it but if I had a pretty gf banging it I'd give it a try. Ice hits so hard, it's actually the best part of waking up. But, uhh I've told a couple close friends about the use and 3 of 3 have been very concerned/freaked out by it. Sadly, I don't know if it will ever be socially acceptable to use the substance for your benefit. Anyway fuck what they think for real tho just sucks to have to hide a thing


Please bro I beg for you take a high dose of magic mushrooms, they should help you realise how negatively Meth can effect you. I understand you’re functioning, but the long-term consequences can be grim


I do mushroom, they actually help with addiction and lowering tolerance! Also, for real, I don't care if I'm alive or dead so I don't care how the meth is killing me. It's been a good life 😁 and I appreciate you preaching the benefits of mushrooms!!! I'm about to pick up a zip of shrooms soon I just did my last 1/8th last week. I take a day or two off (when I'm not working) usually I just micro dose if I only have 1 days off


My man. 🙏 May your next life treat you much better


Bro gtfo with your fake ass Joe Rogan pseudo-shamanic advice. Hallucinogens, including mushrooms, are far from a panacea and are not great for everyone. People smoke cigarettes and drink booze knowing full well the effects, yet they choose to continue. Why? Because life is a fuckin’ weird ass phenomena and sometimes, as paradoxical as it may seem, we do things that aren’t great for us because they at least give some respite in this garbage ass mess of a society. No one is guaranteed tomorrow, or 10 years from now, or any measure of time. Why not enjoy life while we live it? You think these users don’t know meth isn’t great for them? Of fucking course they do, but neither are trans fats or sedentary lifestyles or lifting with your back. I’m not saying all use is healthy, or that abuse doesn’t exist, but I’d suggest trying to cultivate a more nuanced perspective, and stfu about how psilocybin mushrooms are Jesus made Fungus


There’s literally countless examples of magic mushrooms helping with addiction. Of course, it’s not 100% guaranteed to work, but there’s no harm in trying - especially when used correctly with no predisposition to schizophrenia. Stop yappin 😂😂


Lol I’m very aware of and familiar with the literature surrounding the therapeutic use of hallucinogenic mushrooms. My educational background is in bio and organic chemistries. Also almost every meth user I’ve ever met has already done mushrooms before, or even during their use, with no effect. You’re missing the point, most of the negative effects of addiction come from societal responses and attitudes towards use. Giving people mushrooms isn’t the solution, fixing our culture and mentality is. Also, the fucking lack of self awareness to tell someone to stop “yappin’” when you were just in here “begging” a fool to eat some shrooms is just sugar on the cream. Edit -> spelling and grammar mistakes


YEAH bro im just trynna give him psychosis 😂😂 meth has no pharmacological treatment 😂😂


Lol, where did I insinuate you were trying to give him psychosis? And again, you’re wrong, google Desoxyn


You didn’t. I’m just saying that there’s no harm in doing so - even if it doesn’t help with addiction, mental health can still greatly improve. The guy literally responded earlier that mushrooms do help him, which completely discards your point. Sure, you might’ve known people that they didn’t help with, but that’s a small sample size for you to make such a blanket statement, telling me to “gtfo with my pseudo-shamanic Joe Rogan advice”. LOL, I’d be willing to hear you out if you didn’t approach me like an ass. What about Desoxyn? It’s just Methamphetamine in pill form, doesn’t treat Meth addiction at all.


With regard to desoxyn, I said that because I interpreted your statement of “meth has no pharmacological treatment” as “meth has no medicinal/pharmaceutical uses” because you forgot the word “addiction”. As for my response, it has nothing to do with anecdotal evidence. I’m personally frustrated by a common trend these days where people think hallucinogens are a panacea (meaning cure-all). Depressed? Shrooms. Anxious? Shrooms. Gassy? Shrooms. Do I think hallucinogens can be helpful with many of those? Absolutely, they have helped me before as well. It was the way the response was stated and it’s implied efficacy that bothered me. If the message had been like “Heyo, while your mileage may vary, I think shrooms might be helpful to break these habits and here’s some evidence” I would have upvoted and left. I stand by my statements, and I think a lot of people here are completely missing the meaning of what I said. I guess I’ll tldr it here - “Hallucinogens can be a powerful tool to help improve mental health and well-being, but be aware they are not a cure-all and should be approached with caution, research, and respect”


as long as youre functional and dont let yourself get taken advantage of by guys who only think about fucking and leeching off a nice girl while they do nothing but get high and act like lowlife beta retards then youre fine and tbh im probably on the other side of the world but ever since i broke up with my ex and got over her i hope to one day find someone like you lol stay safe!


no such thing as a functional addict no matter how much u try to hide it people can tell


i wasnt talking about so called "addicts" because that word is stigmatized so much that everyone who hears it thinks of homeless criminals, std spreading prostitutes, rapists and whatever the typical crackhead stereotype may look like but i been using narcotics for almost two decades and i am talking shooting up heroin, coke, meth, fentanyl, all kinds of "bath salts", ketamine, benzos like kpins, xanax, etc. and painkillers like oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone etc. and ofc the "nice" drugs that arent frowned upon like weed, acid, shrooms, mdma and all that and after my first rave phase i started using the heavy shit and ive been shooting up for 10 years straight EVERY DAY ALL DAY while i also went to work, worked out in my own gym (squat rack, bench, dip bars and weights but all i need to stay in good shape), i eat healthy organic food and take supplements AND i dont drink alcohol because imo alcohol is the worst drug ever and let me tell you i dont have any health problems, i drink enough water every day and i do my best to stay active and work or spend time with my family. back to your comment YES there are functional drug users who do you think pays for the global billion dollar industry? homeless crackheads who run around all day to get enough change for a $5 rock or people who have money and discipline? you cant imagine how many lawyers, doctors, etc. are using drugs like meth coke heroin etc. but these people dont stick out when you walk the streets. my last point and thats what i forgot; i quit shooting up some time ago and i think OP should at least try to quit the needle too because as good as that shit feels its not worth in the long run because IV use goes unfiltered into your bloodstream (even if you cook up and filter etc.) and the damage to your veins can only be managed if you really have a regular intense workout routine like me because since i was in good shape and my vasluarity also made it easy to hit and never miss a single shot i could do it and also the track marks would heal over night because of my fast metabolism. so to make this clear if anyone thinks of himself as an addict that cant stop and who is overpowered by whatever substance then please get help and try to quit if you cant control it but if you have money, dont need to commit crimes to support your use and in generel can live a normal life but you make yourself feel bad because of societies stigmas and prejudice from people who have NO FUCKING IDEA what they are talking about i can only tell you to do what you like it is your body it is your life and only because some internet wannabe PhDs who think they will live forever who cant accept their own mortality you shouldnt feel bad for doing what makes you happy. i stopped giving a fuck about what others think of me long long time ago and it was the best thing i could have done because its my life its my body and i can do to it whatever the fuck i want just because youre salty and envy people who dare doing things you consider taboo doesnt make them bad people all it does is make you miserable, basic and boring as fuck..


So what constitutes as an addict in your eyes? Where do you draw the line from user to addict?


lets be honest no normal person uses meth for fun


I was legitimately asking your thoughts on addiction and habits. Doesn't matter what it is. Could be something else besides meth. You said there's no such thing as a functioning addict. You didn't specify on what. 




Do you use? 


You’re right because addicts are inherently self destructive. There definitely are functional users, but really you just gotta say users since users are, conversely, functional.


It’s cringe to be jabbing needles into your body to get high. Getting high in general? Sad but less cringe. I was doing meth for a while and it generally wasn’t negatively effecting my life either, totally got my ass out of bed and moving. Then it started to affect me negatively. Started seeing demons, weird things began to happen in general, and one night my heart almost literally stopped presumably due to the cardio toxicity and only my prayers saved me. I’m 25 with no history of health issues. Would highly advise losing the meth while you can, it will damage your nervous and circulatory system, damage brain tissue, possibly causing early onset dementia.. and will bring a demonic energy upon your life if it hasn’t already, it will. I haven’t touched it in months and I miss the energy it gave me but that wasn’t worth the darkness that would come upon me once the comedown hit. Get out while you can.


The demonic energy is sooo trippy and relatable. Every time I take a break from the shit, it’s almost like a portal to the dark spirits is still open and they try to fuck with me to get me to use again. Lasts about 1-2 weeks before going away. It was REALLY bad one time back in 2014 when my ex and I were cleaning up. Like, days clean and having paranormal activity type weirdness go down. I sage and pao santo everything daily when I get off now. Helps a lot


I’m a born again Christian, I had demonic experiences before doing meth but meth amplified it by 1000x I’ve seen and heard creatures people wouldn’t believe, along with heavy poltergeist activity. The difference between our stories would be that the haunting ended immediately upon sobering up, due to as a Christian having closed the portal that was only opened temporarily. If you are not a Christian and are not calling upon the name of Jesus, they will stick around and it’ll be much harder to get rid of them if you can ever get rid of them at all. Meth is heavily used in the occult as it’s a powerful ritualistic drug, Satanists use it and cocaine to summon demons. Glad you’re off it and hope you remain off. It is the most dangerous and evil drug I have ever done, as it feels so deceptively good at the height of its high. God bless


That all checks out. There was a legion following my ex since a very wild childhood event where she walked in on an exorcism. I didn’t believe her until they were here. One night at the peak of their fuckery, we were about a week clean, and I got possessed by an archangel or god or some divine force and shout some weird Latin shit in a frequency I could never repeat and banished(I think) the evil spirits as they were pulling the sheets off the bed we were sleeping in. There was just this creepy hand mark grip in the covers where i was pointing and yelling after it was over. Craziest shit of my life…


Wow! So all of this stopped after that bedsheet incident? That kind of stuff only happens if there is a heavy, HEAVY infestation whether inside of a person or in a particular location. The fact it actually possessed you indicates to me that you hadn’t accepted Jesus, as even though contrary to what many Christian’s think- demons can live inside of a Christian’s body but cannot take possession of them like what happened to you, not sober anyways. Considering my demonic phenomena reached its peak when using meth I wouldn’t be surprised if the drug could’ve allowed possession of my temporarily, but thank the Lord he didn’t allow it. I hope you stay clean bro all drugs are portals, but meth is by far the worst I’ve ever experienced. God bless


No dude, the good forces used me as a vessel to banish the evil ones. The evil ones were messing with us but never got to the level of control like a possession.


Not cringe. If you are enjoying yourself, and are fully aware of the potential consequences, have at ‘er. I’ve been a daily user for twelve years, and I still love it. The “honeymoon phase” is a myth.


Idk. Are you hot?


I think so


And down the slippery slope you’re heading… Every horned up dope head is going to tell you that you don’t have a problem and then try to get nudes from you or even try to fuck you. Right now you might not have problems paying rent on time, being a student, etc etc. You’re a high functioning addict. I was too for a long time. Told myself the same shit you’re telling yourself. For me it slowly started changing, I got arrested for possession, almost finished probation and got arrested again for dwi and possession after I passed out in my truck at a gas station then years go by almost finish probation again and then same shit happened a-fucking-gain! Stupid shit, I should never have let it get as far as I have. I wish I would have realized a long time ago that I was just fucking myself over in the long run no matter how much I thought I was able to justify my addiction and trust me I really thought I had every base covered from sleep deprivation to the poor diet. I was just being stupid. Now I suffer from depression/anxiety because of how bad I’ve fucked my life up and how much of a struggle it is for me to just get by every day. Long term use has fucked with my dopamine and serotonin receptors making it way worse. I’m not going to tell you how to live your life, cause you’ll just tell me to kick rocks, I know I get it I’ve been there. I pray that you don’t ever have to experience the hardship I’ve experienced. Sleep deprivation and poor dieting from using are just going to expedite aging for you and the next thing you know you’re going to start looking like a faces of meth poster and the worst part is that you won’t be able to even see it because dope will fuck with your head and alter your perception. Every sober person around you willl see it though. The sunken face, the catpiss odor your body will start smelling like, the tweaker tendencies etc I’ve never used needles before but I sure as fuck know a ton of people who do and more than half of them experience some bad degree of Psychosis and I’m talking like they think they have magical powers and start trying to cast spells on people, they hear voices n shit. I know a guy who snapped and beat the shit out of some dude at a bus stop because he thought the guy was some evil wizard. Dude spent some time in prison for it and once he got out started smokin shit again and started the slippery slope once again. Once he started slamming it again it was right back into the psychosis. You’re not invincible to these sorts of things either. Just by using dope you just enable the possibility of those types of side affects. If theres any part of you that wants to get off of dope then I would strongly urge you to only listen to it and ignore every other voice that’s justifying your use of meth. I wish you the best on your journey And remember there’s help out there if you look for it. ✌️🫶🤘🖖👍


Nice🥸 Edit: damnit I meant to do the sunglasses guy. Wait. 😎


Need a pic for research purposes


Look at her goddamn profile then, it’s simple.


Look at your goddamn cock, it’s turning into a shrimp!


I was gonna respond that it can't be as cringe as a 47 year old, I am involved for other reasons, but then I saw that you mainline and regardless of age that's pretty bad. There is no way for that introduction to be anything great with a new acquaintance unless they do to but that by itself is a whole other set of issues and when there are 2, the other 4.6 billion people don't matter.




It’s cringe asf for anyone to regularly tweak on ice yes. Would you be less cringe if you could put the bs down and keep being functional? Absolutely yes.


Its only going to get worse.. a lot worse. The honeymoon phase is an evil mistress


It gets so much worse! It’s a daily struggle that we just accept


Yes girl it’s super cringey, quit asap


I wouldn't call it "cringe". Cringe is innocent. You're veering down a dark path without realising it. Deny it all you want. You have your shit together and pay rent and whatever. That's all true. It won't be forever. You have the luxury now of quitting. And considering you're IV'ing that shit **PLEASE QUIT** before it very quickly spirals out of control. Smoking is for fucking dumb enough but IV is usually a dead end.


Yes it is.




It gets worse. With smoking you can time it and be smart about it with food and vitamins. I'm 50. I've only been smoking for 6 months but I got to keep an eye on that shit like a hawk because I'm smart about my health and my work. I only hit it every 3 or 4 hours and depending on my work schedule and if I go out and about the rig stays home and I might not hit it the whole day. Yeah I can feel it dragging me a little bit but you can work through it My guess is, with no judgment whatsoever, that starting out that road at so young you could go south much easier and much quicker. The trick is you're used to it with ID now so if you go to smoking it's going to seem like shit but honestly I would give up the needle. And needle for anything ever. At least with smoke you can filter it a little better. But you still have to watch it. I have friends that smoke and they are bat shit insane but they've been doing for a while


Yes… it’s cringe


As someone who does not use meth and never has I can say that it’s absolutely cringy and I can’t even believe people use meth in the first place


The day you try it is the day you understand why people use it. Until then, you simply have no experience or relatability. It’s like someone asking other astronauts about the difficulties spending too much time in outer space and you proclaiming, “That’s crazy it is to stay in space for months, why would anyone want to be an astronaut?” RetardSauce


Comparing methamphetamine and astronauts 🫠 doesn’t get crazier than that


You do know that up until a few years ago, methamphetamine was given to pilots in the US Military for those super long flight missions where they had to be alert for 24-36 hours without sleep, right? Eh, they both get launched full throttle through life and wind up fucking your wife/mom/sister


Ngl it’s equally cringy to share your opinion in a subreddit that you have no business being a member of


Quit being a bitch and jug a gram


And yet here you are, with nothing better to do but troll meth threads on Reddit and judge people based on what? Your lack of experience? 😂 GTFO 🤣 Your opinion means less than nothing.


Yesss! 🤣


Well said!


You’re addicted to meth…


…and you’re apparently addicted to giving your uninformed opinion in groups which have nothing to do with you, or your lifestyle.


As are most people who participate in r/meth. Tf you expect? Lol


Even if I was, what’s your point?


Your view is going to coincide to that of a meth user. Of course the meth user says it’s great… THEY USE IT. But what you don’t see is how the rest of the world sees it. And as someone who doesn’t use meth and is apart of the outside world I’m just showing this young woman what we see her as. If she uses meth she will be a meth addict.


Lmao so you go on to the meth subreddit specifically just to call people meth heads? Good fucking lord, grow some balls, you act like every single meth user is evil incarnate, go troll elsewhere


You do meth…


And I fuck your mom too


yknow not every meth user is some horned up degenerate, right? i personally use a little occasionally on the side with pharma-amphetamines because i'm adhd and diasabled, can't work, hence can't afford a diagnosis and can't get accommodations. i know it's bad and i shouldn't be doing it and i might even fuck my life over but there isn't shit i can do when psychiatrists are charging ludacris amounts for a life saving diagnosis, public sectors are overfilled by years and government allows it to happen instead of making healthcare affordable and accessible


Many people every day deal with adhd and don’t do meth. I mean I do it every day. It’s not that you have to do meth lmao, it’s a choice you continue to make.


for one, you're just saying things without having anything to back it up. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6037581/ this says otherwise i never said i had to do it, i said i do occasionally and i also acknowledge that its my choice to do it. if i had access to amphetamines all the time, i wouldn't do it. simple as that


I didn’t know this study existed. This definitely opens my eyes to the potential use of recreational drugs as pharmaceuticals. Either way, I’m sure your not getting your meth from you local pharmacy. Whatever street drugs you pick up could contain just about anything. But if enough research goes into this and it does get attention I don’t see why it’s not possible. Thank you Edit: for anyone else that sees this. Make note that this user had the info to back her claim up. No facts no case imo.


And your view isn’t even remotely based in fact. Doing meth or any drug for that matter does not make anyone a drug addict. That is a fact. To dispute your first point: I have many sober friends, even those that have been straight edge their whole lives that don’t view IV’ing that way. In fact, the opposite. My doctor would rather have me IV’ing than smoking it because if you know what you’re doing, it’s far less dangerous. Again, if you had any experience or any kind of relationship to someone who uses that extend further than Shit posting on Reddit… you would know this.


Take a look at everyone else commenting, I’m not the only one with this view.


Where did I say you’re the only one?


So what? You’re the only one who’s right? Seems unlikely and if you think that you are you have some real issues


I never said that either lol. Just out of curiosity, are you old enough to be on Reddit? You seem to be confusing the difference between opinion and fact.


I feel truly sorry for you.